Updating Our Brand
2015 was a year of a lot of soul searching... which given that I had a baby last year, it makes total sense that I wanted to evaluate all aspects of my life. I came to some conclusions about the direction of my business and brand, what I wanted to be doing with my time, and what I did not. I attended another live workshop by my hero Sue Bryce and wrote some major, scary, but exciting decisions on paper... And this year, 2016, has been making them all come to life!!So I am being very cryptic but letting you know that the "Ashleigh Taylor" brand is being updated and the big unveiling is Monday! Yes, like as in 48 hours from now. I can't wait to show you what I am working on and share our new changes to the business with you. As always thanks to everyone who supports me-- I know some of you have been around for 7 years (the very beginning). You are very loved and appreciated and I hope you will go with me on this journey into Ashleigh Taylor 2.0 ...Here's a sneak peek of what's to come: