Posts tagged orange county wedding photography
Casa Romantica, San Clemente Wedding Photography | Shannon + Kyle

Shannon is a very special bride to me! She has been following my work for at least 4 years, maybe longer, via Facebook & here on my blog (we had some mutual friends and became friends on "the book" ourselves)! So of course I was flattered and honored that as soon as she got engaged she chose to hire me! She even planned her date around my availability which was crazy sweet of her! Her big day was held in San Clemente-- and it was a destination wedding for both her & me! I made the trip down from Santa Barbara, and her and her fiance came all the way from Texas, as did many of the guests! San Clemente is just a beautiful area of California, and her historic, ocean-side wedding venue Casa Romantica was super lovely to photograph!Shannon & Kyle are just so cute and sweet together. It was easy to photograph them because you could tell how over the moon they are for each other and how happy they were to be getting married! There were a lot of special touches and cute details to this day-- which was perfectly executed by Sterling Engagements! The food by 24 Carrots was dee-lish as well! It was a perfect day with so many gorgeous elements you just have to check it out below!Also I have to give a huge thanks to my two assistant shooters Kelsey & Erin! This day was so grand & had so many details, it would have not been possible to get it all done without these superstar photogs on my team! So thanks gals!On to the gorgeous photos!casa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photographycasa romantica wedding photography

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Strawberry Farms Wedding Photography | Carolyn + Prescott

I am so excited to finally share Carolyn + Prescott's AMAZING Strawberry Farms Golf Club Wedding! Carolyn chose a fabulous venue when she picked Strawberry Farms. They have a big beautiful red barn where the weddings are held... and actually because it was a rainy Autumn day both the ceremony AND reception were held inside it! The Big Red Barn and Carolyn's Southern heritage helped inspire so much of the rustic, Autumn decor for this wedding-- most of which Carolyn DIY'd herself or found on Etsy!Carolyn is the owner of Half Baked Co, a bake shoppe featuring tasty treats at half the fat, and so of course she had a ROCKIN' dessert bar at her wedding! She also had two pairs of adorable shoes, and one of the prettiest bouquets on Earth. But beyond the amazing eye candy this wedding had, it is the love that beamed off both Carolyn and her hubby Prescott that made the day so very special. From their very personal ceremony, to the gifts Prescott sent to Carolyn while she was getting ready, to the way they danced together all night... There was SO much love filling up and warming up that barn on that cold, gray November day!Special thanks to Ami for second shooting for me on this wedding!So without further ado... the wedding...

I knew I adored Carolyn from her first email to me. But the fact that she chose these two pairs of shoes to wear on her big day?? Well that makes me love her even more!!

SO much excitement in the air while Carolyn got ready! She is so lucky to have a great momma and fantastic girlfriends!

It wasn't exactly the plan to have the ceremony in the barn... but I think it looked LOVELY! I loved all the twinkly lights!

The newlyweds!!!

I just LOVE this shot!!!!

Carolyn + Prescott have some really fun and really good looking friends! Seriously!!!


Let's just all do a collective AWWWWWWW for how cute the ring bearer and flower girl looked!

I told you their peeps are full of fun and LOLZ! I seriously heart the ENTIRE bridal party!!!

We snuck away for some gorgeous portraits after the ceremony...

How good looking are these two??!! Seriously! It's ridiculous how gorgeous these two are together!!

Fierce super stars!!!!

Oh my goodness!!!! Carolyn you are a beauty!!!!!!!!

Adore this fun shoe shot!


Carolyn's dessert bar was AMAZING!!!! But who could expect any less of her?! ;)

Nom nom!

And then they partied the night away...

To see more from this fabulously rustic wedding, watch the SLIDE SHOW:

Sherman Library and Gardens Wedding Photography | Frances + Jared

On Sunday I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Frances + Jared's wedding at the Sherman Library and Gardens. I had never done a wedding at Sherman Library before, but let me just say it is a fantastic venue! There is so much charm there with it's Spanish architecture. And they have an absolutely amazing succulent garden! So cute! The venue fit Frances + Jared's style perfectly as well-- charming, stylish, but also casual and comfy!Their wedding day started off so fun and relaxed. Frances got ready at home with her sister/maid-of honor Whitney (who's wedding I will also be photographing in November) and their mother. The three gals laughed as they got all made up, and also found some time to watch the Sex and the City movie! Love it!!! As the Kate Middleton inspired veil was being pinned into Frances' hair, Whitney squealed and helped make everything look perfect. She said she was fulfilling her "Pippa duties!" Also love!The First Look was a sweet moment! Jared was just floored to see Frances, but how could he not be? She looked STUNNING in her beyond fabulous dress! Their ceremony was beautiful with some sweet words by the Rabbi. I especially loved the story he told about their first date... the story that totally explains why these two were meant to be. You see, on their first date Jared accidentally knocked over and spilled the wine on the table. But Frances quickly told him it was all okay because all night she had been fearing that she might knock over and spill the wine. These two have the same cute quirks and it's why these two just get each other. As the Rabbi said it was clearly B'shert (a Jewish term for "meant to be") and I have to agree!Thanks so much to Ami for shooting this with me! And now... onto the photos!

Can we talk about how FIERCE that dress is?! LOVE!!! But that smile on Frances below?? That's even FIERCER!!!

This is Whitney fulfilling her "Pippa duties!" I LOVE it!!!! And doesn't Frances totally remind you of Kate?! Classic elegance indeed!

Frances, you are GORGEOUS!

The First Look was as romantic as ever! Loved that we were able to stage it in a greenhouse!


Frances + Jared, are you sure you aren't super models?! I mean, REALLY!

I just love this candid moment from the Ketubah signing! Their whole families gathered to watch them sign this marriage contract! And the looks on Frances + Jared's faces are priceless!

The ceremony was just lovely!

Officially MR + MRS! Mazel tov!!! These two were on cloud 9!

Seriously, I can't get over how gorgeous you two look together!!!


You two are too cute for words!!!

This is maybe my fave shot of the day! Just fabulous!!!

And a quick shot from the first dance! Soooo lovely!

To see more of this lovely wedding watch the SLIDE SHOW:

San Juan Capistrano Mission Wedding Photography | Brenna + Brett

Today there won't be a Tuesday Top 5 post. Instead, I have a wedding to share. A very special wedding that totally made my week, nay my MONTH. So I think it makes sense to post it on the day I usually reserve for talking about the highlights of my week, right?! Brett and Brenna's San Juan Capistrano wedding last Saturday was so much more than just a wedding for was an INCREDIBLE learning opportunity.Last December, when I was ready to take my career to the next level, I joined the [b]school. The [b]school is a private online community of photographers, started by [b]ecker who is one of the biggest wedding photographers in the country, perhaps in the whole world.  The [b]school is all about photographers learning from other photographers and everyone helping each other be better, which of course makes the industry better as a whole. Beyond just creating this amazing community, [b]ecker really goes above and beyond by personally sharing his knowledge with [b]schoolers. He often will choose [b]schoolers to shoot alongside him at his weddings. Which is truly the ULTIMATE learning experience. The thing is, the opportunities are coveted. I never thought I'd ever get select by [b] to shoot with him. But I wrote it down as a goal last January and set it aside. All year, every time [b]ecker had a wedding, it seemed I was already shooting a wedding of my own. Oh well, I thought, I'd probably be way too scared to ever shoot with [b]ecker anyways. Then finally this November, he posted he needed two shooters for a wedding. I was available! But what were the odds he's even choose me?? Needless to say I almost fell off the couch when I saw his email asking if I'd like to tag along. YES, I would! And that is where Brenna & Brett come in...Saturday wasn't just my day to learn from one of the best wedding photographer, it was Brett & Brenna's wedding day! And I got to help capture their love story, which is what I love. Brenna is so my type of girl-- vibrant, stylish, a ham for the camera, and in starry-eyed love. Brett can be quiet and calm, but when he gets comfy he totally lets loose and becomes a big goofball. Brett and Brenna fit together. Their love is BIG, just like their personalities! And I couldn't have been more thrilled to document that crazy big love they share.Thank you Brenna & Brett for being awesome. Thank you Lexi, my fellow [b]schooler who shot the wedding too for being a great carpool buddy, shooting buddy, and an all around wicked fun girl! And thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much to [b]ecker for being so generous with your time, giving me the opportunity to shoot with you and see first hand how you work your photographer magic, and for being so open and honest! I will always remember this awesome wedding, and I can't think of a better way to wrap up the 2010 wedding season!!!!!!! And!Brenna's late grandmother's rosary was wrapped around her bouquet. A truly sweet detail.

Brenna's wedding colors were taupe and red, so when I saw this red chair in her mom's house, I knew I HAD to photograph her shoes on it! And Taylor, the flower girl, is just so sassy! Love!

Gahhhh, Brenna! You are stunning!!!

Their ceremony was held at the Cathedral at Mission San Juan Capistrano! The Cathedral is GORGEOUS!!! Such a breathtaking place for a ceremony.

Loved the bows on the bridesmaids dresses and the red shoes they wore! Such chic details!!

Even the priest was practically in tears over their first kiss! SO special!!

I quickly grabbed this shot as the bridal party was walking to the old Mission for portraits. This shot turned out to be one of my favs of the day!!

A good second shooter catches little moments, when the main photographer is taking care of the big picture. While [b]ecker was grabbing portraits of the bridesmaids, I snapped this shoe shot! LOVE those sexy shoes ladies!!

Then [b]ecker went to photograph Brett and the groomsmen, so Lexi and I had some playtime with Brenna & the girls!! Love this fun candid shot!

Brenna!!! It's not even fair how STUNNING you are!!!

It rained on Saturday. A LOT. But luckily their was a break in the rain for our portraits! And the good news? That gorgeous overcast light! Look how amazing Brett & Brenna look!!

These two have winning smiles!!! Their kids are gonna be super smiley and cute, I can guarantee it!

I love these shots because they really show the day. A little wet and rainy. But super warm and cozy in the love department!

This might be my FAVORITE shot of the day! I know, no faces! But there's something about it!

At the end of the portraits, the sun peaked through the clouds and created the MOST dramatic light, which resulted in the photo on the left!!! KILLER, right?? Then when the sun went away we all headed to the car. And I snagged this shot of Bret & Brenna walking. Again, it totally sums up the day!!!

The wedding had some stunning decor!! Look at those big beautiful roses on the cake! And then another detail I LOVED was their heritage table, filled with old family wedding and engagement photos! So much history! And it shows how valuable wedding photography truly is-- not just for the bride and groom, but for their kids, grand kids, and great grand kids too!

Loved the submerged floral centerpieces and orange uplights! Seriously brides, if you are considering lighting for your reception, I say DO IT!! It adds so much to the look and feel of your reception!!

The toasts were full of laughter & tears!

And the first dance? Well it was SWOON WORTHY! Brett and Brenna are fabulous dancers!!!

This shot? It just makes me LOL!!! I realized I don't post enough funny reception shots, so I thought this would be a good place to start!

Another LOL! Brenna was calling out to her single lady friends to get up for the bouquet toss! The bouquet toss is very serious business. Don't mess with it.

See what I mean about serious business? These ladies are FIGHTING for that bouquet!

The night ended with a sparkler send off! I have never actually seen or done one of these so I was SUPER stoked! [b]ecker asked me to shoot from behind the couple and follow them through the arch because I am so tiny. It was a great way to give the couple another perspective. So here's the shot I captured. It's got motion blur because I was actually running while shooting it. Not really how I shoot, but this was a learning experience and so it was super cool to try something new! So I wanted to share the results!

The last shot of the night. Perfect way to end an perfect day!!!

Lastly... here is some photobooth fun of me, Lexi and [b]ecker!! How HILARIOUS are we? Answer: soooo very.
Disneyland Hotel Wedding | Megan + Nicholas

I love all things Disney! Ever since I was a little girl, Disney has had a place in my heart! I LOVE LOVE LOVE animated Disney movies (especially the old school ones) and I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Disneyland!! AJ + I even are Disneyland annual pass holders-- so yeah we dig it quite a lot! All this is back-story. So you understand how GIDDY I was when my friend Sarina of Sarina Love Photography asked me to second shoot a Disneyland Hotel wedding with her back in August! It was pretty exciting and turned out to be such an extra fun wedding to photograph!!!Megan + Nicholas had a beautiful wedding on a bright August day at the Disneyland Hotel. They are from San Fransisco, so this was also actually a destination wedding for them! Disney Weddings handled so many of their details to make sure everything was truly a fairy-tale! From the fluttery pink bouquets, to the mickey shaped fan programs, to the gorgeous Cinderella castle cake-- it was everything a Disney fan could want!Megan was so giddy all day! She radiated beauty, joy and sweetness-- just like any Disney princess! And Nick was so charismatic, funny and so very kind. He definitely fits the bill for Prince Charming! Together these two are unstoppable and are simply fabulous! I have no doubt they will be living happily ever after!!And now onto the pictures!

I LOVED Megan's shoes and dress!! Truly what a modern princess would wear!!

On the left is Megan getting ready! Her hair and make up was done by the amazing Susie Chhuor team! On the right is Megan all done up and looking GORGE!!

Megan, you are sooooo beautiful!!! Don't you just love her big laugh and smile?! I know  I do!!

Megan's bridesmaids were super cute and giddy all day too!

And the boys? They were just plain cool!

LOVE the little Disney details throughout the day!

Mr. + Mrs.!!!

Can you tell I'm just a tad obsessed with her bling-tastic shoes?!

Oh yeah. Fierce & fabulous! You two are STUNNING!!

I love how much fun Megan and Nicholas have together!!

Fabulous! Just fabulous!!!

LOVE the cake! And the bright pink reception details!!

The first dance was so romantic!!

I also loved the father-daughter dance! It was so touching! Megan and her dad had so much fun together!!

Okay, I may or I may not have squealed when the Mickey theme music came on and they made their grand entrance!

Love this cute picture of Mickey kissing Megan on the cheek!! Perfect ending to a true fairy-tale wedding!!

The Jasmine Star Workshop

Tuesday was a great day. A fabulous day. A Jasmine Star day. But let's start with Monday. I met 19 other photographers and Jasmine Star for a dinner/mixer thingy at Javier's. It was really fun to get to know everyone in person! You see I had become facebook friends with these people, followed them on Twitter, and even stalked there blogs. But the internet is one thing. Real life? That's something different entirely. So ooooh boy was I relieved to see how friendly and open everyone was. Everyone was so supportive. And a few people even said how much they admired my blog and work, which almost made me cry. Really? ME?!! I needed to be pinched. A year ago I would have never imagined this for myself. When Jasmine arrived she was so friendly, down to earth and personable! She truly is sucha giving and generous person. I thought I'd be a bumbling fool in front of her, but she made me feel like an old friend. She is truly that cool!! Then she treated us to Pinkberry and I nearly died! How deliciously sweet! Oh J* you know the way to my heart is through my tummy ;)By the start of The Workshop Tuesday morning, I felt like old friends with everyone. Not intimidated at all but just ready to learn. We spent the morning talking about branding, which was so helpful as its a concept that I didn't fully understand. I didn't take any photos of Jasmine talking 'cause y'all I was taking notes! I don't mess around with note taking. I wanted to get every word of what she had to say down on paper. But I did take a few pics of the pretty stationary Jasmine gave its branded ;)

Jasmine reiterated a concept I already knew to be true. A hand written note goes a long way! I will be saving this one for sure ;)

One thing that really struck me about Jasmine is how self aware and deliberate she is. Everything in her business is done with clear understanding and reason. Its like "I am doing this because of this..."And I think that being intentional is such a key part to running a consistent, successful, well defined business. This year I will be spending A LOT of time further developing my brand, and being intentional with what I do in my business. No more just doing because I feel I am supposed to do it that way or because peers seem to do it a certain way. No more haphazard actions or intentions. I will be intentional and aware from now on!My other favorite part of the day was of course THE PHOTO SHOOT. Oh my gosh! First can we talk about the yummy prettiness going on here?! The models, married couple Jodi and Matt, were so good looking it hurts, and also sooo sweet together! The hair and make up was done by Vivian Tran's All Made Up Team. The divine jewelry was provided by Noaki Jewelry. And Jodi's breathtaking dress was designed by Joan Shum. I'm kinda in total awe of Joan's work! Its just so unique and fashion forward-- pure art, to say the least! Make sure to check out Joan's etsy store!

I would always read on Jasmine's blog how she uses "natural reflectors" to get stunning images even in the harshest of lighting conditions and I had NO CLUE what the heck she meant! Thankfully, Jasmine planned the day with this lesson in mind. Our photoshoot was in full day sun with harsh light, and J* showed us how to rock it out using natural reflectors. And it all clicked. J* you are a smart one, you really are. I will be using this technique all the time!!!

Jasmine wanted us to all walk away with a signature image from this shoot! The following image is most definitely mine!!

The florals were provided by Kristin of The Treasured Petal, someone who's work I've been obsessed with for awhile now! She just comes up with the most stunning arrangements. And I loved the bouquet and boutonniere she designed for this shoot! Just lovely!

Jodi you are stunning! Really really stunning!

I'll end this post with the group shot!! I'm the silly little blonde one in the lower right ;)
Thank you again so much Jasmine & JD for being so open, honest and generous! This was such an amazing experience, and I know will make me a much better photographer and businesswoman! To Diandra, Kristy, Melissa, Ellie, Lara, Caitlin, Meng, Laurie, Sia, Suzanne, Anna, Anna Kim, Carrie, John, Angela, Janna, Molly, Brittany, Tracy, Jennifer and Cori -- thank you all for being so awesome! I had so much fun getting to know you and hope we can all stay in touch! I am excited to see where 2010 takes you!!! :)