Tuesday Top 5

Hello world!! It has been quite awhile since I blogged a TT5 post! My apologies! But I am back and ready to give the run down on all that is awesome on this Tuesday in March!1. MY GRANDMA! The numero uno, most happiest, blessed news ever is that my grandma is improving. She is now in the regular part of the hospital not the ICU. Hopefully soon she will be transferred to a rehab center so she can get strong and return to her former healthy, cute, active lifestyle. My grandma's story so far has been nothing short of a miracle. Most people who suffer huge ruptured brain aneurysms usually do not live to tell about it, so for her to be able to talk and walk a little and improve everyday is a-maz-ing. Sometimes life blesses you in the most unbelievable and happy ways, and for this I am most thankful!2. SUSHI BURRITO. As per usual the rest of my tops today are foodie related. My newest food obsession is getting SUSHI BURRITOS from the Jogasaki Truck. Yes you read that right. Sushi. Burrito. It's UNREAL! It's basically a huge sushi roll on crack. Delicious, delicious, crack. It's about the size of my fore arm. It comes wrapped in rice paper (not tortilla-- unless you want a tortilla) and the version I get is stuffed with sushi rice, spicy tuna, "crab" meat, avocado, shrimp tempura and cucumber. Nom nom nom. Oh and then you can put their hot sauce on it which is so tasty. It's like eel sauce with hot hot peppers in it. Sweet, spiiiiicy, thick, rich. It adds just the perfect finishing touch to the burrito. YES! Now I'm hungry. So I'm gonna do my "no rain" dance so I can get me some tomorrow night when they are in my 'hood!3. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. Do I really need to elaborate on this? I don't think so. It's Girl Scout Cookie season. And me? I am a Thin Mint & Samoa lover through and through. I had to buy a few boxes. You know, just because it made that sweet little girl scout's day. I'm just a Good Samaritan like that! ;)4. TOP CHEF ALL STARS. Holla! I love Top Chef so Top Chef All Stars is of course a must-watch for me each Wednesday! And now we are in the finale stages! CRAZY! I had been TEAM FABIO forever so when he got booted I cried a river. And then started rooting for Mike Isabella. Why Isabella you ask? 1) Yes he is rude but he is also quite comical and entertaining. 2) And more importantly, I've dined at his DC restaurant and can say from first hand experience his food ROCKS. 3) And finally, Blais frickin' annoys me. He needs to get over himself! So that's my breakdown of why am currently TEAM ISABELLA. I hope Fabio wins fan favorite though! And yes I totally voted for him!5. BIG LOVE FINALE. I'm not sure if this is truly a "top 5" as I really loved this show sooooo much and am kinda (admittedly lamely) heartbroken to see it go. And it ended in such a sad way. I mean I guess kinda happy. But mostly pretty sad. But I did like the finale and I did enjoy watching it. This show is amazing and from someone who's life revolves around weddings and the institution of marriage, I find it highly intriguing! And the acting was always so brilliant! I actually thought the acting in the finale was sooooo finely done. SAG Awards for everyone please! ;)

(Credits Left to Right: Girl Scout Cookie Official Site, Top Chef All Stars Official Site, Jogasaki Official Site, Big Love Fan Page)

...So that's this week in Top 5-ness! I'm gonna try to get back on schedule with this again and post more regularly. So stay tuned for all the goodness next Tuesday!