Sherman Library and Gardens Wedding Photography | Frances + Jared

On Sunday I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Frances + Jared's wedding at the Sherman Library and Gardens. I had never done a wedding at Sherman Library before, but let me just say it is a fantastic venue! There is so much charm there with it's Spanish architecture. And they have an absolutely amazing succulent garden! So cute! The venue fit Frances + Jared's style perfectly as well-- charming, stylish, but also casual and comfy!Their wedding day started off so fun and relaxed. Frances got ready at home with her sister/maid-of honor Whitney (who's wedding I will also be photographing in November) and their mother. The three gals laughed as they got all made up, and also found some time to watch the Sex and the City movie! Love it!!! As the Kate Middleton inspired veil was being pinned into Frances' hair, Whitney squealed and helped make everything look perfect. She said she was fulfilling her "Pippa duties!" Also love!The First Look was a sweet moment! Jared was just floored to see Frances, but how could he not be? She looked STUNNING in her beyond fabulous dress! Their ceremony was beautiful with some sweet words by the Rabbi. I especially loved the story he told about their first date... the story that totally explains why these two were meant to be. You see, on their first date Jared accidentally knocked over and spilled the wine on the table. But Frances quickly told him it was all okay because all night she had been fearing that she might knock over and spill the wine. These two have the same cute quirks and it's why these two just get each other. As the Rabbi said it was clearly B'shert (a Jewish term for "meant to be") and I have to agree!Thanks so much to Ami for shooting this with me! And now... onto the photos!

Can we talk about how FIERCE that dress is?! LOVE!!! But that smile on Frances below?? That's even FIERCER!!!

This is Whitney fulfilling her "Pippa duties!" I LOVE it!!!! And doesn't Frances totally remind you of Kate?! Classic elegance indeed!

Frances, you are GORGEOUS!

The First Look was as romantic as ever! Loved that we were able to stage it in a greenhouse!


Frances + Jared, are you sure you aren't super models?! I mean, REALLY!

I just love this candid moment from the Ketubah signing! Their whole families gathered to watch them sign this marriage contract! And the looks on Frances + Jared's faces are priceless!

The ceremony was just lovely!

Officially MR + MRS! Mazel tov!!! These two were on cloud 9!

Seriously, I can't get over how gorgeous you two look together!!!


You two are too cute for words!!!

This is maybe my fave shot of the day! Just fabulous!!!

And a quick shot from the first dance! Soooo lovely!

To see more of this lovely wedding watch the SLIDE SHOW: