Montage Beverly Hills Wedding | Valerie + Paul {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

I am so excited to finally share Valerie + Paul's gorgeous Montage Beverly Hills wedding which I shot last June! Valerie and Paul are two of the most stylish people I know! Their love of couture fashion,  graphic design, and color really showed through in their unique Marie Antoinette themed wedding! Valerie wore not one but two couture gowns-- one of which was a Monique L'Huillier-- and she also wore a pair of Manolo Blahnik's AND a pair of Louboutin's! What?! AMAZING! Paul was pretty styling himself... basically these two looked as if they just walked off the runway!They had a gorgeous full Catholic Mass on the terrace of the Montage and then had a fabulous reception-- complete with choreographed first dance-- also at the hotel! I had so much fun photographing this wedding! It was just so special! This was one of the weddings I photographed as a Callaway Gable Associate. Please check it out below!

LOVE their gorgeous rings! In the words of Carrie Bradshaw, "Hello, Lover!" Yep Valerie's clothes are AH-MAZING! LOVED their stationery! Oh yeah, Valerie had an amazing second outfit too! How fun are these bridesmaids?! Valerie was beaming as she got dressed! The ceremony was just GORGEOUS! The First Kiss!! Newlyweds!!! Oh goodness, Valerie, you are FIERCE!Stunners!! Kiss on fire!!!CUTIES! Flash those Manolo's girl! Veil love!What a way to make an entrance!!Sexy choreographed first dance! Get it!DIP!!! LOVE!PARTYING!

Santa Barbara Courthouse and Hyatt Wedding | Monika + Morgan {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

I am so excited to share this gorgeous Santa Barbara wedding which took place at the Courthouse and also at the Santa Barbara Hyatt. Monika and Morgan were the cutest couple ever! They were sooo giddy all day and just so genuinely overjoyed to be tying the knot! They chose to marry in Santa Barbara because they used to live here together and just love the town, the beach and the architecture! I captured all those things throughout the day, but more importantly I captured the love they had for each other!This wedding was my last one in my associate photographer position with Callaway Gable. Thank you to Janelle Stephanie for second shooting! Hope you enjoy!

Monika had the cutest hanger made for her dress!! GORGEOUS Monika! Also love the perfume! Oh goodness, Monika, you are STUNNING!!! The ceremony at the courthouse was beautiful! Monika cried tears of joy!! Woohoo!!! NEWLYWEDS!!! After the ceremony we had a lot of fun with the bridal party at the Courthouse! I call this one "Reservoir Dogs" hehe ;) Giddy girls! The cutest bridesmaids! They were ALL smiles!! The whole bridal party was great to work with!!! FIERCE!! Then we let the group go to cocktail hour and had some time for some sexy and romantic portraits! Here we are in the mural room! These two are soooo good looking! Morgan you are one lucky fellow! Monika is a a stunner!!! Love!!! There's that architecture!Love!!Swoooooon!!!We then headed to the Hyatt, which is just across the street from Leadbetter beach! Score! Beach portraits it is!

Beautiful!!!!! Love those yellow shoes!!

So sweet!!! The reception was full of succulent details!! And yellow everything! Their first dance was so sweet!! And then they got their party on.... :)

Bacara Resort Elopement | Sandy + Jeremy

In December, I was very lucky to be able to photograph Jeremy + Sandy's beautiful elopement at the stunning Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara! Sandy + Jeremy were contestants on The Amazing Race, and they said that surviving the show together just cemented that they are meant to be! If they could travel the world, complete crazy challenges, and live out of a backpack together for weeks on end, they could definitely survive any and all of the challenges of life together! So Sandy, Jeremy and Jeremy's son Grant headed down to Santa Barbara to say their i-do's. Their ceremony was so loving and heartfelt. They even included Grant, by having him read a sweet poem, and then Jeremy had a special reading for Grant as well. Tears of joy were shed as we all shivered on the beach in December. I was their only witness (over 18 I should say), so I even got to sign their license! What an honor!It was a beautiful day for a beautiful family. I couldn't have been more thrilled to document such an intimate wedding, for three incredibly warm, genuine, caring and thoughtful people! I love my clients! And I LOVE weddings-- big or small! Check out the images below:

Th grounds of the Bacara are so lovely! And the staff was nice enough to let us use a golf cart so we could navigate the vast property!L-O-V-E!Seriously, how gorgeous are these two?!!Grant was one incredibly cute ring-bearer! This is just adorable! I LOVE it!An intimate ceremony on the beach......full of sincerity, love.......and pure JOY!NEWLYWEDS!The GORGEOUS couple! LOVE them!

2012 Year In Review: Behind The Scenes

 Happy New Year, y'all! 2013 is going to be SOOO good for me and for Ashleigh Taylor Photography, I can't help but break into the giddiest Gangnam Style dance when I think of it all! And of course 2013 would be my year... after all you are talking to a lady born on Friday the 13th! 13 is my lucky number!But before we move forward, I'd like to look back a bit! I always enjoy doing Year In Reviews, to appreciate where I've been before I move forward. Well, friends, one of the funniest and most popular posts I do every year is my "Behind The Scenes" photos. These are the images that show me creating images. You know, how the magic happens. And sometimes it ain't pretty (or should I say, I don't FEEL pretty)-- shooting weddings on 100+ degree days (which we had wayyyyy too many of this year) is NO JOKE. But I'll put vanity aside and keep it real. This is behind the scenes of Ashleigh Taylor Photography 2012... no photoshop or nothin'!I always check every bridal party member to make sure they look great and know just how to pose!!I very quietly capture the love!!! So sneaky!Grand Entrance? Yeah, I'm on it!Toasts? I got that covered too ;)From bridals to the ceremony!!Where's Ashleigh during the First Dance? Blending in with the crowd, but capturing every moment!Bouquet shot? Check!I'm pretty sure I was being hilarious and entertaining the crowd here... Clearly!WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE? I don't know, but I thought everyone could laugh at me and help me try to figure it out!Ceremony-ing! This is me capturing some crowd reactions!Beautiful portraits!More bridal party awesomeness!Sometimes perfect moments just happen before my lens (see the pic on the left) and then sometimes a gown needs to be fluffed to create a perfect moment (see the pic on the right)."I now pronounce you..." hahah j/k-- I don't do that part guys! I am just posing them for a portrait! heheWhoa, that's a lot of photographers! This is what happens when you try to grab a group shot after the ceremony and the guests can see what you're doing... YIKES! Lesson: do a first look or move the guests into a separate cocktail area... otherwise the attack of the guests with point and shoots happens! heheOkay so I'll leave you with this. Every wedding I am ALWAYS asked to dance by at least one groomsmen. Yes, I am a groomsmen magnet. It's bizarre. I always turn them down because there is nothing professional about gettin' down on the dance floor with a groomsman when you are the photographer (and MARRIED)! But usually me refusal makes the guys try to woo me harder. Their flattery may make me blush (see below) but they never get the dance! 

Spanish Hills Camarillo Wedding | Stacy + Sebastian {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to photograph Stacy + Sebastian's gorgeous wedding at the Spanish Hills Country Club in Camarillo. This one of the weddings I shot as an associate photographer for Callaway Gable. Spanish Hills is a gorgeous venue, with so many awesome spots for pictures! And the venue coordinators and catering department are totally on top of their game which I love. Another bonus for me is that Spanish Hills is located in Camarillo, only a short drive from my home in Santa Barbara! Awesome!Stacy and Sebastian are pretty much the cutest and sweetest people ever and I could not have been more excited to be apart of their big day! I intially fell in love with them at our meeting and then at their engagement! So by the time the wedding rolled around, we felt like old friends! I loved getting to know their families on the wedding day-- it was so nice to see how close both their families are even though Seb's family came all the way from Norway! These two definitely have the stuff that good relationships are built on, and I wish them a lifetime of happiness together! So glad I got to work with these two this year!

How pretty is Stacy?!

So pretty!!

Their First Look was filled with smiles!

Before their Jewish ceremony, Stacy + Seb had a ketubah signing! And it was one of the more emotional ketubah ceremonies I've ever witnessed. The Rabbi asked that everyone say something to the couple which turned into a bug huge happy-tears-and-laughs fest. It was adorable. I think I was even getting all verklepmpt behind the lens! Here are two fave shots that speak to the mix of emotions!

Seriously, not only are Stacy + Seb adorable, but Stacy's mom is the cutest too! No wonder why Stacy is so awesome... she got it from her momma! :)

I always love a good bride coming down the aisle shot! It's a BIG moment and there is always so much anticipation to capture!

Stacy + Seb smiled the whole way through the ceremony!

WOOHOO! Newlyweds!

Sexy portraits time!

Dear lord are these two STUNNING or what?!!


You two are seriously beyond lovely!

The reception was pretty in pink!

I love the fireplace at Spanish Hills!

The first dance!!!

Stacy looked so cute for the garter toss!!!

Historic Cree Estate Palm Springs Wedding | Alicyn + Jason

You may remember Alicyn + Jason's AMAZING Beatles/Hippie-inspired engagement session from earlier this year! I had so much fun with them on that uber creative shoot, and ever since I was counting down the days to their Palm Springs wedding weekend! You see, Ali and Jason weren't just planning a wedding. No. They were planning a LOVE BALL. A fun festival type affair, celebrating love and their marriage. The inspiration was not just The Beatles but also Cirque Du Soleil. I was told the plans  included stilt walkers, food trucks, and a rotating stage for their ceremony! Oh my! Seriously how cool does all this sound?Well, the wedding was even more fabulous than I could have imagined. Ali + Jason, along with wedding planner extraordinaire Hallie of La Boheme Events, created the most unique, exciting and FUN wedding I have ever photographed. Every detail was carefully thought out and reflected the couple's love and unique personalities! The ceremony was exuberant, joyful and interactive-- it was almost like watching a play... except it was a real life love story! The rotating stage they stood upon not only added drama and whimsy, but it also allowed them to soak in the presence of each loved one who came to share in the love of the day! Guests loved mingling with stilt walkers, playing kazoos, and indulging and imbibing in signature cocktails and gourmet foodtruck goodness! And being the showgirl that she is, Ali managed to entertain the crowd! First, Ali + Jason danced their first dance to a love song they co-wrote and had recorded (Ali providing the yummy vocals). It moved us all to tears! And later Ali and her best gals performed a choreographed dance for the crowd, which involved her third, yes THIRD, costume change! It definitely had everyone cheering and laughing!All in all it was a thrilling day to be a part of and I am beyond honored to have been their photographer! Thank you Ali + Jason for trusting me to capture your very special and unique day!! :) Also thanks to La Boheme for perfect coordination, The Green Truck / Me So  Hungry Truck / Over The Rainbow for the good eats, Scarlette Bartending for providing a kick ass bar, Sam Friedman for rocking the videography, Stella Bloom for the adorable florals, Prim + Pixie for the awesome signage, The Cree Estate for being the perfect backdrop and of course my darling Angel for second shooting! Whew, hope I didn't forget anyone!Now onto the show...or errr pictures...!!

How beautiful are Ali's rainbow wedding bands?! Love! And how fun are these darling invitations... complete with a ticket to The Love Ball!!!

I adored Ali's bouquet!!

The First Look was so touching!!!

Jason's reaction to seeing Ali was PRICELESS! Tears of joy! Every gal dreams of having her man look at her like this :)

Before the ceremony we snagged a few gorgeous romantic portraits around the grounds of The Cree Estate.

You guys are ridiculously stunning!!!!


Ali, you are gorgeous!!! And that halo is divine!!

The ceremony set up was simple yet absolutely breathtaking!

Stilt walkers greeted guests upon arrival!!!

Guests were encouraged to pin a flower to their hair... and the gents made little bouts with the daisies too! :)

To prepare or the interactive ceremony, guests were given instruments like kazoos and tambourines!

The Love Ball's MC, a jaunty fellow by the name of FrogBeater, explained to guests that they'd be forming a parade to head over to the ceremony site!

A parade of love and music ensues...

... to reveal Jason and the officiant, Sister Mable, waiting on the stage!

Everyone encircles them with love and good vibrations!

How CUTE are Jason's nephews??

The reactions of Jason and Ali's sister, Kristen, to Ali walking down the aisle were priceless!

A perfect moment: Ali walking down the aisle with her dad to the tune of an acapella choir!



I love the cheery excitement in this photo!!!

The sun set during Ali + Jason's ceremony, but I snuck them out for a few super quick photos before all the light was gone!

You both are just adorable! It's not even fair!

Perhaps, my favorite image of the day!!!

Ali was a pretty ecstatic bride!!


Okay back to the party!

The reception involved yummy food trucks, lots of mingling, crazy dancing, but more importantly CUPCAKES! Not just any cupcakes mind you... cupcakes with bacon and potato chips!

I'll leave you with this shot because it cracks me up! Too cute for words!

There is SO MUCH MORE where this came from! To see even more fun pictures from this awesomely unique wedding CLICK HERE or watch the slideshow below! Also the slideshow is set to the beautiful song Ali + Jason co-wrote for their first dance... so you really should not miss it!!!

Featured on The Wedding Chicks

Last fall, I had the pleasure of photographing Carolyn + Prescott's adorable, rustic, autumnal Strawberry Farms wedding! It was one of the highlights of 2011 for sure! So I could not be more thrilled to see the images from their wedding featured on the popular bridal site, The Wedding Chicks, today (nearly one year later)!! So fun!Check out the fabulous feature HERE! It will surely put you in a cozy Fall mood!

Sunstone Villa + Winery Wedding Photography | Kendra + Kevin

I don't think there are even words to explain just how EXCITED I am to share Kendra + Kevin's beautiful wedding with you which took place at Sunstone Villa (part of Sunstone Winery) in Santa Ynez! I have been in love with Sunstone as a venue ever since I did THIS editorial bridal shoot there! I mean really! It is a jaw droppingly gorgeous location that truly makes you feel as though you are in Tuscany and not California! And just when I thought it couldn't get any better my stylish bride Kendra and her fabulous planner Natalie Sofer come along and make the whole venue even more fabulous! Through the exquisite floral stylings of Toast and beautiful linens and rentals provided by La Tavola, the look of relaxed European countryside elegance was definitely achieved!Of course I could gush for hours about the pretty details and venue, but truly that is all icing on the cake! What really makes a wedding special is the bride and groom and all their friends and family! Well this wedding was no different! I have loved Kendra since we met. She is a girl after my own heart who knows exactly what she wants, and yet is so down to Earth and sweet! She is practically my wedding soul sister as on the wedding day I realized she had a Pronovias dress (just like my wedding gown was by Pronovias) and she had the exact same earrings as me on my wedding! Awesome! As soon as Kendra and Kevin saw each other they were glowing all day! Kevin kept saying how surreal it all was and Kendra was just plain giddy! Their ceremony was officiated by Kendra's dad which was super sweet and unique! It was a heartfelt touch that I really loved. Later as the party got going, we heard some uproarious toasts! Each one truly funnier than the one before it! And then the crowd got cray-cray on the dancefloor! Seriously, Kendra + friends know how to party! The party moved from the Villa to the wine caves for late night shenanigans! Yeah it was a pretty eventful, rockin' night!Huge thanks to my friend Megan Sharp and to my hubs AJ for shooting with me and  keeping me hydrated! ;) Also major thanks to Natalie Sofer, Toast Santa Barbara, and the owners of Sunstone for making the day sooo spectacular! And now for pictures! YAY!

Kendra has a might fierce fashion sense!

This is what a STUNNING bride looks like!

Aw! Kendra! You're killing me with your beauty!


This ceremony?! UM YEAH! AMAZING!

How cute is Kendra with her Dad, Chuck?!?

Kevin was a happy groom!!

After the ceremony we did some romantic portraits in the vineyard and around the Villa grounds!


Sun soaked vineyard love!


You two are sexy!!



Obligatory veil shot!

Are you sure you two aren't models?!


My faves of the day!

Wait.. maybe this is my FAVE! They were greeting their guests in the courtyard below after I modeled them out for romantic portraits!

How fabulous is the reception set up?!


So pretty! Loved these tables dressed with La Tavola linens and elegant arrangements by Toast!

Oh details, I love you!

Guests took their seats as the sun set over Santa Ynez!


A few shots of the wine cave set up... cocktail tables and a candy bar!

Partying in the caves!

To see even more images from this gorgeous Sunstone Winery Wedding please CLICK HERE or watch the slide show below:

Downtown Los Angeles, Cafe Pinot Wedding Photography | Susannah + Eric

I am so excited to share this chic Downtown Los Angeles wedding-- and even better it's the wedding of Susie + Eric, one of my favorite couples! Susie and Eric came to me about a year ago and I instantly fell in love with these two! Susie is super sweet, stylish, caring and just an all around lovely gal! Eric is super outgoing, funny, and just an all around fun guy to be around. I knew then that their wedding was going to be special, and it definitely surpassed expectations! From the gorgeous Downtown LA setting-- they got ready at The Millennium Biltmore Hotel and had their reception at Cafe Pinot-- to their intimate Armenian wedding ceremony in honor of Eric's heritage, to the amazing "first performance" to the Biebs, to some of the funniest toasts I've ever heard... Yes it was a truly amazing day! The other thing that really stood out to me was how many wonderful friends these two have! With a bridal party of 22 people, you'd think it would be utter chaos, but all their friends were so cooperative and easy going during group pics. They just were all so happy to see their friends get married, and you could feel the love between them all! Loves it!Thank you to Angel for second shooting this wedding with me! And now for their pretty pictures!

I adored Susie's sparkle shoes!!

How pretty does Susie look getting into her dress?!


Eric had some time with his bros before the ceremony!

LOVE this shot of Susie coming down the aisle!

I love this tender candid moment of Susie's parents watching their daughter get married!

After the ceremony it was DIVA time!

Isn't she LOVELY?!

The shot on the right is my favorite of the day!!

Gorgeous you two!!


Elegant reception details!!

And we ended the night with LOLZ!

To see more of this chic Downtown Los Angeles Wedding CLICK HERE or watch the slide show below:

Sunstone Winery Wedding and Bridal Photography {an editorial shoot part 2}
A few weeks ago I blogged Part One of this amazing Sunstone Winery Wedding + Bridal editorial shoot! I am fully in LOVE with Sunstone Villa + Winery and overjoyed that I am shooting a real wedding there in a few weeks! But for now enjoy this lovely Santa Ynez Winery Wedding inspiration in all it's rustic and elegant glory!
Thanks again to everyone who made this editorial shoot a reality! It was quiet a team effort! Credits are listed below:
Event Decor, Design and Coordination - Serendipitous Events by Julia - Julia Whitley
Event Venue- Sunstone Winery
Anna Rice805-688-9463
Bride/Bridesmaid GownsThe White Dress
Brides-Watters "Palm Spring"Reem Acra- "Candlight"
Gary's Island, Fashion Island
Suits by Hugo Boss, Armani
Bridal Accessories and wardrobe styling
Renee Pawele -Renee Pawele Bride
Pacific Event Lighting

Designer Specialty Linens - Dahlia Wexler

ASquared Makeup Artistry - Amber Artiaga
Make Up by Theresa Marie - Theresa Marie Aguilar
Hair Stylist - Sharone Patterson
Cakes, Catering and food displays - CCK, Cakes and Catering by Karie
Invitation Suite - Special Letters - Diana Jo Giebler
Bouquets- Santa Ynez Valley Florist - Kathy Sechler
Accomodations - Meadowlark Inn - Bed and Breakfast -

Hair Stylist: Sharone Patterson

Cakes and Catering by

And now for my pictures, part two!

STUNNING, right?

Fierce fabulous love!!!!!

This bride?! Just BREATH TAKING!


Sexy vineyard love? Yes please!!!

The architecture at The Sunstone Villa is ahhhhmazing!

This photo is sun soaked joy and I adore it!

Undeniably GORGEOUS!

West Los Angeles Wedding Photography | Renita + Alex

I am soooo excited to share Saturday's gorgeous wedding, which took place in the Westwood neighboorhood of Los Angeles, with y'all! You may remember Renita + Alex as I blogged their stunning engagement about a month ago! They are two of the most lovely, caring, funny, gorgeous and just completely cool couples I have ever met, though I like to think it's because all my clients are super awesome!! ;) Alex and Renita had planned their wedding around the theme of "dreams do come true" which was perfect because that's exactly what this wedding was!Renita and Alex came into each other's lives last October. They actually met at a Halloween Party/Halloween Horror Nights outing! Another sign they are my kind of people as, Halloween is my favorite holiday! But I digress. So these two met not even a year ago and quickly became smitten! But there were a few bumps, as there are in all relationships. A bit into dating, Renita actually decided it was over and wrote Alex a long email, saying she wanted to break up and she just put it all out there. She wrote out everything she was feeling and figured that was it. But Alex wasn't ready to give up. He apologized and told her all he wanted for her to be happy and to find her dream man. And if she would give him a second chance he'd do everything he could do be that dream man for her. ...Ladies, can we pause here for a second for a collective "AWWW!!!"...  Renita said that all she had been waiting for her whole life was a man she could be that honest and bold with, and who wouldn't bolt because of it. Alex's reply showed he was that man! And it's been crazy-happy-giddy love ever since!These two got engaged not even that long ago and have planned their wedding in just a couple short months! Lucky for them, they have an amazing community of friends and family who helped make their dream wedding come true! For example, a friend was the officiant for the wedding and gave them a heartfelt ceremony! Renita's BFF helped put together the flowers for the tables at the reception. A family member made the ring bearer box. Another friend lent them her gorgeous Holmby Hills home for the wedding. And ALL the guests provided the sumptuous meal! It was potluck style and everyone was asked to bring a signature dish (could be an appetizer, side dish or dessert). People brought so many amazing treats, it was truly a sight to see! And everyone loved checking out what other guests brought and sampling each other's food. Not only did their community gather around them, but I think the atmosphere of the day helped strengthen a bond between all the guests. By the end of the evening it was no longer Alex's friends and family and Renita's friends and family... it was one big union! It was perfect, and exactly, I think, what Renita + Alex wanted!I am so excited to share the pics! Thank you Ami for assisting me, and to planner Katrina for coordinating this perfect day!... And now let's begin with Renita getting ready at the W Hotel in Westwood.

I think this ring shot perfectly describes how Alex + Renita feel together!

Renita is SO GORGEOUS it's mind boggling!

She had her BFFs help her into her dress! So lovely!

And once in that Reem Acra perfection, she diva'd it up for my camera really good!!



There were so many cute details to this wedding! I especially loved the bouquets and the cute ring box a family member custom made for the wedding!

They had a heart-warming ceremony literally surrounded by their family friends. Everyone was asked to gather in a circle around the couple, and it gave the whole ceremony that much more intimacy.

I think this pic shows just how giddy Renita was to be marrying her dream man!!

Just announced newlyweds! Again they look positively, radiantly, happy!

My FAVORITE shot of the day!! Squee!

How striking is Renita?!! I mean really!!!

Alex's Dart made an appearance as their getaway car! SOOOO cute!!

Their reception was full of handmade, DIY details! Look at these cute signs which hug from their chars!

Loved all the little signs through out! Even on the centerpieces!

Alex and Renita had a potluck wedding! They chose their cake, but the dessert table (and dinner) was made up of goodies brought by guests! There were so many homemade goodies like baklava and pie pops! I loved that the dessert table was truly a labor of love!

I think this picture perfectly sums up the evening!!!

For more images from this charming dream-come-true wedding CLICK HERE or watch the slideshow below:

Ritz Carlton Marina Del Rey Wedding Photography | Jen + Eric

I am so excited to share this elegant Ritz Carlton Marina Del Rey wedding with y'all on this happy Friday! :) Jen + Eric are one of my favorite couples! I have loved Jen since I met her a year ago, where she booked me on the spot! Jen is the perfect combo of witty, genuine, sweet and stylish! And Eric is so warm and caring too. These two are the perfect pair. They have embraced each others values, dreams and even sporting teams! And you can tell how deeply they love one another when they look into each others' eyes... they just radiate! All day Jen was full of big smiles! Clearly, she was beyond giddy to finally be marrying the man of her dreams!Jen's elegant style was totally in every detail of the day, from her stunning Priscilla of Boston gown, to the chic purple and yellow color palette, to the adorable candy bar! The day was also infused with many Jewish traditions, from a touching Ketubah signing, to the breaking of the glass, to a crowd pumping Hora (which, Jen, I SWEAR I didn't ask the DJ to play...hehe)! But more than anything it was the love between Jen + Eric and the way all their friends and family rallied around them to celebrate that made this day so special! I am so honored I got to document it!Thanks to Angel and Belinda for assisting me on this! Girl Power! Now, for photos...

Jen's accessories were just as lovely as her gown!!

I love the sweet moment on the right... Jen's mom helping her into her dress!!!

Stunning bride!!!!!

I mean, really, does it get any cuter than this?! I loveee happy brides!

I also love a little bit of fierceness... Jen worked out the diva poses fabulously too!!!

This is the excitement and joy that comes with doing a First Look! Why would anyone want to pass this up?!?

Because their Jewish Ceremony coincided with sundown, we did all their romantic portraits beforehand! It was great! How gorgeous are these two?!?

My personal fave shot of the day...

So tender!


Their massive bridal party joined in on the modeling fun... check out this "vanity fair" style shot!

Girls like to play Diva, what can I say!

Jen glowed as she walked down the aisle! I mean really! The look on her face says it all!

I was truly touched to see how emotional the bridesmaids became during the ceremony! You could see how much they loved Jen and how happy they were to witness her marriage!

The reception was very elegant!

I always love a candy bar!

I also always LOVE a Hora! Jen didn't want to do one... but some relatives requested it and well... when 100 Jews hear the Hava Nagila began to play it's pretty impossible to stop them from getting their Mazel Tov on!! I know, because I am Jewish too! ;)

Mazel tov, indeed! These two were so smitten! So glad their day turned out just as perfect as they hoped!! :)

To see more from this beautiful wedding please CLICK HERE to watch the slide show or view below:

Sunstone Winery Wedding and Bridal Photography {an editorial shoot}
About a month ago I got to participate in a very special editorial/stylized bridal shoot at the AMAZING Sunstone Winery here in Santa Barbara (Santa Ynez to be exact)! I am absolutely obsessed with this wedding venue. If you were blindfolded and taken there, you just might think you were somewhere in the middle of Tuscany! The Villa is made out of beautiful rustic stones imported from France. And the grounds are overflowing with trailing bushes of rosemary and lavender. And it is set in the rolling hills of the Santa Ynez Valley, with vineyards all around. It is truly a spectacular place and would be the most gorgeous setting for a real wedding!
I had such a blast on the shoot. Below is a list of everyone who organized the event and made it happen! Thank you all for such a special day and opportunity!
Event Decor, Design and Coordination - Serendipitous Events by Julia - Julia Whitley
Event Venue- Sunstone Winery
Anna Rice805-688-9463
Bride/Bridesmaid GownsThe White Dress
Brides-Watters "Palm Spring"Reem Acra- "Candlight"
Gary's Island, Fashion Island
Suits by Hugo Boss, Armani
Bridal Accessories and wardrobe styling
Renee Pawele -Renee Pawele Bride
Pacific Event Lighting

Designer Specialty Linens - Dahlia Wexler

ASquared Makeup Artistry - Amber Artiaga
Make Up by Theresa Marie - Theresa Marie Aguilar
Hair Stylist - Sharone Patterson
Cakes, Catering and food displays - CCK, Cakes and Catering by Karie
Invitation Suite - Special Letters - Diana Jo Giebler
Bouquets- Santa Ynez Valley Florist - Kathy Sechler
Accomodations - Meadowlark Inn - Bed and Breakfast -

Hair Stylist: Sharone Patterson

Cakes and Catering by

And now for part one of my beautiful photos!

I loved working with the Sunstone Villa's architecture!

But of course the vineyards were fabulous too!

Love. Sunlight. Vino. Does it get better?

STUNNING! The hills!!

Can I get a wedding redo please?

Sexy love!

Oh my gosh! I LOVEEEE the architecture so much!

South Coast Winery, Temecula Wedding | Rachel + Sean

Rachel and Sean are such a sweet couple! I adored them from our first meeting, where they booked me on the spot! And ever since I had been anxiously awaiting their winery wedding! I was even more excited for their wedding after shooting their adorable camping themed engagement! I mean, if a couple could put that much thought and love into their engagement shoot, of course the wedding would just be lovely!And my high hopes were fully met! I should mention that Rachel + Sean were kind enough to put us up in at South Coast Winery Resort for the weekend because Temecula is a mighty long way from Santa Barbara! And that just capped off a perfect Memorial Weekend wedding!Rachel had put a lot of thought into their garden/winery wedding, including pretty flowers, pin-tuck linens, elegant invitations, Badgley Mischka shoes, and a super cute thumb print guest book! But more than the lovely details, the day was made up of such warm feelings and big huge smiles! Even Sean, who can be a pretty tough guy most times, was smiling from ear to ear! The ceremony was short but full of heartfelt promises and tenderness. The toasts were so funny they made guests cry from laughing SO hard! And the party was as joyful as you could ever hope for! I feel so honored to have documented this fabulous day for such a wonderful couple! And I am so thankful to have amazing couples like Rachel + Sean that trust me with their precious memories!And now without further ado... the photos!Rachel's shoes were cute!!LOVE this shot of Rachel looking at her dress before getting it on!The First Look was as cute as ever! This why I LOVE shooting First Look's! I mean, just soak in that expression on Rachel's face! PRICELESS!A short portrait break for some fierceness!!How cute is Rachel with her bridesmaids??Pretty flowers!After the ceremony, we had some vineyard fun!Because the light was still so harsh and the sun was still so high during the romantics, we were very limited on where we could go or how we could move! It's so hard to create variety in situations like that... So that is why I LOVED being able to whip out the off-camera flash and create a more edgy and dramatic look. Though natural light is always my fave, sometimes artificial light can be a life-saver and add a little extra pizzazz to a portrait session!FIERCE!Cute little details!The night ended with some toasts that, like I said, were so funny they brought the crowd to tears! The proof is in the picture! ;)To see more photos for this love-filled winery wedding CLICK HERE or watch the slide show below:

Salvador Dali Wedding Inspiration at Hendry's Beach Santa Barbara

I am so excited to finally share this shoot with you! Remember last year's Lady GaGa shoot and the dream team that put it together?! Well, we all adore each other and adore working together. Unfortunately we don't always get hired by the same brides though and working on real weddings as a group isn't always a reality... so we decided we just had to do another inspiration shoot together this year! But what to do? Our Lady GaGa shoot was so epic, what could possibly top it? We were brainstorming and I threw out an idea... An idea I had been dreaming and envisioning forever: Salvador Dali as a wedding. You see, Salvador Dali is my favorite artist of all time and inspires me endlessly. I did my final AP Art History project on him in high school. On my trip to Spain, I made a special day trip out to Figueres to see his home turned theater- museum! It! Was! Amazing! Seriously, my love for Dali has no end... but I never knew how the heck we could turn his crazy surrealist world into something fit for the wedding world.But the thing is, if a team of creatives can turn Lady GaGa's brand of eccentric into lovely wedding inspiration, they can surely do the same with Dali! And so they did. We shot this session in Santa Barbara-- Hendry's Beach to be exact-- because we felt the cliff like beach was extremely reminiscent of Spain and the beaches that inspired Dali. Everything turned out so gorgeous and even better than I had imagined. The inspiration could work for any beach bride who wants something a little daring! And as a former beach bride myself, I wanted to turn back in time and decorate my wedding JUST LIKE THIS. Yep, it's that perfect.This shoot has been featured on Style Me Pretty California which I am so thankful for! I am also so thankful to the following dream team for pulling this all together:

Event Design & Florals:Bunch

Event Coordination:Zoie

Cake:I Believe It’s

Paper Goods:Pitbulls &

Bride Styling & Wardrobe:Shop Ruche / Bridal

Hair & Make-up:Makeup By

Tabletop Rentals:Casa De

Chairs & Linens:Choura

Location:Hendry's Beach Santa Barbara CA

And now without further ado...

The ceremony set up turned out SO spectacular. It truly looks like Dali painted it. I am endlessly impressed with the design by Mai... and kinda at myself for photographing it in such a Dali-esque way! I'm pretty sure he'd dig it!My BFF's Mandi + Dan agreed to model for this shoot! Which was perfect because not only do I adore them, they are also both actors so they really got into the characters of Dali and his wife Gala. But even better than all that is Mandi and Dan got engaged just weeks before the shoot!! Hooray! So actually you will be seeing more of them in the next year as I'll be shooting their engagement and wedding! :)Mandi's real engagement ring is the most unique ring I've EVER seen! Truly a work of art! It's pretty surreal if you ask me, so it quickly became part of the shoot!FIERCE!Young Salvador Dali realness! It's almost eerie how much Dan looked like him!Work it!Mandi's attire is from the new Ruche bridal line! Loved the vintage feel of it all!My love Amber of Pitbulls + Posies created this stunning invitation and paper goods suite! So lovely!Casa de Perrin provided the china! SOOOO AMAZING! They have the most amazing items at Casa de Perrin! I wanna work with them always!Sigh.... the romance of it all!!Every detail was perfectly coordinated by Olivia of Zoie Events! LOVE HER!The lovely cake was by Laurie of I Believe It's Cake! She always amazes me! And love these cute shots of Mandi and Dan enjoying it!

Featured on Style Me Pretty California!

Good morning! It may be June gloom here in Santa Barbara, but I am just beaming bright because I have a fantastic shoot featured on Style Me Pretty today! I am thoroughly obsessed with SMP and there's nothing that makes me giddier than seeing my photos on their perfectly curated blog! Yippee!Go check out the feature here:And stay tuned for my favorite photos from this incredible shoot!

PLANNING A WEDDING? Contact AshleighView More Of Her Online PortfolioFollow Ashleigh on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookStalk on Pinterest

Casa Del Mar Santa Monica Wedding Photography | Cary + Robyn {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

Last October,  I had the opportunity to shoot Robyn and Cary's charming Santa Monica wedding, as an associate photographer for Callaway Gable. I loved every second of shooting at the Casa Del Mar hotel! It is a fabulous venue. Besides it's beach front location, which allowed for some sunset on Santa Monica Beach portraits, the venue also has the most gorgeous ballroom and also great hotel rooms. I loved shooting Robyn's getting ready a little extra because the light in her suite was fantastic... as was the decor! Oh and she of course had some fabulous accessories too! Loved her Badgely Mischka shoes!My other favorite part of the day was just seeing how happy Robyn was to finally marry her man! These two laughed and had a blast all day long. You could tell they were already so cozy with each other and the wedding was just about a making it official and having one fun and cute soiree! And that's exactly how it went down. From lovely succulent details to romance on the beach to hilarious toasts to a rockin' cupcake cutting! It was a great day and I was so happy to be a part of it! And I'm even more excited to be able to share the pics and relive the beauty of it all again! Enjoy!

Rings from Tiffany's? Yes, please.

The dress was especially lovely!

Loved this precious moment between Robyn and her niece who was flower girl for the day!

The ceremony was so elegant! I loved the room at Casa Del Mar!

The ceremony was short and sweet! But Robyn + Cary beamed through out the entire thing!

Fun portrait time!!

Robyn,  you are fierce babe!!!

You can NEVER go wrong with Vanilla Bake Shop :)

This just might be the FUNNIEST cake eating photo of all time! Yep, pretty sure it is.

PLANNING A WEDDING? Contact AshleighView More Of Her Online PortfolioFollow Ashleigh on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookStalk on Pinterest

Santa Barbara Historical Museum Wedding Photography | Samantha + Brooks

Saturday was a very special day... Brooks + Samantha got married at The Santa Barbara Historical Museum!! YAY!! I had been counting down to their wedding for many reasons... First, I adore these two!! Over the past 4 months I've actually gotten to know them very well and they feel like more than clients, they feel like friends! I also adore their family! Brooks' father, Bryan, was our realtor and made the very scary and stressful first-time home buyer experience so easy. He was there for me and AJ  during a stressful time and we felt like he truly looked out for us every step of the way! So there is a closeness there too. A few months ago, Bryan asked me to photograph Brooks' grandma's 80th birthday and through that experience I got to know the family even more. By the time the wedding rolled around, I knew so many of the guests. It added to the already warm feel of the day! I was also so exited for this wedding because I got to work with the amazing mother-daughter wedding planning duo Colette + Kaitlin of La Fete Weddings. They are wedding icons in Santa Barbara (heck, in all of SoCal) so it was definitely a delight to be working with them! As you can see there was lots to be excited about with this wedding!And... the wedding did not disappoint! It was such a beautiful day, both because of the out-pouring of love that was felt, and also because of the stunning details. Samantha looked gorgeous in her La Sposa bridal gown. The dress had a very sexy Spanish Flamenco-esque vibe to it which I loved! The Santa Barbara Historical Museum and Covarrubias Courtyard are old adobe structures and definitely have that Spanish/Mexican influence. So it was fun to see other details through out the day that alluded to the history of the venue-- from Sammie's gown, to the taco bar for dinner, to the succulent escort cards! It was all so charming!But the highlight of the day for me was the expression on Brooks' face as he watched Samantha walk down the aisle. Brooks' eyes welled up with tears and you could see how overcome he was with love in that moment as Samantha came towards him. It is so wonderful to see a guy love his girl so much, and let me tell you, Brooks really loves Samantha! I also swooned over the heartfelt toasts, and of course Brooks + Samantha's amazingly choreographed first dance! These two have the moves!Thanks so much to my hubby AJ and also Megan Sharp for assisting me on this wedding! Also much love to La Fete Weddings for coordination, Simply Bouquets for the gorgeous bouquets and ceremony decor, and Pure Joy Catering for a killer Mexican feast!  Check out all the beauty and love below....

The details leave me breathless...

A little bling never hurt anyone!

Sammie was so calm before she got dressed. She just wanted to soak in the day :)

A sweet moment from the First Look! I LOVE First Looks!

The First Look allowed us to get many of the group photos done before the ceremony... which also meant extra time for fun bridal party shots like this!

Vanity Fair, ladies! Work it out!

The boys opted for some more Ninja-like moves ;)

Okay so this one just makes me laugh. Brooks decided he wanted a shot where they all stared straight ahead and looked like zombies (Brooks is a goofball, yes). But the funny thing was, though it may sound easy to stare ahead with a blank stare, it's actually quite challenging. The groomsmen had a hard time holding it together!


Cutest thing ever!!!

Brooks' face as Sammie walks down the aisle? PRICELESS. This is why I do what I do.

I had so much fun shooting the romantics! I love this part of the day so much! And the Historical Museum was such a great and rustic backdrop!

Sammie, you are STUNNING!



I adored the little succulent escort cards!

The reception details were so cute! Lots of blooms in mason jars and burlap table runners! Oh and chalkboard table numbers! Cute cute cute!

The first dance!

I don't usually post toast pictures, but I thought these two below were so touching. So much love was felt!!

To see more from this lovely wedding feel free to check out SLIDESHOW below or watch it by clicking here:

2011 YEAR IN REVIEW | The Weddings

2011 was filled with SO many weddings! So many happy, pretty, lovey, tear-filled, giddy weddings! Between the weddings that I shot for my own business, the weddings I shot as an associate for Callaway Gable, and the weddings I second shot for some of my good friends, I was busy nearly every single weekend in 2011. Sometimes even with back-to-back weddings! Definitely my busiest year yet! But it was amazing!!!! I loved every second! And I want to be at least that busy in 2012! I've grown SO much, become an even better photographer than I knew I could be, and I know it's because of how busy I kept myself shooting week in and week out. :)I wish I could share photos from every single wedding I got to be a part of, but that's not really possible right now. Hopefully soon I will be share some more top secret weddings from 2011, including the wedding I got to shoot in a Castle in New Hampshire!! But for now I will do my 2011 wedding recap with the images that are okay to currently go public! So enjoy this look back at the weddings I got to shoot this past year, even if it is semi-incomplete! ;)Hanna + Chris kicked off my year by eloping!!Jami + Jose married in Santa Barbara on a misty March day!Elaine + Angel tied the knot one fine April day in Pasadena! :)Karla + Waldo's stylish Downtown Los Angeles wedding knocked my socks off!Andra + Nate got married in Pasadena... in July... in 100+ degrees! And they still managed to look FLAWLESS! :)Kim + Mark's wedding was just lovely!I still get goosebumps when I think of Lauren + Drew's AMAZING art deco Santa Monica wedding!Skylar + AJ's vibrant San Diego wedding was too beautiful for words!!! I still have to pinch myself that it was real! Such loveliness and such a perfect couple! Becky + Bernadette tied the knot at the gorgeous Los Angeles River Center and Gardens!Nikki + Dave's fabulous Malibu wedding was just one of the weddings I got to shoot as an associate for Callaway Gable in 2011! So glad I can share this one with y'all! :)Frances + Jared's Sherman Library and Gardens wedding was picture perfect! Love these two! :)Whitney + Nate's Long Beach Museum of Art Wedding was just down right fabulous!And there was nothing cuter than Carolyn + Prescott's rustic, Southern inspired, autumn wedding held at Strawberry Farms!!

Behind The Scenes | Ashleigh Taylor Photography 2011

Well folks...its December! The LAST MONTH OF 2011!!! Can someone explain to me how that happened?? This year seemed to blur by! But what an amazing blur it has been! :)Every year, around December (and sometimes rolling a little into January) I like to do a series of blog posts that review and sum up the past year. It really helps me relive all the fun and awesomeness of the past year and see how far I've come!Last year, I debuted a Behind The Scenes post where I showcased all the photos I could find of me shooting weddings in 2010! To my complete surprise, it was a big huge hit, and I got so much feed back that people loved seeing me in action. So now that 2011 is coming to a close, I decided to spend an hour or two digging through all the photos from the weddings I shot this year...searching and searching for photos of me in action! It was kinda like playing Where's Waldo!Well... I found some doozies that I hope you will enjoy! ;) Without further ado, here is Behind The Scenes of Ashleigh Taylor Photography 2011!Here I am with Frances + Jared, shooting their First Look and romantics:

Getting a few portraits of the groom! Excuse the greasy hair please, it was over 100 degrees outside that day! YIKES!!!

What's better than shooting on the beach with toes in your sand? Shooting an adorable couple on the beach-- like Lauren + Drew! :)

I LOVE shooting romantics! I always have a dopey smile on my face when shooting them, no matter how hot or cold it is outside! ;)

I always make sure to line up everyone for family shots and angle them just right for the perfect photo!

I LOVE showing my clients pics on the back of the camera and seeing their reaction! I think they love it too because they can see right away that they look amazing!

I always tell my the bridal party how to lift up the bride's dress just enough so you can step in close to her without stepping on her dress! That's what I'm doing here. Serious business friends!

I LOVE this picture! The light was fading as we walked back from the beach to the reception... and we chatted about Boardwalk Empire! Being friends with your clients is rad!

Just explaining poses to get the shot!

Yep, I can handle a big old bridal party and get them to have fun!! :)

Just chatting with the groom as I take some portraits of him!

This is me at my destination wedding this year!! Which was in New England in November! It was a chilly, windy 40 degrees that day so I bundled appropriately but also pretty snazzy! My hat had sequins-- dressy and yet keeps the head warm and cozy! ;)

I always make sure to check the back of the camera to make sure I got the shot before we move on!!

I'm a shorty. A REAL shorty. So my secret to getting great angles and pics often involves standing on chairs, benches and whatever solid furniture I can find! ;)

We shot Skylar + AJ's romantics on a suspension bridge!! What daredevils we were! Not gonna lie there were a few moments I was a little nervous but SkyJ is so sexy, I quickly forgot where I was and rocked the shots out!

That's me showing a bridesmaid how to pose!! Sexy right? LOL

Just shooting a wedding in autumn, in New Hampshire, on the grounds of a Castle... that's all! ;)

This me showing a bride how I want her to pose. Aren't I adorable? ;)

Fun with my bride Carolyn in her ATP Phunky Booth!

I also LOVE getting fun shots in regular style photo booths too! Here are some great ones from 2011!

If you provide a pimp hat as a photobooth prop, I will pose with it on. Yeeeeah dawgz! I'm gangsta.

What a goofball I am!

Well folks, there you have at! A look at what goes on behind the scenes at one of my weddings! Hope you enjoyed! :)