Featured on Hostess With The Mostess | "Springtime in Paris" Engagement Party

A few months ago... it was May I believe... I photographed my lovely clients, Carolyn + Prescott's, engagement party. Carolyn is just an adorable and stylish gal, and she planned the party with a "Springtime in Paris" theme! It turned out lovely!! I can't be more excited to share that many of the photos were featured on Hostess With The Mostess! Yippee!Check out this Springtime In Paris Engagement Party on HWTM:... soon I will also share some of the photos here as well so stay tuned!!!

Inspired Ideas | DIY Pinwheel Decor

I absolutely love hip, modern, crafty weddings. And one of my new favorite hipster decor trends is... Pinwheels!!! Pinwheels are SOOOO easy to make (and fun to make!!) and so cost effective! They make a big impact on decor and make for a really fun, playful vibe for a wedding. There are two kinds of pinwheels I tend to see used as decor, the hanging kind and the traditional wooden stick kind.The hanging kind look great on walls or hanging behind an escort or dessert table. The kind on wooden sticks look great stuck in the ground, places in jars/vases or used solo as props in portrait sessions.Below are the two different types of DIY pinwheel instructions!Hanging Pinwheels via Style Me Pretty!Pinwheels on Sticks via Style Me Pretty!What are you waiting for?! Pinwheel-ify your wedding! Click here and here for project instructions!

Phunky Booth | Becky + Bernadette

I am so excited to share these HILARIOUS pics from Becky + Bernadette's photo booth, or as I call it, "PHUNKY BOOTH!!!" Their wedding was Sunday and they were the first clients ever to hire me to do a photo booth in addition to wedding coverage! It was SO MUCH FUN and I love the way these photos turned out! Check it out below... I'll be sharing more info about this new service next Monday so stay tuned for that as well!

To see MORE photos from the booth watch the SLIDESHOW::

Los Angeles River Center and Gardens Wedding Photography | Becky + Bernadette

On Sunday I photographed Becky + Bernadette's fabulous wedding at the Los Angeles River Center and Gardens. The day was so beautiful and it was brilliantly planned and coordinated by my lovely Paola of Just Chic Events! I absolutely adored the beautiful late-summer color palette of orange, purple, brown and golds. I loved that Becky and Bernadette chose to have long communal tables, and the  long tables were dotted with beautiful stems of flowers arranged by the fabulous Little Branch. It was so nice to see all the guests-- family and friends-- come together as a big community to support these two in marriage. Everyone was so warm, inviting and just happy to be celebrating this big moment that had been a long time coming!There were so many touching moments about this wedding-- The First Look, the smile on Bernadette's face watching Becky walk down the aisle, the way the two laughed and smiled all the way through their first dance, and the amazing toasts by friends and family. There were many many moments that I nearly choked up with happy tears. But to me the most touching thing was seeing all the ways that Becky + Bernadette were already a family. How they were totally there for each other all day. How they can anticipate just what the other needs at any given moment. And how they just feel comfy with each other. I saw this at the engagement session, but I saw it even more on the big day. I saw it in their families too-- their two families already seemed like one big happy unit. It is always such a gift to witness love and commitment like this. I could not be more honored to document it.Also, big thanks to Candice for shooting with me and helping capture all the lovely moments of the day!Without further ado... pictures!!

It was so much fun capturing Becky + Bernadette getting ready! I always love the transformation of watching a woman go from "everyday girl" to BRIDE. Always fun to document that moment!

The first look! These two were so so happy to see each other!

Work it you two!!!!

The picture on my left is my FAVE PIC OF THE DAY! Becky + Berna look FIERCETACULAR (yes I said it again!)!! And Bernadette, you look smokin' in this picture on the right my dear!

La-la-love! Becky you are gorgeous!!!

Bernadette beamed as her brother walked her down the aisle!

Becky looked pretty happy walking down the aisle too!!

The ceremony was beautiful! It was officiated by a friend, and also close friends gave readings. There was not a dry eye in the courtyard!

Pretty reception details!!!

LOVE the long tables and use of chalkboard signage!!

The newlyweds toast each other!!!! I adore this photo sooooo much!!!

To see more from this lovely wedding please watch the SLIDE SHOW:

FAQ: What's In My Bag

I get asked a lot by both photographers AND clients what gear I use to photograph weddings, so I thought I'd address the issue in a fun FAQ blog post. I'm going to go through what basic gear I use to photograph weddings, and also what I use for back up gear. Because like any good photographer, I OF COURSE have back up gear in case emergency should strike. If you are a photog shooting weddings, please please make sure to always have at least one extra camera body and back up flashes and lenses. Brides, you should always make sure you hire a PRO photographer for your big day (and part of that is of course making sure they have back up gear).Camera Bodies:I have TWO Canon 5D Mark II's. One is my main camera and one is my back up. Also sometimes AJ uses it when he second shoots for me. 5D Mark II is the top of  the line for a pro camera. If you are paying at least $2500 for your photographer, I think you should expect that they have at least a 5D, 7D (even though it is crop sensor) or 1D (if they are Canon shooters, not sure what the Nikon equivalent is!) However, I honestly don't think the camera body is EVERYTHING.  I know plenty of people with 5D Mark II's who don't know how to use it properly and definitely do not deliver pro-quality images. On the other hand I know super skilled photographers, who don't yet have the savings for a 5D, and they shoot AMAZING stuff on a crop-sensor camera. In fact, the first 1.5 years I shot I only had a 40D (a higher-end crop-sensor camera). So I definitely believe a skilled photographer can deliver high quality images with anything from a 40D or higher. They key is really having skills to shoot in manual and having an eye for composition and an ability to direct people on camera. The fancy camera? That's icing on the cake!My back up to my back up is my 40D. As I mentioned above this camera is what I used at the inception of my business and it has always yielded fabulous images! It's definitely still a handy and old reliable part of my bag!Lenses:Before we start, I will let y'all know that I ONLY shoot with PRIME lenses. That means fixed-focal length (they don't zoom). I often get asked why I do that? It started back in college when I was minoring in photography. My professor forbid us to use zooms in class projects. He wanted us to play with moving our bodies, interacting with subjects to create composition. The classes I took with this professor were the foundation of my knowledge in photography, and so I just always learned by using primes. It's natural to me. In addition primes generally are superior in terms of clarity and color. And they have much lower apertures, and I LOVE shooting low apertures. So that's why you won't see any zooms listed below!The 50mm 1.2L - This is my go to lens. It's medium range and basically sees what we see with our eyes. I absolutely LOVE the colors & bokeh (blurry backgrounds) it produces. I also love shooting at low apertures so being able to go down to 1.2 is always fun! This lens also focuses pretty fast and holds the focus well! So that's why I LOVE it and use it the MOST! I use it for details, some portraits, and getting ready.The 35mm 1.4L - I use this lens a LOT! Not as much as my 50mm, but I still love it. This lens is wide but not too wide. There is no distortion on the edges which means it still can be used in portraits. I don't use it too much for portraits but I will use it a little to mix things up and some variety to a portrait session! I love the low aperture-- the bokeh and colors are just beautiful! I use this lens for most group shots on the wedding day-- family formals, and bridal party. I also use this lens for the majority of the reception because it's wide angle allows me to tells a great story.The 135mm 2.0L - This is my prime alternative to the 70-200mm which most photographers use for ceremonies. I like it more for a few reasons-- it's lighter and I can hold it steadier, it opens wider which lets in more light for dark church weddings, it's still very close and can capture reactions in a big church, it produces beautiful color and focuses fast. This lens is also beautiful for portraits and sometimes I do use it in portraits...but mostly this is my ceremony lens!The 85mm 1.8 - I LOVE this lens! Eventually I probably will want the 85mm 1.8, but I do love this one just how it is! It focuses fast (where as the 1.2 focuses much slower), and it's much lighter than the 1.2! It also yields beautiful color & images. I use this lens primarily for portraits, along with the 50mm and a touch of the 35mm. It gets close up for beautiful expressions and gorgeous headshots, but you have to back up far if you want a full body shot! I sometimes will also use this lens in smaller ceremonies.The 100mm Macro 2.8 - This is a fab macro lens and of course I use it most for ring shots and other little details at a wedding, but it's also a GREAT portrait lens! I use it for jewelry details, lockets or brooches on bouquets, beading and lace detail on a wedding gown, and anything else little and special that might pop up! I also use this lens TONS in boudoir sessions as both a portrait lens and to capture small sexy details like a woman's eyelashes.  This was one of the first lenses I ever purchased, and while I don't think it should be every photographer's first big purchase, I think it is might lovely and handy!The back ups: 28mm 1.8 + 50mm 1.4- These were the two lenses, along with the Macro and 85, that got me through my first 1.5 years of business. They are affordable prime lenses and work FANTASTIC! The quality is amazing. While I definitely see an improvement in color and clarity with my L lenses, these lenses still rock and get the job done. Again, it's more about the photographer's skill than the gear itself. An L lens can only deliver so much without a good photographer using it, and conversely these more affordable lenses don't really hold a good photographer back! So while I don't really use these two much anymore, I still think they are awesome and recommend it to any photographer starting out or looking to experiment in shooting PRIME only. These lenses now act for me as a back up, in case GOD FORBID, a lens should break at a wedding. This awful scenario does seem to happen a lot so it's always good to make sure you're covered with back ups. And that's what these lenses do for me!Flashes:I have THREE 580 exII's! These are the fastest flashes by Canon and rely on them for receptions and dark spaces! I use one of these off-camera at the reception. And one is my back up.Other goodies:LED Video Lights  + Pocket Wizards + Reflectors + Lightstands. These are little extra things that make the day run smoothly. Pocket wizards allow for me to fire flashes remotely so I can do some fun off-camera flash stuff at the reception or for a few fun night portraits if a couple is into that sorta thing! I use the video lights to shoot lovely details in a dark reception space. They create a nice soft light, and you can adjust the color, so I like the look much better for details than I like the look of harsh flash. I also have a 5-1 bounce reflector, and I use this rarely but it does help for bouncing flash in specific situations. Also sometimes it can be helpful when light is ridiculously harsh and there are no "natural reflectors" around.***So that's what's in my bag! Every photographer has their own style and own lenses of choice and this is what I like to shoot with. If you're a photographer, I hope this helps you in knowing what works for me and why I choose the lenses I do in any given situation. I also hope you remember to ALWAYS HAVE A BACK UP!As a bride or potential bride, don't get too caught up in what lenses your photographer uses. If you like the images on their site, trust they know how to deliver that caliber and quality to you with the gear they have. It's most important for you to know from your photographer if he or she has a variety (at least 3) lenses and back up for all their gear (extra camera bodies, extra flashes, extra batteries for ALL gear) in case something goes wrong! From a bride's perspective, knowing your photographer has enough to gear to not only shoot the wedding but shoot the wedding assuming one or two key items breaks, THAT'S what's important!Also, for brides, while I don't advocate evaluating a photographer solely based on gear (because as I've said 100x above, good gear does NOT always equal good photographer/ and mediocre gear doesn't always equal mediocre photographer), I do think if you are shelling out over $3000 for photographer you should expect good gear (like 5D Mark II bodies and a few L lenses if they are Canon). If you are a low budget bride on the other hand (meaning photography budget $2000 or under) I don't think you can or should except the TOP gear from your photographer. If the photographer charges less than they make less which means they have less to invest in gear. OR they are just starting out and starting to build their bag. That's just my two cents on the matter, but I do think in general people "get what they pay for" so some one paying more can expect a little more from their photographer on the gear front. ;)


on the left: interior by the Novogratz via Coochicoos; on the right: DIY Union Jack Dresser by Southern Eclectic

Sooo, I kinda have an obsession with PINK + ORANGE! Case in point, I own not one but two orange-pink purses. My wedding colors were "tangerine and raspberry" which is a fancy-pants way to say orange an pink. And... if I could I just might live in all orange + pink. Blame it on spending my entire childhood playing Barbies... But the truth is when I see these colors I get overjoyed and infused with a sense of positivity and can-do spirit! This color combo, more than any other, is me. Vibrant, bold, loud, bubbly, maybe even sickeningly sweet and not apologizing for any of it.

Sure I might dress in lots of orange + pink but when it's come to home decor... well I'm all dark and espresso. Maybe a pink or coral accent here and there but really? Its bland up in my hizzy y'all! I really want to redecorate if I ever have a pare moment and the above pink and orange interior decor inspiration just brings me JOY! That bold orange boudoir (with what I believe is a sexy Madonna poster over the bed) is SEXY, no? And how's about an acid-tripped out orange and pink union jack?! Painted on a dresser?! FIERCETACLULAR. rawwwr.

I heart hearty heart. Now? Just gotta convince the hubby he hearts this too! ;)

Inspired Ideas | DIY Favors: Retro Looking "Vinyl Records"

(image via Style Me Pretty)More and more I do not see couples giving out favors at weddings. Which, I totally understand. Most favors are left behind or tossed by guests, and by not doing them you can save hundreds in your budget. Totally makes sense!But I do love when couples are able to think of a cool favor that adds to the uniqueness of their day, is DIY and can be done on a budget, and might actually be something guests LIKE! All these things are true of this awesome DIY Favor project on Style Me Pretty!Style Me Pretty instructs how to make mixed CDs with your favorite songs on them and have them look all Retro like Vinyl Records. It's SUPER cute for any vintage/retro wedding! And something guests could enjoy after the wedding. And it's not too hard on the wallet! Loves it!Go here for instructions!

San Diego Wedding Photography | Skylar + AJ

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of traveling to the heart of San Diego to photograph the beautiful wedding of Skylar + AJ (remember their fab engagement session?!). The wedding was held in AJ's parent's amazing, amazing, amazing home in the Banker's Hill area. And the day was coordinated to perfection by Rachel of Plan It San Diego. Skylar had shared a *fabulous* power point presentation of wedding inspiration that she had showed me when she first booked me, and I have to say it all came together just as she had envisioned! There were so many thoughtful and stunning details to the day-- from the bride's little white Amsale dress to her Kate Spade shoes, from the lavish dessert spread to the make-your-own-smores station for a midnight snack, from the hanging pom-poms to the clustered garden style floral arrangements. It was stunning and everything I LOVE to photograph. A dream wedding indeed.But truthfully this day was a dream come true because two people came together and committed their lives to each other in front of all their friends and family. AJ's mom had said she had wanted Skylar to be apart of her family from the moment the two met, and she was delighted the day was finally here. AJ shed tears during his sweet and genuine vows. And Skylar was so overjoyed that all these years after spotting the man of her dreams she was finally getting to marry him.You see, AJ + Skylar met in high school. They were both part of the young Democrats club. Skylar noticed AJ immediately and AJ noticed her back. But he was a little shy. They became friends and when the school year ended, and it was time for Skylar to graduate, she made sure to leave her number in AJ's yearbook. He didn't call. He was shy! Later, these two reconnected when they were both living in New York. Again, Skylar made sure to give AJ her number. Eventually, AJ braved up enough to call Skylar and ask her on a date... and the rest is history!Skylar + AJ's wedding was so full of love, family, and warmth that it was infectious. I cannot express how much I appreciate their generosity and the generosity of their families! They treated myself and my AJ (who second shot this with me) like we were their guests, no, their family, and invited us into their inner circle. I truly felt surrounded by love the entire day and it makes the pictures even more special to me! I hope you enjoy...

So, how gorgeous is Skylar's bouquet and how amazing is her ring?!! And then, don't even get me started on her FABULOUS Kate Spade shoes!!! AHHHH!

A moment from their First Look... brings tears to my eyes just reliving this moment through the photo!

We then headed over to Spruce Bridge for some FIERCE-TACULAR portraits. Yes, I did just make up the word fiercetacular. Snap!

Are these two SUPER STARS or what?! Shine on SkyJ, shine on!

Skylar, my love, you are STUNNING!!!! I can't even handle it!

Okay Skylar you are the QUEEN! Seriously gorgeous, darling!

My husband AJ took this next photo! It's a beauty!! I am a proud + lucky wifey!

La-la-la-LOVE! The purple socks were a suave touch AJ!!!

Swoony swoons!!!!

One more... because these two just rocked my camera so xcore!!!

The ceremony! Ah! It! Was! Lovely!!!! I loved that Skylar + AJ wrote it themselves, mixing in Jewish traditions (which is AJ's heritage). They were married under AJ's family chuppah. Key family members held it up, and both the parent's of the bride + groom sat underneath it. It was heartwarming!!

This photo from the grand entrance kills me!! Seriously, LOVE! Oh and my AJ took it. He's a keeper, that man I married.

The reception details were killer!!! Loved the floral clusters which sat on lounge furniture around the yard!

DESSERT BAR HEAVEN. You may wanna go grab a snack before feasting your eyes on these next few photos.

Heartfelt toasts were a highlight of the evening.

Care for a midnight snack? How about SMORES??? Seriously, Skylar thought of everything!!!

And then everyone partied hard! Loves it!!!

To see more images from this FABULOUS wedding be sure to watch the SLIDESHOW:

FAQ - Choosing The Right Vendors For You {Part 2}

Welcome back! You've already read in PART 1 how to go about doing the initial research to finding the perfect vendors for you! Now today we will delve into the best way to approach a meeting!As a recap, by now you should have compiled a short list of vendors who's work, website and blog you love.  And hopefully you've cross checked their online reviews on Project Wedding and/or Wedding Wire! You probably found these vendors through referrals from friends, family and acquaintances, a trusted inspiration blog, one of your favorite vendors that you've already hired or your wedding planner, or maybe an online message board or bridal community you are a part of! :)Now it's best to email your short-list vendors. Start with your top 3-5 in each category!! This is important, don't just email everyone who's work seems like they might work for you or you can become overwhelmed! Do try to think about your favorites and only meet with those few faves. When emailing a vendor it's good to give them AS MUCH INFO AS POSSIBLE, don't just ask for prices. I try to reply to every email regardless, but there are some vendors I know who delete and don't reply to generic inquiries that just say "Hi, What is your pricing info? Thanks,". So if you really like a vendor, you don't want to end up on their "delete" list. You don't need to tell vendors your life's story in an email, but we love to know a bit about you + your fiance, your likes, your plans for the wedding, maybe even the range of your budget for this particular service. I personally also like to know what you are looking for in a photographer, and if you have any other key vendors on board. The more I know about you and your wedding the more of a response I can give, and the more I can tell if we are a good match for each other.In the reply, a vendor will often give you a rough estimate of what to expect price wise, and ask if you would like to set up a consultation. Personally, I do require a consultation with all potential clients before giving out my detailed pricing guide. The reason? I want to make sure we are a good fit, I want you to see my work in person, and I want to give you some info about what I can do for you that no other photographer can! Of course, I do give you a rough estimate of my prices in an email, so you know if I'm within range of your budget and if it's even worth meeting. If you find a vendor is in your price point and you love their work you should make the time to meet with them. Preferably, you and your future spouse should attend the meeting.

(finding a perfect vendor = BIG WEDDING DAY SMILES! I'm always so happy to work with couples who love my work, my personality, and trust me)

Tips for vendor meetings:

  • DO: Be personable!  While this is a business meeting, it shouldn't ALL be about getting down to the nitty-gritty, asking questions and going over prices. Weddings are personal events, and therefore it can really help your day go smoothly and be extra fun  if you surround yourself with vendors who care about you on a personal level. Give yourself 5 minutes to just relax and get to know the vendor you are meeting with! Is this someone you like and can see entrusting a huge part of your wedding to? Or is this person just not your cup of tea? You can tell a lot from just a general, quick chat about life than you will if you are just going through a check list of questions.
  • DO: Let them know about your plans for the big day! This is how a vendor can tell what they can do for you and what your needs are.
  • DO: Look through examples of their work!
  • DO: Let them know your must-haves and priorities and find out if this is something they can deliver for you. If they can't deliver, what is the reason? Is it a matter of style, or are your requests challenging? Example of a challenging request: a bride needing a flower that will be out of season for their day and is extremely hard to find out of season.  If the vendors style doesn't match your style, you two might as well move on. But if they can't deliver because what you are looking for is a challenge, then you might want to rethink things a bit too.
  • DO: Be honest about your budget. Letting a vendor know your limitations can save time when it comes to going over pricing.
  • DO: Compare qualities and values of what a vendor is offering! Perhaps you just met with a photographer offering a package for much less...Don't be afraid to ask why the price is where it's at? Perhaps the more expensive photographer is offering a better album (album companies do vary drastically in price/quality) or perhaps they are more experienced or offer more personal attention. There are reasons behind price points... DON'T just assume you are comparing apples to apples when looking over a quote or package. The quality is just as important as the bottom line price, so do ask and...
  • DO: Be willing to be a little flexible on your budget if you LOVE a vendor. Often times as a bride, we have a budget and we FEAR going over it by any amount. I know, I've been there. When we've decided we only have $2000 to spend on a florist, it can be sad and disheartening when a quote comes back from your #1 florist choice for $2400. $400 over the budget can be A LOT. I'm not saying that you should always go over budget or that it's easy to come up with a little more money for something. However, if some one is clearly YOUR FAVORITE vendor,  you shouldn't just cross them off the list because of a mere few hundred dollars. See if there is a way for them to work with your budget? Perhaps a florist could give you a smaller bouquet, or you can get a smaller package with less products or hours from your photographer. If you make it clear to them how much you love them, they may be willing to work with you on price. If they can't come down on price, and you still feel they are truly "the one" do consider being a little flexible on your budget. It may mean cutting down the alcohol budget or not having a get away car, but working with someone who is truly going to be there for you and deliver you an amazing product/service is often worth the sacrifice.
  • DON'T: Be afraid to ask questions! You are there to find out all about this vendor, so feel free to ask! There is no question too stupid, right? ;) Just try not to only be about a check-list of questions you found online, because that's when I think clients stop paying attention to the person and get stuck in the world of checklists!
  • DON'T: Be afraid to be honest about where your at in your decision. Letting vendors know potential concerns, or what the deciding factor comes down to for you is helpful for them. Same goes for after the meeting, if you decide not to go with a vendor, though it can be awkward, it is really helpful to write them and let them know you are going with someone else. And if there was a specific reason it really helps the vendor to know that too... not saying it isn't a tad awkward, but it lets the vendor know if they need to improve something.

Hopefully this info helps you in knowing what to expect when you meet with a vendor, what to do and what to look for. Try to have fun as you meet people who might just be the right fit to help you create the best wedding ever! If you can have fun with someone at the meeting, you will likely have fun with them throughout the planning process and on your big day! The final decision should also have to do with about loving the work the vendor consistently does and TRUSTING that they will come through for you. If a vendor seems flaky, or inconsistent, like you can't trust them, then do not hire them!! Trust is so key! And when you trust your vendor you can relax knowing they have your back and will do their magic on your big day. :)

(here's a photo of me having fun with one of my beloved 2010 brides, Christine)

So now...make your decisions and book that favorite vendor!! Hope these two posts have been helpful! :)

FAQ - Choosing The Right Vendors For You {Part 1}

Welcome to a new 2-part FAQ post series that addresses how to find that perfect wedding vendors for you! Finding vendors (and conversely vendors finding clients) can be a lot like dating. Ultimately you are looking for that perfect match, the one who just fits right and you are comfortable with! You want a vendor who GETS you for who you are, and you should love them for who they are too!! One common mistake is hiring a vendor simply because they are a "good deal" thinking you can direct them into changing their style and how they work. So it's really important you love your vendor for all that they are-- talent, work/portfolio, style, price and personality.As both a recent former bride (I was married in 2009) and a wedding professional, I have been on both sides of the aisle when it comes to vendor selection. I remember clearly what it's like to be a bride who wants nothing more than to hire the BEST, most dependable, most talented vendors and to do that with a budget in mind. It's not an easy task. On the other hand as a vendor, I have seen all sorts of brides come my way, some with a clear idea of the vendors they want, others a little unsure of what they are looking for.It breaks my heart to hear vendor horror stories from brides or to be working a wedding where some part of the day has gone wrong due to the couple not hiring a professional.  Often times, this happens when a bride gets overwhelmed in planning and doesn't think vendor decisions through or is on a budget and opts to hire a friend who isn't professional but does the job as a hobby. So I'd like to share some tips on the DO's and DON'Ts of researching, meeting with, hiring vendors.  These topics will be addressed in two posts! So stay tuned for more!!PART 1: Researching VendorsAt the early stages of planning it can be overwhelming trying to find vendors. How does a bride find her perfect dream team?? What avenues yield the best results in finding a reliable vendor? Here's my thoughts.

  • DO: ASK AROUND. Ask friends for their recommendations. A personal referral is almost always a trustworthy one! As a vendor, my favorite clients tend to be a referral from either a past client or a friend-of-a-friend situation. If you don't know anyone specific to ask, try a shout out for help on facebook or twitter. That's a good way to get a response from acquaintances and older friends who may not be part of your inner-circle. Always give the people you ask for referrals an idea of your budget (no sense getting a referral for a vendor you can NO way afford). Words like "affordable" or "reasonable" (ie "does anyone have a recommendation for an affordable wedding photographer?") are not so helpful because to some brides $1500 for a photographer is all they can afford, and other brides find $3500 to be a reasonable and affordable amount. Give a rough range of what you want to spend and see what response you get.
  • DO (BUT BE CAREFUL): Look to LOCAL message boards on bridal sites like Project Wedding, The Knot and WeddingBee for advice. However, be aware of the general budgets and taste levels of the crowd on such boards. Some message boards tend to attract a VERY budget conscious bride and the referrals they give out are more based on "low price" rather than value, experience or quality. It's good to check several boards and also cross check with reviews on wedding websites and review sites like Project Wedding or Wedding Wire.
  • DO: HIRE A PLANNER.  A Planner is a great resource for a bride. Along with making sure the wedding day runs smoothly, they also are super knowledgeable when it comes to vendors and know vendors in a range of price points. Many of the vendors I hired for my own wedding I found through Paola, my amazing planner!
  • DO: Ask another trusted vendor! If you don't have a planner yet, but perhaps have a venue you love or even a florist or photographer, definitely ask them for referrals. If you hired this vendor because you love their work, are comfortable with their price point, and like their taste, then the odds are you will like whoever they refer you to! All vendors seem to have a group of industry friends they LOVE to work with, so when you ask them for a referral you will surely get a helpful answer. Even better? Hiring vendors who have already worked together before makes the day go extra smoothly.
  • DO: Look at wedding inspiration blogs like Style Me Pretty, Green Wedding Shoes, and The Wedding Chicks, etc! If there is a blog you LOVE go check out the recent weddings, engagements and styled shoots they feature and the vendors attached. You can even search most blog posts for location so you can find vendors in your area. Wonderful vendors are featured daily on these inspiration sites and it's a great way for brides to see their work and get a link to their site! Most of these sites also have vetted vendor guides which can also aide in finding a vendor in your area.
  • DO: Decipher the style you are looking for. Good vendors tend to specialize in a particular style and that's what they are known for. If you want a more traditional ballroom floral look, do not also continue to look at garden style florists. It is important to figure out what you like style wise and seek only vendors who fit your requirements.
  • DON'T: Rely only on bridal shows. Bridal shows generally seem to attract a specific type of vendor. And that's not always a good thing. Admittedly, I did one bridal show this year, and honestly? It was kinda a painful experience. Most of the other vendors there seemed really cheesy or out-of-date, or just plain desperate. There were also several BIG companies there, the kind who farm out jobs and you never know who exactly you're working with. As for the brides who stopped by my booth? I only met about two that I really connected with. Because it's SO hard to connect in that kind of chaotic environment. Bridal shows are fun to attend, and not all vendors who do them are bad, or cheesy, or out-of-date. But so many AWESOME vendors don't do them...and now I see there's a reason for that ;) So if you are only looking at bridal shows to find vendors you are looking in a very limited pool. And a very impersonal pool, which I don't recommend.
  • DON'T: Consider hiring a friend who is NOT a professional. If your friend is a professional wedding florist, designs wedding cakes for a living, or coordinates or photographs weddings as a professional and has a website, well then that's one thing. In that case, by all means please hire your rockin' friend! But if you have a friend that is just a photo enthusiast, or sometimes arranges flowers for fun, or likes to bake cakes... please please please do not ask them to work your wedding. I know, it's tempting. We all want to save money and sure your friend seems talented enough. BUT the real question is, are they experienced in the high-stress world of weddings, and do they have a back up plan if things go wrong? Often the answer is no. And often a part of the day gets ruined. Sometimes, it's something noticeable like the cake falling over or the flowers turning brown before the ceremony even starts. Other times, it goes unnoticed on the day of, and then you get your wedding photos or video back only to see that they missed key moments, or things are terribly out of focus or improperly exposed. Or there's no sound on your video. These things can all be devastating. And can ruin friendships. It's so much better to just pay for a professional. Trust me!!!

Once you look around and have some names on a list, look at the vendor's site and blog (if they have one). Blogs are FABULOUS because you can see a vendor's most recent work, and also look back into their past. You can see their style, get to know them and their vibe, and see their journey! It's pretty cool! You should also look to see if they have any reviews on Project Wedding or Wedding Wire. If all looks good contact the vendor to see when you can meet! The meeting is generally the best way to get to know if a vendor is the true fit for you.Sometimes you get such a strong feeling from someone online, and that coupled with glowing reviews or a personal referral can often give couples the confidence to hire a vendor on the spot-- no meeting necessary. If that's the case bravo to you for saving some time and for finding that perfect match! I will say about 50% of my couples this year booked me just from the internet this year and they are often THE MOST PERFECT couples for me! So there's nothing wrong with "just knowing" when it's right either. Still, I am always happy to meet with potential clients. And it's actually something I require of couples who are inquire and want more pricing info.

(me with one of my adorable, "perfect-fit" 2010 couples Ryan + Kristina - who by the way booked me on-the-spot at our consultation in 2009)

Next up.... the MEETING and BOOKING your vendors...stay tuned!

Marion Davies Guest House, Santa Monica Wedding Photography | Lauren + Drew

It's a very common thing for me-- for clients to become old friends. But it's much less common when old friends become clients. However, that is exactly what happened with Lauren + Drew.  I had the pleasure of shooting Lauren + Drew's amazing handmade, vintage inspired wedding at The Marion Davies Guest House in Santa Monica last Sunday. Lauren + Drew went to high school with me. I was friends with Lauren, we had musical theater class together and also a science class (but don't ask me which science class as I have blocked it from memory). Lauren was always someone who brightened my day. Funny and sarcastic. Witty and ridiculously smart. And did I mention, the girl has the most BEAUTIFUL, powerful singing voice. On Earth. She is an amazing musician and performer.It's no wonder Lauren + Drew were drawn to each other in high school. Drew is also crazy smart, very funny, and not only a talented performer, but a talented writer as well. These two were a perfect match then, and they've grown together over the years. They have moved cross-country to Chicago, went to university, entered the work force and bought a condo together. And over these years, they just have just grown better together, more perfect for each other. And it's so amazing to have reconnected after all these years and to see how their love has grown. I am so happy for my friends Lauren + Drew, and I'm so touched that they wanted "Li'l Ashleigh" from high school to document this milestone moment in their love story for them. :)Lauren + Drew's wedding was truly a celebration. A celebration of family, of friends, of their history, of how it all began. I was not the only vendor there who went to high school with them. The cake baker, also went to our  high school (though a few years ahead of us) and actually went to musical theater camp (yes I said musical theater camp) with me! Small world! The hair + make up artist was a good friend of Lauren's from high school. And the ceremony? Well that was performed by Lauren+ Drew's favorite teacher from high school, and she made the ceremony so very touching, lively, and personal. Another adorable touch was that Lauren + Drew made crossword puzzles for guests to fill out for fun during the night, and the clues to the words were all based on their journey as a couple.All in all it was a BEAUTIFUL day and it meant so much to me to be there... Thanks so much to Ami for assisting and shooting with me that day! Please check out the photos below!

Lauren hand made the boutonnieres for the VIPs in her + Drew's lives (they did not have a bridal party). She made them out of paper from old books, lace, ribbon and netting. She also made her bouquet in the same fashion.

I loved that Lauren's birdcage veil and fascinator were "something blue." Such a unique and stunning detail! Even more amazing? She made both the veil and fascinator herself.

How ADORABLE are these two?!?!

Lauren + Drew got ready together, so there wasn't an official First Look. But we did take time for some fun, fabulous bride & groom portraits before the ceremony!

Ahhh! Lauren, you are STUNNING!

Seriously, Lauren? You're killing me here with your fabulousness!!! LOVE IT!

Leave it to two actors to deliver me some FIERCENESS! LOVE it!

The inside of the house was decorated with many special touches. Like vignettes of old books and pages. And Lauren + Drew's crossword puzzles!

Lauren hand made these adorable circle banners and they decorated different areas of the house with them! It was the perfect pop of color and decorative touch!

SO in LOVEEEEE with these programs! Again, hand made by Lauren! Love the whole library feel-- totally goes with the vintage look, but also is a great reference to high school and how they met.

Lauren + Drew went non-traditional and walked down the aisle together. I love the symbolism of it. Such a special moment.

After the ceremony, as the sun was setting, we ran out to the beach to grab a few more lovely photos. Drew remarked that they looked like they were doing some Boardwalk Empire Cosplay. And I was all HECK YEAH and I LOVE IT!


I give you, MY FAVORITE SHOT OF THE DAY!  Fierce, fierce, fierce!

Oh you two and your adorableness! You kill me. Really!

Back at the house, there were toasts that were so funny I nearly peed my pants... but luckily didn't.

There was no dancing, but there was ROCK BAND and a photo booth!

Lauren + Drew hammed it up for the cake cutting. Love it!

Congrats so much to Lauren and Drew! To see more pictures from this fabulous wedding be sure to check out the SLIDE SHOW:


Soooo... I want to share some things, not photography related, that I really love. Stuff that makes me giddy, wows me, and just makes me HAPPY!!! Stuff that I heart. Hence, a new series called I <3 this! Hope you enjoy!This week... I HEART Laura Mercier's Creme Brulee line, specifically the hand creme and eau de toilette.Until about 3 years ago, I had never been much of a perfume or scented things type of gal. I actually learned about this fragrance line, when one of my veryyyyy first clients ever gave it to me as a gift at their engagement session. Beyond being TOTALLY FLOORED by her generosity, I was also totally intrigued by the gift. She told me it was her favorite scent ever and was amazing. And history, for me, was made.Why do I love this sooo much?First, the SMELL! It smells like...well creme brulee! Vanilla, caramel, burnt sugar...mmm mmm mmm good! When I spray this on myself, I get hungry for dessert! But it also is very relaxing and soothing! It's also not a sickeningly sweet smell like some vanilla based scents. And it doesn't smell chemically or too manufactured like a lot of perfumes, which I hate. I like that the scent is grounded in the familiar, and grounded in food. Cause y'all know I love food!!!The hand creme is very luxurious. It goes on thick but it isn't greasy and all. It moisturizes and soothes the hands! Veryyyyy good! I would love to also try the body souffle lotion, and the honey bath treatment. I have no doubts they are equally heavenly!!To date this is one of my fave beauty products! You can buy it for yourself at Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, or at the Laura Mercier site.

Inspired Ideas | DIY Lighted Hearts Photo Prop

I was perusing through one of my favorite inspiration blogs, Hostess With The Mostess, when I came across this awesome  DIY project!(photo via HWTM)These hearts would not only be SOOOO cute as a photobooth prop, which is how HWTM suggests you use it, but they would also make an adorable prop for an engagement session or for the wedding day during the Bride & Groom Romantic Portraits session!The project is pretty easy to do and the adorable-ness would pay off ten-fold! LOVE! Ooooh you could also makes some "X's" and "O's" to match... that'd be SUPER CUTE TOO!So click here for the instructions on how to create this cuteness and, ahem, bring it to our next shoot please!!! xoxo

Inspired Ideas | DIY Custom Flagged Drink Stirrers

Pretty & thoughtful weddings are all in the little details. The things that make a wedding personal! I am always super excited when my brides come up with cute fun ways to infuse their color palettes and hip modern style into their weddings in a unique way. And if you're a bride on a budget, doing this through DIY is certainly the way to go!One new fun wedding trend is decorative drink stirrers. These little flagged stirrers can be personalized with your guests' names or a custom message like "YAY" or "Eat. Drink. Be Married." or your wedding date or new last name. You get the idea. They can also be made in any color you want-- so you can match it to your wedding colors. You can even make them in fun patterns!I've seen a couple different DIY instructions on the interwebs but here are two of the cutest and easiest.First, on Indie Pretty:Second, on Gator Bride:EASY BREEZY PEASY! And super cute! So what are you waiting for! Get on this! ;)You can display these cute drink stirrers in glasses at the bar or if drinks are being passed (always a classy touch) in the drinks themselves!

Griffith Observatory Engagement Photography | Becky + Bernadette

Last Sunday, I had a blast with Becky + Bernadette for their Griffith Observatory Engagement session! We had so much fun and I am so excited that their wedding is just about 2 weeks away!!! It's going to be fabulous, especially because my beloved Paola is coordinating!Becky and Bernadette are so cute and sweet together! I loved that they brought a picnic set up, and that's how we started the session! A picnic in the hills surrounding the Griffith Observatory. Like pros, these two had a wine cooler carrying case, and a little gourmet picnic set, complete with a cheese block and cheese knife for gourmet cheese consumption! YUM! We set the area up and I was able to capture these two just how they really are together. Just laughing with each other, talking and dreaming out loud. After good wine & cheese was had, we then walked around the hiking trails for a few more casual pictures! In these moments I got to see how perfect Becky & Bernadette's love is. How they help each other, how they laugh, how they help bring out the best in each other. It was such a joy to document. Love is truly everything.Gah!!! I love this photo!! So SWOONY!Seriously, Bernadette & Becky? You two are TOO ADORABLE FOR WORDS!I love this next photo. When I see it, I see two people in love who can conquer the world together!After we finished are hiking/picnicking goodness, Becky & Bernadette changed into some fab outfits for some dressier pictures at the Observatory Building! I just LOVE the colors they chose to wear! They looked lovely and they really popped against the white walls of the Observatory building!FABULOUS + FIERCE! Love!Becky and Bernadette, you both are GORGEOUS!!!!!Sunset romance! Love how vibrant it is!!!Ahhhh you two are just STUNNING!! Want to see more from this fabulous session? Then watch the SLIDE SHOW!!:

Out Of The Office

Well, I'm headin' out of the office...I'M GOING TO CATALINA!!! Woohoo! I love Catalina Island! It's one of my favorite places :) It's a short trip-- just two days! I will be back on Thursday. But I'm not bringing my laptop with me so I won't be checking email. All emails sent while I'm away will be returned Thursday! Thanks!!! :)

FAQ: Wedding Day Timelines

Wedding day timelines are something couples ask me about quite frequently. After all, planning a wedding timeline is crucial to making the most out of the time you contract your photographer for. All couples want to make sure I am there to capture their day from getting ready to garter/bouquet toss, and planning a timeline is KEY to that.Typically, your wedding coordinator will create a complete timeline of the day, talking of course to the photographer and making the most out of your contracted time. When my clients are unable to afford a coordinator, I always help them to create a great timeline for how photography will unfold throughout the day!I wanted to write a FAQ article discussing very standard timelines and also how many hours most couples truly need from their photographer so here goes...

How many hours are offered in your collections, and how many hours do I need?Most couples need between 6-8 hours for their wedding day. In all honesty, weddings with all the traditional events happening (ie first dance, toasts, parent dances, cake cutting, bouquet/garter) will probably need 8 hours. But it is very rare that a couple needs more than 8 hours. The only situations I have seen where a couple needs additional hours beyond 8 is when: 1) there is an additional event/ceremony, like a tea ceremony and then a western ceremony, 2) there is a large break between a church ceremony and reception (any break longer than 2 hours), 3) the couple wants extra reception events photographed such as table visits, money dance, special performances, or a grand exit with sparklers. Barring these three circumstances, you will likely not need anything over 8 hours of time.My packages come with either 6 or 8 hours of photography depending on the collection you select. You are always welcome to add additional hours as well on the a la carte menu. Interested in my pricing and collections? Please inquire to set up a time for a consultation.What events do you try to cover in all your weddings?I always try to get getting ready shots for the bride (the groom depends on where he gets ready and how much time you have contracted me for), family formal portraits, bridal party portraits, bride and groom portraits, ceremony coverage, candids of the couple, bridal party, family and other guests through out the day, your decor details, and at least some of the reception. To me the story of your wedding day does start with getting ready and I LOVE to photograph that. The other events I listed are also so important to capturing the iconic images of your day that you will treasure for a lifetime, and I would not miss ANY of them!Can you give me an example of a standard 6 hour timeline?Sure thing! Here is an example of a recent 6 hour wedding I did. As you can see many of the traditional events were captured, though they were condensed into a short amount of time. Also the couple did skip a few traditions, which did allow for everything they wanted covered to be covered. The six hours is perfect for couples who want to work with me but are on a budget, or for couples who are not having a very traditional wedding.

  • 4:00pm - Photographers arrive just as bride is close to being done with hair/make up. Photographers photograph hanging dress, shoes, bouquet, rings as well as candids of the bride getting ready and getting into her dress
  • 5:30pm - First Look and a few quick couples portraits
  • 5:45 - Family Formal Portraits
  • 6:10 - Bridal Party Portraits
  • 6:40 - Bride, Groom, Bridal Party to freshen up/relax before ceremony. Photographers photograph ceremony details
  • 7:00pm - Ceremony Begins
  • 7:20pm - Ceremony Ends
  • 7:25pm - Bride & Groom Romantics / Guests at Cocktail Hour
  • 7:55pm - Bride & Groom to enjoy 2nd half of cocktail hour. Photographers to photograph reception details in the finished but empty reception area. Also photograph some candids and groups during cocktail hour.
  • 8:25pm - Guests asked to take their seats for reception
  • 8:35pm - Grand Entrance
  • 8:40pm - First Dance
  • 8:45pm - Toasts/ Dinner Served
  • 9:45pm - Cake Cutting
  • 9:50pm - Bouquet/Garter Toss
  • 10:00pm - Open Dancing/ Photography contract ends

See? Easy peasy and perfect for couples on a budget and/or who aren't doing all the typical traditions. Also please note, the timeline above assumes all events of the day happen at one location (meaning you get ready, have the ceremony and reception all at your wedding venue).

Can you give me an example of a standard 8 hour timeline?

Yes I sure can! 8 hours really is better for couples who are having all the traditional stuff or are not having all wedding events at one location. It is a little bit more of an investment but the cost is totally worth it for the extra coverage. Also, all of my collections that come with 8 hours include some extra goodies like canvases, print credits, and even albums in some collections! An 8 hour timeline is also definitely necessary if there are multiple locations for a wedding (as in hotel for getting ready, church for ceremony, venue for reception). But even with everything all happening at one space, which is the case for many wedding venues, 8 hours is still so helpful to ensure a smooth day, with the ENTIRE story covered!

Here is a standard 8 hour timeline for a wedding all taking place at ONE venue/location:

  • 1:30 - Photographers arrive as bride is near done with hair/make up. Photographer to capture Bride's details (hanging dress, shoes, bouquet, rings, jewelry). Bride Getting ready shots/candids, and capture bride getting into her dress. Groom getting ready shots, if he is also getting ready at the same hotel/venue.
  • 3:00 - Bridal portraits in getting ready room
  • 3:15 -  The First Look
  • 3:30 - Bride & Groom couples photos - at an offsite location or around venue grounds (depends per wedding, sometimes it's great to go to a nearby place to really change things up)
  • 4:15 - Family Formals at venue
  • 4:45 - Bridal Party Pictures at venue
  • 5:15 - Bride & Groom/Bridal Party relax freshen up for ceremony. Photographers to capture ceremony details
  • 5:30 - Ceremony
  • 5:55 - Ceremony Ends
  • 6:00 - Cocktail Hour
  • 6:00-6:15 - Quick sunset shots with bride & groom
  • 6:30 - Photographers to shoot reception details in empty, but set-up reception area and also cocktail hour candids/group shots
  • 7:00 - Guests asked to take their seats at reception
  • 7:10 - Grand Entrance
  • 7:15 - First Dance
  • 7:20 - Toasts
  • 7:40 - Dinner is served
  • 8:45 - Parent Dances
  • 8:55 - Open Dancing
  • 9:10pm - Cake Cutting
  • 9:20pm - Bouquet/Garter
  • 9:30 - Photography Contract Ends

As you can see this timeline covers EVERYTHING, and is also a little more buffered in case things go wrong or run late (which they often times do)! Also some of the extra portrait time can be taken out and transferred to travel time, if you are traveling to multiple locations on your wedding day. This is just one example, and as you can see it's a very flexible model. That is why 8 hours is the perfect fit for 90% of my couples.So, the time I contract you for is continuous? You cannot do say four hours in the morning, take a break, and come back for four hours of coverage in the evening?When you book photography coverage with me, you are booking me for a CONTINUOUS amount of time. That means the clock starts from agreed upon arrival time, and runs out 6 or 8 hours later. I can not offer your coverage to be split up. So this is why it's essential to plan out a timeline to make the most of your day. MOST photographers operate this same way, and it is important to take that into consideration when initially planning your day. In the early stages of planning, work to having all your events nearby (both in time and location). Do not book a 11:00am church ceremony and 6:00pm reception as that would cause some *major* timeline issues and will probably make staying in your photography budget much more challenging.What else do I need to know to have an efficient wedding day time line?I am a HUGE advocate of a first look and wrote all about what it is and how it helps the flow of your day/timeline here.Still have more timeline questions? Leave them in a comment below, I am happy to answer them!

Inspired Ideas | Bad-Ass Bridal Shoes

One of my FAVORITE wedding trends of the last few years has been colorful shoes! When I was little it seemed like brides always had to have white (and kinda boring) shoes to match her dress. But now? Anything goes! The bride's shoes are some of the first things I photograph on a wedding day and they tell me oh so much about the bride & her personal style!I loveee colorful shoes. Blue makes for the PERFECT something blue. Or when a bride matches her wedding color palette? That's yummy too! I also loveeee when shoes have cute details like bows, feathers or BLING! What can I say, I am a shoe lover!My new favorite idea though when it comes to bridal shoes, is BAD-ASS BRIDAL SHOES! Yes, it's not for every bride. But for a bride who's a little sassy, funky and uber sexy, it's FAB!What qualifies as a bad-ass shoe? Something with studs  or spikes. Something edgy and not your typical soft girlie bridal feeling. Something that might make your grandma's head spin! Yep I love it!Think you have what it takes to be a bad-ass bride and rock an xcore shoe? Here are my favorites that I'd just love to see one of my brides in:Sam Edelman's LorissaI die for this shoe! And it comes in soooo many color combos!! Gah! LOVE!Cinderella Gone Bad (Custom Made) by Everlasting Life FashionThis shoe is custom made for you in the UK! It's pretty frickin' FABULOUS! I love the textures and the disco ball effect. It's very GAGA!Alexander McQueen Punk Skull Peep Toe PumpThese Alexander McQueen's ROCK! Love how it's "something blue" but with a total edge!! I love the studs & the skulls. It could be PERFECTO for brides who embrace the whole Mexican/Day Of The Dead theme for their wedding. Or just brides with a wicked sense of humor/irony. Weddings are all about "til death do us part," right? ;)So what do you think? Would you rock a bad ass bridal shoe for your big day?? Feel free to let me know with a comment below!

Joshua Tree National Park Love Shoot | Jackie + Tony

I am so thrilled to finally be able to share this amazing desert and hippie inspired love shoot with you, which was featured on Style Me Pretty last week!This whole thing came about when I met Jackie. I met her at a bridal show when she stopped at my booth and I instantly LOVED her. She had the cutest personality and sense of style. Apparently the feeling was mutual and soon we were meeting over coffee and talking weddings and photography. Jackie told me how she is getting married in her hometown of Chicago this fall and (bummer) had already hired a local photographer to shoot it. Though she is crazy excited for her Chicago wedding, she was an avid Style Me Pretty, Green Wedding Shoes, and Once Wed reader and had just been dreaming and swooning over the idea of a California wedding. She even had some dream vendors lined up for it, like florals by Honey and Poppies. She knew two full blown weddings weren't in the budget...but perhaps a styled Mr. & Mrs love shoot could work!Jackie and her charming fiance Tony are uber hip and stylish. They look like modern hippies and ooze that relaxed cool vibe. I helped them translate that vibe into a lovely Hippie inspired shoot out in the desert...Joshua Tree to be exact! And since it was to be a mini, California dream wedding, we HAD to have Jackie's dream florist make the arrangements. As usual, Megan of Honey and Poppies knocked it out of the park and created some swoon worth florals!My love, Amber, of Pitbulls and Posies created some amazing stationery for the shoot! Hope Stanley chose the perfect look for Jackie to wear. And Jackie's headband was made by the always breath-taking Lo Boheme!! The talented Susie Chhuor Studio completed Jackie's look with amazing hair & make up (though the desert wind sure did seem determine to mess up Jackie's hair all day!). Lastly, I asked my friend Candice to come along and help me style the shoot! All in all it was a dream team, and Jackie's reaction to the final set up was one of pure joy! She told me it was all she wanted and more and that she was so happy to be getting her dream California wedding! Hooray!!!!I'm so excited to share these photos with y'all! They are some of my faves to date! Hugeeee thank you to all the amazing vendors who worked on this shoot!Floral Design: Honey and Poppies - http://honeyandpoppies.com/Stationery: Pitbulls & Posies - http://pitbullsandposies.com/Wardrobe Styling: Hope Stanley - http://hsbridalstylist.blogspot.com/Dress: Mary Me Bridal - http://marymebridal.com/Hair Adornments: Lo Boheme  - www.loboheme.com Hair + Make-up: Susie Chhuor Studio -  http://www.susiechhuor.com/Set Styling: Candice Benjamin - http://candicebenjamin.com/The sweetheart table was TO DIE FOR!!!!!

The stationery Amber made had the CUTEST motifs! Feathers & cactus! LOVE!

I loved the brass containers Megan used to show off the different blooms and succulents! So lovely! Brides hoping to create a similar look should ask their florist if they can provide such containers and/or start going to flea markets and thrift stores throughout wedding planning to collect the goodies!

These details?? SWOON!!!! I LOVE that Tony wore a light colored suit! And I loved Jackie's look of layered necklaces and bangle bracelets! While traditional diamonds and pearls make lovely wedding day accessories, I think it's really fun to see colored stones (turquoise!!) and a funkier approach to jewelry!

Jackie, you are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

There are literally a MILLION reasons why I love Megan's floral arrangements. Reason #18976? She wrapped this bouquet with crepe paper streamers!!

Ahhhh! Jackie & Tony you are too cute for words!!!!!!! I'm literally SPEECHLESS!


These two are so flirty cute together! LOVES it!

We DIY'd ribbon wands for this shoot! (Which takes like two seconds and basically involves tying ribbon to a stick just fyi). They really made for some FUN photos!

Puttin' that desert wind to good use!

In addition to a sweetheart table, we created this little lounge area so the two could just relax and enjoy each other. This is Jackie + Tony being themselves! Laughing and just living in the moment!

Adorable right?!!!

Check out all the photos from this shoot on Style Me Pretty!

The Lab Costa Mesa Engagement Photography | Skylar + AJ

I am so in LOVE with Skylar + AJ! They are an adorable couple who found me through my husband. The hubs and Skylar were friends way back in the day and have kept in touch over the years via facebook. That's how Skylar learned of my work, and I was so thrilled when she emailed me a few months ago asking me to shoot her wedding!! She told me all about her fiance AJ and their plans for a hip and relaxed wedding at AJ's parents home in San Diego! She even shared with me the cutest power point presentation she made filled with wedding ideas. And every idea was SUPER FABULOUS!  I knew we were a match right away!The engagement session was the first opportunity we had to actually meet in person. It used to make me nervous to first meet a couple at an engagement shoot, but  this year over 50% of my clients have booked me on the spot via email, so I'm getting pretty used to it. The thing is, I become friends with so many of my clients via email and facebook these days, that when the session comes around it feels like we're old friends.  Meeting Skylar + AJ was no different, it was as if we'd been friends for a long time! And it was super easy to jump right into the session! I LOVE that they chose The Lab in Costa Mesa as the backdrop for the engagement photos. The fun, vibrant, funky vibe fits them and their style so well! And Skylar brought along the cutest outfits ever, and some adorbs Tory Burch wedges. LOVE!

I mean seriously, how cute are these two?!?! Looking at these sunny photos just makes me SMILE!!!!

I love this next photo! Sometimes love shows best in the quiet moments.

Skylar, you are too CUTE for words!!!!

I love The Lab because there is always something funky and new to see. This time? A record store in a vintage trailer. Definitely made for some RAD photos!


Fierce + Fabulous! Just how I like it!

Seriously, these are too STUNNING for words! What little models my clients are! ;)

Lookin' good, AJ. Lookin' good!!!


Seriously?! How CUTE are these two?!

Feel free to SWOON over this last one!!!

To see more from this adorable engagement session at The Lab check out the SLIDE SHOW below: