Featured on Ever Ours

Yay! It's always so fun to see my work featured on wedding blogs. But honestly the BEST thing about a publication feature is the 15-minutes of wedding world fame it brings my brides! My brides work so hard to pull together inspired, adorable, unique weddings and photo shoots. And getting their photos published is the ultimate validation that their creativity ROCKS! And they get to feel like a wedding rockstar for a day or so. And ultimately, I really want the ENTIRE experience of working with me to be "rockstar-esque," if you will.So yay yay yay for Rachel + Sean! Their adorable and heartfelt camping themed engagement shoot was featured on Ever Ours today! Go check it out:


I <3 pinterest. I do. It's my latest ADDICTION.

If you know what Pinterest is...I'm assuming it's your biggest addiction too! If you don't know about...LET ME TELL YOU! It's this awesome visual space where you can clip photos and bookmark things you like from all around the interwebs and organize your "pins" into boards. You can create a piboard for your portfolio, a pinboard with recipes, a pinboard with fashion looks you love. You get the picture! It has CHANGED MY LIFE PEOPLE! For serious. I began using it to house and organize all my home decor...but now I seriously have a board for EVERYTHING! Including wedding ideas for brides! ;)

So come follow me on pinterest why don't ya: http://pinterest.com/ashleightaylor/

Life Lately

Hi Interwebs! It's a been awhile... to be quite honest I have been enjoying slow season. Going to client meetings. Having engagement sessions. And working on the back end of my business.... mainly goals, business plan revisions, and outlining how to make 2012 even more awesome for my clients! It's been a lot of work...and a lot different from the fast pace of wedding season. But I've been digging it.I've also been...adjusting...Adjusting to what? Well, my new life here in Santa Barbara. Being a total LA girl for 26 years, living somewhere new has been very interesting. I've been up, down and all around. I do LOVE being here in SB. It is beautiful. It is very community oriented. It's kind of got a hippie vibe I dig. It has, as I am discovering, some yummy food. It's not fast paced like LA. And I can't get anything I want at anytime of day (say for example Korean food or food trucks or a romp around good ol' Target). I can't see my mom every Sunday for brunch.... But even though it ain't LA, it is nice. And the best thing about Santa Barbara is that it has my husband. And now my cats. And I'm enjoying us being together again like a family.I've also been adjusting to be a home owner and living in our new place! I never in a million years realized a) how much stuff we owned and b) how hard unpacking and organizing is! As a renter, I never cared much to decorate or have my space perfectly organized. But now that this place is OURS it is sooooo important to me to have it be nice, cutely decorated, organized and tidy. My goal is to have it be nice enough even to use as a home studio/meeting space...and even as a spot for some saucy boudoir shoots. More on that later... But needless to say when I haven't been working on my business, I have been working on my home.And...totally neglecting my blog! For which I apologize! So with that said I promise to blog more. To reinstate my weekly "i <3 this" and "inspired ideas" posts... and to blog more faqs and purty pictures! So let's begin now, shall we?Here is life lately...courtesy of my instagram!PS - follow me on instagram... i'm ashleightaylor!

Featured in Seacoast Weddings Magazine

To me, there is pretty much NOTHING more exciting than seeing my photos published. It's always such a nice compliment and really helps me realize how far I've come since I first decided to give professional photography a try in 2008. Being published anywhere is truly a blessing and I'm so humbled by it.And as far as being published goes... perhaps one of the most exciting things is to see my work in a print magazine! There's something very surreal about picking up a magazine, flipping through the semi-gloss pages and landing on a photo I've taken. Even crazier is to know brides are out there buying this magazine and looking at my work! I was very fortunate to have felt the thrill of being published in print 3 times during 2011. And 2012? Well what a start we're off to! I just received in the mail my copy of Seacoast Weddings Magazine 2012 issue. In it they featured one of my photos on an entire page! And what's also cool is that they featured my headshot on the "Contributing Photographers" credits page! Holy moly! Almost too exciting for words! Check it out! My photo is of the stunning bouquet (designed by Honey + Poppies) on the right-hand page.A closer look at the page...The credit in detail...A look at the Contributing Photographers page! My headshot is number #4  (top row)!...and a close up of the credit on the "contributing photographers" page.Rad! Thanks so much to Seacoast Weddings for the fabulous feature! And any fans in New England should definitely go buy a copy! It's a great magazine with tons of inspiration!

DIY Crystal Linear Chandelier {for the home}

I have to admit, this past January I have been having SO much fun buying things for and decorating my new condo! Maybe a little too much fun! We are nowhere near finished... who knew it took so much work just to pull one room together?! Well, maybe it's because the first room we decided to tackle is our biggest-- the open concept living/dining room and sorta the kitchen too!One thing I've always dreamed of having was a gorgeous chandelier. In the past we've rented and it's kinda like "whatever ugly lighting comes with the place is what you get." So I have never had a really nice light fixture before. And when we first moved in one of the FIRST things that had to change was the ridiculously ugly, apartment-rental-esque ceiling light in the dining area. I wished I had taken a photo to show you how truly yuck it was... but I was too focused on getting rid of it!Anywho... so I really LOVE the look of a Crystal Linear Chandelier. Modern. Yet Blingy. But after having just dropped most of our life's savings on a down payment, we really needed to be budget conscious on the decorating. Luckily I found this amazing DIY tutorial on how to make a linear chandelier on Teal + Lime.So off I went to make my own rad chandy! And I think I really succeeded. There were a few blanks I had to figure out from the DIY instructions I read..so I am gonna walk you through how I did it. It's such a posh and affordable way to jazz up your dining area!Here's what you need:

  • Tidig Chandelier from Ikea (I used the one with 6 lamps)
  • Crystals!!! (I bought mine here + here from Etsy)
  • 26 gauge jewelry wire
  • Flat nosed pliers with wire cutters
  • Crimping Beads
  • Clear Packing Tape

Project Cost: $215Step one is to install the light. My father-in-law did it, but you may need an electrician depending on your knowledge of these things!The Tidig hangs SUPER LOW! The height is fairly adjustable but we adjusted it as far up as it would go. It's still pretty low but it's about 26-28" above our table so it works great!Here's a before picture of the light just installed which I snapped with my iPhone. And yep... that's my father-in-law painting our accent wall in the background (we make him work hard)!One thing you notice as you shorten the length of the chandelier is there is A LOT of extra, lose wire hanging about...and it is anything but clean and modern looking! So we had to carefully and neatly fold the wires to make it look like one piece and used clear packing tape to hold it together! Now it looks super clean and you don't even notice it!Next step is the crystals!Needless to say,  you have to buy the crystals first! That's the funnest + easiest part of the whole project! Watch your budget as it is VERY easy to get carried away. I spent $150 on crystals, which is $40 more than Teal + Lime spent. However, I really like the look of the extra crystals... our final result is one lush and luxe looking chandy! And still the whole chandelier came under $225 which is much less than any one  you can buy a brand spankin' new  in ANY store I've seen.When buying the crystals look for different shapes + sizes! Varying lengths is so important too! I chose a mix of pendalogues of varying shapes and sizes, rectangular prisms, teardrop prisms, and octagon crystals!Hanging the crystals was another challenge that took some time to figure out. Luckily I have a smart + crafty mother-in-law to help me when it comes to projects like this!  We decided to use 26 gauge jewelry wire and crimping beads. First we looped the wire through the hole on each crystal. Then we used a crimping bead to hold and just wrapped the excess wire around the hanging piece of wire. Once we had all the crystals attached to wires, we then looped the other end of the wire around the chandelier. Again using a crimping bead to hold and wrapping the excess wire. ...Hope I explained that well!Here's a visual on how we fastened the crystals...it should make more sense after seeing these details...We made sure to balance out the shapes and sizes of the crystals and also to hang them at varying lengths! That is super key. A big tip is to stop every handful of crystals you hang, and step wayyyy back. Then evaluate where it needs more of what.The final result...I'm so in LOVE with how it turned out! And my hubby is too! He compliments it almost daily, how about that?! With the paint up and my chandelier in place our room is really starting to take shape and becpming the place I dream of it being!I'll update more as things progress!xoAshleigh

Santa Barbara Courthouse Engagement Photography | Susie + Eric

I absolutely LOVE engagement season! Such a fun time of year spent meeting potential clients, and getting to know my newly booked 2012 clients even better through engagement photo shoots! So exciting!I also have been having a ton of fun shooting in Santa Barbara, my new home! Even though Susie + Eric are getting married in LA, they were very excited about the opportunity to do their engagement pictures in Downtown Santa Barbara. Especially because Eric is an alumni of UCSB! We started off the session at the Santa Barbara Courthouse! I had heard that it was such a beautiful location... but I really was impressed at how awesome is! The architecture is fantastic and there are so many nooks and crannies with ridiculously pretty light! LOVED it!Of course, the best part of the session was just working with Susie + Eric! These two both have such a great sense of style, and they were so excited to be all gussied up and play super-model! Total dream clients! But beyond being ridiculously stylish and good looking, these two are just so sweet and fun to be around! They were always looking out for each other, and would just get lost in each others eyes! Sighhh. So adorable to witness! You can just tell that these two are super in love! And not only are they so sweet with each other, but they also bought me a hot chocolate to warm me up from a very cold, windy session! Can't ask for better clients than that! ;)So without further ado... love at the Santa Barbara Courthouse (100 Anacapa Street  Santa Barbara, CA 93101) ...

Seriously! Are they not just ridiculously adorable together?!

They know how to 'smise. That's "smile with your eyes," for anyone out there who doesn't speak Tyra Banks!

Hotties for sure!!

Work it outttttttt! ;)

Really, you two? Y'all should be in a magazine!


Love this sweet moment!

...and I LOVE this fierce moment! Rawr!

The light in the Mural Room of the Courthouse was oh-so dramatic!

We then headed down State Street to one of Susie + Eric's favorite places... STARBUCKS!!!

Eric is a true gentleman!

Oh yeah... then they got some soft serve ice cream! And then we took this amazing-ness!

To see more photos from Susie + Eric's Downtown Santa Barbara Engagement please watch the SLIDE SHOW!

Published in Ceremony Magazine

I am so excited to share that Skylar + AJ's wedding is featured in Ceremony Magazine, San Diego Edition (Spring 2012)! It is so thrilling to see my images take up a stunning three page spread in this top notch wedding magazine! What a dream come true! Check it out! Can't forget that credit line! Love seeing my name in print as well!

Coronado Butterly Preserve, Santa Barbara Engagement Photography | Samantha + Brooks

I am so lucky to have just moved to beautiful Santa Barbara! But I am even luckier to have already found some wonderful clients in my new area! Brooks + Samantha are completely awesome! Brooks went to the same high school as my husband (also where my husband now teaches) and his dad actually  was our amazing realtor when we moved! So I was super duper thrilled when Brooks + Sam said they wanted me to photograph their wedding!I had so much fun hanging out with Brooks + Sam, hiking around the incredible Coronado Butterfly Preserve, talking about yoga and our cats, and taking some fabulous images! It was the perfect day!Check out some of the beautiful images below!

I mean, really, you two. Could you be any more gorgeous??

Look at all the pretty nature surrounding these two lovebirds!

Sammie smiles with her eyes! LOVE it!

It's RIDICULOUS how good you two look together! <3

Samantha you are STUNNING!

This one is very cinematic.


Love! Brooks, you look so handsome!

Fun!!! I love these last two shots of them so much! Just running through the fields! :)

The motion blur in this last one gets me every time! RAD!

I la-la-la-love it and can't wait for the wedding in May! I know it's gonna be absolutely lovely in every way!

...and I can't wait to shoot more at the Monarch Preserve! Such a stunning area! If you wanna check it out, even just for a hike, here's the info:

Coronado DrGoleta, CA 93117

To see more photos from this lovely engagement session watch the SLIDE SHOW!

Downtown Los Angeles Engagement Photography | George + Angie

At the end of 2011, I got to shoot the lovely Angie + George's sweet engagement session in Downtown LA! I had so much fun with them, wandering Union Station + Olvera street! We found so many little nooks and allies and lucked out with some great light! Angie is also a very talented fine art +edgy fashion photographer, so I was very flattered that these two trusted me with their engagement photos! I just love the results! Check it out......Being a fashion photographer, Angie taught George how to make the "fierce" face. Rawr.I love shooting in this tunnel but always have to challenge myself with a new shot. I dig this one!We found some excellent light as we wound our way through the stalls and carts on Olvera Street! Love the colors here, and Angie looks GORGE!SUPER STARS!This engagement was such a great way to end 2011! I am so glad I finally had a chance to blog it! <3

2011 YEAR IN REVIEW | The Weddings

2011 was filled with SO many weddings! So many happy, pretty, lovey, tear-filled, giddy weddings! Between the weddings that I shot for my own business, the weddings I shot as an associate for Callaway Gable, and the weddings I second shot for some of my good friends, I was busy nearly every single weekend in 2011. Sometimes even with back-to-back weddings! Definitely my busiest year yet! But it was amazing!!!! I loved every second! And I want to be at least that busy in 2012! I've grown SO much, become an even better photographer than I knew I could be, and I know it's because of how busy I kept myself shooting week in and week out. :)I wish I could share photos from every single wedding I got to be a part of, but that's not really possible right now. Hopefully soon I will be share some more top secret weddings from 2011, including the wedding I got to shoot in a Castle in New Hampshire!! But for now I will do my 2011 wedding recap with the images that are okay to currently go public! So enjoy this look back at the weddings I got to shoot this past year, even if it is semi-incomplete! ;)Hanna + Chris kicked off my year by eloping!!Jami + Jose married in Santa Barbara on a misty March day!Elaine + Angel tied the knot one fine April day in Pasadena! :)Karla + Waldo's stylish Downtown Los Angeles wedding knocked my socks off!Andra + Nate got married in Pasadena... in July... in 100+ degrees! And they still managed to look FLAWLESS! :)Kim + Mark's wedding was just lovely!I still get goosebumps when I think of Lauren + Drew's AMAZING art deco Santa Monica wedding!Skylar + AJ's vibrant San Diego wedding was too beautiful for words!!! I still have to pinch myself that it was real! Such loveliness and such a perfect couple! Becky + Bernadette tied the knot at the gorgeous Los Angeles River Center and Gardens!Nikki + Dave's fabulous Malibu wedding was just one of the weddings I got to shoot as an associate for Callaway Gable in 2011! So glad I can share this one with y'all! :)Frances + Jared's Sherman Library and Gardens wedding was picture perfect! Love these two! :)Whitney + Nate's Long Beach Museum of Art Wedding was just down right fabulous!And there was nothing cuter than Carolyn + Prescott's rustic, Southern inspired, autumn wedding held at Strawberry Farms!!

2011 YEAR IN REVIEW | The Engagements

At the beginning of a New Year, I always love to a reflect on the year that just ended. I love  to see how how far I've come, and to remember all the wonderful moments I got to experience that past year! When I look back on all the weddings and love shoots I've done I get the warm fuzzies. Because again I'm blown away by how many AWESOME couples I worked with. Because I see how every shoot I become I better photographer. Because there my life is filled with beauty inside and out. These year-in-review posts are truly some of my favorite. And I look forward to creating them each January!I was very lucky to have SUCH fabulously creative and stylish couples in 2012. Many of my couples wanted to do unique engagements and styled them to perfection! I loved it! I can only hope 2012 is filled with such gorgeous engagements, though I have no doubt it will be! :) So without further ado, a look back at 2011's engagement shoots...Technically Brooklyn + Mark's shoot was an anniversary...but who wants to be technical?! They started my 2011 off in style on a drizzly February day!I got to photograph Diana + JR in Nevada, thanks to Candice!Andra + Nate celebrated Easter with a fun Pasadena engagement session!Kim + Mark brought the fabulous at Griffith Observatory!Carolyn + Prescott's Valencia engagement session was styled to be oh so very pretty!Virginia + Alex turned their love for each other and old western movies into one gorgeous engagement!!!Adriana and Phil brought sexy back in Downtown Los Angeles:Frances + Jared's Long Beach engagement was full of stolen moments to make your heart flutter!Skylar + AJ's engagement at The Lab was so stylish I'm sure Anna Wintour would die of jealousy over them!!Becky + Bernadette's engagement at Griffith Observatory was filled with love!Jen + Eric got real sexy at El Matador Beach...if the engagement is this hot I can't wait for their summer 2012 wedding! :)Rachel and Sean closed out my 2011 engagement season, with a sweet as s'mores camping themed engagement in the canyons of Malibu!

2011 Year In Review | The Features

2011 was truly a landmark year for my business! It was very busy, filled with amazingly sweet and creative couples, and fabulous collaborations with vendors! I am also so amazed and thankful for all the recognition my work received in 2011. This past year we proudly had a ton of press features, and I got to see my work published on top wedding blogs and even in PRINT! When I look back at the goals I set for myself in January of 2011, I am blown away by how many of them I have accomplished...and I feel very blessed and humbled at the same time. So I am excited to take a look back at all the places my little photos ended up in 2011, and I am VERY excited to see what new opportunities lay ahead for me in 2012 :)I started of 2011 with my first ever feature on The Wedding Chicks:In February, a photo I took of one of Erica O'Brien's cakes was featured in Brides Southern California magazine.A cute balloon filled engagement session was featured on Ever Ours:Green Wedding Shoes featured our Lady + The Tramp Anniversary shoot:Grey Likes Wedding featured our Brunch Wedding Inspiration:Wedding Chicks picked up our Lady Gaga Wedding Inspiration shoot which quickly went viral:Wedding Wire and Hi-Fi Weddings were just a few of the places that later featured the Gaga Wedding:Alex's Engagement Party was featured on Hostess With The Mostess:Carolyn + Prescott's engagement shoot was featured on Style Me Pretty's Facebook page and a gallery on the main site:Christine + Tyler's eco friendly wedding was featured on Recycled Bride:This Western Film inspired engagement was featured on Green Wedding Shoes and also on Fabulously Wed:Marry Me, A Russian Wedding Magazine, featured a 8 page spread of our Lady Gaga shoot... here's a snippet of the spread:Ever Ours featured Kim + Mark's playful engagement shoot:Some Japanese Wedding Inspiration was featured on The Sweetest Occasion:Jackie + Tony's Hippies in the Desert Mr. + Mrs. shoot was featured on Style Me Pretty California: Carolyn + Prescott's Spring Time in Paris themed engagement party was featured on Hostess With The Mostess:Style Me Pretty featured Lauren + Drew's wedding:Occasions Magazine Online featured Christina + Syl's wedding:I contributed to article about engagement session tips for My Sunny Wedding E-Zine:A few detail shots were featured on Grace Ormonde Wedding Style!!:Brides.com featured a photo I took of one of Erica O'Brien's cakes:Skylar + AJ's wedding was featured on Style Me Pretty:Elizabeth Anne Designs featured Frances + Jared's elegant garden wedding:Hostess With The Mostess featured this Retro Chic Baby Shower:And we ended the year with what is quite possibly the biggest and most exciting feature of them all! The Bride and Bloom Southern California Magazine featured a 2 page spread of images from our Alexander McQueen Inspiration shoot in their Fall/Winter 2011 issue:What an incredible year of features! Thank you so much to all the fabulous editors and publications who featured my work! And also thank you billions to my creative clients for trusting me to shoot your gorgeously detailed weddings, and engagements! Also also, huge thanks to all the AMAZING vendors who trusted me to capture your fabulous work! I am so humbled!

Ch-ch-changes + Out Of The Office

I know its been a little **crickets** on the blog lately! I haven't forgotten about my dear readers! I've just been a little overwhelmed...You see my husband and I are moving to Santa Barbara! Santa Barbara, you ask! Why? What? How? Don't you LOVE LA??Let me explain. Yes, I LOVE LA. I love it like it is my family. But I do actually love my husband more. And as it turns out, this year my husband (who is a Santa Barbara native) got his dream job. The dream job he told me about just a few weeks after we began dating 7 years ago. Yep, and it's in Santa Barbara. Womp womp womp. But... Santa Barbara is a LOVELY place! So I am very lucky actually :)We also... BOUGHT A CONDO THERE! Yep! A lovely 3 bedroom condo! Of our very own! This is our first time being home owners so we are thrilled! :)You may be wondering how the move will affect my clients. And really, once we get settled in it won't change a thing! I will still be shooting weddings and engagements in LA, in addition to working in SB.Very exciting stuff!:)But... It's also a little cray-cray stressful. We get our keys today and move this weekend. Then it's practically Christmas + Hanukkah (we celebrate both) and then I leave to visit my dad in Texas for 8 days.I want to let you know that I will not be in the office from today, Friday 12/16 until Tuesday 1/3/12. I will still try to reply to emails, but they may be returned  much slower than usual. Additionally, I will not be editing images, scheduling shoots, mailing out discs/canvases/albums during this time. All such work will resume on January 3rd.Thanks so much for your patience! I wish everyone Happy Holidays! And please stay tuned on the blog as I have scheduled some posts to entertain y'all in the interim!xo,Ashleigh

Behind The Scenes | Ashleigh Taylor Photography 2011

Well folks...its December! The LAST MONTH OF 2011!!! Can someone explain to me how that happened?? This year seemed to blur by! But what an amazing blur it has been! :)Every year, around December (and sometimes rolling a little into January) I like to do a series of blog posts that review and sum up the past year. It really helps me relive all the fun and awesomeness of the past year and see how far I've come!Last year, I debuted a Behind The Scenes post where I showcased all the photos I could find of me shooting weddings in 2010! To my complete surprise, it was a big huge hit, and I got so much feed back that people loved seeing me in action. So now that 2011 is coming to a close, I decided to spend an hour or two digging through all the photos from the weddings I shot this year...searching and searching for photos of me in action! It was kinda like playing Where's Waldo!Well... I found some doozies that I hope you will enjoy! ;) Without further ado, here is Behind The Scenes of Ashleigh Taylor Photography 2011!Here I am with Frances + Jared, shooting their First Look and romantics:

Getting a few portraits of the groom! Excuse the greasy hair please, it was over 100 degrees outside that day! YIKES!!!

What's better than shooting on the beach with toes in your sand? Shooting an adorable couple on the beach-- like Lauren + Drew! :)

I LOVE shooting romantics! I always have a dopey smile on my face when shooting them, no matter how hot or cold it is outside! ;)

I always make sure to line up everyone for family shots and angle them just right for the perfect photo!

I LOVE showing my clients pics on the back of the camera and seeing their reaction! I think they love it too because they can see right away that they look amazing!

I always tell my the bridal party how to lift up the bride's dress just enough so you can step in close to her without stepping on her dress! That's what I'm doing here. Serious business friends!

I LOVE this picture! The light was fading as we walked back from the beach to the reception... and we chatted about Boardwalk Empire! Being friends with your clients is rad!

Just explaining poses to get the shot!

Yep, I can handle a big old bridal party and get them to have fun!! :)

Just chatting with the groom as I take some portraits of him!

This is me at my destination wedding this year!! Which was in New England in November! It was a chilly, windy 40 degrees that day so I bundled appropriately but also pretty snazzy! My hat had sequins-- dressy and yet keeps the head warm and cozy! ;)

I always make sure to check the back of the camera to make sure I got the shot before we move on!!

I'm a shorty. A REAL shorty. So my secret to getting great angles and pics often involves standing on chairs, benches and whatever solid furniture I can find! ;)

We shot Skylar + AJ's romantics on a suspension bridge!! What daredevils we were! Not gonna lie there were a few moments I was a little nervous but SkyJ is so sexy, I quickly forgot where I was and rocked the shots out!

That's me showing a bridesmaid how to pose!! Sexy right? LOL

Just shooting a wedding in autumn, in New Hampshire, on the grounds of a Castle... that's all! ;)

This me showing a bride how I want her to pose. Aren't I adorable? ;)

Fun with my bride Carolyn in her ATP Phunky Booth!

I also LOVE getting fun shots in regular style photo booths too! Here are some great ones from 2011!

If you provide a pimp hat as a photobooth prop, I will pose with it on. Yeeeeah dawgz! I'm gangsta.

What a goofball I am!

Well folks, there you have at! A look at what goes on behind the scenes at one of my weddings! Hope you enjoyed! :)

Featured in The Bride and Bloom Magazine

I am so excited to share some REALLY big news! Like, tears of joy big!!!Back in April, I was asked by Alexandra of Sterling Engagements to photograph a shoot she was putting together for The Bride + Bloom Southern California Magazine! I was so giddy and honored to be asked. Me? Shoot photos for a magazine? WHAT THE WHAT?!!! But of course I said yes! The theme of our shoot was tablescapes inspired by fashion designer Alexander McQueen! LOVE IT! Event Designer Shawna Yamamoto did a STUNNING job creating two amazing table designs that will blow your mind. It was very fun to capture all her glam details!Fast forward about 6 months... I had been soooo busy with wedding season I practically forgot all about the shoot. But then I was alerted the issue was on newsstands!! To my joy, the shoot is featured in a 2 page spread  in the magazine and even has a big old photo credit! Pretty cool! I never ever imagined in my life that I would one day go to Barnes and Noble to buy copies of a magazine that featured 2 pages of my photos. The feeling is amazing.But I really have to thank Alex and Shawna for inviting me along and for putting together an amazing design! These two ladies are talented!!Soooo...anywho...if you get the chance pick up the Fall/Winter 2011 issue of Bride + Bloom Southern California (currently on newsstands) and flip to pages 72-73! You seriously won't want to miss the eye candy ;)Here's a peak...

Long Beach Museum of Art Wedding Photography | Whitney + Nate

I am so excited to finally be sharing Whitney and Nate's fabulous wedding which was held at the beautiful Long Beach Museum of Art! This wedding was extra special to me because just a few months earlier I got to photograph Whitney's sister's, Frances, wedding! Because of this, when I showed up to photograph Whitney's big day, I already knew her inner circle! It made photographing everything seem like a big huge family affair! LOVE!Though Whitney and Nate live in Chicago, Whitney grew up in Long Beach so the Long Beach Museum of Art was the perfect venue! And Whitney managed to utilize all the nooks and crannies of the venue-- from setting up croquet on the lawn, to the ceremony overlooking the water, to the dinner held in the historic building and dancing on the outside patio! There was so much fun happening that day and it allowed for everyone to see all the pretty sights the venue had to offer. Whitney is a huge fan of the color green so all the details reflected various shades of green. From adorable Twining Tea Tin escort cards to green bridesmaids dresses to her green bridal shoes! It was very pretty and a unique color palette for a fall wedding! But beyond the pretty setting and shades of emerald details, Whitney + Nate's wedding was so special because it was ALL about love. Serious love. Love of family. Love of friends. Giddy, joyous, snuggly newlywed love. I was so happy to document all the smiles, all the hugs, all the stolen glances and all the happy tears. That is why I love my job. And that is why I LOVE Whitney and Nate. Because they radiate love. :)Special thanks to Ami and Jenny for shooting with me this day... And now without further ado...the photos! Dun dun dun!

Could Whitney be ANY cuter or happier to get into her veil??? Seriously ADORABLE!

Frances fulled her Pippa duties as Maid Of Honor, Sister and BFF when she helped Whitney get into her dress!

Whitney, you are one gorgeous bride!!!!

The First Look. Seriously, I LOVE this! These two were sooooo happy to see each other. The First Look gave them extra time to soak each other in on the big day... and extra time for pics on a November day with an EARLY sunset. I call this WIN-WIN.

FIERCE! Whitney you look like Grace Kelly! So lovely!!!

I seriously LOVE how these two turned it out for my camera! HOT!

The ceremony took place at Sunset overlooking the water! Kinda like my own wedding! LOVE!

Photos of hands during a ceremony always make me smile!

After the ceremony, we were allowed inside the actual Museum Gallery for photos. Since it was dark, I worked out some funky, editorial, avante-garde photos using off camera flash! Gotta thank my homies Brian + Allie for teaching me how to rock this. LOVE!

Whitney knows how to DIVA it up! I love that about her!!! Yes I do!!!

I LOVE THIS! It's so...artsy...which works well for a wedding held at an Art Museum, no?

And then... party time!!! I love a good fun dancing shot!!! :)

To see more from this lovely wedding, please watch the SLIDE SHOW below!

Strawberry Farms Wedding Photography | Carolyn + Prescott

I am so excited to finally share Carolyn + Prescott's AMAZING Strawberry Farms Golf Club Wedding! Carolyn chose a fabulous venue when she picked Strawberry Farms. They have a big beautiful red barn where the weddings are held... and actually because it was a rainy Autumn day both the ceremony AND reception were held inside it! The Big Red Barn and Carolyn's Southern heritage helped inspire so much of the rustic, Autumn decor for this wedding-- most of which Carolyn DIY'd herself or found on Etsy!Carolyn is the owner of Half Baked Co, a bake shoppe featuring tasty treats at half the fat, and so of course she had a ROCKIN' dessert bar at her wedding! She also had two pairs of adorable shoes, and one of the prettiest bouquets on Earth. But beyond the amazing eye candy this wedding had, it is the love that beamed off both Carolyn and her hubby Prescott that made the day so very special. From their very personal ceremony, to the gifts Prescott sent to Carolyn while she was getting ready, to the way they danced together all night... There was SO much love filling up and warming up that barn on that cold, gray November day!Special thanks to Ami for second shooting for me on this wedding!So without further ado... the wedding...

I knew I adored Carolyn from her first email to me. But the fact that she chose these two pairs of shoes to wear on her big day?? Well that makes me love her even more!!

SO much excitement in the air while Carolyn got ready! She is so lucky to have a great momma and fantastic girlfriends!

It wasn't exactly the plan to have the ceremony in the barn... but I think it looked LOVELY! I loved all the twinkly lights!

The newlyweds!!!

I just LOVE this shot!!!!

Carolyn + Prescott have some really fun and really good looking friends! Seriously!!!


Let's just all do a collective AWWWWWWW for how cute the ring bearer and flower girl looked!

I told you their peeps are full of fun and LOLZ! I seriously heart the ENTIRE bridal party!!!

We snuck away for some gorgeous portraits after the ceremony...

How good looking are these two??!! Seriously! It's ridiculous how gorgeous these two are together!!

Fierce super stars!!!!

Oh my goodness!!!! Carolyn you are a beauty!!!!!!!!

Adore this fun shoe shot!


Carolyn's dessert bar was AMAZING!!!! But who could expect any less of her?! ;)

Nom nom!

And then they partied the night away...

To see more from this fabulously rustic wedding, watch the SLIDE SHOW:

Phunky Booth | Carolyn + Prescott

I am always so happy when my clients choose to add on a Phunky Booth to their wedding day coverage! Doing a Phunky Booth is just plain fun and gives me and my team a new, super rad way to interact with guests and get PRICELESS pics!But don't be fooled, the success of a Phunky Booth partly has to do with the bride and groom. I ask that all my clients provide their own props so that each booth is unique! My bride Carolyn (stay tuned for her wedding pics soon) took my advice and ran with it! For her rustic inspired wedding, she set up a kickin' photobooth table. Complete with old-timey props with a Western, Cowboy theme! She had sooooo many AMAZINGLY creative props, from Sheriff badges, to hand cuffs, to western shirts and bandanas to old cameras! It was so creative and all her guests got right into character!Check out the pics of all the old-timey PHUNKINESS that happened below:Watch out for the bridesmaids... they're trouble!!! ;)Looks like there's a new Sheriff in town...Carolyn and Prescott...or perhaps Bonnie + Clyde!The guests came out with guns blazin'. Literally."Are ye deeeeeeeeaf?!"That's me trying to be very serious. Which was VERY hard. Because I am always smiling!"Say hello to my little friend!" (okay I know thats a mafia movie reference, not a western movie reference...but it still works right?)"There ain't room in this town for the two of us!"Don't mess with Texas... or in this case, bridesmaid Berlin!Awwww, sweet country love!To see more from Carolyn + Prescott's Cowboys + Indians Phunky Booth, watch the SLIDE SHOW:

Inspired Ideas | DIY Wine Cork Decor

(image via My DIY Wedding Day)

I have several brides getting married at wineries in 2012, and so I thought sharing this cute DIY wine cork as wedding decor project would be a fun one! My DIY Wedding has easy instructions for how to turn used wine corks into super cute escort card displays!! Love it! Go check it out, all you fabulous winery brides! ;)

Out Of The Office

Well folks, it's time. Time for me to leave for my last wedding of the 2011 season! And it's gonna be a doozy! An 11-11-11 wedding in New Hampshire! I am leaving for the very cold but beautiful East Coast as we speak and will be out of the office until Monday 11/14/11. All emails will be returned at that time.Thanks so much for your patience while I am away from the office!!!!!!xoxoAshleigh