Posts tagged malibu wedding photographer
Malibu Lumberyard + El Matador Beach Engagement Photography | Kendra + Kevin

Sometimes fate has a way of working out in magical and unexpected ways. I'd say that is how Kendra came into my life! I can't tell you how many inquiries I had for her wedding date this year. Probably 3 or 4 and two I actually met with. I didn't book that date, and each time I was so disappointed. But the business goes on and of course other weddings and shoots continue. So, I shot a fabulous editorial shoot at Sunstone Winery. I fell hard in love with the venue and figured any bride who would get married there would be my kind of girl. Little did I know, weeks after completing the shoot I would get a fabulous email from talented planner Natalie asking if I was free on Sept 15th of a wedding at Sunstone! WHAT? Why yes, I am! And why, yes,  I have shot there and can even show you just how extra awesome my pics would be at the venue! Seriously, stars aligned.But really the good fortune in all this was meeting Kendra. Because in addition to getting married at an amazing place, she is a truly lovely person. In the few weeks I have known her, she has been positively  sweet, upbeat, generous, funny and just an all around awesome person to get to know! Oh and she has the best fashion sense ever. At our engagement session in Malibu, I got to finally meet her man, Kevin! He is also super funny, sweet and you can tell more than anything that he really loves Kendra. These two had a blast both at The Lumberyard playing dress up and looking utterly fierce, and then running on the shores of El Matador beach! I love a couple who knows how to dress it up, but is still so down to earth they'll splash water at each other at the beach! Awesome! I am so excited for their wedding in just a few short weeks! I know it will be amazing!!! But for now here are their engagement pics!!Kevin is handsome, eh? He kinda reminds of Clark Gable, something about his classic style... ;)

You two are GORGEOUS!


The light was oh so romantical!

Kendra you are GORGEOUS!


This may just be my fave shot of the day!!

So stinkin' adorable I can't believe it!

I told you these two have fun together!


We lost light quick at the end, so we did a few sunset snaps with the off camera light!

To see more from this uber stylish Malibu engagement CLICK HERE or watch the the slide show below:Magic! So so so excited for the big day!

Point Dume, Villa Sancti, Malibu Wedding Photography | Nikki + Dave

This year amazing things have happened for me, things that have changed me as a photographer and made me grow oh so much! One of those big things was meeting Brian + Allison, the husband and wife photographer team behind the luxury studio Callaway Gable. In March, I had the pleasure of second shooting a few weddings with Brian + Allie, and soon afterwards they invited me to become part of the Callaway Gable team as an associate photographer! I honestly was so flattered and thrilled I practically fell off the couch when they asked me ;). As an associate of Callaway Gable, I shoot a number of weddings per year under their brand as the lead photographer. It's super awesome for me because it keeps me very busy shooting on the weekends that I am not booked with my own weddings! And also Brian and Allie have taught me a lot of new photo tips and tricks that are taking me to a whole new level as a photographer! It's definitely an adventure that I am super excited about!Nikki + Dave's Malibu wedding was the first wedding I photographed as a Callaway Gable Associate. The wedding was beautifully designed and coordinated by Brandi of High Society Events. The ceremony was on the beach in Point Dume, Malibu... coincidentally neighboring the beach I got married on in 2009! Being a former beach bride myself you can just imagine how much I loved this wedding! After the ceremony, we headed to the lovely Villa Sancti di Bella Vista for a fun filled outdoor reception! It was a completely gorgeous day!Thank you to Candice + Becca for shooting with me and assisting on this big day! And now... pictures!Nikki wore amazing pink Badgley Mischka shoes!!

Nikki was incredibly calm and casual while getting ready! Props to her for being such a relaxed bride!!

Part of the Callaway Gable aesthetic is using artificial light for edgy portraits. Brian and Allie have taught me how they do this... and this is me putting it into practice!! Ferosh, right?!

A bridal portrait in my own signature style!

Sighhhhhh! The ceremony set up was gorgeous!!! I LOVE beach weddings!!!

A touching moment as Nikki's dad gives her away.

Dave was all smiles throughout the ceremony!

And Nikki cried tears of joy!

My favorite image of the day.....

The sun was harsh but we still worked it for some photos on the beach!

Nikki, darling, you are FIERCE!

Even though you can't see their faces, there is something so joyous about this next photo.

We then headed from the beach to Villa Sancti for some more portraits.

When I showed this next photo to Nikki on the back of my camera, right after it had been taken, she said "awww" and got all choked up. I agree, there is something so tender and evocative about this photo.

We ended the portraits with a few Callaway Gable style artificial light portraits. I do have to say, they are pretty rad! What do you think?

The reception was just lovely!! Look at that view!! Villa Sancti is an amazing venue for sure!

As the sunset these two laughed with each other and enjoyed being married! Just love!!!

Leo Carillo Campgrounds Engagement Photography | Rachel + Sean

I knew I loved Rachel from her first email, but our meeting proved it! We laughed and chatted as she told me all about her plans for her and Sean's big day! And if that wasn't enough we also chatted about engagement session ideas. She said her and Sean love to camp and she would love to do a camping themed session. And ever since? I have been full of anticipation for this shoot! Well Sunday it happened! Sean + Rachel booked a campsite in Leo Carrillo State Park in Malibu. The grounds were lovely. And even lovelier were all the props and camping gear these two brought with them. It made for one adorable, loved filled session that I am so excited to share!!

I am in love with all these vintage camping props Rachel brought! She found them in her grandparents' garage! How cool is that?! It's also proof you don't need to spend a ton on props to make an engagement session unique and adorable!

You two are SOOO cute!!!

Camping is not complete without roasted marshmallows and s'mores, right?! So we made sure to make some! Yum yum!

Love in a tent!!! Sooooo adorable!!!

I adore this sign that Rachel found at a yard sale for $3.99!!!! Amazing!!!

This photo really shows off how much fun Rachel + Sean have together!

You two are so cute together it's seriously ridiculous!!!! :)

To see more from this lovely camping themed engagement session watch the SLIDE SHOW!

Malibu Engagement Photography | Jen + Eric

It never ceases to amaze me how some of my best clients find me by way of my hubby AJ. Actually, when I think of how many rad couples have come my way because of him, it almost seems like I should give him a bonus, or a foot rub, or both. ;) Anyways, Jen is one such client! You see my hubby is a big Dodgers fan and spends a good deal of his leisure time chatting and commenting on True Blue LA. Jen happened to comment there one day, and, while introducing herself to the other members, mentioned she was engaged. AJ got all excited and proceeded to rave about how I am "the best wedding photographer on Earth", his words not mine! So Jen checked out my site, sent me an email, set up a time to meet me and BAM booked on the spot! Which was awesome!!!And just like many of the fab clients AJ sent my way before her, Jen is totally rad. She has an amazing sense of style, is very funny and smart and has oh so much in common with me! It was as if it was meant to be! Ever since we met, I have been SOOOO excited for our e-sesh, and last Sunday it finally happened! And it was as amazing as I had been imagining!At the engagement session, I also got to meet Eric for the first time. And I finally got to see how Jen and him interact! Jen and Eric are pure adorableness together! Eric could't take his eyes off Jen, and gushed over how cute she is and how smokin' she looked in all her outfits. All of which is truth! And Jen loved to just hold onto Eric, hug him, and snuggle in close. But she also likes being silly for him and make him laugh. So adorable indeed! But honestly, these two are more then just adorable. They have great chemistry and we definitely took advantage of that and got some kinda steamy pics towards the end of the sesh! Love!We started off the session in the bluffs of Malibu...

Jen + Eric, you two are FIERCE! Love it!!

Are you sure you two aren't super models?!!! HOT!

Then we moved down to El Matador Beach....

The light! The water! Jen + Eric! I love everything about this!

One of my faves of the day... these two are workin' it!!!

Jen, and you said you weren't photogenic??? You are GORGEOUS!!!!

And this is when things got a little steamy in the sand... Jen you look damn SEXY in this photo!

...this one I focused on Eric's gorgeous blue eyes which Jen just LOVES!

To see more from this fabulous Malibu engagement watch the SLIDE SHOW below: