Posts in Info For Photographers
3 Ways Social Media Is Ruining Your Wedding... And What To Do About It!

3 ways social media is ruining your weddingLove it or hate it, social media is here to stay! And while it can be a great resource and add a lot of fun to your wedding planning process, it can also ruin your big day! Wait what? As a wedding photographer, I have seen it happen. The good news is you don't need to fall victim to the social media induced wedding day blues. Here's three ways social media can really ruin your wedding experience and what to do about it so it does not happen to you!1) FACEBOOKSharing big life moments on facebook has become the status quo. It's easy on a big day like your wedding to want to update your status, check out all your likes, and all the lovely words of congratulations people are writing on your wall! However, I am always amazed by how many brides spend a lot of their time in the hair & make up chair looking at their phone & facebook on their wedding day.The Problem: There are three big problems with this. 1) It makes it much harder for your hair and make up artist to do their job when you are constantly checking your phone for updates. 2) It doesn't really look that great in photos to see a bride engrossed in her phone. It's totally not that idealistic image of a bride looking excited as she's being primped, but rather one where a bride looks concentrated on something else other than her wedding day. 3) The biggest problem of all is that it is actually taking you out of the moment of enjoying what is actually happening. Your wedding day only happens once, but your facebook wall will still be full of messages tomorrow. It's so much better to live in the day rather than the social network because, well, YOLO.The Solution:  Turn your phone off or give it to your MOH so you don't feel tempted to check it. Maybe your friend can even periodically check your fb for you and report back. But you should really do your best not to check it and enjoy the moment!2) PINTERESTPinterest is practically synonymous with wedding planning these days. Most brides have several pinterest boards dedicated to wedding inspiration-- everything from their dream decor to must-have shots they want for their wedding pictures. I do love Pinterest and think when used wisely it can be a great resource, but it also has its pitfalls.The Problem: Pinterest creates a LOT of unrealistic expectations for your wedding day which can lead to a lot of disappointment for brides. Keep in mind this: when you are pinning photos you are pinning one or two of the BEST photos of someone's wedding. So your pinterest board is not actually representative of every shot every person gets in one wedding but rather a "best of" compilation of photos from hundreds of different weddings. And there are a lot of unique factors to each wedding such as location, scheduling/timeline, whether or not a couple did a first look, weather and lighting conditions, etc which may make recreating these "best of" shots hard to accomplish. Each wedding is unique so it is very unrealistic to think your full wedding folio will look like the highlights from many other weddings. That's not to say your photos won't be AMAZING, it's just to say they might not be a shot by shot recreation of your pinboard. Beyond just unrealistic expectations for photos, pinterest can also create unrealistic expectations for what is doable in decor. A lot of stuff that is popular on pinterest is from styled photo shoots-- not even real weddings-- and to execute that look for a real event would cost $$$$.The Solution: I am not saying you need to get rid of your pinterest board, just to keep your expectations in check. Use the boards to figure out the overall style you'd like for your pictures or decor, and then find a vendor who fits that style and can create something ORIGINAL just for you within that style. Your original photos created by a photographer you trust are going to be so much more genuine, beautiful, artistic and meaningful than recreations of shots on your pinboard. And heck, a few of them may even end up being popular on pinterest down the road too ;)For further reading on how Pinterest affects your wedding photos I'd highly recommend reading Troy + Aimee Grover's article "A Photographer's Perspective On Pinterest". They have a similar point of view & go into even more detail on the topic!3) INSTAGRAM (or similar photo sharing apps/sites)Your friends, family and sometimes even your bridal party are whipping their phones out to live instagram your wedding day! That might seem great in theory, as you are excited to see some photos from your day right away, but there is a real trade off for this.The Problem: First, by live instagramming the day, your friends and family are not being in the moment with you. I've actually had to ask bridesmaids to stop taking photos of the bride getting into her dress so she could actually be in the photo with the bride and be a part of the getting ready process. Really?! Yes, really. I've seen moms so focused on getting a photo of the bride walking down the aisle with their phone, that their face registered no actual emotion as to what was going on other than the concentrated look of "must take this photo."  It is really so sad, especially since part of the reason you hire a professional photographer like me is so you don't have to get the shots yourself and can enjoy the moment of the day! Second, it actually ruins your pro-photos when you have a bunch of people trying to take amateur pictures. It can be as simple as looking at your ceremony photos and seeing a sea of hands holding iphones where your guests' heads should be. But it can be much worse too. I've had guests get up and stand in the aisle to take pictures during a ceremony blocking or limiting my shots. I've even had a guest during the cake cutting ask me if I could move out of their shot... but I am pretty sure at the end of the day the bride preferred my pro-shot to her guest's blurry instagram one. ;)The Solution: Have an "unplugged" wedding or at the very least an unplugged ceremony. This means asking guests to put away their phones & cameras and not take pictures during the ceremony (or sometimes the entire wedding). You can do this really nicely by putting up a cute sign, a note in the program and/or by having the officiant say something about it prior to the start of the ceremony. I've had several couples do this and it has had a tremendously positive impact on both the photos and the whole mood of the day!In conclusion, I think the common thread here is that all three social media outlets (Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram) detract from your wedding day because in one way or another they take you out of enjoying the moment of your day. Whether it is referring back to your pinterest board to make sure all your "must have shots" got taken, or checking your facebook feed for messages from friends, or your guests jumping up with their phones to take tons of pictures during your ceremony instead of actually watching it, all of these things prevent you from fully experiencing one of the huge milestones of your life. Your wedding day will go fast. Enjoy it fully.



Introducing...THE PHUNKY BOOTH!

I am so excited to introduce this new service to my wedding clients. Its a Portrait Style Photo Booth which I have dubbed... THE PHUNKY BOOTH! For some FAQs about this new service read below!

What IS the Phunky Booth exactly?

The Phunky Booth is a fun and "PHUNKY" alternative to a traditional photo booth that you might rent for your wedding. This booth is like a mini-studio set up at your wedding where guests can get CRAZY and take some hilarious professional pictures. This is not a "booth" that is closed off with a curtain. Me (your photographer, or at times my assistant) operate the Phunky Booth, it is not operated by a machine or your guests.

Why it's BETTER than a traditional photo booth that you might rent?

The Phunky Booth is truly an interactive experience. As the photographer I help your guests get PHUNKY and come up with creative and funny ideas to do in front of the camera. I also compose the photos to make sure the craziness fits in the frame in the best possible way!  These photos are professionally lit and in front of a clean white background so everyone looks pretty darn good. We are shooting with a pro camera so the quality is AMAZING. The images from this booth look beautiful in your wedding album, a companion album or even thank you cards! This booth is something different, something new and fun for guests! In fact, guests and couples usually enjoy and appreciate the photos of guests from a Phunky Booth more-so than traditional group shots and candids. So if shots of all your guests and loved ones having fun at your wedding is important to you, a Phunky Booth is the best way to go! The photos yielded are PRICELESS and will have you giggling for years. Lastly, this booth is also CHEAPER than most photo booths you would rent, so you save a little on your budget and get all your photos (wedding + phunky booth) in a one stop shop with ATP.

Who can order a phunky booth?

ANY of our brides and grooms from now (August 2011) forward can add a phunky booth on to their wedding day coverage. Sorry, this is only a service for our wedding clients. We are not offering at weddings that aren't photographed by us.

Is this an additional cost to my wedding package?

Yes, this is a a la carte service which you can add to ANY wedding package or plain old coverage. It does work best with at least 8 hours coverage though. You can add the service on up to 2 weeks before the big day so you don't need to decide right away. Although I LOVE doing Phunky Booths for my clients, they do require a lot of extra work, both on the day of and in post production, so this is not something I can offer for free.

Does Phunky Booth have on-site prints? No, Phunky Booth is not a booth that spits out prints on site.So how do I get my Phunky Booth images?Your high-res Phunky Booth images will be on your wedding DVD. You will have printing rights to them, just like with your wedding images. You will also get an online proofing gallery for your Phunky Booth pics so guests can view them and order prints if they choose. You will also get a online slideshow of your Phunky Booth pics which is great for sharing on facebook, twitter, email, etc. The slideshow will also be showcased on your wedding website!In addition to everything listed above, you have the ability to order the following products with Phunky Booth pictures:-Add extra spreads to your wedding album. This is cool because we can lay out lots of images in a grid on a spread and you can relive the most hilarious Phunky Booth photos every time you pick up your wedding album!-Order a 6x6 or 8x8 Phunky Booth album as a companion to your main album! Nothing funnier or cuter than a whole lovely album of PHUNKY photos!-Order thank you cards!-Order loose prints (and maybe even send them to guests in your thank you notes)...but how will my guests be able to see the Phunky Booth photos?We make little print out cards to hand to your guests with links for how to view the photos. In addition be sure to share the links to your slideshow, or better yet, your wedding website that I designed for you. If you share these links online (particularly via email or facebook/twitter) they will be sure to find the photos online!If you are shooting my wedding when do you have time to operate Phunky Booth?Good question! We set up your Phunky Booth either just before the ceremony or during cocktail hour. We open the booth during the reception (sometimes even part of cocktail hour if the timeline permits), but only during "down time" or open dancing. We do not leave it open during main events like "the grand entrance" "first dance" "cake cutting", etc because during those times we want your guests to have their attention focused on YOU. We also do not leave it open during dinner because people are eating and also this is usually when we refuel on our vendor meal break. But other than these few moments, the Phunky Booth is open. If we weren't doing a Phunky Booth during these "down time" periods we JUST photograph candids and open dancing shots. But to be honest those are so easy, you really only need one photographer covering that. So for Phunky Booth weddings during down time one photographer captures candids and open dancing shots and the other operates the Phunky Booth, which actually works out perfectly. And you get more photos of your guests this way too!!How much space does Phunky Booth take up? Where will we put it?The phunky booth is a mini-studio set up, and therefore requires about a 12x12 space to set up. Preferably indoors, but if it is an outdoor wedding than by a wall is better. We work with you and often your wedding or venue coordinator BEFORE the big day to plan where we will set it up. I need about a 12x12 space. I like it to be out of the way enough to not mess up your pretty decor but I don't want it to be so far out that guests can't find it!What if we want a different background than just plain white... something that matches our decor?You are welcome to provide a custom background to match your decor if you want. Please check with me for dimensions.Besides hiring you to set up Phunky Booth is there anything I need to do to make it a success? Like, should I supply props?Yes!!! The Phunky Booth is truly a collaborative effort between ME the photographer and YOU the wedding couple! I want every Phunky Booth to be different so I ask that YOU supply the props. Some prop ideas I love:

-funny hats or head pieces (crowns totally count!)

-funny glasses


-dry erase boards so guests can write messages to you

-any kind of signage

-other fun toys or costumes (swords, squirt guns, toy hand cuffs, SILLY STUFF)

I also ask that YOU (not the DJ) take the mic and announce to guests that the Phunky Booth is open for biznass and that you want ALL of them to "get down and dirty" or "bring the PHUNKY" when using it. This gives your guests the permission to be SILLY and let loose. They normally take the word of the wedding couple much more to heart than a generic DJ announcement.Lastly, don't forget to USE the Phunky Booth on your big day! Pull your guests into it and take pics with them! Not only will you appreciate the memories you created with your loved ones, but you will also be encouraging more people to use it!Soooo.... that's my introduction of the Phunky Booth!! Hope it was helpful and has you alllll excited! Of course leave comments with your thoughts or questions!xoxoAsh

FAQ: What's In My Bag

I get asked a lot by both photographers AND clients what gear I use to photograph weddings, so I thought I'd address the issue in a fun FAQ blog post. I'm going to go through what basic gear I use to photograph weddings, and also what I use for back up gear. Because like any good photographer, I OF COURSE have back up gear in case emergency should strike. If you are a photog shooting weddings, please please make sure to always have at least one extra camera body and back up flashes and lenses. Brides, you should always make sure you hire a PRO photographer for your big day (and part of that is of course making sure they have back up gear).Camera Bodies:I have TWO Canon 5D Mark II's. One is my main camera and one is my back up. Also sometimes AJ uses it when he second shoots for me. 5D Mark II is the top of  the line for a pro camera. If you are paying at least $2500 for your photographer, I think you should expect that they have at least a 5D, 7D (even though it is crop sensor) or 1D (if they are Canon shooters, not sure what the Nikon equivalent is!) However, I honestly don't think the camera body is EVERYTHING.  I know plenty of people with 5D Mark II's who don't know how to use it properly and definitely do not deliver pro-quality images. On the other hand I know super skilled photographers, who don't yet have the savings for a 5D, and they shoot AMAZING stuff on a crop-sensor camera. In fact, the first 1.5 years I shot I only had a 40D (a higher-end crop-sensor camera). So I definitely believe a skilled photographer can deliver high quality images with anything from a 40D or higher. They key is really having skills to shoot in manual and having an eye for composition and an ability to direct people on camera. The fancy camera? That's icing on the cake!My back up to my back up is my 40D. As I mentioned above this camera is what I used at the inception of my business and it has always yielded fabulous images! It's definitely still a handy and old reliable part of my bag!Lenses:Before we start, I will let y'all know that I ONLY shoot with PRIME lenses. That means fixed-focal length (they don't zoom). I often get asked why I do that? It started back in college when I was minoring in photography. My professor forbid us to use zooms in class projects. He wanted us to play with moving our bodies, interacting with subjects to create composition. The classes I took with this professor were the foundation of my knowledge in photography, and so I just always learned by using primes. It's natural to me. In addition primes generally are superior in terms of clarity and color. And they have much lower apertures, and I LOVE shooting low apertures. So that's why you won't see any zooms listed below!The 50mm 1.2L - This is my go to lens. It's medium range and basically sees what we see with our eyes. I absolutely LOVE the colors & bokeh (blurry backgrounds) it produces. I also love shooting at low apertures so being able to go down to 1.2 is always fun! This lens also focuses pretty fast and holds the focus well! So that's why I LOVE it and use it the MOST! I use it for details, some portraits, and getting ready.The 35mm 1.4L - I use this lens a LOT! Not as much as my 50mm, but I still love it. This lens is wide but not too wide. There is no distortion on the edges which means it still can be used in portraits. I don't use it too much for portraits but I will use it a little to mix things up and some variety to a portrait session! I love the low aperture-- the bokeh and colors are just beautiful! I use this lens for most group shots on the wedding day-- family formals, and bridal party. I also use this lens for the majority of the reception because it's wide angle allows me to tells a great story.The 135mm 2.0L - This is my prime alternative to the 70-200mm which most photographers use for ceremonies. I like it more for a few reasons-- it's lighter and I can hold it steadier, it opens wider which lets in more light for dark church weddings, it's still very close and can capture reactions in a big church, it produces beautiful color and focuses fast. This lens is also beautiful for portraits and sometimes I do use it in portraits...but mostly this is my ceremony lens!The 85mm 1.8 - I LOVE this lens! Eventually I probably will want the 85mm 1.8, but I do love this one just how it is! It focuses fast (where as the 1.2 focuses much slower), and it's much lighter than the 1.2! It also yields beautiful color & images. I use this lens primarily for portraits, along with the 50mm and a touch of the 35mm. It gets close up for beautiful expressions and gorgeous headshots, but you have to back up far if you want a full body shot! I sometimes will also use this lens in smaller ceremonies.The 100mm Macro 2.8 - This is a fab macro lens and of course I use it most for ring shots and other little details at a wedding, but it's also a GREAT portrait lens! I use it for jewelry details, lockets or brooches on bouquets, beading and lace detail on a wedding gown, and anything else little and special that might pop up! I also use this lens TONS in boudoir sessions as both a portrait lens and to capture small sexy details like a woman's eyelashes.  This was one of the first lenses I ever purchased, and while I don't think it should be every photographer's first big purchase, I think it is might lovely and handy!The back ups: 28mm 1.8 + 50mm 1.4- These were the two lenses, along with the Macro and 85, that got me through my first 1.5 years of business. They are affordable prime lenses and work FANTASTIC! The quality is amazing. While I definitely see an improvement in color and clarity with my L lenses, these lenses still rock and get the job done. Again, it's more about the photographer's skill than the gear itself. An L lens can only deliver so much without a good photographer using it, and conversely these more affordable lenses don't really hold a good photographer back! So while I don't really use these two much anymore, I still think they are awesome and recommend it to any photographer starting out or looking to experiment in shooting PRIME only. These lenses now act for me as a back up, in case GOD FORBID, a lens should break at a wedding. This awful scenario does seem to happen a lot so it's always good to make sure you're covered with back ups. And that's what these lenses do for me!Flashes:I have THREE 580 exII's! These are the fastest flashes by Canon and rely on them for receptions and dark spaces! I use one of these off-camera at the reception. And one is my back up.Other goodies:LED Video Lights  + Pocket Wizards + Reflectors + Lightstands. These are little extra things that make the day run smoothly. Pocket wizards allow for me to fire flashes remotely so I can do some fun off-camera flash stuff at the reception or for a few fun night portraits if a couple is into that sorta thing! I use the video lights to shoot lovely details in a dark reception space. They create a nice soft light, and you can adjust the color, so I like the look much better for details than I like the look of harsh flash. I also have a 5-1 bounce reflector, and I use this rarely but it does help for bouncing flash in specific situations. Also sometimes it can be helpful when light is ridiculously harsh and there are no "natural reflectors" around.***So that's what's in my bag! Every photographer has their own style and own lenses of choice and this is what I like to shoot with. If you're a photographer, I hope this helps you in knowing what works for me and why I choose the lenses I do in any given situation. I also hope you remember to ALWAYS HAVE A BACK UP!As a bride or potential bride, don't get too caught up in what lenses your photographer uses. If you like the images on their site, trust they know how to deliver that caliber and quality to you with the gear they have. It's most important for you to know from your photographer if he or she has a variety (at least 3) lenses and back up for all their gear (extra camera bodies, extra flashes, extra batteries for ALL gear) in case something goes wrong! From a bride's perspective, knowing your photographer has enough to gear to not only shoot the wedding but shoot the wedding assuming one or two key items breaks, THAT'S what's important!Also, for brides, while I don't advocate evaluating a photographer solely based on gear (because as I've said 100x above, good gear does NOT always equal good photographer/ and mediocre gear doesn't always equal mediocre photographer), I do think if you are shelling out over $3000 for photographer you should expect good gear (like 5D Mark II bodies and a few L lenses if they are Canon). If you are a low budget bride on the other hand (meaning photography budget $2000 or under) I don't think you can or should except the TOP gear from your photographer. If the photographer charges less than they make less which means they have less to invest in gear. OR they are just starting out and starting to build their bag. That's just my two cents on the matter, but I do think in general people "get what they pay for" so some one paying more can expect a little more from their photographer on the gear front. ;)

FAQ: Wedding Day Timelines

Wedding day timelines are something couples ask me about quite frequently. After all, planning a wedding timeline is crucial to making the most out of the time you contract your photographer for. All couples want to make sure I am there to capture their day from getting ready to garter/bouquet toss, and planning a timeline is KEY to that.Typically, your wedding coordinator will create a complete timeline of the day, talking of course to the photographer and making the most out of your contracted time. When my clients are unable to afford a coordinator, I always help them to create a great timeline for how photography will unfold throughout the day!I wanted to write a FAQ article discussing very standard timelines and also how many hours most couples truly need from their photographer so here goes...

How many hours are offered in your collections, and how many hours do I need?Most couples need between 6-8 hours for their wedding day. In all honesty, weddings with all the traditional events happening (ie first dance, toasts, parent dances, cake cutting, bouquet/garter) will probably need 8 hours. But it is very rare that a couple needs more than 8 hours. The only situations I have seen where a couple needs additional hours beyond 8 is when: 1) there is an additional event/ceremony, like a tea ceremony and then a western ceremony, 2) there is a large break between a church ceremony and reception (any break longer than 2 hours), 3) the couple wants extra reception events photographed such as table visits, money dance, special performances, or a grand exit with sparklers. Barring these three circumstances, you will likely not need anything over 8 hours of time.My packages come with either 6 or 8 hours of photography depending on the collection you select. You are always welcome to add additional hours as well on the a la carte menu. Interested in my pricing and collections? Please inquire to set up a time for a consultation.What events do you try to cover in all your weddings?I always try to get getting ready shots for the bride (the groom depends on where he gets ready and how much time you have contracted me for), family formal portraits, bridal party portraits, bride and groom portraits, ceremony coverage, candids of the couple, bridal party, family and other guests through out the day, your decor details, and at least some of the reception. To me the story of your wedding day does start with getting ready and I LOVE to photograph that. The other events I listed are also so important to capturing the iconic images of your day that you will treasure for a lifetime, and I would not miss ANY of them!Can you give me an example of a standard 6 hour timeline?Sure thing! Here is an example of a recent 6 hour wedding I did. As you can see many of the traditional events were captured, though they were condensed into a short amount of time. Also the couple did skip a few traditions, which did allow for everything they wanted covered to be covered. The six hours is perfect for couples who want to work with me but are on a budget, or for couples who are not having a very traditional wedding.

  • 4:00pm - Photographers arrive just as bride is close to being done with hair/make up. Photographers photograph hanging dress, shoes, bouquet, rings as well as candids of the bride getting ready and getting into her dress
  • 5:30pm - First Look and a few quick couples portraits
  • 5:45 - Family Formal Portraits
  • 6:10 - Bridal Party Portraits
  • 6:40 - Bride, Groom, Bridal Party to freshen up/relax before ceremony. Photographers photograph ceremony details
  • 7:00pm - Ceremony Begins
  • 7:20pm - Ceremony Ends
  • 7:25pm - Bride & Groom Romantics / Guests at Cocktail Hour
  • 7:55pm - Bride & Groom to enjoy 2nd half of cocktail hour. Photographers to photograph reception details in the finished but empty reception area. Also photograph some candids and groups during cocktail hour.
  • 8:25pm - Guests asked to take their seats for reception
  • 8:35pm - Grand Entrance
  • 8:40pm - First Dance
  • 8:45pm - Toasts/ Dinner Served
  • 9:45pm - Cake Cutting
  • 9:50pm - Bouquet/Garter Toss
  • 10:00pm - Open Dancing/ Photography contract ends

See? Easy peasy and perfect for couples on a budget and/or who aren't doing all the typical traditions. Also please note, the timeline above assumes all events of the day happen at one location (meaning you get ready, have the ceremony and reception all at your wedding venue).

Can you give me an example of a standard 8 hour timeline?

Yes I sure can! 8 hours really is better for couples who are having all the traditional stuff or are not having all wedding events at one location. It is a little bit more of an investment but the cost is totally worth it for the extra coverage. Also, all of my collections that come with 8 hours include some extra goodies like canvases, print credits, and even albums in some collections! An 8 hour timeline is also definitely necessary if there are multiple locations for a wedding (as in hotel for getting ready, church for ceremony, venue for reception). But even with everything all happening at one space, which is the case for many wedding venues, 8 hours is still so helpful to ensure a smooth day, with the ENTIRE story covered!

Here is a standard 8 hour timeline for a wedding all taking place at ONE venue/location:

  • 1:30 - Photographers arrive as bride is near done with hair/make up. Photographer to capture Bride's details (hanging dress, shoes, bouquet, rings, jewelry). Bride Getting ready shots/candids, and capture bride getting into her dress. Groom getting ready shots, if he is also getting ready at the same hotel/venue.
  • 3:00 - Bridal portraits in getting ready room
  • 3:15 -  The First Look
  • 3:30 - Bride & Groom couples photos - at an offsite location or around venue grounds (depends per wedding, sometimes it's great to go to a nearby place to really change things up)
  • 4:15 - Family Formals at venue
  • 4:45 - Bridal Party Pictures at venue
  • 5:15 - Bride & Groom/Bridal Party relax freshen up for ceremony. Photographers to capture ceremony details
  • 5:30 - Ceremony
  • 5:55 - Ceremony Ends
  • 6:00 - Cocktail Hour
  • 6:00-6:15 - Quick sunset shots with bride & groom
  • 6:30 - Photographers to shoot reception details in empty, but set-up reception area and also cocktail hour candids/group shots
  • 7:00 - Guests asked to take their seats at reception
  • 7:10 - Grand Entrance
  • 7:15 - First Dance
  • 7:20 - Toasts
  • 7:40 - Dinner is served
  • 8:45 - Parent Dances
  • 8:55 - Open Dancing
  • 9:10pm - Cake Cutting
  • 9:20pm - Bouquet/Garter
  • 9:30 - Photography Contract Ends

As you can see this timeline covers EVERYTHING, and is also a little more buffered in case things go wrong or run late (which they often times do)! Also some of the extra portrait time can be taken out and transferred to travel time, if you are traveling to multiple locations on your wedding day. This is just one example, and as you can see it's a very flexible model. That is why 8 hours is the perfect fit for 90% of my couples.So, the time I contract you for is continuous? You cannot do say four hours in the morning, take a break, and come back for four hours of coverage in the evening?When you book photography coverage with me, you are booking me for a CONTINUOUS amount of time. That means the clock starts from agreed upon arrival time, and runs out 6 or 8 hours later. I can not offer your coverage to be split up. So this is why it's essential to plan out a timeline to make the most of your day. MOST photographers operate this same way, and it is important to take that into consideration when initially planning your day. In the early stages of planning, work to having all your events nearby (both in time and location). Do not book a 11:00am church ceremony and 6:00pm reception as that would cause some *major* timeline issues and will probably make staying in your photography budget much more challenging.What else do I need to know to have an efficient wedding day time line?I am a HUGE advocate of a first look and wrote all about what it is and how it helps the flow of your day/timeline here.Still have more timeline questions? Leave them in a comment below, I am happy to answer them!

WPPI 2011 Recap

So it's been, like, a MONTH since WPPI...and I never blogged about it. But I should have because it was awesome sauce.For those who don't know WPPI is the largest Wedding and Portrait Photographers conference and it takes place in Vegas every year. For some photogs it's play, for some it's networking, for some it's a great learning experience, but for me it was all of the above. My days were filled jam packed with going to workshops/lectures, perusing the trade show, rocking photo shoots, hanging out with fellow photographers and FINE DINING of course. ;)I carpooled roomed with two of my favorite people ever, Candice and Sarina...On the drive up it snowed....So we pulled to the side of the road and took a few photos...of course!It was pretty cold and wet so our photo session lasted about 5 minutes.... For Sarina, maybe two minutes! hehe!Candice will brave anything for a photo which is why I <3 her!The major highlights of my experience (besides eating at Bobby Flay's restaurant) were the photo shoots I got to take part of. I will be posting pics from these two very Vegas shoots asap! So stay tuned for those!Another highlight was seeing one of my albums used as a sample for the Leather Craftsmen booth at the trade show. Leather Craftsmen only had like 10 or so albums at their booth so mine really stood out! Take a look...So cool!The other thing I did at WPPI was go to several different favorite speaker was definitely Jill La Fleur who spoke about wedding photography from a planner's perspective! It was so interesting. Plus she decorated the conference room like it was a gorgeous wedding! It was sooooo beautiful and impressive! Made me kinda fall in <3 with her!So that's my little WPPI recap. Can't wait for next year! Stay tuned for posts about my photo shoots!

Ashleigh Taylor Photography: Behind The Scenes!

I was inspired by J*'s post to also dig through all my photos from the year and try to show some pictures of me in action at weddings! You know just in case anyone is wondering what it's like behind the scenes when Ashleigh Taylor Photography shoots a wedding! I really wish I had thought more of this in advance-- like January 2010 in advance-- because unfortunately I don't have pics of me at every wedding I shot! Its kinda I wasn't even there...except I was! Oh I was! But I figured, let me show you the fun and funny photos I do have of me in action! So without further ado, here I all my glory...shooting weddings!!! :::drumrolls::I'm a shorty so I always try to find chairs I can stand on...Yeah, I'll do anything to grab a shot!

Sometimes I'm a little touchy-feely to get just the right pose from my clients!!

I LOVE showing my clients photos from the back of the camera and seeing how excited they get! That always makes me happy!!

Um, I dunno what's going on here. I was clearly intensely focused on something! And thanks to the hubs for capturing me looking oh so sexy! ;)

I LOVE when I get to shoot alongside my hubby!! We make an awesome team!!

Awwwww me + Laurie at Pam + Justin's wedding! Laurie is my photog friend from DC, so when I shot Pam's DC wedding I HAD to have her along to 3rd shoot! Shooting with friends always yields fab pics!

I'm so adorable! Right???? Clearly I am.

Again, I LOVE showing my brides how dang gorgeous they look!! I think they love the instant feedback too! ;)

Always love getting a shot with my clients! Because by the time the wedding rolls around, my clients have become my good friends! Love you Ryan + Kristina! <3

Where's waldo?! I mean Ashleigh. Where's Ashleigh? I DARE you to find me in this photo. And hint, I'm standing on a chair again! ;)

I also LOVEEEEE getting photo booth pics at weddings!! Here is one from when I shot with [b]ecker!
Here are some super fun pics from Tyler + Christine's wedding! LOVE how much fun they had in the booth with me & AJ!!
It's okay, you can admit we are hilarious!!
Lastly, here is I am with Cindee at Roy + Kristine's wedding. I kinda told Cindee I wouldn't post this....but I can't resist!! SO please everyone leave comments telling her how very cute she is!!
Oh the memories! I LOVED every single wedding I shot in 2010! All my clients were AMAZING and I'm so thankful to them for enabling me to live the dream! ;) I can't WAIT for my 2011 weddings and already love all my 2011 brides! ;) And, I'm also excited for the 2011 brides I have yet to meet! So if you are getting married in 2011,  I'd love to hear from you and chat to see how I can be a part of your big day!!! ;)
FAQ: Post Processing...How are the files you recieve edited?

I have been meaning to write this FAQ post for awhile. A LONG while! It is intended for my clients and potential clients that want clarification on exactly how processed the final images they receive on disc will be. But if you are a fellow photographer, I am hoping this will help you out as well!! I know I had a lot of these questions when I was first starting out! So here goes, a few FAQ on post processing!What is your editing style?My editing style is vibrant but still classic and true to life. I like my photos to be timeless, and therefore I try to stay away from trends. Ever noticed how mom's wedding album from the 1980's looks so...dated? Sorry, mom, but it does! I NEVER want my clients to look back on their images and cringe and say "Ugh, what were we thinking?!" So I personally am not a fan of textures, antiqued images, or selective coloring (when most of the image is black and white and a part of it is left in color) or any other hot trends. If you like all those effects I just listed, that is totally fine! It just means I am probably not the photographer for you!All in all, I really believe that if I edit my images to look just like a slightly enhanced version of how the photo looked when I shot it, if I edit my images to stay true to life, the photos will feel more real and genuine. They will last the test of time. And they will ultimately best document exactly how things were on your wedding day. And that is super important to me!How many images from my wedding will I receive?A typical 8 hour wedding will yield somewhere between 800-1000 images. Think of it this way, I shoot about 100 images per hour!Will the final images I receive be edited?All of the 800-1000 images you receive from your wedding day will be color corrected, which is a form of editing. You will NEVER receive anything straight out of the camera. Rest assured that all your images are given attention, care and have been enhanced in some way. Now here is where things get a little confusing...The images you will see on the blog, in your slideshow, and also the images that will go into your album will all be fully edited by me!Most brides get a little confused on what the exact difference is between a "color corrected" image and a "fully edited" image. I'm hoping to clear up that confusion. Here is an example of the same image going through the three editing stages. The first image is straight out of the camera (abbreviated "sooc"). This image has NOT been altered at all. It is exactly how I shot it. As you can see, it is exposed properly and the colors are more or less pretty good. There isn't a TON that needs to be done to this image. Mainly what I see here is that I want to warm this up a bit, add a tad of saturation/contrast to make it pop a little bit more, and also brighten this image a bit (specifically the skin of the bride and bridesmaids). I almost ALWAYS feel that I need to slightly brighten skin tones when I see a sooc image.Below is the "color corrected" image. For you photogs or photography enthusiasts out there, the color correcting is done in Lightroom. I actually do not color correct the images myself. I send them to Kenny at Fotofafa because he seriously makes my images fab and makes my life and my clients so much happier (more on that below).  Anywho, ALL the images my brides receive from their wedding will be COLOR CORRECTED. And this is where most brides get confused...what is color correcting and how is it different than a full edit? The color correcting isn't quite as fine tuned as a full edit, but as you can see it is pretty close. The colors are much warmer, a bit more vibrant, and the image is much brighter. I think we can agree this image is an improved version of the sooc image! It is simply prettier! And I want to make sure that ALL the 800-1000 images that my brides get from their wedding are pretty images!Lastly, we have the fully edited version. All the images I blog and put in your online slideshow are fully edited. You will receive these bonus edited images (which usually ends up being between 40-75 images) in addition to all the color corrected ones. Additionally, ALL images that go into your album will be fully edited. Any prints or other products you receive in your collection, or that you choose to buy, will all have been fully edited by me.So how is the fully edited image below different from the color corrected image? Well as you can see this one is a little more fine tuned. Instead of brightening the whole image, I was able to JUST brighten the skin of the bride and bridesmaids. I also slightly upped the saturation/contrast of this image and slightly warmed it. I did not choose to warm it up quite as much as the color corrected image. I like this version best because it is the most natural looking to me, while still being bright and having vibrant colors!Here is one more example of one image going through all three stages:As you can see in the example above, the sooc image seems a little dark because they were back-lit. Also the colors are a little cold and blue-ish. The color-corrected image is much warmer and brightened just a bit. It is definitely an improved version of the sooc image! Lastly, the fully edited image is a bit more fine tuned. I not only brightened the entire image, but I also went in and brightened the bride and groom's skin which gives them a little more pop! I warmed the image but very subtly and also added a subtle amount of contrast and saturation. I love that my final edit is classic-- the colors are true to life, but still very vibrant. Which is a defining aspect of my style. I also love how the bride and groom pop a bit more than the original sooc image!Brides also often ask me if I retouch skin or edit out pimples and such. To be honest, I don't usually need to do this much. I shoot in such a way (with the lens wide open) that seems to make every one's skin look creamy and smooth. I also always try to overexpose the skin just a TAD, which is another little trick that makes skin look smooth. Our eyes read brightness as smoothness, so if the skin is just a tad bright our eyes read it as smooth and delicious!  However, if someone does have a blemish they are unhappy with I will go ahead and take it out when I fully edit an image (for the blog, slideshow, album, canvas, or professional print). Color corrected images, however, do not get treatment like blemish removal.My final note on this whole retouching thing, I really try to keep your images looking natural. That means having YOU look like YOU. Sometimes I get requests like "can you edit me so I look 15 pounds thinner?" or "Can you make my nose smaller" etc. The thing is, and I am gonna keep it real here, I am a PHOTOGRAPHER, I ain't a magazine retoucher so, no I really can't do that. I just don't have that skill. But even if I had that skill, I'd still have to say no. Because I want you to look like you in your pics. I want you to feel confident in who you are. I want you to see that the beautiful girl in your photos and know it isn't retouched, it really is YOU. Exactly how you are! Because seriously? All my brides are gorgeous inside and out!What about engagement, mr. + mrs. and boudoir sessions? Are those images color corrected or edited or both?For an engagement, mr. and mrs., or boudoir session you will receive 50 images. All these images have been fully edited by me! You will not receive any images that have only been color corrected from one of these shoots. For boudoir sessions I spend the most time hand editing the photos to make sure everything is looking its best, which is also why boudoir sessions cost more than regular portrait sessions! But again, no magazine retouching here!Why do you outsource your color correcting for wedding images? How does it benefit me as a client?I outsource my images for a few reasons. For one, it is a MAJOR time saver. Color correcting around 1000 images takes some serious time on my part. And in the thick of busy wedding season, I can get really backed up with edits. Before I started outsourcing it would take me wayyy to long to get my clients their images. And really, that's not how I roll. I don't like taking a long time to show my clients their pictures. I mean, I remember what it was like to be a bride! Waiting to relive your day is AGONIZING. So anything that helps me turnaround images faster to clients is my friend!The other reason I outsource is because honestly? I am not a specialist in color correcting. I did not get into photography to become a color corrector...I got into photography to take fabulous images. And to work with happy, fun, vibrant people. So while I can do a basic and decent job at color correcting, it's neither my strong suit or my passion. But the cool thing is that it just so happens to be someone else's strong suit and passion. And that means they do a way better job than me. By outsourcing to someone who is more skilled in-- and more passionate about-- color correcting, I am able to deliver my client THE BEST product possible! Which is what I aim for in every aspect of my business....I hope this post was informative and may have answered some of your questions regarding how I process my images, and for my clients I hope you have a better understanding of how your final images will look when you receive them! If anyone has any more questions on this topic, or even any other FAQ they'd like to see answered here on the blog, please let me know below in the comments section! I am happy to help!

Hitched Event: A Review of a Bridal Show for Hipsters!

Last Thursday, my friend Sarina and I headed over to The Smog Shoppe in Culver City for Hitched Event. Hitched is kinda like a bridal show. But for hipsters. And like 10 million times cooler than your average bridal show.  There weren't exactly booths per se for each vendor. But there were little displays here and there that gave you the idea of what your wedding could look like at The Smog Shoppe and also gave you a taste of each vendor's style and goods. Although I am no longer a bride planning a wedding, I wanted to go to meet new vendors, see what is up and coming in the wedding industry, and to see Smog Shoppe in person. It's right by my house and I had heard it was a gem of a wedding venue. But I had never seen it, so that HAD to change! heheI gotta say I really dig Smog Shoppe as a wedding venue!! Like, if I can pleaseeee book a 2011 wedding at Smog Shoppe I will be an incredibly happy camper!!  It's a super hip indoor/outdoor space. Very modern but also a little vintage. There's something about it that's just FUN. It's definitely not a very traditional or elegant venue. But it is definitely a great spot for brides who want something different, modern with a hint of vintage, vibrant, chic and fun. It's an elbows on the table kinda venue while still being classy. And that is just so my style.I really, of course, enjoyed the Enjoy Cupcakes trailer! I was lucky enough to get to work with Amber and Kevin of Enjoy and Jenni and Jamie's wedding! There cupcakes are DELISH and their set up could not be cuter. I was recovering from my tummy flu that day so I couldn't try all their samples (gosh darn it) but the two cuppies I did manage to have were divine! Seriously brides, run don't walk to Enjoy Cupcakes!I also enjoyed looking at the display Lo Boheme and Untamed Petals had up. Both girls make sassy bridal hair adornments and I am in LOVE. I love love love sassy hair adornments on brides. Flowers. Birdcage veils. Feathers. Augghh. Just swoon.Another major highlight was all the different tablescapes that were set up. Each one was so unique and had such great style. Any bride would be lucky to work with any of the event stylists and floral designers that were featured. There was seriously some really lovely work. My favorite was probably by Jesi Haack (a planner/stylist that I am just dyingggg to work with) and Dandelion Ranch (amazing florals) because theirs was so very dramatic and clever. They created a hanging centerpiece and used tin cans as the vessels for all the flowers. It struck me because it was so beautiful and yet, it could probably be done on budget as the main motif was tin cans. I know money is tight right now for everyone and every bride has a budget to stick to...but brides! You don't have to sacrifice good design and style. If you think outside the box even tin cans (which you can easily collect over the year of planning) can look so chic as wedding decor! So yeah, Jesi + Dandelion Ranch rock on with your vision!Lastly, Sarina and I had our kicks in the Smile Booth which is a portrait style photobooth. They don't do prints on site but you can download them on their site after the event. Which is what I did. I love that they had such cute props available for us to use...I mean how can I turn down a sign that says "Ride Em Cowboy!"So all in all I really liked Hitched Event and I hear they will be doing round 2 soon! So 2011 brides, you should consider going! They had a lot more fun, creative ideas than your average bridal expo. And really hip vendors!! I would seriously be happy to work with ANY of the vendors showcased at Hitched. All of them are A+++  So follow Hitched's blog and go to the next one! It'll get your planning juices flowing!

WPPI Recap

I'm awful & never wrote about my first time at WPPI!!! Shame on ME! Okay well better late than never, right? Right!For those who don't know WPPI is like the world's biggest wedding & portrait photographers conference/convention held annually in Vegas. And they aren't kidding with the world's biggest thing, its HUGE! Much love to my friend Brittany Moncrief for giving me the free pass she won when she realized she wouldn't be able to attend! You ROCK Britt!The platform classes are great but for me it was all about the Tradeshow. I am really dedicated to offering *the best* products to my clients and also to partnering with the best companies so that I can give my clients an amazing experience from their initial point of contact with me to the delivery of their album-- and everything in between! So needless to say, I had a lot of research to do! And luckily I think I did a great job of seeing what's out there, and definitely have major changes coming soon!Here are some new things happening at Ashleigh Taylor Photography:-I now am a  user of Tave Studio Management services. Tave is great because their software provides me a way to manage all my clients & the workflow attached to the packages they book! No more post-its full of reminders strewn everywhere around my house! Now I have all my to do's in one place! I also can manage my calender through Tave so double bookings and confusions will never be an issue (NOT THAT IT EVER WAS), but I say better to be safer now than sorry at some point! I can also track finances through Tave and export to Quickbooks (which is my main way of tracking finances). But the bestie thing about Tave is that it allows my clients to have their own online lounge where they can book me, electronically sign their contract, and view invoices! No more snail mailing of contracts, no more waiting around for copies to come through! We can get contracts done in a jiffy, and my clients can have a PDF of it saved to their computer and if they want they can print it for their records. I can do the same! Simple! And this paperless system is also GREEN! If you know anything about me, you know I'm an environment-loving, save planet Earth preaching, green/organic lifestyle nut! So being able to go green in this respect makes me very happy! Can't wait to finish setting this up, and having things be easy peasy for my clients (and for me too)!-Album Exposure! This is another biggie! Now my clients can easily view their album designs online. The viewer can be set to have a flip-through page-turning experience (like viewing a real album) or a slideshow experience! You can leave comments on each spread and this way I can see the exact changes you want me to make!  If you like the design you can also approve it! Super simple! And once its approved the system will send it right to the manufacturer to get the printing started ASAP! Isn't that fab?! So far the client response has been great! And I can't wait to share more designs with my clients soon!-Speaking of Albums...WPPI was great because I realized I truly do offer *the best* quality albums to my clients! After seeing the rest, I can soundly say I really did choose the best vendors out there! Seriously. My album companies ROCK!-Black Rapid Women's Strap! Ok this isn't out yet but when its released, honey, I am FIRST in line to buy it! This is a strap that holds your camera ina certain way for more comfort, less weight on your neck, better posture, and easier access. I loved this darned thing! When it comes out it will be a life-changer for me!-Shootsac's new Shoot & Tote. This also isn't available for purchase yet but I know I do want it! This isn't a product so much for weddings, but more a personal bag to take out when I travel. It fixed the need for having a way to discreetly carry your camera, a lens, and all the other crap a lady needs when she is out and about for the day, all in one handy-dandy, easy to carry bag. I NEED this. I often don't bring my pro-camera on trips or excursions because it can get soooo heavy, I am worried about theft and/or damage, and I have to also carry a purse and maybe a bag with a towel/sweater/water bottle/maps/travel guide etc. I hate feeling like a bag lady, and I hate being bogged down when I'm on the go, so to speak. Case in point- I only used my point-and-shoot at WPPI  because my DSLR was a huge inconvenience. So this product really solves the problem! And I LOVE that. I hope to get this before our DC trip so I can document the whole adventure!!! ;)Hrmmmm I think that somes up my WPPI tradeshow hilights! And some of the immediate affects I see it having on me, my business & therefore my clients!On a personal note, I also had a BLASSSSSSSSST dancing all night at the KISS/Pictage/Shoot-Q party held at Studio 54! A night to go down in infamy for sure!And lastly I'll leave you with a photo of me & friends with J* at the Tradeshow, cause everyone loves a little Jasmine Star right?


I absolutely heart my Shootsac! For those of you who don't know what Shootsac is, its a lens bag NOT a camera bag! You wear it while you shoot, and it hold your lenses while you hold your camera. This way when you want to switch lenses, you have 3 choices right at your fingertips. I especially love this, because I only shoot prime lenses which means I often need to switch lenses!I love this bag because its light and unobtrusive! I am a TINY human being. If you haven't met me, you don't realize I'm sure...but I'm only 4'11" and weigh about 85lbs. So I hate bulky bags or bags made with heavy materials. Hey, my lenses are heavy enough thank you very much ;)

Another cool thing about Shootsac is that its fashionable. Shootsac makes interchangeable covers so you can have your bag match your brand, your mood, your style.When I saw this HOT pink cover at the Shootsac Holiday party I squealed, "OMG this is soooo me!" It just is. The colors, the very me. So my taste and personality. Better yet its one of the limited covers, because it was a sample that never went into production, so not many people have it. One thing I hate is to be like everyone else. I really HATE when someone has my exact clothes or jewelry or purse or whatever. So this cover is awesome because I can feel unique when I rock it!

So photogs out there, if you don't own a shootsac what are you waiting for homies?! And brides & grooms who probably are thinking there is nothing in this post for them... au contraire... you can rest assured your photog will always be able to get the shot, because my lenses are always on hand! Sweet, right?
The Jasmine Star Workshop

Tuesday was a great day. A fabulous day. A Jasmine Star day. But let's start with Monday. I met 19 other photographers and Jasmine Star for a dinner/mixer thingy at Javier's. It was really fun to get to know everyone in person! You see I had become facebook friends with these people, followed them on Twitter, and even stalked there blogs. But the internet is one thing. Real life? That's something different entirely. So ooooh boy was I relieved to see how friendly and open everyone was. Everyone was so supportive. And a few people even said how much they admired my blog and work, which almost made me cry. Really? ME?!! I needed to be pinched. A year ago I would have never imagined this for myself. When Jasmine arrived she was so friendly, down to earth and personable! She truly is sucha giving and generous person. I thought I'd be a bumbling fool in front of her, but she made me feel like an old friend. She is truly that cool!! Then she treated us to Pinkberry and I nearly died! How deliciously sweet! Oh J* you know the way to my heart is through my tummy ;)By the start of The Workshop Tuesday morning, I felt like old friends with everyone. Not intimidated at all but just ready to learn. We spent the morning talking about branding, which was so helpful as its a concept that I didn't fully understand. I didn't take any photos of Jasmine talking 'cause y'all I was taking notes! I don't mess around with note taking. I wanted to get every word of what she had to say down on paper. But I did take a few pics of the pretty stationary Jasmine gave its branded ;)

Jasmine reiterated a concept I already knew to be true. A hand written note goes a long way! I will be saving this one for sure ;)

One thing that really struck me about Jasmine is how self aware and deliberate she is. Everything in her business is done with clear understanding and reason. Its like "I am doing this because of this..."And I think that being intentional is such a key part to running a consistent, successful, well defined business. This year I will be spending A LOT of time further developing my brand, and being intentional with what I do in my business. No more just doing because I feel I am supposed to do it that way or because peers seem to do it a certain way. No more haphazard actions or intentions. I will be intentional and aware from now on!My other favorite part of the day was of course THE PHOTO SHOOT. Oh my gosh! First can we talk about the yummy prettiness going on here?! The models, married couple Jodi and Matt, were so good looking it hurts, and also sooo sweet together! The hair and make up was done by Vivian Tran's All Made Up Team. The divine jewelry was provided by Noaki Jewelry. And Jodi's breathtaking dress was designed by Joan Shum. I'm kinda in total awe of Joan's work! Its just so unique and fashion forward-- pure art, to say the least! Make sure to check out Joan's etsy store!

I would always read on Jasmine's blog how she uses "natural reflectors" to get stunning images even in the harshest of lighting conditions and I had NO CLUE what the heck she meant! Thankfully, Jasmine planned the day with this lesson in mind. Our photoshoot was in full day sun with harsh light, and J* showed us how to rock it out using natural reflectors. And it all clicked. J* you are a smart one, you really are. I will be using this technique all the time!!!

Jasmine wanted us to all walk away with a signature image from this shoot! The following image is most definitely mine!!

The florals were provided by Kristin of The Treasured Petal, someone who's work I've been obsessed with for awhile now! She just comes up with the most stunning arrangements. And I loved the bouquet and boutonniere she designed for this shoot! Just lovely!

Jodi you are stunning! Really really stunning!

I'll end this post with the group shot!! I'm the silly little blonde one in the lower right ;)
Thank you again so much Jasmine & JD for being so open, honest and generous! This was such an amazing experience, and I know will make me a much better photographer and businesswoman! To Diandra, Kristy, Melissa, Ellie, Lara, Caitlin, Meng, Laurie, Sia, Suzanne, Anna, Anna Kim, Carrie, John, Angela, Janna, Molly, Brittany, Tracy, Jennifer and Cori -- thank you all for being so awesome! I had so much fun getting to know you and hope we can all stay in touch! I am excited to see where 2010 takes you!!! :)
Spread The Love with Justin & Mary Marantz

Friday I attended the Los Angeles stop of The Spread The Love Tour, which is an amazing LIFE workshop given by Justin and Mary Marantz. :) It was the MOST inspirational, life-changing, and eye-opening day ever. No understatement there. Not at all! I learned a lot about how to improve my business, but also how to improve my life. It was not only full of new info, but it also served as a reminder to take time for me and my relationships with friends and family. I can't stop talking about Spread The Love-- the way you can't stop talking about a good movie. I'm a little obsessed!The last few days I have spent doing my "homework" from this workshop, like writing down my goals for 2010 and reviewing them, and creating my "ideal client profile", and figuring out how to give my clients the BEST experience possible. And I have been brainstorming. And I have been talking my hubby's poor ear off.  And I've been not only dreaming, but DOING.That's the key you know, and what the workshop was all about, being a DOER and how to not let the stress of "real life" get you away from that. It reminded me a bit of my quote under my picture in my high school senior yearbook, "Don't dream it, be it!" Yes, that quote was from one the finest movies of all time. Yes, I'm talking about The Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;)The workshop ended with us each writing a eulogy for ourselves, basically its us saying how we'd like to be remembered after we pass. We were told we could share and read it aloud, but I get REALLY nervous when I have to get up in front of "the class" so to speak, and read something I wrote. Like my heart pounds and my hands shake and my voice shakes too. Soooo I chickened out. But I really don't mind sharing something so personal, as long as I don't need to stand and read it to ya'! So here it is. My eulogy, or really a rough draft of it. It's exactly what I wrote in the 10 minutes we were given in the workshop:

Ashleigh was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and auntie. She was kind to all animals, and was an advocate for their rights and well-being. She took care of the people who touched her life, and she touched the lives of many. She fought against the many injustices that people in the world faced. She lived passionately, enthusiastically and she had a laugh that would knock your socks off. And she laughed a lot-- she never missed an opportunity to laugh or smile that big smile of hers. She accomplished her goals and wasn't afraid to live the life she wanted, even if it was sometimes difficult. She always marched to the beat of her own drum. She did all she could to make the world a better place when she left than it was when she arrived. And she succeeded. The world has been made better because of Ashleigh.

So there it is. My basic eulogy. How I want to be remembered when it all goes down. I'm going to do everything I can to make it so I will be remembered that way. I am a hardcore doer starting NOW.


The next 3 weeks are going to be CRAZY for me, but crazy in a good way. Each week I have one workshop coming up! Wooohoo for learning! I'm a little nervous but really excited, because I know I am going to learn a ton and be a way better photog and businesswoman when this month is over.So photogs out there, I definitely think you should check out different workshops, and choose based on what you want to learn. Do you want to learn branding, or lighting, or post processing, or how to build a better business? I have chosen the three this month based on what I want to learn most and where I feel I need to improve! The thing about workshops that they are kinda addicting! Sooo many good choices out there and so much to learn.  To prove my point, my friend Michelle Kane is doing a worskhop in Napa this year focusing on shooting & post-processing. Seriously, napa, photography, how fun does that sound?!!!Check it out: