Los Angeles Boudoir Photography

I love boudoir. But you already know that. I think boudoir is empowering for women. And truthfully that is why I love it SO much! I will be frank and say boldly that I am a feminist. I believe women are equal to men and should be treated equally to men. I believe a woman has every reason to feel as successful and a s confident as a man. But truth is that ain't always easy, right ladies?It is hard to be a woman. There is pressure to be beautiful, thin, a domestic goddess but also have a great career. And if you are in love or married, you also have to be a good wife, and one day a rockin' mother, and also you have to take care of your parents too. Just thinking about it is exhausting. With so much expected of women, and often times being under recognized (did you know even in 2011 women still make only $0.75 for every $1.00 a man makes doing the same job??), it is easy to understand why we sometimes feel insecure or down on ourselves.ENTER BOUDOIR.Boudoir photos can help you see yourself in a whole new way. It takes a lot of courage to get in your skivvys and glam it up for a camera. The mere act of confronting this fear of exposing yourself and just going for it is empowering. As a female boudoir photographer, it's so important to me that my clients feel secure. That they know they can be truly who they are around me and know I won't judge them. In fact, I think it's fabulous when my clients show me their true selves. Who you are is sexy and beautiful, and I want my clients to know I see them that way.When my clients see their photos they often flip out! "Is that me?!!" they often ask! When they see how beautiful and sexy they really are, BOOM! That confidence jumps back in! And I've been told from many clients that they feel so proud and strong every single time they look at the photos.The client who's photos are featured below even wrote me and said "I'm not sure who looks at the pictures more often- me or my husband :)"To me that says it all. Boudoir isn't just something you do for your significant other. It's something you do to celebrate yourself, your womanhood, and to remind yourself that you are amazing, sexy and glamorous inside and out EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.This is why I am a boudoir photographer. To help women feel empowered, strong, confident and sexy. To remind them how fabulous they are inside and out. To celebrate womanhood. I do believe I can change the world one woman/one boudoir shoot at a time. Yes I do!!! :)

Tuesday Top 5

I am beginning to think that Tuesday Top 5 should be renamed Tuesday Foodsday or something because seriously I ALWAYS seem to talk about food. Sorry folks the most exciting thing in my life is what I eat. Which either makes me a food critic extraordinaire or really totally lame. I am gonna go with the foodie extraordinaire option. Anyway, here is my Top 5 for the past week! I spent most of the week with my mom visiting my grammy & grampy in Pam Desert so almost everything is based from there!1. Sloan's in Indio. If I could eat breakfast at one place, every day, for the rest of my life...I would choose SLOAN'S in Indio, CA! I have been going to this place (formerly known as Elmer's) each and every visit to Palm Desert since I was a wee one. I've heard they make many tasty things at Sloan's. But to be honest I have only ever eaten two things. I split these two things with my mom (or friend or husband) on EVERY VISIT. We start by splitting the Chile Relleno Omelet... yes a beautiful roasted poblano, stuffed with cheese, wrapped in eggy omelety goodness, and topped with spiiiicy salsa. Yum and yum. Then for something sweet I must get THE GERMAN PANCAKE. If you have never had a German Pancake, I feel very sorry for you. Seriously. They are heaven. They are light and puffy...kinda like a yorkshire pudding but big and sweet. Sloan's makes the best one ever...I don't know how but they just make it perfect. Plus they have coconut syrup on the table you can top it with. Done and done. :) I was in the desert last week for 4 days and I ate at Sloan's every morning. Much to my mother & grandmother's chagrin. But seriously, it's a crime to be within a 30 mile radius of Sloan's and not go there!2. Kobe in Rancho Mirage. So now you know I am obsessive about eating at Sloan's every morning that I am in Palm Desert. Well friends, I am equally obsessive over my dinner. And for dinner in the desert it has to be KOBE. Always Kobe. Kobe is a teppan restaurant... like a Benihana...ONLY A MILLION TIMES MORE YUMMY. Why is it more yummy? I don't know exactly...the menu is nearly identical. But the quality of ingredients and chefs are top notch. Their chefs have been with them forever too! Oh and it's not a huge multi-national corporate chain. If you know me... I hate huge corporate chain restaurants. Gross. No Kobe has a local home grown feel... though they do have two Hawaii locations, still its only a chain of 3...not huge. Anywho, Kobe is BOMB and I always have the same thing. Teppan Shrimp. But no I never volunteer to catch a shrimp in my mouth. I'm not a seal. ;)3. Hadley's. Hadley's is so good even Huell Howser has featured it on California's Gold. Hadley's is a fruit/nut stand, specialty foods, cafe type place in Cabazon. They sell lots of specialty dried fruits, nuts and candies...But what I love is their DATE BANANA SHAKE. I like to think it's healthy since its chock full of dates and bananas, but yeah it is also full of ice cream. It's deliciously thick and not too sweet! It is the perfect pick me up on the long drive to the desert! I just looooove stopping there!!4. My Grandpa! My Grandpa is an awesome fellow. He is a whopping 90 years old, and even though recently he has been having some health issues, he looks incredible for his age. Most people think he's 70. No lie. I wish his genes were mine but unfortunately he technically is my step-grandpa (my mom's step-dad). But he' married my Grammy lonnnnnnnng before I was born so to me he has always been my real grandpa. My grandpa is super handy and great with tools ad wood type projects. When I was little he even built me my own dollhouse that was a replica of my own house and it was awesome. This week he helped me with a craft project for a shoot I was working on and it just reminded me how great he is at being there for me with little projects and such. I am lucky to have him and hope he can make it to at least 100!5. My Grammy! I have been fairly open about what a true miracle my grandma is! As I mentioned she had brain surgery due to a ruptured brain aneurysm about 6 weeks ago. At the time is was frightening and no one was sure she'd make it, or make it out with a full recovery. And though she still isn't 100%, I saw this week how well my grammy is doing and how lucky we all are. My grandma is up and about, going to breakfast and shopping, and cooking for my grandpa. She is getting back to her normal life little by little and it is truly amazing. I love her sooooooooo much, but to be honest I have spent so many years taking her for granted. My grandma is relatively young-- 77. And she lives in the desert. So for years I'd just be too busy to visit often. I had to shoot here in LA...and I figured there would be plenty of time later to visit. But 6 weeks ago I realized nothing is a guarantee. Anything can happen and you have to make time to see those you love...even though you are super busy. I promised myself if my grammy made it I would visit her more. I am so glad she did make it, so glad I spent 4 days with her this week, and I can't wait to go to visit her again. She is the sweetest, prettiest, cutest lady. And I love her to pieces.

Featured on Style Me Pretty (Facebook + Website)

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing Carolyn + Prescott's engagement session! I LOVE these two so much, and their engagement session was too adorable for words. Carolyn is the owner/baker of Half Baked Co in Valencia, CA and makes the cutesssst cupcakes and sweets on the planet. She is also super crafty and creative. So she and I collaborated on a Spring picnic engagement session...and the final photos have me squealing with delight! I cannot wait to share!On Friday, the Holy Grail of Wedding Blogs (aka Style Me Pretty) shared some of the images from Carolyn + Prescott's session on their facebook page:And they also featured the images on a gallery on the main site!! Go check it out:Soon I will be sharing some of these fabulous images here too!! So stay tuned!!

A Tale of Two Small Weddings

The wedding season hasn't totally kicked off for me yet, with my first big wedding happening on April 30, 2011 (holla to my bride Elaine!!) But this month I very suddenly picked up two small yet love filled weddings! And even though on both occasions the weather was a bit cold, windy and drizzly, the weddings themselves were quite warm and wonderful! I am so glad I had the opportunity to document both of them!The first wedding was for my cousin (technically cousin-in-law) Jami! Jami & Jose have been together but over New Year's they got engaged! In Paris! Tres romantique! They didn't have much time to plan the wedding because Jose is being deployed at the end of the month. When I learned that I was available for their date and being that Jami is a very close family member of AJ's, AJ and I decided to shoot their wedding for them as their gift! Here's a few of my favorite shots of the day!Jami told me many times when discussing the photography timeline for the wedding that she is a "simple girl" and not a model. She also mentioned she hated being on camera. But between you and me, I think she had a great time taking this photos! And she definitely pulled out a some fierceness, leading me to question if maybe she secretly IS a model!Five days later, Hanna & Chris were married at the Beverly Hills Courthouse! Hanna had contacted me just a week before to see if I could squeeze in their small mid-week courthouse ceremony and luncheon! I was free and happy to oblige! I loved Hanna & Chris's wedding because it was simply about love. Two people promising forever to each other. What is more beautiful than that?! After the wedding we all headed over to The Grove for their luncheon. I snuck a few shots of Chris & Hanna in the bar. It was a totally different location than I normally shoot brides and grooms which made me love it!And Hanna & Chris looked fierce!I love stolen moments......and stolen kisses! So there you have it! The tale of the two small weddings I shot just 5 days apart! I love that my April turned out to be filled witnessing more love than anticipated! I can't wait for all the love I get document in the 2011 wedding season! Hooray!

Tuesday Top 5

I'm back in action with another installment of Tuesday Top 5! Here we go!

1. Turbie Twist. I got a Turbie Twist in my holiday stocking last December and can I just say this thing rocks my world. In fact I have one on my head as we speak! What is a Turbie Twist you may ask? It's a highly absorbent terry cloth towel perfectly shaped to create a turban on your head. Get out of the shower with wet hair, put turbie on, twist and done! Voila! Wet hair is out of your way! There is nothing more I hate than when I'm in dry clothes and wet hair in sitting on my back. Yuckkkk. Oh and I have never been a fan of the blow dryer. Ever. So Turbie Twist is my new BFF. LOVE.2. Game of Thrones. Yay for new HBO shows! Especially the scandalous britishy ones! Gotta love! Game of Thrones premiered last night and I'm already hooked. I can't wait to see where this season goes!3. Homemade Gnocchi. My hubby has turned into quite the chef!!! A week ago he attempted to make gnocchi using Anne Burrell's recipe. It was a HUGE FAIL. The gnocchi turned into mush when they got boiled. It was sad. But then our favorite Fabio Viviani posted his gnocchi recipe on his blog and AJ decided to try again. And success!! Deeeelicious deeelicious homemade gnocchi. AJ is hoping that this will make me want to leave him for Fabio a little less. To which I say, AJ you better figure out how to talk in a cute Italian accent too! I kid, I kid.4. Pink toes! My toe's are painted hot pink right now and I love it! There is truly nothing better that perfectly pedicured tootsies! I always say I am gonna treat myself to pedicures more often but so often time just slips away! Now that sandal weather is here I intend to get my tootsies treated much more often. AJ even told me I should. Gotta love the husband's approval!5. Lady Gaga's "Judas". We all know that I am thoroughly obsessed with GAGA. So when her new single "Judas" hit airwaves on Friday I was all heck to the yeah!!! I download that single asap and have been playing it on a loop ever since. Bless my husband's heart for not complaining about it, though I am sure it is highly annoying. We don't quite see eye to eye on musical tastes... but I'm kinda glad about that as I proudly have the musical taste of a gay man! Anywho, yes "Judas" does sorta have the exact same formula as "Bad Romance"...but hey at least it doesn't sound exactly like one of Madonna's songs! Score for GAGA! Listen to "Judas" below!

Mad Men in Vegas | Editorial Shoot

When I was in Las Vegas for WPPI, I had the awesome opportunity to participate in a editorial shoot/mini-workshop with photographer Victor Sizemore and Summer Watkins, stylist and editor of one of my favorite blogs, Grey Likes. The shoot was based around the hit TV show Mad Men, and was oh so 1960's-- with a little Las Vegas twist of course! We got the opportunity to shoot in a penthouse at the amazing Palms hotel and it was super awesome!One thing that I found really cool about this shoot was that Victor asked us all to play with a more editorial style of shooting. Meaning, a collection of images and details that will give off a mood and a feel. Rather than focusing on making each shot a work of art, focus on the story and mood at hand. I really like this notion because at when I shoot a wedding I really want my photos to portray the mood, vibe, ambiance, and story of the day. So this little mini-workshop helped me see things a little differently and grow in a new way......and of course I love the images too! Hope y'all will enjoy!And thanks to the following for making this opportunity so awesome & valuable!- Mentor Photographer: Victor Sizemore (http://www.vcsphoto.com)- Stylist: Summer Watkins (http://www.summerwatkins.com) of Grey Likes Weddings (http://www.greylikesweddings.com)- Hair and Make Up: Amelia C (http://amelia-c.com)

Manhattan Beach Boudoir Photography | Sherry

'Tis the season for boudoir photography! I have been doing sooooo many hot hot hot boudoir shoots lately and loving it! If you are getting married this Spring or Summer, or perhaps have anniversary coming up, you should definitely consider giving your special someone the gift of boudoir!One of my most recent shoots was with the fabulous Sherry! I absolutely love her! She was so fierce and came with a whole entourage! Her sisters glammed her up-- doing her hair & make up! And her bff acted as wardrobe stylist, perfectly adding just the right accessories to each look! And Sherry brought her inner diva to the table and totally worked for my camera. It was a very fun day and I'm so happy with the results!Check out this fun boudoir session!We started out a little sweet but things quickly turned saucy!You betta work!This final outfit was my fave! Love the teal color and the bolder make up Sherry sported. I think she was feelin' the look too! 

Alex + Jono's Engagement Party

I feel so fortunate to have met so many wonderful people in the wedding industry over the past year. This industry is truly filled with warm, sweet, creative people! Alex, planner extraordinaire of Sterling Engagements is one of those people! I cannot even tell you how flattered I was when she asked me to photograph her engagement party! I did a happy dance, said yes, and a few days later I was at her beautiful home in Agoura photographing an amazing love-themed and love-filled party!You can see a ton of photos from the party over at Hostess With The Mostess, but I wanted to share a few favorites here with you!Fantasy Frostings made an incredible dessert buffet. And yes, those treats were as tasty as they were pretty!!!I loved the paper pretties for this party!Alex bought this cute LOVE sign from Etsy! Gotta love Etsy!Love these pics of Alex with her other man, Jackson. And Jono is posing with his "be my groomsman?" shot glasses!Congrats Alex + Jono!!! I'm so thrilled for you two!!! :)

Featured on Hostess With The Mostess

YAY! Today is a good day! I have been a huuuuuuuge fan of Hostess With The Mostess since I got engaged in 2008 (ps why does 2008 seem like a million years ago?!). I LOVE the party inspiration that Jenn features. From showers, to theme parties to wedding related things-- Jenn shows the best of it all! I just LOVE it.So I am just thrilled beyond words to see my work featured on Hostess With The Mostess today! The pictures are from Alex's Engagement Party!!! For those who don't know, Alex is a FABULOUS wedding planner and everyone here should check her out asap! She rocks!Click here to take a peak at the lovely photo from Alex + Jono's engagement party:And check back later here from a few of my fave photos from this love filled fete!

More of the Lady Gaga Wedding shoot around the web!

It's so fun to still be seeing our Lady Gaga Wedding shoot popping up around the web! This week it appeared on two more blogs!First the Lady Gaga wedding was on Wedding Wire's Blog:Then it made an appearance on Hi Fi Weddings:Thanks to all who have featured this fab shoot and for all the positive feed back! It's been so fun to see the reaction to it!

Featured on Ever Ours

Today I'm so excited that Mandi + Dan's beachy, balloon love shoot was featured on Ever Ours! Ever Ours is SUCH a cute blog edited by the fabulous Lydia Yeung! I could not be more thrilled to see some of my images on her site! Thanks Lydia for the lovely  feature! And thanks to Mandi + Dan for being such a rad and inspiring couple!Go check out Mandi + Dan's love shoot on Ever Ours:

El Dorado Canyon, Nevada Desert Lifestyle Photography | Diana + JR

While in Las Vegas for WPPI, I was invited by Candice to tag along on a couples portrait session she had set up! To be honest, my first instinct was to pass. I felt gross from spending 4+ hours in the car getting to Vegas, was tired from the trip and it.was.COLD in them thar hills! But Candice was all, "it's gonna be super awesome!" And I was all...ok....you twisted my arm.We drove for an hour into the boonies of the Nevada desert. There were seriously NO CARS on the road and I had visions of our car breaking down and being attacked by a family of serial killers. YES, I have seen Wolf Creek and The Hills Have Eyes one too many times! However, much to my glee we pulled into the ghost town of El Dorado Canyon in Nelson Nevada without any problems, or ax murderers following us, and it turned out Candice is a brilliant planner!The Nelson, Nevada ghost town is SOOOOO cool! It looks like an American Picker's dream. There were old buildings and barns and soooo many antiques! There were old cars to play in and even a blown up airplane that had been used in a movie. It was nuts! Seriously, a photographer's dream location. Then there was this amazing light coming between the hills of the desert... and then...There was Diana and JR. The most adorable couple ever. Diana is buddies with Candice and works at FIDM. So her fashion sense is rad! She totally dressed the part for the session and styled up her man JR as well! Beyond being well dressed, these two were so so in love. They light up around each other, and these two have the brightest smiles! They were such a joy to photograph I didn't even notice how cold it was!

We were allowed to hop in the hold cars and trucks that littered the property and play! So fun! I wish random old trucks would just be at every photo shoot I do!

Diana you are GORGEOUS!!!!!

The light was AMAZING! Gah, I love what just the sun can do! This is our world in all it's glory!

Diana is so fierce! I love it! She totally harnessed her inner super model!

And JR did an awesome job too! Look at how handsome and cool he looks!

Look at the way JR soaks Diana in! That is love! No wonder she smiles so big and bright!

This feels so dark yet Anthropologie! LOVE it!

This one just makes me laugh though! It reminds me of the type of thing I'd do to AJ, and exactly the way he would glare at me! Haha!

Diana's eyes say so much! I love!

Love JR's smile!

When we heard there was a blown up plane on the property we were all, yeah we gotta take some photos with that! Sounds funny in retrospect, but come on how often do you get to shoot near a demolished plane!

So moody! I love!

The nice thing about roads in the middle of the boonies? You can take tons of photos right in the middle without worried about getting hit!

More road shots! I love them!

WPPI 2011 Recap

So it's been, like, a MONTH since WPPI...and I never blogged about it. But I should have because it was awesome sauce.For those who don't know WPPI is the largest Wedding and Portrait Photographers conference and it takes place in Vegas every year. For some photogs it's play, for some it's networking, for some it's a great learning experience, but for me it was all of the above. My days were filled jam packed with going to workshops/lectures, perusing the trade show, rocking photo shoots, hanging out with fellow photographers and FINE DINING of course. ;)I carpooled roomed with two of my favorite people ever, Candice and Sarina...On the drive up it snowed....So we pulled to the side of the road and took a few photos...of course!It was pretty cold and wet so our photo session lasted about 5 minutes.... For Sarina, maybe two minutes! hehe!Candice will brave anything for a photo which is why I <3 her!The major highlights of my experience (besides eating at Bobby Flay's restaurant) were the photo shoots I got to take part of. I will be posting pics from these two very Vegas shoots asap! So stay tuned for those!Another highlight was seeing one of my albums used as a sample for the Leather Craftsmen booth at the trade show. Leather Craftsmen only had like 10 or so albums at their booth so mine really stood out! Take a look...So cool!The other thing I did at WPPI was go to several different lectures...my favorite speaker was definitely Jill La Fleur who spoke about wedding photography from a planner's perspective! It was so interesting. Plus she decorated the conference room like it was a gorgeous wedding! It was sooooo beautiful and impressive! Made me kinda fall in <3 with her!So that's my little WPPI recap. Can't wait for next year! Stay tuned for posts about my photo shoots!

Disney's Lady and the Tramp Inspired Anniversary Dinner | Brooklyn + Mark

Yesterday one of my favorite wedding blogs, Green Wedding Shoes, featured this anniversary shoot I recently worked on! I am so thrilled at the reaction to this shoot because it is one of my FAVORITE sessions to date! So of course I am excited to share more images from the session and a little more of the back story. :)Brooklyn and Mark have been friends of mine for what now seems like for-ev-er! I met Mark before I even started my photography business, before I was even engaged to AJ. We took an acting class together and Mark was always the funniest person. He blew me away with his creativity. A short while later Brooklyn joined the class and I think it was fairly obvious to everyone that sparks were flying between them. It really was almost like fate...they were both actors, both from Colorado originally (in fact they lived 10 minutes away from each other without even knowing it), and they both had a major major love of Disney. Let me emphasize the Disney thing... these two go to the magic kingdom all the time to relax and they also love Disney animated movies with a passion...So when it came time to celebrate their anniversary, it seemed a no-brainer to have a Disney themed shoot. And seriously, what movie is cuter and sweeter than Lady and the Tramp! We all love the scene where Tramp takes Lady on a date to the alley behind the Italian restaurant and they are serenaded by the waiters. Bella Notte. It was perfect.We collaborated with an AMAZING dream team of wedding vendors make this idea a reality. The work everyone put in to making this wonderful dinner for Mark to surprise Brooklyn with was unbelievable! Here's the break down of the dream team who rocked this shoot:

Styling/Coordination - Intertwined http://intertwinedevents.com/Florals - Honey and Poppies http://www.honeyandpoppies.com/Cake - Erica O'Brien Cake Design http://www.ericaobrien.com/Stationary - Pitbulls & Posies http://www.pitbullsandposies.com/Make Up/ Hair Styling - 10.11 Make Up http://1011makeup.com/

And photos by me! Of course! So without further ado here is Brooklyn & Mark's Lady and the Tramp inspired dinner!Since the dinner scene in Lady and the Tramp is an Italian set up, we wanted Italy to inspire the shoot as well! Unfortunately, we couldn't make it all the way across the Atlantic so we decided to set our scene in the Venice Canals of Los Angeles instead!It drizzled a little at first and I was all OH NO! But luckily it stopped pretty quickly and didn't ruin a thing!After our little Venice Canals photo shoot we walked a few blocks to the alley way for their surprise! Of course, we needed a few shots w/ their pup as well!Then the big reveal of the dinner scene! Brooklyn was SO surprised and excited!Cheers!Megan of Honey and Poppies created the MOST GORGEOUS florals for this shoot! To say that I love them would be an understatement. I mean look... their are blackberries in that arrangement! Blackberries! And basil too! Basil in the arrangements for an Italian inspired shoot! SO thoughtful!The most famous shot from Lady and the Tramp recreated here...Yep... they slurped it till they kissed! Adorable!This shot just makes me laugh. hehe. Sorry Mark!In the movie Lady and Tramp get serenaded by their waiters playing the accordion and singing "Bella Notte." Mark brought along an accordion and did his best to serenade Brooklyn......which she found charming, endearing, and apparently HILARIOUS.The sun began to set but Mark had one last surprise up his sleeve...An anniversary cake designed by the fabulous Erica O'Brien! YUM!The fab paper goods for this dinner were all done by Amber of Pitbulls & Posies! I just LOVED the doily sign, wine label and menus she made just for them!At the very end of the shoot I played around with some night shots of our dinner scene. I loooove photographing in natural light and that's mainly what I do, but this was so fun to play with!I loved being able to capture the beautiful twinkly candle light!Love!!Romantica!One last night shot for fun....

Featured on Green Wedding Shoes!

Today is an especially RAD Tuesday because on of my recent love shoots is being featured on one of my all time favorite wedding blogs, Green Wedding Shoes! Green Wedding Shoes always showcases the most stylish and unique weddings & inspiration and I'm just SO honored to be on their blog! Thank you Jen!This week I will be sharing more gorgeous photos from this Lady and the Tramp inspired anniversary shoot but for now go take a peak at it on GWS:

Tuesday Top 5

Hello world!! It has been quite awhile since I blogged a TT5 post! My apologies! But I am back and ready to give the run down on all that is awesome on this Tuesday in March!1. MY GRANDMA! The numero uno, most happiest, blessed news ever is that my grandma is improving. She is now in the regular part of the hospital not the ICU. Hopefully soon she will be transferred to a rehab center so she can get strong and return to her former healthy, cute, active lifestyle. My grandma's story so far has been nothing short of a miracle. Most people who suffer huge ruptured brain aneurysms usually do not live to tell about it, so for her to be able to talk and walk a little and improve everyday is a-maz-ing. Sometimes life blesses you in the most unbelievable and happy ways, and for this I am most thankful!2. SUSHI BURRITO. As per usual the rest of my tops today are foodie related. My newest food obsession is getting SUSHI BURRITOS from the Jogasaki Truck. Yes you read that right. Sushi. Burrito. It's UNREAL! It's basically a huge sushi roll on crack. Delicious, delicious, crack. It's about the size of my fore arm. It comes wrapped in rice paper (not tortilla-- unless you want a tortilla) and the version I get is stuffed with sushi rice, spicy tuna, "crab" meat, avocado, shrimp tempura and cucumber. Nom nom nom. Oh and then you can put their hot sauce on it which is so tasty. It's like eel sauce with hot hot peppers in it. Sweet, spiiiiicy, thick, rich. It adds just the perfect finishing touch to the burrito. YES! Now I'm hungry. So I'm gonna do my "no rain" dance so I can get me some tomorrow night when they are in my 'hood!3. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. Do I really need to elaborate on this? I don't think so. It's Girl Scout Cookie season. And me? I am a Thin Mint & Samoa lover through and through. I had to buy a few boxes. You know, just because it made that sweet little girl scout's day. I'm just a Good Samaritan like that! ;)4. TOP CHEF ALL STARS. Holla! I love Top Chef so Top Chef All Stars is of course a must-watch for me each Wednesday! And now we are in the finale stages! CRAZY! I had been TEAM FABIO forever so when he got booted I cried a river. And then started rooting for Mike Isabella. Why Isabella you ask? 1) Yes he is rude but he is also quite comical and entertaining. 2) And more importantly, I've dined at his DC restaurant and can say from first hand experience his food ROCKS. 3) And finally, Blais frickin' annoys me. He needs to get over himself! So that's my breakdown of why am currently TEAM ISABELLA. I hope Fabio wins fan favorite though! And yes I totally voted for him!5. BIG LOVE FINALE. I'm not sure if this is truly a "top 5" as I really loved this show sooooo much and am kinda (admittedly lamely) heartbroken to see it go. And it ended in such a sad way. I mean I guess kinda happy. But mostly pretty sad. But I did like the finale and I did enjoy watching it. This show is amazing and from someone who's life revolves around weddings and the institution of marriage, I find it highly intriguing! And the acting was always so brilliant! I actually thought the acting in the finale was sooooo finely done. SAG Awards for everyone please! ;)

(Credits Left to Right: Girl Scout Cookie Official Site, Top Chef All Stars Official Site, Jogasaki Official Site, Big Love Fan Page)

...So that's this week in Top 5-ness! I'm gonna try to get back on schedule with this again and post more regularly. So stay tuned for all the goodness next Tuesday!

The London, West Hollywood Boudoir Photography

You may remember a few weeks ago I blogged some pics from a boudoir session at The London Hotel! Though it was not a marathon session, two friends did join forces in splitting a room and hiring me! So it was kinda a two-fer! And I'm happy to be able to share a few pics from the other session as well!!If you have a friend that is also interested in a b-sesh, it's a fabulous idea to plan your sessions together and to split the cost of the hotel room! It's good for your wallet, good for moral supprt and what's better you can have a girl's night in your fancy hotel room afterwards! Maybe even turn it into a weekend getaway and a visit to the spa! Fab-u-lous!Here's a peaky peak at some more sexy boudoir pics!

Love these shoes!!!

Colorful lingerie is always great for a boudoir session!! I love how it just pops in photos!

Sexy wifey! LOVE!

For Japan With Love

This week has been totally insane. First, my grandmother had to have brain surgery because she had a ruptured aneurysm. Some of you already knew that and were praying for her. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, because against all odds, my grandma is doing pretty well given everything she has gone through. She is recovering from surgery and is walking and talking and being oh-so cute! She is not totally out of the woods, but the fact that she is doing so well is truly a MIRACLE! For that I'm thankful.The night my grandma was admitted to the ER was the same night as the Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan. My heart aches for the Japanese people and animals! When I heard Ever Ours & Utterly Engaged had set up a way to donate to Japan via Shelter Box, I was touched. I want to help in any way I can. It's honestly the very least I can do. The universe blessed me by saving my Grandma and I feel more than ever a need to give to others! I donated to For Japan With Love and will also be observing a day of silence on my blog this Friday! I hope you will join me by doing the same!To donate visit: http://www.forjapanwithlove.com/

Come See Us At The Festival Of Brides This Weekend!

Hey y'all!! I am so sorry I have not been blogging this week! But there is a good reason...I've been busy prepping for our bridal show debut! I've never exhibited at a show before but I'm really excited to announce I will be at The Festival Of Brides this weekend!!The Festival Of Brides is an upscale bridal show and it will be happening this Saturday and Sunday at the LA Convention Center! If you have been anxious to meet me, or see my albums and work in person this is  a great chance! Also we will be running a special contest there which you definitely want to check out! Trust me! ;)What's even better is that you can get FREE tickets to the show! Please click the http://www.festivalofbrides.com/free-ticket-prereg-la.php for show information, registration and free tickets.I look forward to meeting you there!

The Lady Gaga Wedding Around The Web!!

Wow!!! Our Lady Gaga Wedding Inspiration shoot debuted on Wedding Chicks earlier this week, and it took the web by storm! I was not at all expecting such a big reaction, and I have been so blown away by all the sweet comments and shout outs we received! I've also been so excited to see the shoot pop up around the web! Just thought I'd take the time to share the additional press the shoot received!AMP 97.1 Radio Station featured the Gaga Wedding on their blog:

Utah Bride picked up the shoot as well:

Martha's Circle on Martha Stewart gave us a shout out:

And some brides on Project Wedding buzzed about our shoot too:

Bride Finds gave us a holla in their weekly recap in what was big in weddings this week!:

Thank you to everyone who let me know where they saw the shoot pop up! And thanks to everyone for your support! Love you all! xoxo!