Posts tagged disney
Disney's Lady and the Tramp Inspired Anniversary Dinner | Brooklyn + Mark

Yesterday one of my favorite wedding blogs, Green Wedding Shoes, featured this anniversary shoot I recently worked on! I am so thrilled at the reaction to this shoot because it is one of my FAVORITE sessions to date! So of course I am excited to share more images from the session and a little more of the back story. :)Brooklyn and Mark have been friends of mine for what now seems like for-ev-er! I met Mark before I even started my photography business, before I was even engaged to AJ. We took an acting class together and Mark was always the funniest person. He blew me away with his creativity. A short while later Brooklyn joined the class and I think it was fairly obvious to everyone that sparks were flying between them. It really was almost like fate...they were both actors, both from Colorado originally (in fact they lived 10 minutes away from each other without even knowing it), and they both had a major major love of Disney. Let me emphasize the Disney thing... these two go to the magic kingdom all the time to relax and they also love Disney animated movies with a passion...So when it came time to celebrate their anniversary, it seemed a no-brainer to have a Disney themed shoot. And seriously, what movie is cuter and sweeter than Lady and the Tramp! We all love the scene where Tramp takes Lady on a date to the alley behind the Italian restaurant and they are serenaded by the waiters. Bella Notte. It was perfect.We collaborated with an AMAZING dream team of wedding vendors make this idea a reality. The work everyone put in to making this wonderful dinner for Mark to surprise Brooklyn with was unbelievable! Here's the break down of the dream team who rocked this shoot:

Styling/Coordination - Intertwined - Honey and Poppies - Erica O'Brien Cake Design - Pitbulls & Posies Up/ Hair Styling - 10.11 Make Up

And photos by me! Of course! So without further ado here is Brooklyn & Mark's Lady and the Tramp inspired dinner!Since the dinner scene in Lady and the Tramp is an Italian set up, we wanted Italy to inspire the shoot as well! Unfortunately, we couldn't make it all the way across the Atlantic so we decided to set our scene in the Venice Canals of Los Angeles instead!It drizzled a little at first and I was all OH NO! But luckily it stopped pretty quickly and didn't ruin a thing!After our little Venice Canals photo shoot we walked a few blocks to the alley way for their surprise! Of course, we needed a few shots w/ their pup as well!Then the big reveal of the dinner scene! Brooklyn was SO surprised and excited!Cheers!Megan of Honey and Poppies created the MOST GORGEOUS florals for this shoot! To say that I love them would be an understatement. I mean look... their are blackberries in that arrangement! Blackberries! And basil too! Basil in the arrangements for an Italian inspired shoot! SO thoughtful!The most famous shot from Lady and the Tramp recreated here...Yep... they slurped it till they kissed! Adorable!This shot just makes me laugh. hehe. Sorry Mark!In the movie Lady and Tramp get serenaded by their waiters playing the accordion and singing "Bella Notte." Mark brought along an accordion and did his best to serenade Brooklyn......which she found charming, endearing, and apparently HILARIOUS.The sun began to set but Mark had one last surprise up his sleeve...An anniversary cake designed by the fabulous Erica O'Brien! YUM!The fab paper goods for this dinner were all done by Amber of Pitbulls & Posies! I just LOVED the doily sign, wine label and menus she made just for them!At the very end of the shoot I played around with some night shots of our dinner scene. I loooove photographing in natural light and that's mainly what I do, but this was so fun to play with!I loved being able to capture the beautiful twinkly candle light!Love!!Romantica!One last night shot for fun....