Featured on Grace Ormonde Wedding Style

One of the best and most highly regarded wedding sites in the world is Grace Ormonde. They showcase only the most stylish and luxurious wedding inspiration, and I just adore the site. So I nearly jumped for joy when I found out that three of my images of Erica O'Brien's cakes were to be featured on the site!! And now they have gone live! Woohoo!! :)Go check out my photos of Erica O'Brien's fabuously chic cakes on Grace Ormonde Wedding Style:

4 Easy Tips for Styling Your Engagement Session

Engagement sessions are super fun! And also, engagement sessions are when my clients and I really get to know each other--it's the first time we create gorgeous images together. Notice that I said, "create beautiful images together." Even though I am the one behind the camera, composing the shots and giving direction and guidance, so much of the look of the photo is based on what my clients bring to it. My clients ultimately choose the location, their outfits and accessories, and if they want they choose a theme and/or bring a few props. I might be the director/producer but they are the art directors and the writers of the story. So when you really think about it, engagement photos offer a huge opportunity for a couple to showcase their styles, personality, have fun, and create a little visual story about themselves. Sometimes it involves acting out a fantasy they have for their future and sometimes its just being raw and real. But either way there is no doubt that when my couples help style their engagement photos they get a truly unique collection of once-in-a-lifetime photos as a result.That said, I know styling your own engagement shoot can be daunting. Where to begin??  Below are four super easy tips to help you style your own engagement session!

1. Think about and collect props!

Props are little extras you bring your session. You can be really small and subtle with it. For example, my bride Jen just brought these little hearts she found at Michael's yet they made for such cute and unique photos.I've also had many couples get more elaborate with props-- especially when they come up with a theme (see my next tip for more on themes)! If you want to bring multiple props that is great! Begin collecting early. Search through your own house or garage for stuff, or maybe even at your parent's or grandparent's for family treasures. Thrift stores, yard sales and flea markets are also GREAT resources for finding fabulous props without a high price tag. The key is to begin thinking  and collecting early.

2. Come up with a theme!

A theme can be elaborate such as "Lady and The Tramp" or a little more casual and open for interpretation like " Spring-time Vintage Picnic." Your theme can also just be "Stuff we love!!!" Identifying a theme gives you  a jumping off point for finding appropriate props, and will also guide you in choosing what to wear. Some tips for choosing themes:1. Base your theme off the season/time of year we are shooting. My bride Carolyn chose a very Spring picnic theme, complete with a pastel color palette, because our session was in April.2. Base your theme off of pop culture. Do you two love a certain genre of movies or music? Or maybe just one movie, artist or song in particular? If you two have a strong link to something in pop culture go ahead and run with it in your engagement session. For example, Brooklyn + Mark love Disney movies so they chose a Lady and the Tramp theme to their session.On the other hand, Virginia + Alex both worked in the film industry, so they have a love of film, particularly Old Westerns. And that inspired their theme.3. Lastly you can base your theme around an assortment of things you like. Kim told me her and Mark loved vintage things, picnics, playing all kinds of board games and their alma mater UCSB... so she brought a lot of props that reflected that and we turned those things her and Mark loved into this:Ultimately, a theme can be anything you want and you are only limited by your imagination. Think about the things you and your fiance love to do most together and begin brainstorming. Then search google and other wedding blogs like Style Me Pretty or Green Wedding Shoes for some visual inspiration.

3. Make it PERSONAL!

Things that are truly personal or reflective of you and your fiance will always enhance a photo. You will love your photos so much more if you really honored who you two were when styling your session. Themes, and props can be made personal. And that's so important. My bride Rachel found 90% of the props for her camping themed session in her grandparent's home. These items all had an extra special place in her heart because she remembered them from childhood camping trips with her grandma and grandpa. Now these items made for one very cool photo shoot and every time Rachel sees the photos she will be reminded not only of her love for Sean and their future together, but also her past and family history as well. And isn't that what engagements and weddings are all about?? Families blending and coming together as one.Another way to truly be personal is to hand make a prop for your session. My bride Carolyn owns a bakery and so she baked adorable cupcakes, and frosted cookies pops for the session. This really speaks to who she is at heart.

4. Enlist help (professional or otherwise)!

For the busy professional, making time to find props or style your engagement shoot can be a challenge. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. Perhaps assign a task to your fiance. Ask your crafty friend to help you make something. Or even turn to your vendors. If a client brings props, I will always help arrange them at the shoot to make it look cute. However, hiring your event planner/designer or even your florist to style your engagement can make a huge impact on the look of your engagement. Plus this gives you a real taste of how your designer/planner translates your inspiration into a set up before the big day. It's a great trial run in working with your vendors, beyond your photographer.Intertwined Events, along with floral designer Megan Gray of Honey and Poppies, styled Brooklyn + Mark's shoot and the results were major!So those are my four easy tips to having a gorgeously styled, super cute, unique engagement! Hope you enjoyed and found it helpful!

Inspired Ideas | DIY Tassel Garland

(image via green wedding shoes)

One way to add a lot of color and pop to your wedding day decor is to string garlands! Garlands are so festive, easy to make, and really can and a lot of pizazz to the look of your day! I absolutely adore this DIY Tassel Garland featured on Green Wedding Shoes! This is the perfect touch for a bride with an eclectic, funky or retro style! You could make the tassels in all one color to make it a little more formal and classic, or you could have  multi-colored tassels on the garland for something a little more spunky! Either way I think it is a fabulous idea! Go see how easy they are to make as well, you will love it!

Featured: My Sunny Wedding E-Zine

A few months ago, I was approached by the editors of My Sunny Wedding, a new online wedding magazine, to contribute to an article about engagement sessions. It was super fun to be interviewed and I gave my advice for having a fabulous engagement photo session! I am super excited that the e-zine is out and ready for brides to check out! I'm thrilled with how the article turned out as well!Go check out My Sunny Wedding and read the article I contributed to on pages 58-63:


(image via Simply Delicious)

It is no secret that I LOOOOOOOVE Nutella. I mean really. I love the stuff and if it wasn't kinda fattening I'd probably find a way to eat it at least once every day. Yep, I love me some Nutella. So when I saw this recipe for Nutella S'mores on Simply Delicious I felt like I had died and gone to heaven!! I mean look at it! You know that's gotta taste ridiculously yummy. I can't wait to try making this verrrry soon! Yum Yum!

What's your favorite thing to make with Nutella?

Point Dume, Villa Sancti, Malibu Wedding Photography | Nikki + Dave

This year amazing things have happened for me, things that have changed me as a photographer and made me grow oh so much! One of those big things was meeting Brian + Allison, the husband and wife photographer team behind the luxury studio Callaway Gable. In March, I had the pleasure of second shooting a few weddings with Brian + Allie, and soon afterwards they invited me to become part of the Callaway Gable team as an associate photographer! I honestly was so flattered and thrilled I practically fell off the couch when they asked me ;). As an associate of Callaway Gable, I shoot a number of weddings per year under their brand as the lead photographer. It's super awesome for me because it keeps me very busy shooting on the weekends that I am not booked with my own weddings! And also Brian and Allie have taught me a lot of new photo tips and tricks that are taking me to a whole new level as a photographer! It's definitely an adventure that I am super excited about!Nikki + Dave's Malibu wedding was the first wedding I photographed as a Callaway Gable Associate. The wedding was beautifully designed and coordinated by Brandi of High Society Events. The ceremony was on the beach in Point Dume, Malibu... coincidentally neighboring the beach I got married on in 2009! Being a former beach bride myself you can just imagine how much I loved this wedding! After the ceremony, we headed to the lovely Villa Sancti di Bella Vista for a fun filled outdoor reception! It was a completely gorgeous day!Thank you to Candice + Becca for shooting with me and assisting on this big day! And now... pictures!Nikki wore amazing pink Badgley Mischka shoes!!

Nikki was incredibly calm and casual while getting ready! Props to her for being such a relaxed bride!!

Part of the Callaway Gable aesthetic is using artificial light for edgy portraits. Brian and Allie have taught me how they do this... and this is me putting it into practice!! Ferosh, right?!

A bridal portrait in my own signature style!

Sighhhhhh! The ceremony set up was gorgeous!!! I LOVE beach weddings!!!

A touching moment as Nikki's dad gives her away.

Dave was all smiles throughout the ceremony!

And Nikki cried tears of joy!

My favorite image of the day.....

The sun was harsh but we still worked it for some photos on the beach!

Nikki, darling, you are FIERCE!

Even though you can't see their faces, there is something so joyous about this next photo.

We then headed from the beach to Villa Sancti for some more portraits.

When I showed this next photo to Nikki on the back of my camera, right after it had been taken, she said "awww" and got all choked up. I agree, there is something so tender and evocative about this photo.

We ended the portraits with a few Callaway Gable style artificial light portraits. I do have to say, they are pretty rad! What do you think?

The reception was just lovely!! Look at that view!! Villa Sancti is an amazing venue for sure!

As the sunset these two laughed with each other and enjoyed being married! Just love!!!

Inspired Idea | Mexican Inspired Paper Flowers

(image via 100 layer cake)

One wedding trend I have been loving the past two years are Mexican-inspired fetes! From the vibrant colors, to a dia de los Muertos skeleton motif, to loteria cards, and paper decor, I just LOVE the Mexican inspired weddings that have been popping up lately. I also am a huge fan of cute paper flowers in liu of real flowers. It's such a unique look, and I was totally sold on it after shooting Lauren + Drew's wedding this past year. So it is no wonder that I LOVE this DIY project via 100 Layer Cake. These paper flowers are inexpensive and easy to make and they are just darling! Love it!!! If you are on a budget but looking to infuse a lot of color and style into your wedding this may just be the DIY project to tackle... so go check it out!

Leo Carillo Campgrounds Engagement Photography | Rachel + Sean

I knew I loved Rachel from her first email, but our meeting proved it! We laughed and chatted as she told me all about her plans for her and Sean's big day! And if that wasn't enough we also chatted about engagement session ideas. She said her and Sean love to camp and she would love to do a camping themed session. And ever since? I have been full of anticipation for this shoot! Well Sunday it happened! Sean + Rachel booked a campsite in Leo Carrillo State Park in Malibu. The grounds were lovely. And even lovelier were all the props and camping gear these two brought with them. It made for one adorable, loved filled session that I am so excited to share!!

I am in love with all these vintage camping props Rachel brought! She found them in her grandparents' garage! How cool is that?! It's also proof you don't need to spend a ton on props to make an engagement session unique and adorable!

You two are SOOO cute!!!

Camping is not complete without roasted marshmallows and s'mores, right?! So we made sure to make some! Yum yum!

Love in a tent!!! Sooooo adorable!!!

I adore this sign that Rachel found at a yard sale for $3.99!!!! Amazing!!!

This photo really shows off how much fun Rachel + Sean have together!

You two are so cute together it's seriously ridiculous!!!! :)

To see more from this lovely camping themed engagement session watch the SLIDE SHOW!


(image via The Hills)

While perusing around on Pinterest, I stumbled across this GORGEOUS gray, white and yellow bedroom from The Hills blog! They DIY'd this room and I have to say it turned out amazing! I only hope I can be so skilled and creative when I finally own my own place that I can decorate and paint how I want! While I do love bright colors, I love the timelessness and softness of the gray. I also ADORE the patterned wall, which I cannot believe was done DIY. I would love to do something like this one day! I also love the pops of vibrant yellow. Very chic indeed.

What does your dream bedroom look like? I'd love to know!

Handmade Wedding Details on Etsy by (my bride) Lauren

So at this point I am sure y'all know who Lauren + Drew are! Their beautiful Santa Monica "art deco meets literary geek chic" wedding has been one of my most popular blog posts and was also featured on Style Me Pretty!Remember? Yep! I thought so!Well now that the wedding is over, Lauren realized her crafty side was still itching to, well, CRAFT. So she has opened an Etsy store selling customized versions of the amazing handmade paper decor items featured in her own wedding. She is customizing the colors to fit whatever your heart desires, and can also use paper from your favorite novel, play, sheet music, poetry, comic book or any other specific paper request! And even better, the prices for these gorgeous pieces are so reasonable. This is the perfect answer for the bride who is either not super crafty, or is way too busy to craft, yet still wants a handmade, personalized feel to their wedding decor. LOVE!!! I am so excited to see what lovely pieces Lauren will create for future brides!So go check out Lauren's shop, Bookish Bride, on Etsy:

Inspired Ideas | DIY Ribbon Chandeliers

(image via 100 Layer Cake)

I love love love this super easy and very cute DIY project from 100 Layer Cake: DIY Ribbon Chandeliers! These would be adorable hanging over tables at a reception, or perhaps you could even turn this into a backdrop for behind your ceremony or cake!! Simply fabulous! And very rustic, homemade, chic! I would love to photograph something like this at a wedding! Go over to 100 Layer Cake for the DIY intructions!

Sherman Library and Gardens Wedding Photography | Frances + Jared

On Sunday I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Frances + Jared's wedding at the Sherman Library and Gardens. I had never done a wedding at Sherman Library before, but let me just say it is a fantastic venue! There is so much charm there with it's Spanish architecture. And they have an absolutely amazing succulent garden! So cute! The venue fit Frances + Jared's style perfectly as well-- charming, stylish, but also casual and comfy!Their wedding day started off so fun and relaxed. Frances got ready at home with her sister/maid-of honor Whitney (who's wedding I will also be photographing in November) and their mother. The three gals laughed as they got all made up, and also found some time to watch the Sex and the City movie! Love it!!! As the Kate Middleton inspired veil was being pinned into Frances' hair, Whitney squealed and helped make everything look perfect. She said she was fulfilling her "Pippa duties!" Also love!The First Look was a sweet moment! Jared was just floored to see Frances, but how could he not be? She looked STUNNING in her beyond fabulous dress! Their ceremony was beautiful with some sweet words by the Rabbi. I especially loved the story he told about their first date... the story that totally explains why these two were meant to be. You see, on their first date Jared accidentally knocked over and spilled the wine on the table. But Frances quickly told him it was all okay because all night she had been fearing that she might knock over and spill the wine. These two have the same cute quirks and it's why these two just get each other. As the Rabbi said it was clearly B'shert (a Jewish term for "meant to be") and I have to agree!Thanks so much to Ami for shooting this with me! And now... onto the photos!

Can we talk about how FIERCE that dress is?! LOVE!!! But that smile on Frances below?? That's even FIERCER!!!

This is Whitney fulfilling her "Pippa duties!" I LOVE it!!!! And doesn't Frances totally remind you of Kate?! Classic elegance indeed!

Frances, you are GORGEOUS!

The First Look was as romantic as ever! Loved that we were able to stage it in a greenhouse!


Frances + Jared, are you sure you aren't super models?! I mean, REALLY!

I just love this candid moment from the Ketubah signing! Their whole families gathered to watch them sign this marriage contract! And the looks on Frances + Jared's faces are priceless!

The ceremony was just lovely!

Officially MR + MRS! Mazel tov!!! These two were on cloud 9!

Seriously, I can't get over how gorgeous you two look together!!!


You two are too cute for words!!!

This is maybe my fave shot of the day! Just fabulous!!!

And a quick shot from the first dance! Soooo lovely!

To see more of this lovely wedding watch the SLIDE SHOW:


Fall is definitely my favorite season. Sure summer day's by the pool or beach are great, but to me Fall still takes the cake...or should I say pumpkin pie? ;) My favorite Holidays are in Fall-- that would be Halloween + Thanksgiving. I love wearing Fall Boots and jackets. I love when the air is a little cooler but still pleasant (and yes I do realize I live in SoCal where things are generally pleasant all year). And another thing I la-la-love is PUMPKIN! Pumpkin pasta, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie... and of course Pumpkin Spice Latte's from Starbucks! They are simply divine. With September just beginning, I can't help but wonder, IS IT TIME YET?! Seriously, when does PSL season officially begin? Cause I am craving it! Yummmm!What about you, do you love Pumpkin Spice Lattes (and other pumpkin treats) as much as me?

Inspired Ideas | Painted Vases

(image via style me pretty)

A modern, hip trend in wedding decor is to have a cluster of small vases and flower arrangements on each table, instead of one big centerpiece. I LOVE this trend and think it is so fun and cute. But the key to pulling it off with style is to make sure the vases you put the flowers in are striking as well. I love seeing all white vases, all crystal, all mercury glass, or all antique metals. Lots of rad florists will collect these vases and rent them out to you for use on your big day.But maybe you want something a little different that your florist doesn't have? Then what? I LOVE the look of these black painted vases above-- so striking, dramatic and different. And the good news? It's just an easy and fun DIY project from Style Me Pretty! So you can totally pull this look off yourself!Click here for instructions for this DIY Project!!

Malibu Engagement Photography | Jen + Eric

It never ceases to amaze me how some of my best clients find me by way of my hubby AJ. Actually, when I think of how many rad couples have come my way because of him, it almost seems like I should give him a bonus, or a foot rub, or both. ;) Anyways, Jen is one such client! You see my hubby is a big Dodgers fan and spends a good deal of his leisure time chatting and commenting on True Blue LA. Jen happened to comment there one day, and, while introducing herself to the other members, mentioned she was engaged. AJ got all excited and proceeded to rave about how I am "the best wedding photographer on Earth", his words not mine! So Jen checked out my site, sent me an email, set up a time to meet me and BAM booked on the spot! Which was awesome!!!And just like many of the fab clients AJ sent my way before her, Jen is totally rad. She has an amazing sense of style, is very funny and smart and has oh so much in common with me! It was as if it was meant to be! Ever since we met, I have been SOOOO excited for our e-sesh, and last Sunday it finally happened! And it was as amazing as I had been imagining!At the engagement session, I also got to meet Eric for the first time. And I finally got to see how Jen and him interact! Jen and Eric are pure adorableness together! Eric could't take his eyes off Jen, and gushed over how cute she is and how smokin' she looked in all her outfits. All of which is truth! And Jen loved to just hold onto Eric, hug him, and snuggle in close. But she also likes being silly for him and make him laugh. So adorable indeed! But honestly, these two are more then just adorable. They have great chemistry and we definitely took advantage of that and got some kinda steamy pics towards the end of the sesh! Love!We started off the session in the bluffs of Malibu...

Jen + Eric, you two are FIERCE! Love it!!

Are you sure you two aren't super models?!!! HOT!

Then we moved down to El Matador Beach....

The light! The water! Jen + Eric! I love everything about this!

One of my faves of the day... these two are workin' it!!!

Jen, and you said you weren't photogenic??? You are GORGEOUS!!!!

And this is when things got a little steamy in the sand... Jen you look damn SEXY in this photo!

...this one I focused on Eric's gorgeous blue eyes which Jen just LOVES!

To see more from this fabulous Malibu engagement watch the SLIDE SHOW below:


I was one of the very lucky ladies to snag these killer Tory Burch Riding Boots at The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale this year! Apparently they sold out pretty quickly! But luckily the amazing Jenni who works at the Salon Shoe Dept in Nordstrom at the Westside Pavillion was able to track me down a pair in my size (which is SIZE 4!!) before the sale ended. These boots have been sitting in my closet for over a month now just screamin' at me to be worn. Unfortunately it's been way to hot for anything other than sandals so far. However, I have big plans for these beauties come late Sept... I am excited to pair them with skinny jeans, some new corduroy jeggigs, a mini skirt, maybe even a few dresses. Ohhhh yes. Mama will wear you boots, don't you worry!!So interwebs did you score anything FANTASTIC at the Nordstrom Anni sale this year?? If so, do tell!

Featured | Occasions Magazine Online

I am super stoked that Christina + Syl's beautiful San Diego wedding which I photographed last year is being featured on Occasions Magazine Online today! It is always such an honor when publications choose to highlight my work, and I know Christina is stoked since she put a lot of effort into DIYing many aspects of the day!Go check out the feature on Occasions Magazine Online:

Inspired Ideas | Farm Fresh Fruit Escort Cards or Table Numbers

(image via style me pretty)

Sooo many of my brides have outdoor weddings, often with a farm/rustic feel. So when I stumbled upon this EASY CHIC decor idea from Style Me Pretty, I knew I had to share! This inspired idea is so easy, and depending on the type of fruit you pick and the season, it can be quite affordable.The idea is to take plain brown bags (preferably made from recycled material) and fill them with seasonal fruits. Above is strawberries but this could be LOVELY with apples, pears, lemons, or oranges too. You can label these bags with each guests name and their table number as an adorable type of escort card. And better yet, guests can take home the fruit to enjoy. You could also just place one bag on each table and label it only with a table number, as a chic and unique table number marker.SOOOO CUTE! Click here for more info on this cute idea and how-to instructions!

Featured on Style Me Pretty!

I am so so excited to share that Lauren + Drew's Santa Monica wedding was featured on the front page of Style Me Pretty today! I am so excited about this feature for so many reasons. This wedding was so special to me because Lauren + Drew were old friends from high school. And I found their unique and DIY decor to be lovely and so inspirational to brides! I am glad SMP recognized the specialness of this wedding and also think it can inspire engaged couples!On a more personal note, it has been a goal of mine since the inception of my business to see my work featured on the main page of Style Me Pretty. I absolutely adore SMP-- to me it is the holy grail of wedding blogs. I even relied heavily on the site when I was planning my own wedding, which is why I have always wanted to be featured on the site! This year, I had work featured both on SMP's facebook page and on SMP California, which was huge! But this is the first time seeing my work on the SMP's front page and it is a dream come true! I will be doing happy dances all day for sure.Go check out all the lovely details from Lauren + Drew's wedding on Style Me Pretty and please leave a comment on the post:

Introducing...THE PHUNKY BOOTH!

I am so excited to introduce this new service to my wedding clients. Its a Portrait Style Photo Booth which I have dubbed... THE PHUNKY BOOTH! For some FAQs about this new service read below!

What IS the Phunky Booth exactly?

The Phunky Booth is a fun and "PHUNKY" alternative to a traditional photo booth that you might rent for your wedding. This booth is like a mini-studio set up at your wedding where guests can get CRAZY and take some hilarious professional pictures. This is not a "booth" that is closed off with a curtain. Me (your photographer, or at times my assistant) operate the Phunky Booth, it is not operated by a machine or your guests.

Why it's BETTER than a traditional photo booth that you might rent?

The Phunky Booth is truly an interactive experience. As the photographer I help your guests get PHUNKY and come up with creative and funny ideas to do in front of the camera. I also compose the photos to make sure the craziness fits in the frame in the best possible way!  These photos are professionally lit and in front of a clean white background so everyone looks pretty darn good. We are shooting with a pro camera so the quality is AMAZING. The images from this booth look beautiful in your wedding album, a companion album or even thank you cards! This booth is something different, something new and fun for guests! In fact, guests and couples usually enjoy and appreciate the photos of guests from a Phunky Booth more-so than traditional group shots and candids. So if shots of all your guests and loved ones having fun at your wedding is important to you, a Phunky Booth is the best way to go! The photos yielded are PRICELESS and will have you giggling for years. Lastly, this booth is also CHEAPER than most photo booths you would rent, so you save a little on your budget and get all your photos (wedding + phunky booth) in a one stop shop with ATP.

Who can order a phunky booth?

ANY of our brides and grooms from now (August 2011) forward can add a phunky booth on to their wedding day coverage. Sorry, this is only a service for our wedding clients. We are not offering at weddings that aren't photographed by us.

Is this an additional cost to my wedding package?

Yes, this is a a la carte service which you can add to ANY wedding package or plain old coverage. It does work best with at least 8 hours coverage though. You can add the service on up to 2 weeks before the big day so you don't need to decide right away. Although I LOVE doing Phunky Booths for my clients, they do require a lot of extra work, both on the day of and in post production, so this is not something I can offer for free.

Does Phunky Booth have on-site prints? No, Phunky Booth is not a booth that spits out prints on site.So how do I get my Phunky Booth images?Your high-res Phunky Booth images will be on your wedding DVD. You will have printing rights to them, just like with your wedding images. You will also get an online proofing gallery for your Phunky Booth pics so guests can view them and order prints if they choose. You will also get a online slideshow of your Phunky Booth pics which is great for sharing on facebook, twitter, email, etc. The slideshow will also be showcased on your wedding website!In addition to everything listed above, you have the ability to order the following products with Phunky Booth pictures:-Add extra spreads to your wedding album. This is cool because we can lay out lots of images in a grid on a spread and you can relive the most hilarious Phunky Booth photos every time you pick up your wedding album!-Order a 6x6 or 8x8 Phunky Booth album as a companion to your main album! Nothing funnier or cuter than a whole lovely album of PHUNKY photos!-Order thank you cards!-Order loose prints (and maybe even send them to guests in your thank you notes)...but how will my guests be able to see the Phunky Booth photos?We make little print out cards to hand to your guests with links for how to view the photos. In addition be sure to share the links to your slideshow, or better yet, your wedding website that I designed for you. If you share these links online (particularly via email or facebook/twitter) they will be sure to find the photos online!If you are shooting my wedding when do you have time to operate Phunky Booth?Good question! We set up your Phunky Booth either just before the ceremony or during cocktail hour. We open the booth during the reception (sometimes even part of cocktail hour if the timeline permits), but only during "down time" or open dancing. We do not leave it open during main events like "the grand entrance" "first dance" "cake cutting", etc because during those times we want your guests to have their attention focused on YOU. We also do not leave it open during dinner because people are eating and also this is usually when we refuel on our vendor meal break. But other than these few moments, the Phunky Booth is open. If we weren't doing a Phunky Booth during these "down time" periods we JUST photograph candids and open dancing shots. But to be honest those are so easy, you really only need one photographer covering that. So for Phunky Booth weddings during down time one photographer captures candids and open dancing shots and the other operates the Phunky Booth, which actually works out perfectly. And you get more photos of your guests this way too!!How much space does Phunky Booth take up? Where will we put it?The phunky booth is a mini-studio set up, and therefore requires about a 12x12 space to set up. Preferably indoors, but if it is an outdoor wedding than by a wall is better. We work with you and often your wedding or venue coordinator BEFORE the big day to plan where we will set it up. I need about a 12x12 space. I like it to be out of the way enough to not mess up your pretty decor but I don't want it to be so far out that guests can't find it!What if we want a different background than just plain white... something that matches our decor?You are welcome to provide a custom background to match your decor if you want. Please check with me for dimensions.Besides hiring you to set up Phunky Booth is there anything I need to do to make it a success? Like, should I supply props?Yes!!! The Phunky Booth is truly a collaborative effort between ME the photographer and YOU the wedding couple! I want every Phunky Booth to be different so I ask that YOU supply the props. Some prop ideas I love:

-funny hats or head pieces (crowns totally count!)

-funny glasses


-dry erase boards so guests can write messages to you

-any kind of signage

-other fun toys or costumes (swords, squirt guns, toy hand cuffs, SILLY STUFF)

I also ask that YOU (not the DJ) take the mic and announce to guests that the Phunky Booth is open for biznass and that you want ALL of them to "get down and dirty" or "bring the PHUNKY" when using it. This gives your guests the permission to be SILLY and let loose. They normally take the word of the wedding couple much more to heart than a generic DJ announcement.Lastly, don't forget to USE the Phunky Booth on your big day! Pull your guests into it and take pics with them! Not only will you appreciate the memories you created with your loved ones, but you will also be encouraging more people to use it!Soooo.... that's my introduction of the Phunky Booth!! Hope it was helpful and has you alllll excited! Of course leave comments with your thoughts or questions!xoxoAsh