Santa Barbara Boudoir Photography by Ashleigh Taylor

Oh boudoir photography! Many people have a love/hate with this word. You see, I always call myself a portrait photographer because I do so much more than just boudoir and I don't want to be pigeonholed. And yet when a woman is looking for a shoot that will make her feel sexy in her skin, she usually googles for "boudoir" (I've also seen some spelling errors like boudior or budoir or bodoir or buodior! ha!).... you get the picture. The word is damn hard to say, spell and even harder to define.SO let me define it for MY SHOOTS

  1. It's an empowering photoshoot all about celebrating the beauty of the female form. It's about celebrating your beautiful body and all it's done for you thus far.
  2. It's about showing a bit more skin than most of my other shoots. Though you don't have to go full nude as you can see above. You might wear a robe, or a slip, or a tank or a bodysuit or some combo... or you might just lay in the sheets
  3. It's about being classy, tasteful and fashion inspired (I never photograph anything that's raunchy or vulgar! ugh!). And don't worry I pose and style you with this in mind so we never accidentally swerve into territory that's too racy! I always like leaving a little something to the imagination as mystery a huge part of sexiness.
  4. It's for you not for your partner. Though yes your partner may share in and enjoy the benefits of these photographs, I want you to do this for you!
  5. It's all female all the time. My shoots are a safe space so I use an all female team and it's no boys allowed!

 Thinking this experience sounds fun? You can see more and contact me here

Santa Barbara Personal Brand Photoshoot | Dani

These days I photograph a lot of personal brand shoots for Santa Barbara, Ventura and the Greater Los Angeles area. I tend to work with powerful women entrepreneurs who are building successful businesses-- typically in the health & wellness industries (though not exclusive to that).Personal Branding can mean many things. I have created social media content for some clients, but for most of my clients I am creating a suite of clean, personality filled images for their website, social media profiles, marketing graphics, and PR media kits.Dani was no different. Dani owned a successful gym here in Santa Barbara and has made the leap into life coaching (a profession I work with a lot). Our goal was to create a few key images for her website (like the header slider, about section, etc) that could be repurposed for social media and other marketing needs! I am so pleased to say Dani was thrilled with her results and I can't wait to see how everything comes together on her final website!

Holly's Empowering Breast Cancer Survival Photo Shoot [Featured Client]

Holly came to my studio in 2018 because she was writing a photo-essay style book about her journey battling and surviving breast cancer. Her book documents through her personal photographs and text her entire fight with cancer. She wanted to include images throughout the process of a double mastectomy, healing and reconstruction because most literature on the topic shows you the before and after but not the very long middle. And she thought it might help some women picture what to expect throughout their entire healing process. Now, the pictures in this book are personal, brave and raw. So she really wanted something beautiful to end her book with. Portraits of her fully healed.I was honored to create these images for her.We took images of Holly alone and later on with her amazing husband (who got a breast plate tattoo to match Holly's post surgery cherry blossom breast tattoos). The love these two share is palpable and anyone would be so lucky to have a devoted partner like this in a time of crisis.Holly's shoot is not the first time I've photographed a woman who's survived breast cancer. I do these shoots frequently. Any health crisis, but especially breast cancer, can really affect how you feel about your body and beauty. These shoots are all about reclaiming your body, your beauty, and your power. I hold the space for my clients to celebrate life and survival and this moment right now. I work with you to customize a shoot so you can be photographed post-cancer how you desire (not everyone wants to actually photograph their nude body though it can be powerful).If you or someone you know has survived breast cancer and is looking to celebrate this moment right now, I'd love to talk to them about their journey! 

Santa Barbara Go Red For Women

santa barbara portrait photographysanta barbara portrait photography I'm so honored to be the featured photographer for Santa Barbara's Annual Go Red For Women luncheon. This is the second year I have created a portrait campaign for the event. The luncheon was today and I can final share these portraits.Last year (2018) I photographed women who survived heart conditions-- including heart attacks, strokes and congenital defects. This year the luncheon is all about honoring Santa Barbara County's top cardiac nurses. I photographed 5 cardiac nurses from all areas of the county who are at the top of their field. It was a privilege to photograph them and hear their stories.I also photographed a heart transplant survivor who was a featured speaker at the luncheon.This annual campaign is always so meaningful to work on because I know I am spreading awareness through my portraits. Heart Disease is the number one killer of women and it can often come silently and without warning. We are all vulnerable and we all must take care of our heart health.Thanks to American Heart Association Santa Barbara Division for choosing me once again to photograph this campaign and play a huge role in the over all event.

Long Time, No Blog! An Update from Ashleigh

santa barbara portrait photographerTime flies when you are fully engaged in your business. I was completely and utterly shocked when I realized it had been nearly TWO YEARS since I last blogged. A collective WTF and sigh is in order.The timing of my blog hiatus is no coincidence. In 2016, I stopped photographing weddings (which was my main reason for blogging-- because wedding clients loved when I featured their photos) and I went FULL TIME as a portrait studio. My dream was always to run a busy full time portrait studio in Santa Barbara. And I knew if I quit weddings I could fully engage in my passions. But man y'all it's such a different business model. These days the majority of my clients hear about me via referral. So while my online presence is important to me I spent a lot of  time being engaged in amazing in-person relationships. I also have been spending a crap ton of time on instagram-- which is kinda like blogging, right-- so I guess that's another reason I let this place be quiet.While rebuilding this blog feels daunting, it's so important to me to have my own platform to share what I am up to with you all.Here's what you can expect going forward:-weekly blogs featuring real client shoots (oh boy do I have a backlog to share)-special events and promotions held at my Santa Barbara studio-The occasional beauty tip or trick-A lot of content on self love and acceptanceThank you for your grace this last year. I know many of you readers headed over to my instagram party. I love connecting with you all in a myriad of ways and always have so much gratitude for anyone who enjoys my business.Love & Empowerment,Ashleigh

Holiday Survival 101 - Traveling With A Baby

_mg_7243'Tis the season to be traveling-- which can be very hard with a little baby! I know since I had one last year! Road trips are never easy, but with a new baby they can be downright nerve wracking, so I wanted to share my favorite holiday travel tips to survive this season with my momma-readers out here!

  1. Plan ahead to take lots of breaks and pit stops. One thing that has really helped me, especially when I was exclusively breastfeeding and on longer road trips, was to plan ahead to stop every 2 hours. We picked fun spots along the way (usually spots that involved food and decent restrooms). Yes, this adds time to the over all trip but it's so nice to stretch, get the baby out of the car seat, and be able to feed skin-to-skin.
  2. If you can't take that many breaks, use a hand pump and a bottle. I found a nifty manual breast pump that I could use with just my hands. I would sit in the back seat and pump and then feed my son with a bottle. You can use a nursing cover like this one if you are worried about people seeing into your car. I also really like these Honest Company bottles, as well as this pump from Medela.**
  3. Pack extra diapers and keep them in an easy to reach spot! This may seem obvious, but I can't tell you how many times I used more diapers than anticipated! It really stinks to have to open up your neatly packed trunk and dig for supplies when you are stopped at a gas station!
  4. Take your DSLR with you! With all the stops and breaks you are bound to be taking, make it worth while and capture your memories while you are at it! There are so many sights and so many memories on holiday road trips. You might feel daunted in the moment, but trust me you will cherish the memories and photos of your teeny baby forever!

**You may be wondering if you should pack any formula for a road trip. I made the personal choice to exclusively breastfeed my son, and therefore formula feeding didn't really work for me because if I had fed him with formula on a road trip, I still would have had to empty my breasts or possibly suffer from a reduced supply. So I did make it part of my mission to stop frequently or pump in the car and feed. However, I understand that all moms are in different situations. If you are using formula or a combination of breastmilk and formula, you should definitely pack some (like the kind Honest makes) and mix and feed on the road! However you feed your baby, know you will do just great on your first road trip! Be patient, listen to your baby's cues, and don't be in too much of a rush and all will be merry and bright! Happy Holidays,Ashleigh  

How Thinking Like A Photographer Will Change Your Life (and personal photos) Forever!

I know I may seem biased being that I am a professional photographer... but having beautiful photos can change your life. And I am not just talking about hiring a professional for family portraits, I am talking about the photos you take every day of your kids and loved ones.If you are a mom like me you know time moves by WAY TOO FAST. That teensy tiny smushy baby is now a toddler. And then that toddler will soon be off to kindergarten. Then you blink and boom-- you are dropping your baby off at college.There are so many big and little milestones over the course of your kids lives. And if I am being real, it’s probably impossible to hire a pro like me for ALL those little moments. For most families even being able to afford one professional portrait sitting a year is a big expense.So what’s a mom to do in those in betweens?Well with digital cameras being everywhere, including in your purse, you are probably documenting your kids yourself.As a mom you are the keeper of memories. But how well are you keeping your memories?If you are tired of missing moments because:-they are blurry-too bright-too dark-getting not so cute expressions-having photos that look a mess (though you don’t quite know why)… then I am here to help! Let me walk you through 5 simple ways you can change your photos for the better (even on an iPhone)-- and more importantly change your life simply by documenting it beautifully. 

1)Let There Be (Good) Light

t5dc-3Photography is literally the art of capturing light. So it makes sense getting your photos to have better light in them would be a game changer for you. Here’s some things that you really need to know to see massive results--Avoid taking photos outside in direct + bright sun. - Professional portrait photographers avoid taking photos outdoors anytime between 10am -2:30pm or so (depending where you live) because this is literally such an unflattering type of light. Plus your kids will look squinty and not relaxed. I know as a mom sometimes this is exactly when we are out at the park with our kids and the moments are happening. One work around is to either find some shade OR take a wider shot-- if your kids are small in the frame the harsh light is less noticeable and so are their expressions.--Turn Off That Flash. A built in camera flash has to be one of the most unflattering types of light ever invented. And yet, if I had a dollar for everytime I saw someone using their flash--when it wasn’t even necessary-- I’d have my son’s college completely paid for! Do yourself a favor and turn your flash off. Your photos will thank you! --Open the Curtains. If you are shooting indoors you want to use all the natural light that is available to you and turn off your indoor lights. So open those curtains and blinds. Make your room bright as can be. Face your kiddo towards the light too so it’s actually hitting her face! It makes such a difference! 

2) Burst Mode is for Movers

_MG_6705It can be so hard to capture fast moving toddlers and kids. Lately it seems like my son can simply not sit still for a photo. And though that annoys me, I still know how to nail the shot because I know how to work my camera. A DSLR has a few settings you can use to keep those wiggly kiddos in focus. But you can also simply use your iphone to do a better job (if you don’t have a DSLR). Do you know about iPhone’s burst mode? It allows you snap many pictures at one time. The thought being if you take 15 pictures at a time at least one will turn out good. ;) It’s so simple to use. Open the iPhone camera app (do not use a third party app). Instead of simply tapping the circle button to take a photo press and HOLD IT DOWN. It will keep shooting for as long as you hold. Soon after, I recommend going through the frames of your burst and choosing 1-3 of the best ones in the set and DELETE the others. That way you won’t be confused by the bad ones or fill up your phone. 

3) Move B, Get Out My Background

tcostume-10One thing that nearly all professional portraits have is a subtle, soft, non distracting background. This allows you to focus on the person-- your kid-- in the photo rather than having your eye jump around the frame and get distracted. A tool photographers employ on DSLRs to do this is opening their lens up really wide to create a blurry background. But even if you don’t have a DSLR, you can still think like a photographer. As you are about to snap a picture, PAY ATTENTION to what’s going on in the background. -Are poles or tree branches “growing” from your kids’ head?-What about other people? Are they pulling focus in the background?-Any other eyesores in the frame? By paying attention to what’s behind your child, you can frame your photo better. Often you can simply move an inch or two to the left or right or up or down and you can eliminate those distractions from the frame. You may also decide to get in closer to eliminate distractions too.  

4) Fill Your Frame

t5dc-4This lesson kind of plays off of the previous tip regarding watching for distractions. In that lesson I just mentioned you can “get closer in” to your subject to also help avoid distractions. And while “zooming in” on your kiddos does help crop eye sores out of the background, that’s not the only reason to do it. In portraiture, professional photographers often fill their frame with just their subjects face. It is such a powerful way to really see someone and is more eye catching than a whole full body shot. You can fill the frame with details too-- like little hands or feet. It’s always very powerful. To do this, especially on a phone camera, I recommend using your legs to help you zoom rather than the “zoom feature” on your camera. You see unless you have a proper zoom lens, which the iphone does NOT, you are actually just cropping into the photo and degrading your photo quality when you use the camera to zoom. How do you zoom with your legs? It’s quite simple. Just walk in closer to your kiddo. Get up in there. Find some cool angles! That is what pros like me do! 

5) Laugh Together, Make Memories Together

_MG_7289The best photographers are the ones that really have FUN behind the camera and make the client forget they are being photographed. I believe a client should always leave a shoot saying “Thank you! That was really a lot of fun!” You are a mom, not photographing a client. But still… Why should photographing your kids be any different. They will want to be photographed if you are having fun and engaging with them while doing so. Photo time should never be a chore. Be super silly. Fake laugh till you real laugh. Go to cool and fun locations. Make a dork of yourself. Involve your kids in the whole process. Act like a pro photographer in this simple way and you will find yourself not only achieving pro results, but you will also be making brand new amazing memories while capturing your kids! I just threw a lot of info at you! And I know it’s good stuff. But sometimes when learning a new skill and art form it’s nice to have someone hold your hand and personally walk you through everything you need to know! 

I’m actually doing exactly that in my FREE  photo class which will have you capturing beautiful memories of your kiddos in just five days!



 We start next Monday, so you definitely want to be sure to reserve your spot asap and get in at the beginning so you don’t miss a thing. There will be daily lessons delivered to your inbox, along with a private group for support, and video trainings which will even be recorded for you  busy moms out there. I will personally be holding your hand and sharing my secrets as you learn how to take your photos and memories to the next level with ease, confidence and joy! 

Don’t miss out! Sign Up for the FREE Photo Class Here ---->

Updating Our Brand

2015 was a year of a lot of soul searching... which given that I had a baby last year, it makes total sense that I wanted to evaluate all aspects of my life. I came to some conclusions about the direction of my business and brand, what I wanted to be doing with my time, and what I did not. I attended another live workshop by my hero Sue Bryce and wrote some major, scary, but exciting decisions on paper... And this year, 2016, has been making them all come to life!!So I am being very cryptic but letting you know that the "Ashleigh Taylor" brand is being updated and the big unveiling is Monday! Yes, like as in 48 hours from now. I can't wait to show you what I am working on and share our new changes to the business with you. As always thanks to everyone who supports me-- I know some of you have been around for 7 years (the very beginning). You are very loved and appreciated and I hope you will go with me on this journey into Ashleigh Taylor 2.0 ...Here's a sneak peek of what's to come:ashleigh taylor branding

Sunstone Villa Wedding Photography | Abby + Tanner

 Sunstone Villa Wedding Photography Abby + Tanner were married the day after New Year’s at Sunstone Villa! Now, I have photographed many weddings at the beautiful Sunstone Villa over the last four years, but this wedding was a first! I have never shot at a wedding at the Villa in January…or really any winter month! So this wedding is a little bit different than all my other Villa weddings you have seen of mine… but oh boy was it really pretty!The sky was gray and the air was chilly and crisp, but the light, ooooh the light, was incredible! The vines were bare but the remaining branches created lines and shapes that were beautiful and bare. There was a tent— smartly so— because it was windy and way too cold to dine and dance under the stars. But there was still an amazing backdrop of the Villa. The berry-red and white color palette was festive, and went along with the holidays (because on January 2nd things still should feel festive). It was without a doubt gorgeous.But the best part of the day was of course Abby and Tanner. Could there be a couple any cuter? They were high school sweethearts and they were  so thrilled to be becoming man and wife. And their families were pretty adorable too. I honestly could shoot their wedding every single weekend and be stoked, because they are that awesome and the wedding was that lovely!!Thank you to Kelsey for 2nd shooting! Thanks to Scott Topper for rockin’ the dj booth. And as always thanks to Sunstone for being one of the best places to shoot a wedding, no matter the time of year!Check out their wedding below:Sunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding PhotographySunstone Villa Wedding Photography       

Sogno Del Fiore Wedding Photography

sogno del Fiore wedding photography I can’t even believe I am just now blogging this shoot! It’s kind of an Ashleigh Taylor "vintage" by now! LOL! So yes, this shoot is about 2 years old but it’s still fabulous and deserves to be celebrated. This shoot was a collaboration with Hint of Chic and Haute Catering for the (what was then brand new) wedding venue Sogno Del Fiore. Sogno is a gorgeous winery property and perfect if you are looking for a beautiful outdoor wedding in Santa Ynez!We wanted to show the property off in a unique way for this shoot so we came up with a Moroccan theme. I LOVE all things Moroccan design so this shoot was a total dream for me! And apparently 100 Layer Cake agreed because they featured it on their site as well!Between the lush colors of the design, the textural flowers, and the yummy middle eastern cuisine this shoot is definitely not your average vineyard wedding inspiration! So check it out and feast with your eyes.And if you are getting married in 2016 at Sogno Del Fiore, I’d love to chat with you! This is such a great venue and I am thrilled to be a preferred vendor here!sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography sogno del Fiore wedding photography  


 santa barbara boudoir photographyWhen I shoot a boudoir shoot I like to capture all the different sides to a woman. Her soft side, her bold side, her relaxed side, her carefree side. I find a woman’s different moods and expressions to all be sexy in their own unique way. Not every look has to be about strapping on the garters and stilettos… But then again, we shouldn’t let a whole shoot go by without really being brave with one super sexy look should we?I love this shoot because there are so many moods captured the bold and daring to the soft and intimate. And dang if my client doesn’t just have LEGS FOR DAYS!Are you interested in having me capture all the sides that make up your sexiness? If so shoot me an email, I’d love to chat!santa barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photography

Santa Barbara Glamour Mother-Daughter Portrait Photography

santa barbara glamour photographerThere is nothing I love more than capturing Mother-Daughter Portraits. These portraits are extra special because not only do I get to fufill my passion of making women feel beautiful and confident in front of the camera, but I also know that the work I am creating is so deeply meaningful. Your mom is your first female role model, she carried you in her womb and I now know, being a mom myself, that she continued to sacrifice her body for you for many years after you were born. Your mom teaches you so much and protects you and loves you fiercely. Seriously she is irreplaceable right? But the bittersweet thing is moms aren’t around to care for us forever, and one day a portrait with you and your mom looking amazing will literally be one of the most priceless possessions you have. The fact that I can freeze time for mothers and daughters, to snap their bond, to give them both confidence, and to make them look and feel fabulous and create a fun day they will always remember… That is epic to me! I love it with all my heart! So yeah… Mother Daughter shoots are my favorite!And they are the PERFECT gift too! So check out this recent shoot and then send me an email… I’d love to create the most unique and priceless gift you’ve ever given your mom in the new year!santa barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographer 


santa barbara boudoir photographyBoudoir is sexy. Boudoir is fun. Boudoir is confidence. Boudoir is power. Boudoir is feminine. Boudoir is grace. Boudoir is courage. Boudoir is bold. Boudoir is daring. Boudoir is shameless. Boudoir is strong. Boudoir is fierce and boudoir is fabulous. Boudoir is dashing and daring and not caring what others think. It’s courage and strength and effervescence.And I see all those things and more in this shoot. This shoot is one of my all-time favorites. It’s so celebratory, so full of confidence, so full of loving yourself 100%. And that’s why I do what I do.My shoots are for women first and foremost. Sure, I realize my clients might give these photos to a man in their life… but more than anything I want you do to this shoot for you. To love yourself. To say to yourself I am reason enough and I am fabulous and I rock what I got.santa barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photography 


santa barbara boudoir photographyOne of my favorite things about shooting a boudoir session is watching a client come alive in front of the camera. Every client starts out so shy— I mean, it’s not every day you have some taking your photo…while you are dressed in your skivvies!!! I have yet to have a client walk in 100% confident and ready to be seen in her undies! But sure enough we start with hair and make up and then the first look and the nerves melt away and a goddess shines through! Every woman seriously ends the session by prancing around half naked (or hey full naked if they want) without a care in the world. So if you’ve ever wanted to feel really good about yourself naked you totally need to come in for a session with me because that confidence in your skin will be there when the shoot ends!!Check out this amazing session to see what I mean!santa barbara boudoir photography santa barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photography santa barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photographysanta barbara boudoir photography003santa barbara boudoir photography004santa barbara boudoir photography006santa barbara boudoir photography012santa barbara boudoir photography013santa barbara boudoir photography014santa barbara boudoir photography015santa barbara boudoir photography016santa barbara boudoir photography

Crossroads Estate Wedding | Lani + Jessica

santa barbara engagement photography were wed recently at The Crossroads Estate in Los Olivos! Photographing this wedding was a dream come true for many reasons. First, I've always wanted to shoot at this stunning rustic barn venue. Second, Lani owns Spark Events, a top Santa Barbara lighting design company for weddings + events. It is always such a HUGE honor and privilege to photograph for a wedding industry peer! Lani knows everyone and works with the best of the best, so to be asked to photographed his big day was definitely  humbling and so exciting. But lastly and most importantly, this wedding was a dream come true to photograph because Lani + Jess are truly the sweetest people ever and were so wonderful to work with. Weddings are always amazing when the couple is so genuine and kind!As you can imagine, Lani + Jess lined up a dream team of vendors. Donna Romani Events planned the wedding perfectly, NLC Productions created a stunning design and florals for the day, Lani's creative team at Spark knocked it out of the park with some insanely gorgeous lighting design, Riviera Productions rocked it out on video, and a big thanks to Kelsey for second shooting for me!This wedding has to be seen to be believed, it is so so beautiful! So check out the images below and enjoy!crossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photography021crossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photography039040041042043044045046047048049050051052053054055crossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photographycrossroads estate wedding photography


santa barbara glamour photographerIt’s always an honor to photograph a fellow photographer, and that was especially the case with Lucia. I took some stunning glamour portraits of her solo and we finished the session with her husband and little son James joining in on the fun! I always like to ask my clients if they’d to bring any family in at the end of the session— it just makes perfect sense if you are already dolled up and feeling fabulous to get some photos with your loved ones as well. And while I am known for mother-daughter shoots, I definitely can photograph you with your hubby or son too! Hey, some of us (ME) only have sons not daughters and we should be left out of the fun should we?! Definitely not!Lucia’s session is the perfect example of how a personal glamour shoot can be about celebrating yourself and also about getting some lovely photos with your family too!And this is just the perfect time of year for that with the holidays approaching! Definitely drop me a note to see how we can get you some stunning new images and some great family shots for your holiday cards!!santa barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographersanta barbara glamour photographer 

Santa Barbara Engagement Photography | Abby + Tanner

Santa Barbara Engagement PhotographyAbby + Tanner are one of my fabulous 2016 couples and I am so excited to be working with them for their Sunstone Villa Wedding next year (y’all know that is my favorite venue of all time)! These two are so sweet and so in love! They were a blast to photograph and just oh so cute together! We had tons of fun! Check out the images below from their beautiful Santa Barbara bluffs engagement session and start counting down to their wedding post…. because I KNOW that is going to be a really really good one!Santa Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement PhotographySanta Barbara Engagement Photography 

Ravenscroft Estate, Montecito Wedding Photography | Donna + Ron

santa barbara wedding photographerDonna + Ron had one of my favorite weddings of 2015! It was held at the beautiful Ravenscroft Estate in Montecito. There was so much to love about this fabulous affair planned and designed perfectly by Lindsey of Magnolia Event Design-- from the perfect setting, to Donna's stunning gown, to the beautiful flowers by Nico of NLC Productions... But truly the best part of the day was Donna + Ron! These two are so sweet and kind and genuine and just the best people you could ever hope to meet! They were so happy all day. They were just a joy to photograph! I also loved how relaxed and intimate their event was. It was all about celebrating the day with those most important to them. The focus was on love and it was stress and drama free-- which is exactly how weddings should be!Donna's beautiful hair and make up was done by Page of Absolutely Fabulous Glamour Studio.Special thanks to Kelsey for second shooting with me!santa barbara wedding photographer002santa barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographersanta barbara wedding photographer