This year has been.... strange. Good. Exciting. But strange. Everything has happened so much differently than expected. I've grown and changed and experienced more than I thought I would. I've put a lot of my energy into settling and nesting in Santa Barbara. More so than I anticipated. I guess I've needed it that way. But my regret is that I've let my blogging become sporadic and erratic. I go through spurts of blogging well and then other periods of deafening blog silence. Pretty sad considering my husband recently did a killer power point on what it takes to be a good blogger...I feel like I've failed on all accounts!But that's life. We are human. We can't be perfect all the time. Sometimes life pulls us in other directions. But as I've said before: I'm now back to blogging regularly. Hopefully I mean it this time!Yep, the first quarter of 2012 has gone by in a blur. So much has happened. And in someways I feel so little has happened. But through it all I've had my trusty instagram app with me. So this is my InstaLife from mid February-mid April. I guess we can conclude from these photos that I am a crazy cat lady, a food-junkie, and a sometimes stylish person. ;)
I absolutely adore this Vieta Pink Zamora Sunset Bag! The color and patterns make my little heart go pitter patter! That great thing is because it has so many colors in it, the bag actually would match tons of outfits and bring a lot of boho chic to the party! La La Love!What's your favorite bag of the moment?
I've shared with you how I DIY'd chevron curtains and made a Linear Chandelier! And now I have one more home improvement project to share, which is really cool! It's a step by step how to for a DIY closet door update! If you have any chintzy mirrored closet doors in your place you will love this easy chic project!I wasn't a fan of the mirrored closet doors that came with all the bedrooms in our place. They have no charm and they have a horrible brass trim which to me looks so very 90's. But I assumed (incorrectly) a fix or new door would be expensive. The ladies of Madison Modern Home suggested I cover the mirrored doors in my office with grasscloth and repaint the trim for a fresh look! I was smitten with the idea and kinda amazed it was doable! They sent me this link on how to do it-- --which was very inspirational, though we did end up doing things a bit differently.Here's a hint of how the doors looked before:Materials
- Grasscloth Wallpaper (we used THIS)
- wall paper primer
- heavy duty wall paper paste
- wallpaper squeegee
- Xacto knife
- spray paint for metal
First ... We took the mirrored doors off the track and took them outside. We taped off/covered the mirror area and just spray painted the brass trim a white color. We also spray painted the top of the track for the doors in my office!Second... We went down to our local Wallpaper store, Goleta Valley Paint, and they didn't have any vinyl on vinyl paste like my instructions suggested. Instead they suggested using a wallpaper primer to paint over the mirror to make it more textured/rough so the paste has something to grip. They also suggested a heavy duty wall paper paste. So that's what we ended up using!Third... We painted the primer on the mirrors just as if it were paint. It went on easy and dried quickly!!!Fourth... Once the primer dried, it was time to apply the wallpaper! Cut the wallpaper to be a few inches longer than the length of your door. This is the piece you will work with! We used a paint roller to roll the heavy duty wall paper paste onto the BACK of the grasscloth as well as onto the mirror directly. We then laid down the paper and pressed (with the squeegee) from the center to the edges to make sure it was smooth and flat. On grasscloth always go side to side, never top to bottom!!!Fifth... The Wallpaper was about 4 inches wider than our door, which means the excess paper had to be trimmed! We went around the edges with a ruler and an Xacto knife to trim straight edges! The great thing about the texture of the grasscloth is it hides mess ups and imperfections quite well!Once you're done, give it a few minutes to dry (I found that it dried VERY quickly) and then hang them back up! Here's my finished project!Ta-da! The project cost me about $125 for the two doors! I plan on doing this to all the other closet doors in our condo! It's such an easy, cheap fix and adds so much WOW factor!Hope you found this post helpful and inspiring! xo, Ash
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments, facebook messages and emails about our new place! I've heard from a lot of people that they want to know how I made the Chevron Curtains and I am happy to share! Below is my How To post on my Chevron DIY!I really can't take much credit for this project, as it was inspired by a photo I found on Pinterest. I then googled "DIY Chevron Curtains" and found a bunch of helpful links which inspired and instructed me on the entire project. The links are as follows: (this link was the one I found the MOST helpful) Needed
- Curtains in Cotton or Linen
- Latex Wall Paint
- Small Paint roller and tray
- Blue Painter's Tape
For me, step one was picking out the curtains. I agonized at Ikea for seriously 30 minutes! There are a lot of similar options at Ikea that will all work well for the project with different price points. I couldn't really understand what the difference truly was or which one would look better. I ended up choosing the Merete Pair of Curtains in Bleached White and they worked PERFECTLY! I am really glad I chose them! They are so affordable too, at $25 for a pair. I needed 6 panels for my room, so I bought 3 packs. $75 for 6 curtain panels is not bad at all considering that the West Elm panels I bought for my office were nearly $75 PER PANEL! I also love that the Ikea curtains are extra long, because I wanted to hang them at ceiling height to make the room look taller and the windows look even bigger. My mother in law was able to hem the panels, before we painted, so they were the exact right length!Step two is buying the paint! My mother in law and I went back and forth on what would be the best way to paint these. She was thinking a fabric paint would be best because she worried regular wall paint would make the curtains look crunchy. BUT all the DIY instructions I read had suggested wall paint. So that's what I decided we should do. I am happy to report that the curtains really aren't crunchy or too stiff, even with wall paint on them! We bought the black latex wall paint at a home improvement store on sale, $25 for a gallon. With 6 panels, we nearly used the full gallon!Step three is the hard part. DOING THE MATH! Yep it turns out chevrons are very mathematical and to make each panel the same you are going to need to figure out some measurements. Unfortunately so much of the measurements are dependent upon the width and length of your panels, and your personal taste... so any measurements we found online didn't work! The basics that I remember of what we decided on was that each Chevron would be 14" wide and that from the high point to the low point of the chevron was 18". The measuring and taping was a real pain in the butt. There is pretty much no way to sugar coat it. That is the point in the project where you may want to quit, or kill yourself or go pay one million dollars for a designer curtain in a fancy store! But don't give up! You will get through it... or rope someone else in to help you. Like I did. Thanks to Sharon, my mother in law, for crawling on the floor taping and measuring! I would have gone insane without her!
Step four is the fun part! Painting! Once we had the chevrons all taped off we got to work on painting! One tip is to press hard on all your tape lines to make sure you will get a clean and even edge. Secondly, I did two coats of paint because I thought it looked better more even. Make sure to pull the tape off the panels when they are still a wee bit damp! And then hang them up!And then you're done! Woohoo!!
Here are some additional tips/thoughts on the project:
- Enlist help! This project is fairly easy, but it is a whole lot easier and quicker if you have help! Try to do this with some one and you will enjoy it so much more!
- Unless you are only doing 2 panels, don't expect to be done in one day. With 6 panels to do, the project took us about 4 or 5 days from taping to painting!
- Expect to play around with the measurements and placement of your first chevron on your first panel. It took us 3 tries to get it how we liked it. But once we figured it out we were able to apply the same measurements to each panel!
Hope this post has been helpful and inspirational!!!! Xoxoxoxo
Well folks...its December! The LAST MONTH OF 2011!!! Can someone explain to me how that happened?? This year seemed to blur by! But what an amazing blur it has been! :)Every year, around December (and sometimes rolling a little into January) I like to do a series of blog posts that review and sum up the past year. It really helps me relive all the fun and awesomeness of the past year and see how far I've come!Last year, I debuted a Behind The Scenes post where I showcased all the photos I could find of me shooting weddings in 2010! To my complete surprise, it was a big huge hit, and I got so much feed back that people loved seeing me in action. So now that 2011 is coming to a close, I decided to spend an hour or two digging through all the photos from the weddings I shot this year...searching and searching for photos of me in action! It was kinda like playing Where's Waldo!Well... I found some doozies that I hope you will enjoy! ;) Without further ado, here is Behind The Scenes of Ashleigh Taylor Photography 2011!Here I am with Frances + Jared, shooting their First Look and romantics:
Getting a few portraits of the groom! Excuse the greasy hair please, it was over 100 degrees outside that day! YIKES!!!
What's better than shooting on the beach with toes in your sand? Shooting an adorable couple on the beach-- like Lauren + Drew! :)
I LOVE shooting romantics! I always have a dopey smile on my face when shooting them, no matter how hot or cold it is outside! ;)
I always make sure to line up everyone for family shots and angle them just right for the perfect photo!
I LOVE showing my clients pics on the back of the camera and seeing their reaction! I think they love it too because they can see right away that they look amazing!
I always tell my the bridal party how to lift up the bride's dress just enough so you can step in close to her without stepping on her dress! That's what I'm doing here. Serious business friends!
I LOVE this picture! The light was fading as we walked back from the beach to the reception... and we chatted about Boardwalk Empire! Being friends with your clients is rad!
Just explaining poses to get the shot!
Yep, I can handle a big old bridal party and get them to have fun!! :)
Just chatting with the groom as I take some portraits of him!
This is me at my destination wedding this year!! Which was in New England in November! It was a chilly, windy 40 degrees that day so I bundled appropriately but also pretty snazzy! My hat had sequins-- dressy and yet keeps the head warm and cozy! ;)
I always make sure to check the back of the camera to make sure I got the shot before we move on!!
I'm a shorty. A REAL shorty. So my secret to getting great angles and pics often involves standing on chairs, benches and whatever solid furniture I can find! ;)
We shot Skylar + AJ's romantics on a suspension bridge!! What daredevils we were! Not gonna lie there were a few moments I was a little nervous but SkyJ is so sexy, I quickly forgot where I was and rocked the shots out!
That's me showing a bridesmaid how to pose!! Sexy right? LOL
Just shooting a wedding in autumn, in New Hampshire, on the grounds of a Castle... that's all! ;)
This me showing a bride how I want her to pose. Aren't I adorable? ;)
Fun with my bride Carolyn in her ATP Phunky Booth!
I also LOVE getting fun shots in regular style photo booths too! Here are some great ones from 2011!
If you provide a pimp hat as a photobooth prop, I will pose with it on. Yeeeeah dawgz! I'm gangsta.
What a goofball I am!
Well folks, there you have at! A look at what goes on behind the scenes at one of my weddings! Hope you enjoyed! :)
I have always envied gals with Tory Burch flats. Mainly because my feet are SOOOOO small (a size 4 in womens) and I had never seen them in my size before. Until one day I got a little email for Nordstrom saying new sizes 4's were in my size and lo! and behold! TORY BURCH SHOES! In MY size!!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!! I feel in love with the Caroline flats. They are pretty comfy and I love the shape and that they are patent leather. At first I bought the black but then I had to get the nude color too! The nude ones are lovely!!! I have so much fun wearing these shoes and finding new outfits to pair them with. They are a major obsession! Love!!!
What's your current favorite shoe? Let me know below!
It is no secret that I LOOOOOOOVE Nutella. I mean really. I love the stuff and if it wasn't kinda fattening I'd probably find a way to eat it at least once every day. Yep, I love me some Nutella. So when I saw this recipe for Nutella S'mores on Simply Delicious I felt like I had died and gone to heaven!! I mean look at it! You know that's gotta taste ridiculously yummy. I can't wait to try making this verrrry soon! Yum Yum!
What's your favorite thing to make with Nutella?
While perusing around on Pinterest, I stumbled across this GORGEOUS gray, white and yellow bedroom from The Hills blog! They DIY'd this room and I have to say it turned out amazing! I only hope I can be so skilled and creative when I finally own my own place that I can decorate and paint how I want! While I do love bright colors, I love the timelessness and softness of the gray. I also ADORE the patterned wall, which I cannot believe was done DIY. I would love to do something like this one day! I also love the pops of vibrant yellow. Very chic indeed.
What does your dream bedroom look like? I'd love to know!
Fall is definitely my favorite season. Sure summer day's by the pool or beach are great, but to me Fall still takes the cake...or should I say pumpkin pie? ;) My favorite Holidays are in Fall-- that would be Halloween + Thanksgiving. I love wearing Fall Boots and jackets. I love when the air is a little cooler but still pleasant (and yes I do realize I live in SoCal where things are generally pleasant all year). And another thing I la-la-love is PUMPKIN! Pumpkin pasta, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie... and of course Pumpkin Spice Latte's from Starbucks! They are simply divine. With September just beginning, I can't help but wonder, IS IT TIME YET?! Seriously, when does PSL season officially begin? Cause I am craving it! Yummmm!What about you, do you love Pumpkin Spice Lattes (and other pumpkin treats) as much as me?
I was one of the very lucky ladies to snag these killer Tory Burch Riding Boots at The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale this year! Apparently they sold out pretty quickly! But luckily the amazing Jenni who works at the Salon Shoe Dept in Nordstrom at the Westside Pavillion was able to track me down a pair in my size (which is SIZE 4!!) before the sale ended. These boots have been sitting in my closet for over a month now just screamin' at me to be worn. Unfortunately it's been way to hot for anything other than sandals so far. However, I have big plans for these beauties come late Sept... I am excited to pair them with skinny jeans, some new corduroy jeggigs, a mini skirt, maybe even a few dresses. Ohhhh yes. Mama will wear you boots, don't you worry!!So interwebs did you score anything FANTASTIC at the Nordstrom Anni sale this year?? If so, do tell!
OMG, internet. I apologize. Like seriously. I feel as if I have abandoned all of you. :( There are honestly no words to describe how crazy the last few months have been for me personally. Honestly, even I am amazed at how time consuming & difficult a process it is to be an executor of an estate. Emptying my grandparents apartment & distributing their belongings was a serious chore and one I spent for the last six weeks doing. And besides just being a physically daunting task, it was also a crazy emotional one. Its a weird know that someone you loved has passed, but there is their home all just the way they left it. As if they were coming back. Yesterday I closed the door on an empty apartment. And it hit me. They are gone. Their stuff is gone. They have no home anymore. Because they are not coming back. It was....rough.But the world turns and life goes on. And honestly I am so relieved to be closing the chapter on dealing with my grandparents death every single day and am looking forward to getting back to my life, and more importantly my business. And the timing worked out because July is a CRAZY busy month! I have a wedding every weekend!!! Woooooohoooo!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait! Bring it on!So I am back. I will be blogging 2-3 times a week again. I will be clever on Tuesdays and share my top 5's. And I have some other big, fun things a-brewing too!But.....I will actually be out of town from July 2 (that's tomorrow! whoa!) through July 9. I'm going to DC for business & pleasure. First, AJ & I are celebrating our FIRST ANNIVERSARY!! WOOOO! And then we are shooting Pam & Justin's wedding, which I know will be awesome! So yeah, I am back but not...but back!To prove that I'm back in action, here's a teaser from a shoot I will be posting later today!
I'm awful & never wrote about my first time at WPPI!!! Shame on ME! Okay well better late than never, right? Right!For those who don't know WPPI is like the world's biggest wedding & portrait photographers conference/convention held annually in Vegas. And they aren't kidding with the world's biggest thing, its HUGE! Much love to my friend Brittany Moncrief for giving me the free pass she won when she realized she wouldn't be able to attend! You ROCK Britt!The platform classes are great but for me it was all about the Tradeshow. I am really dedicated to offering *the best* products to my clients and also to partnering with the best companies so that I can give my clients an amazing experience from their initial point of contact with me to the delivery of their album-- and everything in between! So needless to say, I had a lot of research to do! And luckily I think I did a great job of seeing what's out there, and definitely have major changes coming soon!Here are some new things happening at Ashleigh Taylor Photography:-I now am a user of Tave Studio Management services. Tave is great because their software provides me a way to manage all my clients & the workflow attached to the packages they book! No more post-its full of reminders strewn everywhere around my house! Now I have all my to do's in one place! I also can manage my calender through Tave so double bookings and confusions will never be an issue (NOT THAT IT EVER WAS), but I say better to be safer now than sorry at some point! I can also track finances through Tave and export to Quickbooks (which is my main way of tracking finances). But the bestie thing about Tave is that it allows my clients to have their own online lounge where they can book me, electronically sign their contract, and view invoices! No more snail mailing of contracts, no more waiting around for copies to come through! We can get contracts done in a jiffy, and my clients can have a PDF of it saved to their computer and if they want they can print it for their records. I can do the same! Simple! And this paperless system is also GREEN! If you know anything about me, you know I'm an environment-loving, save planet Earth preaching, green/organic lifestyle nut! So being able to go green in this respect makes me very happy! Can't wait to finish setting this up, and having things be easy peasy for my clients (and for me too)!-Album Exposure! This is another biggie! Now my clients can easily view their album designs online. The viewer can be set to have a flip-through page-turning experience (like viewing a real album) or a slideshow experience! You can leave comments on each spread and this way I can see the exact changes you want me to make! If you like the design you can also approve it! Super simple! And once its approved the system will send it right to the manufacturer to get the printing started ASAP! Isn't that fab?! So far the client response has been great! And I can't wait to share more designs with my clients soon!-Speaking of Albums...WPPI was great because I realized I truly do offer *the best* quality albums to my clients! After seeing the rest, I can soundly say I really did choose the best vendors out there! Seriously. My album companies ROCK!-Black Rapid Women's Strap! Ok this isn't out yet but when its released, honey, I am FIRST in line to buy it! This is a strap that holds your camera ina certain way for more comfort, less weight on your neck, better posture, and easier access. I loved this darned thing! When it comes out it will be a life-changer for me!-Shootsac's new Shoot & Tote. This also isn't available for purchase yet but I know I do want it! This isn't a product so much for weddings, but more a personal bag to take out when I travel. It fixed the need for having a way to discreetly carry your camera, a lens, and all the other crap a lady needs when she is out and about for the day, all in one handy-dandy, easy to carry bag. I NEED this. I often don't bring my pro-camera on trips or excursions because it can get soooo heavy, I am worried about theft and/or damage, and I have to also carry a purse and maybe a bag with a towel/sweater/water bottle/maps/travel guide etc. I hate feeling like a bag lady, and I hate being bogged down when I'm on the go, so to speak. Case in point- I only used my point-and-shoot at WPPI because my DSLR was a huge inconvenience. So this product really solves the problem! And I LOVE that. I hope to get this before our DC trip so I can document the whole adventure!!! ;)Hrmmmm I think that somes up my WPPI tradeshow hilights! And some of the immediate affects I see it having on me, my business & therefore my clients!On a personal note, I also had a BLASSSSSSSSST dancing all night at the KISS/Pictage/Shoot-Q party held at Studio 54! A night to go down in infamy for sure!And lastly I'll leave you with a photo of me & friends with J* at the Tradeshow, cause everyone loves a little Jasmine Star right?
I have been debating whether or not to write this post. Whether or not to get this personal. But so many of the photographer's I admire are pretty much an open book on their blog. And I admire them for that. So I have decided to go out there and open up.This week has been hard. On Thursday my grandfather was admitted to the ICU. It has been a long road, you see, my grandpa has been on dialysis for 5 years. And in those 5 years he has fought hard and done his best to get the most out of the last years of life. But every few months there would be a complication. Literally at least 10 times in the last 5 years my grandfather has almost died. No one thought he would overcome, but he would against all odds. He was like a miracle man, one of the toughest and bravest people I have ever known. But every near-death incident would take a toll. He grew weaker. And weaker. The last incident back in December took so much out of him that he was no longer able to walk. But still he kept fighting. Until Thursday. Another infection landed him in the ICU and things turned for the worst. Somehow, again against all odds, my grandfather has managed to hang on by a thread. But now his question, and I guess our family's too, is what for? He has fought and fought and fought. But now he is so tired. He has been through so much and now his quality of life is very low-- he can't walk, hear, sleep in his own bed, eat very much, and sadly can't even go to the bathroom on his own. It is easy to understand why he said yesterday he'd like to discontinue his dialysis treatment...Because this decision is a permanent one, the doctors will be asking him today again if he really wants to discontinue treatment. I don't know what he will say. I don't know what I want him to say. But I know that I don't want him to suffer. I don't want him to be in pain. If there is one thing that breaks my heart, that I can't stand to see in the world, its suffering. I hate seeing anyone suffer. I really hate to see an animal suffer. But seeing a family member suffer? Its a horrible thing. And it's frightening. Because it makes me wonder, is this what getting old is? Is this what dying is like? Will I be subjected to a similar fate? Its awful. And though I'm not a very religious person, all I can do is pray for peace. Peace for everyone. But especially my grandpa. And if he decides it is time, and I do believe it is his decision and should be honored and respected, I pray he goes quickly. Without pain. Without suffering. He has been through enough.So considering all this grief and sorrow I am grappling with, I think its extraordinarily important for me to continue with Tuesday Top 5-- for me to reflect on 5 things that remind me of the Joy that life still brings. So I remember that life is good. So here goes.1. My Husband. I hate to admit it but some days I do take my husband for granted. But I shouldn't. EVER. Because that man is my rock. He always goes out of his way for me. He always makes sure to listen, to hold my hand, to say what I need to hear. He is the type of guy who stays up till 1:00am and holds me while I scream and cry, even though he has to get up at 6:00am. And he never complains. He builds Ikea furniture for me. He cooks dinner when I am too tired. He lets my grandma cry on his shoulder. He never acts selfishly. I don't know what I did to deserve this man. I really don't. But I have him and I am so blessed. And I don't want to ever take him for granted. Because everyday with AJ is a blessing.2. My cats. My cats are people. They are little furry people with four legs and who speak "Meow." They are non-human people. That's how I feel about cats, dogs, and all animals really. But let's talk about mine. My Stella knows when I am sad. She is very sensitive. She always is sure to sleep next to me or spend extra time in my lap when I am distressed. She has a way about her, like a caretaker, and its so sweet. Bobby and I have this routine. Our morning cuddle. Every morning when I wake up he jumps on bed and says "Not so fast mom it's time for our morning cuddle." And then he lays it on. The world's best and biggest cuddle. Its amazing. And then at night we do it again. That's our Nighttime Cuddle. These cuddles warm my heart and rejuvenate my soul. My cats do not need to cuddle me, you know? Yes we provide a roof for them, and feed them the best organic cat food, and scoop their litter, but really. Cats don't need a leader. And our cats don't need affection from us because they have each other and they give each other a lot of affection. My cats want to cuddle me and show me affection. They want my companionship. And that makes me feel so special. That they love me for me. And I feel so lucky to have that love. I can't imagine life without my fabulous Cat People.3. Food. Yep. Food. Simple, but oh what pleasure it brings to my life! I guess I should specify that I mean good food. Cause yeah bad food kinda sucks!! But food. I have definitely found a lot of solace in it this week. And I know when I die, I pray I can go down with something really tasty in my tummy. And since that is my feeling, I have been bringing my grandpa foods he really likes to the hospital...even though its "not allowed" (though his doctor did say at this point, I could bring it in anyways!!). He can barely eat more than 3 bites of whatever I bring. But I see him enjoy it and I feel a tiny bit better. At this point whatever life's pleasures he can have, he should have. And if I can bring him a hot dog or Brisket Sandwich. Then that's what I'll do. Food. Yes, food. I may be a glutton but it truly is one of life's biggest joys!2. Laughter. It has been really hard to laugh these past few days. But I still have found stuff to giggle about. I have to. Life without laughter is pointless. And when you feel down the best thing you can do is laugh. I make jokes. Maybe things I shouldn't joke about, but I go there. I watch comedy on TV. I make up funny names to call AJ or my Dad or whoever. I just work hard to find something , anything, to laugh at. I have to.1. The knowledge that life does go on. Yesterday while leaving the hospital, I saw a new mother in a wheelchair holding her new baby. She was in awe just looking into this newborn's eyes. And her mom was there cooing at the baby too. And then the dad rolled up in his car and loaded his new family up. And I almost cried. It took so much not to. It was just beautiful. Watching this family's big moment in life. And I thought how ironic, seeing this new life start and then to think of another life ending. And though its hard, it is kinda calming. To know the circle of life. That after sorrow is joy, after joy perhaps sorrow. After life is death, but then life comes around again. I find comfort in knowing that world is moving and going forward and this pain won't last forever. And one day I will have my own family. And when my own time comes, hopefully I will have future generations live on after me. And that makes me feel okay about it all. This moment is sad, it is horrible. But joy will come. Life will go on. And something good will happen. And that knowledge is a joy in itself-- as totally meta as that sounds.
What a week! As you saw from my last post, last Tuesday I attended the J* workshop which capped off my "February Workshop Learning Extravaganza!" It was incredible and totally complimented off what I learned at Justin & Mary's Spread The Love Tour! I also this week attended my first ever LA Smug Meeting, where I got to hear Lawrence Chan aka Tofurious speak for the second time! It was totally free but his nearly 2 hour talk could've have really been a workshop as well! It was a real treat! So this week, has really been full steam. And my brain is like whirling and pumped with ideas about how to make 2010 a life changing year, where dreams come true!!! Which brings me to my Tuesday Top 5...5. Inspirational People. I gotta admit I'm not a cheesy-mantra-loving-chicken-soup-for-the-soul-reading kinda gal. I'm not at all. But sometimes you just meet amazing people and hear their stories. Hear the major struggles and obstacles they faced. Hear how they overcame the hurdles and now are mind-blowingly successful. And how can you not get the warm and fuzzies? How can you not want to go out and change your life and the world around you?! I feel like, as mentioned above, this month I have gotten a huge dose of inspiration and have been lucky enough to meet amazing people like Justin & Mary, like Jasmine Star. And then there is the Olympics. I absolutely love the little stories on some of the featured athletes. These people have HUGE risk-it-all dreams, and they have often overcome a lot of difficulty in their personal lives, and here they are at the friggin Olympics. INSPIRING. I hope to be half as awesome as these people one day ;)4. Speaking of the Olympics. THE OLYMPICS are sooooo my number 4 pick! Not just because of the inspirational stories, that maybe I secretly tear up hearing, but because of the sheer fun of watching the events. I'm not really a team-sports gal...I can't get into it at all. And I'm not sporty or athletic at all. But I have always had a weird thing for the winter Olympics. I love watching the luge, bobsledding, the moguls, the speed skating (APOLO OHNO PEOPLE!!), and of course THE FIGURE SKATING. Oh my gosh. Love love love! I still say there is nothing better than a dude in a bedazzled outfit skating his heart out! Nothing better...except for you know, my cats and husband...LOL3. HDTV. So pretty much since I met my husband, all he talked about, all he wanted, was a nice big flatscreen HD TV. And when it came time to propose, he spent his TV fund on my engagement ring. He had to think "Ashleigh" or "TV"...and he chose me! Awwww. LOL. So it was back to square one. Saving. And this week was the week. The deal was right, the money was there, and we went all in and bought that dang TV. And he is so happy about it! I love that it makes him so happy! Something so simple! But I gotta say, it IS pretty nice. It's like having a home theater! Not too shabby!2. Hot Tub Time Machine. OK I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS MOVIE. I just keep seeing the commercials. And I gotta say, I'm so confused how this movie ever got made. Or maybe I'm not. I used to want to be a filmmaker and spent a year interning at a production company-- mostly my job entailed reading scripts and deciding whether they were good enough for someone more important to look at them. I was like the script filter. LOL. And I just can't imagine this concept getting past a filter. "Ok so these dudes get into a hot tub, that turns into a time-machine! It's like Back to the Future meets Wild Hogs, but with a hot tub!"Riiiiight. On the other hand, there are always crappy movies that get made so I shouldn't be so shocked. As much as I'm perplexed by the title and concept for this film, I shouldn't dog it. The commercial does make me chuckle a bit. Maybe it is somewhat humorous, despite how formulaic and just plain bizarre it appears!1. Tracey Ullman's State of the Union. Have y'all seen this show? It's on Showtime on Mondays and its amazing! I have always LOVED Tracey Ulman! She is so good at creating different characters and being just plain hilarious. And the way she does her impersonations is spot on! I love this show especially when she makes fun of "celebrities." My absolute favorite is her Dina Lohan impressions. TOO DANG FUNNY. If you all don't know who Dina Lohan is, then bless your heart. You obviously don't get caught up on perezhilton like I sometimes do!Now here is a preview of some wedding-y goodness coming VERY soon!

Tuesday was a great day. A fabulous day. A Jasmine Star day. But let's start with Monday. I met 19 other photographers and Jasmine Star for a dinner/mixer thingy at Javier's. It was really fun to get to know everyone in person! You see I had become facebook friends with these people, followed them on Twitter, and even stalked there blogs. But the internet is one thing. Real life? That's something different entirely. So ooooh boy was I relieved to see how friendly and open everyone was. Everyone was so supportive. And a few people even said how much they admired my blog and work, which almost made me cry. Really? ME?!! I needed to be pinched. A year ago I would have never imagined this for myself. When Jasmine arrived she was so friendly, down to earth and personable! She truly is sucha giving and generous person. I thought I'd be a bumbling fool in front of her, but she made me feel like an old friend. She is truly that cool!! Then she treated us to Pinkberry and I nearly died! How deliciously sweet! Oh J* you know the way to my heart is through my tummy ;)By the start of The Workshop Tuesday morning, I felt like old friends with everyone. Not intimidated at all but just ready to learn. We spent the morning talking about branding, which was so helpful as its a concept that I didn't fully understand. I didn't take any photos of Jasmine talking 'cause y'all I was taking notes! I don't mess around with note taking. I wanted to get every word of what she had to say down on paper. But I did take a few pics of the pretty stationary Jasmine gave its branded ;)

Jasmine reiterated a concept I already knew to be true. A hand written note goes a long way! I will be saving this one for sure ;)

One thing that really struck me about Jasmine is how self aware and deliberate she is. Everything in her business is done with clear understanding and reason. Its like "I am doing this because of this..."And I think that being intentional is such a key part to running a consistent, successful, well defined business. This year I will be spending A LOT of time further developing my brand, and being intentional with what I do in my business. No more just doing because I feel I am supposed to do it that way or because peers seem to do it a certain way. No more haphazard actions or intentions. I will be intentional and aware from now on!My other favorite part of the day was of course THE PHOTO SHOOT. Oh my gosh! First can we talk about the yummy prettiness going on here?! The models, married couple Jodi and Matt, were so good looking it hurts, and also sooo sweet together! The hair and make up was done by Vivian Tran's All Made Up Team. The divine jewelry was provided by Noaki Jewelry. And Jodi's breathtaking dress was designed by Joan Shum. I'm kinda in total awe of Joan's work! Its just so unique and fashion forward-- pure art, to say the least! Make sure to check out Joan's etsy store!

I would always read on Jasmine's blog how she uses "natural reflectors" to get stunning images even in the harshest of lighting conditions and I had NO CLUE what the heck she meant! Thankfully, Jasmine planned the day with this lesson in mind. Our photoshoot was in full day sun with harsh light, and J* showed us how to rock it out using natural reflectors. And it all clicked. J* you are a smart one, you really are. I will be using this technique all the time!!!

Jasmine wanted us to all walk away with a signature image from this shoot! The following image is most definitely mine!!

The florals were provided by Kristin of The Treasured Petal, someone who's work I've been obsessed with for awhile now! She just comes up with the most stunning arrangements. And I loved the bouquet and boutonniere she designed for this shoot! Just lovely!

Jodi you are stunning! Really really stunning!

So as you are reading this I am actually attending the ever fabulous Jasmine Star's workshop! Holllllla! God bless being able to schedule blog posts :) I just didn't want to leave you guys without a Tuesday Top 5! So here goes:1. See's Candy. Every Valentine's Day my hubby gets me a custom filled box of See's Candy. I really love the nuts & chews, and don't care fore the cremes so I need a custom box! I love eating my candy so much! I just wish every month my hubs could buy me some. Wink wink, hubs :)2. Making new friends. Awwww, that sounds so elementary school doesn't it? But seriously, its nice to meet new people and connect. I am lucky because so many of my past and future clients have become friends. And that is really a cornerstone of my business, having clients turn into friends. If I can't be friends with ya, I probably shouldn't shoot your wedding. Trust me it's better for both of us! But lucky for me I have only met awesome people and clients-turned-friends so far on my journey! And that makes me happy. :) I also met a ton of fellow photogs turned friends last week at the SoCal Photog Shootout event! And that has been awesome! And as we speak I am hopefully making friends at J*'s workshop! I hope I am! :)3. Ke$ha. I kinda hate to admit this publicly but Kesha's debut album Animal is a total guilty pleasure of mine. I love "Tik Tok," 'cause you know I can totally relate. I mean I soooo wake up every morning feeling like P. Diddy. ;) LOL. And songs like "Kiss and Tell" "Blah Blah Blah" "Take it Off" and "Dinosaur" are just classic party jamz!!!! Yeah I like Kesha. I'm gonna own it!4. Getting over fear. This week I *think* I got over a really big fear in my life. One that my parents drilled into my head thinking it would keep me safe. One that handicapped me for the last 7 years of my life. It took a lot of support from my husband but I finally realized I need to grow up, woman up, and get the F over it. And I think I did. So yay me!!!5. Ikea. My husband and I live in an amazing one bedroom apartment in Downtown Culver City. It's not huge but its fairly large for a one bedroom. Its really quiet and private feeling. And most importantly is within walking distance to so many places-- my day job for instance, the movie theaters (yes we have two within walking distance), Trader Joe's, and ample restaurants! So basically the point is we love where we live! Unfortunately we have lived here 3 years and are starting to out grow it. Storage is kinda an issue. A good work space is kinda an issue. And we were lamenting...move to an area where we could afford more space or stay put but be cluttered and cramped and grumpy. Then we took a peruse around Ikea. And I think we found some stylish and affordable furnishing options to revamp our apartment and make it work for us again! Here's a looksy at what we are thinking of getting:
Yo folks! Its that time again! Tuesday Top Five!!! Wooohoo!
- Gummy Vitamins for Adults. Yes, you read that right. This week I bought myself some gummy multi-vitamins made for adults. For years I had been lamenting the fact that when I was child all we had were nasty chewables, and these new kiddos get gummy bears for vitamins, and now I have to buy adult swallowables. How UNFAIR. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way, because One A Day now makes adult gummy vites, or as I like to call them "vita-yums!" Unfortunately they are more like a fruit snack taste than a true gummy bear taste...but you gotta take what you can get I guess. Now if only calcium came in gummies! I'd be all up on that!! Come on One Day, make me some calci-yums!!! You know you want to ;)
- Project Runway. This show never gets old. I LOVE it. My favorite part is obviously...Tim Gunn!!! I LOVE TIM GUNN. I wish he would follow me around in life and advise me on my fashion choices. We could be bff and shop at Fred Segal and go see musicals together and maybe enjoy high tea. Yes, that's the kinda life we'd live, Tim and I. But I also love Project Runway for the fashion, the drama, and that one dude who is always hilarious. This season that dude is Anthony. His designs are a bit hit-or-miss, but oooh honey-child! I love me some Anthony! I will cry if he gets kicked off because he is life of the season!
- Washington DC. This week I bought our tickets to DC !! I was lucky enough to book a wedding there this summer, which is SOOO COOL! I LOVE traveling and love shooting outside of SoCal. It's really a treat. :) AJ and I decided to get into town a bit early to celebrate what will be our one year anniversary, so that will be really cool! I'm looking forward to going to the Space Museum (the highlight of my DC trip when I was a kid)..but what I'm really really looking forward to is eating at Ben's Chili Bowl, Horace & Dickie's, and Granville Moore's. Yum yum.
- Sleeping In. To say I am not a morning person would be an understatement. If I am up before 10:00am stay out of my way, because I am very evil before that time. Well, evil might be extreme. But grumpy certainly is not. My favorite part of working from home is no alarms and getting up when I want. If I can make this a full time reality I will be the happiest girl ever!!! :)
- Cream and Cheese. You want to know how to make something taste a whole lot better? Add cream and cheese. Case in point- last week we tried cooking Collard Greens from our CSA box. We did a traditional southern recipe and it was an epic failure. Not sure if it was our fault and we did something wrong, or if its just not a taste I like. But I gagged and was nauseated the whole evening. The collards brought me down! So needless to say, when they were in our box again we were a bit fearful. We hate to waste food and are so proud of our seasonal, local, organic, veggie-lovin' selves. This collard green thing had to be conquered. So what did we do? We smothered those green babies in CREAM and RICOTTA CHEESE. And the result? DELICIOUS! Just goes to prove that cheese & cream fix everything! Amen!
And now here is a teaser from this weekend's Mr. & Mrs session! More coming soon!

Friday I attended the Los Angeles stop of The Spread The Love Tour, which is an amazing LIFE workshop given by Justin and Mary Marantz. :) It was the MOST inspirational, life-changing, and eye-opening day ever. No understatement there. Not at all! I learned a lot about how to improve my business, but also how to improve my life. It was not only full of new info, but it also served as a reminder to take time for me and my relationships with friends and family. I can't stop talking about Spread The Love-- the way you can't stop talking about a good movie. I'm a little obsessed!The last few days I have spent doing my "homework" from this workshop, like writing down my goals for 2010 and reviewing them, and creating my "ideal client profile", and figuring out how to give my clients the BEST experience possible. And I have been brainstorming. And I have been talking my hubby's poor ear off. And I've been not only dreaming, but DOING.That's the key you know, and what the workshop was all about, being a DOER and how to not let the stress of "real life" get you away from that. It reminded me a bit of my quote under my picture in my high school senior yearbook, "Don't dream it, be it!" Yes, that quote was from one the finest movies of all time. Yes, I'm talking about The Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;)The workshop ended with us each writing a eulogy for ourselves, basically its us saying how we'd like to be remembered after we pass. We were told we could share and read it aloud, but I get REALLY nervous when I have to get up in front of "the class" so to speak, and read something I wrote. Like my heart pounds and my hands shake and my voice shakes too. Soooo I chickened out. But I really don't mind sharing something so personal, as long as I don't need to stand and read it to ya'! So here it is. My eulogy, or really a rough draft of it. It's exactly what I wrote in the 10 minutes we were given in the workshop:
Ashleigh was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and auntie. She was kind to all animals, and was an advocate for their rights and well-being. She took care of the people who touched her life, and she touched the lives of many. She fought against the many injustices that people in the world faced. She lived passionately, enthusiastically and she had a laugh that would knock your socks off. And she laughed a lot-- she never missed an opportunity to laugh or smile that big smile of hers. She accomplished her goals and wasn't afraid to live the life she wanted, even if it was sometimes difficult. She always marched to the beat of her own drum. She did all she could to make the world a better place when she left than it was when she arrived. And she succeeded. The world has been made better because of Ashleigh.
So there it is. My basic eulogy. How I want to be remembered when it all goes down. I'm going to do everything I can to make it so I will be remembered that way. I am a hardcore doer starting NOW.
I love food. Anyone who knows me for 5 seconds knows that. I can chat your ear off about food-- both home cooked and local restaurants. I LOVE cooking and I also LOVEEEEE going out! I also am obsessed with Food Network and some shows on the Travel Channel that are food related. I could watch food tv for HOURS. And, I often do! So yeah I'm a foodie, that's what I'm trying to say. So I figured today's Tuesday Top 5 would be for the foodies out there! So grab a snack cause reading this will make you HUNGRY!
- Paula Deen. Sometimes I tell my husband, "If you ever leave me, I will go to Savannah and hunt down Bobby Deen and MARRY HIM, just so I can be related to Paula." Yeah, I really tell him that. And I'm kinda serious. Because I LOVE ME SOME PAULA DEEN. It's not even about her buttery, fried, mayo smothered food. I don't even like fried food all that much (shhhhh don't tell her). It's just that Paula is sooooo funny! And she seems like a really kind lady with a big heart. I hope when I am a grandma I am just like her! I think the quote that sums up Paula Deen best was said by her foodnetwork pal Mark Summers, "When Paula Deen walks onto the stage, you realize she is a combination of Jesus & Oprah." I agree Mark Summers! I AGREE! The lady is that awesome, and she is my hero. Love her!
- Tofu-Ya on Sawtelle. About a year ago I was introduced to Korean food. Or at least Korean Soon bowls. And I'm pretty much in LOVE. Tofu-ya serves up mainly Soons and Bibimbap's and its delish. What is a soon? Uh, I'm not Korean but basically its this soupy goodness in a hot pot and it has tofu in it and its spicy. And I get mine with clams and oysters. And its sooooo good on a cold day. The other great thing about Tofu-ya is they bring out all these little side dishes for you to chow on. Side dishes like spicy pickled cucumbers, kimchee, noodles, fish cakes, sprouts...Its GREAT. The best thing is the price. Two people can get out of there for $26! What a steal. I highly suggest all you LA foodies get ye to Tofu-Ya!
- Strawberry Cupcakes from Hotcakes Bakes. If you want to make me happy, if you want to be my bestie friend, if you want me to love you forever, the best thing you can do (besides taking me to sushi of course) is to buy me a Strawberry Cupcake from Hotcakes Bakes in Culver City. Seriously, I love cupcakes but this cupcake is INSANE. Both the batter and the frosting are made with real strawberries. The icing is also cream cheese based, which is my favorite type of frosting. When you bite into this cupcake you get that fresh strawberry sweetness, and then the tang of the cream cheese and then angels sing. It's THAT good. I'm sure hotcakes makes a lot of other good flavors, but I wouldn't know. Because I only have eyes for the strawberry one ;)
- Bawarchi. This Indian place recently opened up in my 'hood and I LOVE it to pieces. Bawarchi means "the chef" in Indian apparently, but I have decided that Bawarchi means "tasty" in Ashleigh. Sometimes, I just turn and tell AJ "this is SO bawarchi" and he knows. He knows I am saying this is awesome and delicious. Bawarchi has a few menu items but for us its all about the combo plate. You get three veggie dishes of your choice, your choice of rice (I get the pilau with carrots, onion, nuts, and golden raisins), your choice of bread (I get naan and AJ gets roti), raita and a salad. All for...wait for it...$8.00!! Whoa, can you say what a steal?? There are so many options for your 3 veggie dishes as well, but some of my favorites include jackfruit, chana masala, mustard spinach, dal, veggie "fish," and potato curry. Everything there is so flavorful! We have never been disappointed. I highly recommend it to all Indian food lovers out there!
- Our CSA Produce Box from South-Central Farmer's Co-op. I have been meaning to blog about this for sometime. Eating sustainable food is important to me. Eating organic is important to me (better for my health and the environment). Eating locally and seasonally is also super important to me (again that's so important for the environment). But for awhile, we felt like we couldn't afford to eat organic and that it was hard to really know at the super market what is seasonal and local. Then we learned about CSA's. A CSA (community supported agriculture) program is where families buy a small "share" of a local farm for the season, and then receive produce from this farm, usually on a weekly basis. It is a great way to support small, local farmers and keep them in business. And you reap the benefit by receiving super fresh, seasonal, often times organic produce. The impact is great on the local economy, as well as on the environment, and, I believe, our society in general. After reading articles like Time Magazine's "The Real Cost of Cheap Food" and seeing movies like Food Inc, I strongly believe we need to get rid of factory farming, and really bring back the small family farm. So supporting a local farm via a CSA program is one way to literally put your money where you mouth is! ;) Our CSA program is particularly great because it offers different price levels which makes it affordable. We are paying $15 a week for a bushel of organic, seasonal, local produce! :) That amount of food at Whole Foods would be 3-4 times the price! Another thing I love about the box is that it is getting us to try new veggies and new recipes. Sometimes we get stuck in ruts where just eat the same 6 or 7 recipes week in and week out. But not any more! Now we find recipes based on what is in our produce box, which keeps things exciting and tasty! If you are in LA I recommend checking out South Central Farmers and seeing if they have a pick up spot near you. And if you are living somewhere else, fear not. CLICK HERE to find a CSA in your area! We can all get involved, which is not only good for our environment but for our health and tastebuds as well!
Now for some pics of our uber fresh produce!Here is my cat Bobby sniffing out the box! He says, "Oh boy look at all that good green stuff! Yum yum!" ....Yeah, I translate for my cat. Don't hate!

AJ holding these juicy red china rose radishes... By the way, we don't have much of clue what we will make with these radishes! Any ideas? Our last batch we pickled. That was good, but we don't need more radish pickles just yet...

FRESH Broccoli!!! How beautiful is that??!! Like a bouquet! stunning!!! Also soooo delicious. I love to roast broccoli, it really brings out its flavor and adds a nuttiness! Delish!!!!

One more radish photo just for fun! I love the colors!!!

Time is flying by. January is almost over already! That seems so crazy to me. Soon it will be February, Valentine's day, and then soon it will be Spring! Sometimes I like how fast things move, but other times I just want things to slow down so I can enjoy them! I think I need to learn how to be more "zen." You know, like learn how to live in the moment. Not the past, not the future. I need to work harder on being in the now. That's one reason I'm loving Tuesday Top 5's. It helps me remember and appreciate what is going on now and what I enjoy about it. SO without further ado, here's this week's Top 5.
- Rain. I really have to say I have enjoyed the rain in SoCal this week. Its so rare we get true storms here, and its kinda exciting to experience one. Like thunder, I love that sound. Or seeing lightning. I LOVE watching lightning. Or when it hailed. HOW CRAZY WAS THAT?! Now don't get me wrong, I really hate driving in the rain, and I am definitely concerned for the people who may have to deal with mudslides. But SoCal definitely needed this storm, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy hearing the rain when I sleep, or getting all snuggly on the couch while listening to thunder.
- Soup! If there is one thing I LOVE, it's soup! Really, I thank the first person who cooked it. That person was a GENIUS. What's better than a meal in a bowl people?! I love soup year round. I like chilled summer soups. I even like hot soups in the summer. But soup is definitely best during stormy weather. I also love making soup. The way it makes the house smell so good. Using so many good veggies. Its wonderful! This past week we enjoyed a Ribollita soup, and then a shrimp-tofu-bok choy noodle bowl soup. YUM.
- My comfy pants. Around the holidays I bought these "comfy pants" on sale at The Gap. They are sweatpants, but not just any sweatpants. They are entirely made of fleece. They are SO SOFT, and WARM, and COMFY. Hence, why I call them my comfy pants. I have been wearing these every second I am at home lately. They are delicious. Thank you Gap for my comfy pants. They are fantastic for this wintry season!
- Kitty Cuddles. So I am definitely a cat person. I've always had cats growing up and I wouldn't have it any other way! Cause I love my kitty-boo-bears SO MUCH. I know I blogged about my mom's miracle kittens before, but I don't know if I have talked much about our own two boo-bears. We have a black kitty named Bobby and a tortoise shell kitty named Stella (aka Stelly). They are kinda me & AJ's world. We love them to pieces!!! They are, for now, and really forever, our children. Yep I said it. Our Children! Don't hate. Well anyways, Bobby & Stella give us extra good cuddles. But when its cold out? They are attached to us like glue. Love the extra dose of cuddles I've been getting. They make me the happiest person ever.
- Dine LA Restaurant Week. I don't know if y'all heard, but we are in the midst of restaurant week! One of the coolest times of the year! Basically, a bunch of restaurants in LA make special prix-fixe three-course meals at affordable prices. So if you can't always afford to go to Spago, or Chinois, or Craft, or Sushi Roku or wherever, this week may be your lucky chance! I think my momma & I are gonna do up lunch at The Lobster in Santa Monica. Nom Nom Nom. Restaurant week you are fabulous, and whoever thought of you is a genius as well!
And now here's a teaser from the San Diego Photog Shootout I attended this weekend:

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