Tuesday Top 5

Yo folks! Its that time again! Tuesday Top Five!!! Wooohoo!

  1. Gummy Vitamins for Adults. Yes, you read that right. This week I bought myself some gummy multi-vitamins made for adults. For years I had been lamenting the fact that when I was child all we had were nasty chewables, and these new kiddos get gummy bears for vitamins, and now I have to buy adult swallowables. How UNFAIR. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way, because One A Day now makes adult gummy vites, or as I like to call them "vita-yums!" Unfortunately they are more like a fruit snack taste than a true gummy bear taste...but you gotta take what you can get I guess. Now if only calcium came in gummies! I'd be all up on that!! Come on One Day, make me some calci-yums!!! You know you want to ;)
  2. Project Runway. This show never gets old. I LOVE it. My favorite part is obviously...Tim Gunn!!! I LOVE TIM GUNN. I wish he would follow me around in life and advise me on my fashion choices. We could be bff and shop at Fred Segal and go see musicals together and maybe enjoy high tea. Yes, that's the kinda life we'd live, Tim and I. But I also love Project Runway for the fashion, the drama, and that one dude who is always hilarious. This season that dude is Anthony. His designs are a bit hit-or-miss, but oooh honey-child! I love me some Anthony! I will cry if he gets kicked off because he is life of the season!
  3. Washington DC. This week I bought our tickets to DC !! I was lucky enough to book a wedding there this summer, which is SOOO COOL! I LOVE traveling and love shooting outside of SoCal. It's really a treat. :) AJ and I decided to get into town a bit early to celebrate what will be our one year anniversary, so that will be really cool! I'm looking forward to going to the Space Museum (the highlight of my DC trip when I was a kid)..but what I'm really really looking forward to is eating at Ben's Chili Bowl, Horace & Dickie's, and Granville Moore's. Yum yum.
  4. Sleeping In. To say I am not a morning person would be an understatement. If I am up before 10:00am stay out of my way, because I am very evil before that time. Well, evil might be extreme. But grumpy certainly is not. My favorite part of working from home is no alarms and getting up when I want.  If I can make this a full time reality I will be the happiest girl ever!!! :)
  5. Cream and Cheese. You want to know how to make something taste a whole lot better? Add cream and cheese. Case in point- last week we tried cooking Collard Greens from our CSA box. We did a traditional southern recipe and it was an epic failure. Not sure if it was our fault and we did something wrong, or if its just not a taste I like. But I gagged and was nauseated the whole evening. The collards brought me down! So needless to say, when they were in our box again we were a bit fearful. We hate to waste food and are so proud of our seasonal, local, organic, veggie-lovin' selves. This collard green thing had to be conquered. So what did we do? We smothered those green babies in CREAM and RICOTTA CHEESE. And the result? DELICIOUS! Just goes to prove that cheese & cream fix everything! Amen!

And now here is a teaser from this weekend's Mr. & Mrs session! More coming soon!