Santa Barbara Courthouse and Hyatt Wedding | Monika + Morgan {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

I am so excited to share this gorgeous Santa Barbara wedding which took place at the Courthouse and also at the Santa Barbara Hyatt. Monika and Morgan were the cutest couple ever! They were sooo giddy all day and just so genuinely overjoyed to be tying the knot! They chose to marry in Santa Barbara because they used to live here together and just love the town, the beach and the architecture! I captured all those things throughout the day, but more importantly I captured the love they had for each other!This wedding was my last one in my associate photographer position with Callaway Gable. Thank you to Janelle Stephanie for second shooting! Hope you enjoy!

Monika had the cutest hanger made for her dress!! GORGEOUS Monika! Also love the perfume! Oh goodness, Monika, you are STUNNING!!! The ceremony at the courthouse was beautiful! Monika cried tears of joy!! Woohoo!!! NEWLYWEDS!!! After the ceremony we had a lot of fun with the bridal party at the Courthouse! I call this one "Reservoir Dogs" hehe ;) Giddy girls! The cutest bridesmaids! They were ALL smiles!! The whole bridal party was great to work with!!! FIERCE!! Then we let the group go to cocktail hour and had some time for some sexy and romantic portraits! Here we are in the mural room! These two are soooo good looking! Morgan you are one lucky fellow! Monika is a a stunner!!! Love!!! There's that architecture!Love!!Swoooooon!!!We then headed to the Hyatt, which is just across the street from Leadbetter beach! Score! Beach portraits it is!

Beautiful!!!!! Love those yellow shoes!!

So sweet!!! The reception was full of succulent details!! And yellow everything! Their first dance was so sweet!! And then they got their party on.... :)