UCLA Engagement Photography | G + J

This week I had SO much fun shooting G + J at their alma mater, UCLA! G+J met and fell in love at UCLA during their undergraduate years. And now these two lovebirds live on the East Coast! We had a blast roaming the campus and getting to know each other! Fun fact: this was actually the first time I met G + J in person since they booked me via a skype meeting! I loved seeing these two interact with each other! They give one another the biggest hugs, and the sweetest kisses! And they just couldn't help but smile from ear to ear every time I asked them to look at each other! This session was just so cute and sweet, I know the wedding this November will be even more amazing!!!

Look at her getting her DIVA on! LOVE!

Work it out you two!

Rawr! Sexy!

Now for some fun!!! G said she'd only let J give her a piggy during an engagement session! J had waited a long time for this moment!!! You can tell how much laughter it induced in the photos!

Love at Royce Hall!

Santa Barbara Engagement Photography | Renita + Alex

Renita and Alex are such a fun couple! Sexy. Spontaneous. Funny. Giddy. Madly in love! They have such a joy for life and for living it with each other, it's easy to be completely smitten with these two! I am so stoked to be shooting their wedding... in just one month!!! And I am so excited to share the photos from their RAD Santa Barbara engagement session! Renita and Alex drove up to Santa Barbara in Alex's '66 Dart, which made the perfect set for part of our shoot. We found a secret little turn-off in Goleta, and I had a blast shooting this smokin' couple with their hot car! And as the shoot progressed we made our way to the Coronado Butterfly Preserve for some more stunning shots. We also all got to witness the most incredible sunset of all time, and I was sure to incorporate all the magic mother nature gave us in the shoot!I have so much more I want to share about this incredible shoot! And there's a great story to tell about it! But for now it's hush-hush... you'll have to stay tuned for another blog post about it!

I mean, FOR REALSIES, how frickin' cute are these two??!!!


Super model alert!

I'm pretty sure if you looked up "sexy" in the dictionary, you'd find a picture of Renita and Alex! ;)

And I have to give a shout out to LunaBella for making Renita's hair and make up look FLAWLESS! My girls Ashley and Christin always rock it out!

Work it!

We only had a little bit of time at the Coronado Butterfly Preserve before the sun went down...

But oh! What an incredible sunset it was! And the clouds were unreal!


And don't forget to check out the slide show for even more sexy photos!!

Just A Tease

Too many great photos, too little time! I have about 5 shoots I really need to blog soon! And I promise you that I will! But for now, I'll be a little tease and share a picture from a very special engagement session I did last night in Santa Barbara! It was extra special because we had the MOST SPECTACULAR SUNSET EVER during the shoot. We were on the Ellwood Bluffs... the sky above the distant Channel Islands was pink, the mountains were purple and the ocean turned turquoise. It was unreal. I tried my best to capture it. And, you know, my really hot and stylish couple only jazzed up my sunset shot even more! I shared this tease on Facebook last night... and I wanted to take a few quick minutes to share it with the whole wide interwebs today! Enjoy!And I promise more fabulous, full-length blogs are coming very soon!xoAsh

Santa Barbara Boudoir Photography | Fun + Flirty

Happy Monday everybody! It's been awhile since I blogged some boudoir photos and I honestly don't know why! Because I have so much gorgeousness I have yet to share! Why am I being greedy and keeping it all to myself?! Hehe!So let's start the week off right with some sexiness! These photos are part of fun and flirty Santa Barbara boudoir session and I love them so much! Check them out!

Santa Barbara Engagement Photography | Rita + Ryan

I am so excited to share these photos from Rita + Ryan's engagement session which we shot in Santa Barbara! Rita and I go way back! We went to high school together. And we kept in touch through...FACEBOOK! Duh! So Rita would follow my career and photos, like a true fan! When she got engaged to the wonderful Ryan, she contacted me immediately to see if I could photograph their 2013 wedding! Of course, I was excited and delighted! :)Rita and Ryan are so adorable together! They make each other laugh and smile so bright! And when Ryan holds Rita in his arms, she just melts. Which you will see in the photos below! These two are definitely a perfect pair, and I'm so stoked for what's to come for them! One thing that made this shoot extra fun, was that we went all around Downtown Santa Barbara-- from the Courthouse to Alice Keck Park, to Leadbetter Beach! We got to explore the beautiful town together, and Rita had just the perfect outfit and props to match each setting! Rita also wore some dazzling accessories, like a Tiffany's necklace and some hot Louboutin pumps-- both of which I learned were gifts from Ryan! SWOON! I love that Ryan adores pampering Rita! So sweet! :)

We started off at Alice Keck Park! How stunning is Rita!!??!

I told you these guys were sooooooooooooooo cute together!

The Louboutins! I could really photograph loubies all the time!!!

Rita is extra fierce in her fabulous shoes!!

I love these two shots. One is diva and one is just plain ADORABLE!

We ended at the beach as the sunset! I loved Rita's flowy gown and the way her hair blew in the breeze! Fabulous!



As the sun finally set, we finished off with some top model shots! I mean how ridiculously hot is this last set?!


TO view more fabulous photos from this session please CLICK HERE to watch the slide show or view below:Rita + Ryan- thank you so much for being so wonderful, stylish, sweet and fun! I loved every minute of our session and cannot way for the big day!!

3 Years!

Holy Smokes! Today AJ + I have been married three whole years and I feel so lucky! It's still a little hard to believe that I met someone who was such a perfect fit for me, and that he really does love me even though he sees ALL of me... you know-- the good, the bad, the ugly. I am truly blessed and not a day passes where I don't feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude to have my husband in my life.

So here's to marriage! To life! To bliss! To love! I love you AJ and I am super excited for all that is yet to come! If it's anything like the past 3 years it will surely be amazing!photo by www.palosstudio.com

Topanga Canyon Hippie/Beatles Inspired Engagement | Alicyn + Jason

I really am SOOO lucky to have such stylish, unique and creative clients! And Alicyn + Jason are no different. It's super fun, because Alicyn and I are both Emerson grads, and she was actually the RA for our college's Los Angeles Program, which is how we met! It has been 5 years since I graduated, but thanks to the magic of facebook, Ali and I reconnected and she told me of her engagement to the lovely Jason!In Ali's first email to me, she happily told me how she met the love her life! And as soon as I talked to Jason, I could tell he felt the exact same way about Ali! These two radiate love and happiness when they are together! They lose themselves in each other's eyes, they light up when they hold hands, and they know exactly how to make each other laugh. Shooting our engagement was so wonderful, because I could just feel how in sync these two are. It's not an easy  feat to find your perfect match, but I am sure Ali and Jason are it for each other!That right there is enough to make me giddy over a shoot! Seeing people so in love and so happy... it's what fuels me and why I do what I do. But when a couple wants to go out of the box and make their session super unique and stylized? Well for me that's like icing on the cake, plus ten cherries and sprinkles too. So I pretty much died of a sugar coma when Ali told me they wanted to do a hippie-Beatles-inspired shoot in Topanga! Heck yea girl! I LOVE Hippie style!! So we put our heads together, found some fantastic inspiration on pinterest... Ali borrowed vintage clothes from her soon-to-be-mother-in-law and I brought some props too! And voila! A hippie, Beatles heaven shoot was born! I just love how the photos turned out and am so excited to share!!!I mean seriously, could these two be ANY cuter??Love the light here! Everything is so gorgeous!!Ali is a very talented musician, and she played Jason some love songs while they sat on the hammock together! SO sweet!I LOVE everything about this next set up! Ali's dress and scarf were from Jason's mom, and Ali's leather cuff on her wrist was from her mom! Real vintage awesomeness!So RAD!SO BEAUTIFUL!!!These two are just so darn cute, it's unreal!!! :)All you need is love! To watch their adorable SLIDE SHOW click here!!! (or watch below)

Thank you Alicyn + Jason for trusting me to capture your love! I am so excited for the big shindig in October! It's gonna be amazing!!
Featured on Style Me Pretty!

I'm fairly certain there is no better way to start the week than seeing my work up on Style Me Pretty! It is always an honor and a joy to see my photos featured on their amazing family of blogs! After all, Style Me Pretty is pretty much the holy grail of wedding blogs! ;)I am so excited that Samantha + Brooks real Santa Barbara wedding is featured today! They are such an amazing couple and I know Sammie put tons of work into creating a lovely and unique wedding day! Congrats you two!Go check out the feature here:

Out of the Office and some Teasers!!

Hello all! Oh boy have I been busy! In the 3 weeks I've shot 2 weddings, 2 engagements and 1 stylized/editorial shoot! And! all! the! pics! are! amazing! So many pics and shoots back to back though got me a teensy behind on blogging... and to top it off, I'm actually in the desert for the week to visit my grandparents and my cousins visiting from Hawaii! Kinda wish I was visiting my cousins IN Hawaii but that's another story... ha!Anyways I wanted to let everyone know I will be Out Of The Office from June 25-July 5. I will have limited email access because, believe it or not, my grandma still has dial up! But I will be able to check stuff at a Starbucks every now and then... So please be patient with email reply turn-arounds. It will take me longer than usually to reply. If any of clients need to reach me, please send a text! All emails and business will be dealt with on July 5th. I thank you for your patience!Before I hit the road, I wanted to leave you with two adorable teasers from my shoots this weekend...Alicyn + Jason...Rita + Ryan...Both sessions rocked my world! Can't wait to share more soon!!!!!!! :)xoAsh

South Coast Winery, Temecula Wedding | Rachel + Sean

Rachel and Sean are such a sweet couple! I adored them from our first meeting, where they booked me on the spot! And ever since I had been anxiously awaiting their winery wedding! I was even more excited for their wedding after shooting their adorable camping themed engagement! I mean, if a couple could put that much thought and love into their engagement shoot, of course the wedding would just be lovely!And my high hopes were fully met! I should mention that Rachel + Sean were kind enough to put us up in at South Coast Winery Resort for the weekend because Temecula is a mighty long way from Santa Barbara! And that just capped off a perfect Memorial Weekend wedding!Rachel had put a lot of thought into their garden/winery wedding, including pretty flowers, pin-tuck linens, elegant invitations, Badgley Mischka shoes, and a super cute thumb print guest book! But more than the lovely details, the day was made up of such warm feelings and big huge smiles! Even Sean, who can be a pretty tough guy most times, was smiling from ear to ear! The ceremony was short but full of heartfelt promises and tenderness. The toasts were so funny they made guests cry from laughing SO hard! And the party was as joyful as you could ever hope for! I feel so honored to have documented this fabulous day for such a wonderful couple! And I am so thankful to have amazing couples like Rachel + Sean that trust me with their precious memories!And now without further ado... the photos!Rachel's shoes were cute!!LOVE this shot of Rachel looking at her dress before getting it on!The First Look was as cute as ever! This why I LOVE shooting First Look's! I mean, just soak in that expression on Rachel's face! PRICELESS!A short portrait break for some fierceness!!How cute is Rachel with her bridesmaids??Pretty flowers!After the ceremony, we had some vineyard fun!Because the light was still so harsh and the sun was still so high during the romantics, we were very limited on where we could go or how we could move! It's so hard to create variety in situations like that... So that is why I LOVED being able to whip out the off-camera flash and create a more edgy and dramatic look. Though natural light is always my fave, sometimes artificial light can be a life-saver and add a little extra pizzazz to a portrait session!FIERCE!Cute little details!The night ended with some toasts that, like I said, were so funny they brought the crowd to tears! The proof is in the picture! ;)To see more photos for this love-filled winery wedding CLICK HERE or watch the slide show below:

Featured in The Premier Digitial Edition of Grace Ormonde Wedding Style!

Wowza! Yesterday my work was featured on Style Me Pretty, today it's in the new digital issue of Grace Ormonde! Woohoo! Does life get any better than that?For the last 10 years Grace Ormonde Wedding style has been publishing two printed, hard copy issues per year. On June 5th, 2012 (today!!) a third issue, available only in digital form, makes its debut. This digital edition remains true to Wedding Style’s identity as The Luxury Wedding Source for Fashion, Jewelry & Lifestyle showcasing the work of the top wedding professionals in the U.S and from around the world and all the elements to enhance the imagination and inspire personal taste and style. And I'm it!! I die!Check out the feature below and don't forget to snag your digital copy!

Salvador Dali Wedding Inspiration at Hendry's Beach Santa Barbara

I am so excited to finally share this shoot with you! Remember last year's Lady GaGa shoot and the dream team that put it together?! Well, we all adore each other and adore working together. Unfortunately we don't always get hired by the same brides though and working on real weddings as a group isn't always a reality... so we decided we just had to do another inspiration shoot together this year! But what to do? Our Lady GaGa shoot was so epic, what could possibly top it? We were brainstorming and I threw out an idea... An idea I had been dreaming and envisioning forever: Salvador Dali as a wedding. You see, Salvador Dali is my favorite artist of all time and inspires me endlessly. I did my final AP Art History project on him in high school. On my trip to Spain, I made a special day trip out to Figueres to see his home turned theater- museum! It! Was! Amazing! Seriously, my love for Dali has no end... but I never knew how the heck we could turn his crazy surrealist world into something fit for the wedding world.But the thing is, if a team of creatives can turn Lady GaGa's brand of eccentric into lovely wedding inspiration, they can surely do the same with Dali! And so they did. We shot this session in Santa Barbara-- Hendry's Beach to be exact-- because we felt the cliff like beach was extremely reminiscent of Spain and the beaches that inspired Dali. Everything turned out so gorgeous and even better than I had imagined. The inspiration could work for any beach bride who wants something a little daring! And as a former beach bride myself, I wanted to turn back in time and decorate my wedding JUST LIKE THIS. Yep, it's that perfect.This shoot has been featured on Style Me Pretty California which I am so thankful for! I am also so thankful to the following dream team for pulling this all together:

Event Design & Florals:Bunch Studiowww.bunchstudio.com

Event Coordination:Zoie Eventswww.zoieevents.com

Cake:I Believe It’s Cakewww.ibicake.com

Paper Goods:Pitbulls & Posieswww.pitbullsandposies.com

Bride Styling & Wardrobe:Shop Ruche / Bridal collectionwww.shopruche.com

Hair & Make-up:Makeup By KCwww.makeupbykc.com

Tabletop Rentals:Casa De Perrinwww.casadeperrin.com

Chairs & Linens:Choura Eventswww.choura.us

Location:Hendry's Beach Santa Barbara CA

And now without further ado...

The ceremony set up turned out SO spectacular. It truly looks like Dali painted it. I am endlessly impressed with the design by Mai... and kinda at myself for photographing it in such a Dali-esque way! I'm pretty sure he'd dig it!My BFF's Mandi + Dan agreed to model for this shoot! Which was perfect because not only do I adore them, they are also both actors so they really got into the characters of Dali and his wife Gala. But even better than all that is Mandi and Dan got engaged just weeks before the shoot!! Hooray! So actually you will be seeing more of them in the next year as I'll be shooting their engagement and wedding! :)Mandi's real engagement ring is the most unique ring I've EVER seen! Truly a work of art! It's pretty surreal if you ask me, so it quickly became part of the shoot!FIERCE!Young Salvador Dali realness! It's almost eerie how much Dan looked like him!Work it!Mandi's attire is from the new Ruche bridal line! Loved the vintage feel of it all!My love Amber of Pitbulls + Posies created this stunning invitation and paper goods suite! So lovely!Casa de Perrin provided the china! SOOOO AMAZING! They have the most amazing items at Casa de Perrin! I wanna work with them always!Sigh.... the romance of it all!!Every detail was perfectly coordinated by Olivia of Zoie Events! LOVE HER!The lovely cake was by Laurie of I Believe It's Cake! She always amazes me! And love these cute shots of Mandi and Dan enjoying it!

Featured on Style Me Pretty California!

Good morning! It may be June gloom here in Santa Barbara, but I am just beaming bright because I have a fantastic shoot featured on Style Me Pretty today! I am thoroughly obsessed with SMP and there's nothing that makes me giddier than seeing my photos on their perfectly curated blog! Yippee!Go check out the feature here:And stay tuned for my favorite photos from this incredible shoot!

PLANNING A WEDDING? Contact AshleighView More Of Her Online PortfolioFollow Ashleigh on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookStalk on Pinterest

Casa Del Mar Santa Monica Wedding Photography | Cary + Robyn {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

Last October,  I had the opportunity to shoot Robyn and Cary's charming Santa Monica wedding, as an associate photographer for Callaway Gable. I loved every second of shooting at the Casa Del Mar hotel! It is a fabulous venue. Besides it's beach front location, which allowed for some sunset on Santa Monica Beach portraits, the venue also has the most gorgeous ballroom and also great hotel rooms. I loved shooting Robyn's getting ready a little extra because the light in her suite was fantastic... as was the decor! Oh and she of course had some fabulous accessories too! Loved her Badgely Mischka shoes!My other favorite part of the day was just seeing how happy Robyn was to finally marry her man! These two laughed and had a blast all day long. You could tell they were already so cozy with each other and the wedding was just about a making it official and having one fun and cute soiree! And that's exactly how it went down. From lovely succulent details to romance on the beach to hilarious toasts to a rockin' cupcake cutting! It was a great day and I was so happy to be a part of it! And I'm even more excited to be able to share the pics and relive the beauty of it all again! Enjoy!

Rings from Tiffany's? Yes, please.

The dress was especially lovely!

Loved this precious moment between Robyn and her niece who was flower girl for the day!

The ceremony was so elegant! I loved the room at Casa Del Mar!

The ceremony was short and sweet! But Robyn + Cary beamed through out the entire thing!

Fun portrait time!!

Robyn,  you are fierce babe!!!

You can NEVER go wrong with Vanilla Bake Shop :)

This just might be the FUNNIEST cake eating photo of all time! Yep, pretty sure it is.

PLANNING A WEDDING? Contact AshleighView More Of Her Online PortfolioFollow Ashleigh on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookStalk on Pinterest

Viceroy Santa Monica Engagement | Valerie + Paul {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

Valerie + Paul are one of my 2012 couples that I am working with as a Callaway Gable associate photographer, and I could not love them more! Not only are they insanely stylish, and ridiculously good looking, these two are also so sweet and caring! And so in love! I have delighted in every minute of working with them, and can't wait for their wedding in less than 2 weeks!When discussing what we should do for the engagement session, Valerie expressed she wanted something modern, funky, high end and glamorous. So OF COURSE the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica came to mind! I looooove shooting at the Viceroy. I seriously could shoot every session and wedding here for the rest of my life. It is that amazing. Unfortunately, many of my clients don't want to pay the (nominal) photo permit fee required to shoot here. But I really wish more people would consider it! It's such a stylish location to shoot and makes a jaw-dropping back drop in photos! Definitely worth the small fee! Luckily, Valerie agreed that the fee was totally worth it! And so our shoot was planned!We also decided to spend some of our shoot at the nearby Santa Monica Beach. Valerie + Paul have some great memories there... and also it added a little diversity to the shoot! I brought some props and Valerie + Paul brought their tremendous fashion sense, fun personalities and love ...and voila! One of my most epic and favorite engagement shoots ever was born! I am so excited to share it with you below:

Are you guys sure you aren't professional models??



Valerie, you are STUNNING!


Is this steamy or is this STEAMY?


Check out their fierce shoes! Yes, Valerie rocked those Vivienne Westwood's!

WHITE HOT! I am in love! This shot is so dang sexy I just don't know what to do with myself!

Only Valerie would wear Louboutin's to the beach. And THAT is why I LOVE her.Yep, it's official Valerie + Paul are the sexiest people alive!Can't wait for the wedding you two!

Santa Barbara Boudoir Photography | Lace + Luxury

I am so excited to share some more Santa Barbara glamorous boudoir photography with y'all today! I am loving exposing the Santa Barbara community to this daring style of photography and helping women get more in touch with their inner  and outer beauty!I love these images below in particular because of the styling! My client really embraced the session and brought some very luxe pieces, including a vintage fur coat given to her by her grandmother (I typically don't endorse real fur... but this coat is like 50 years old so I guess it can stay hehe), a gorgeous blingy necklace and lacey lingerie! The look turned out to have a old-Hollywood glamour feel to it, which was enhanced by the gorgeous make up and hair done by LunaBella! When my client saw how fierce she looked, she was easily able to channel that Brigitte Bardot energy into the shoot... with a little coaching and posing by me of course! I just LOVE how the images turned out... hope you will too! Check them out below!


Fierce... then giggly! Love it! Laughter is sexy! Don't forget it!


Seriously?? This is just the most beautiful, glamourous girl in the world!!! I am so lucky to get such great clients!

Flirty fun!!!!!!!


Interested in BOUDOIR? Contact AshleighView More Of Her Online PortfolioFollow Ashleigh on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookStalk on Pinterest

Santa Barbara Historical Museum Wedding Photography | Samantha + Brooks

Saturday was a very special day... Brooks + Samantha got married at The Santa Barbara Historical Museum!! YAY!! I had been counting down to their wedding for many reasons... First, I adore these two!! Over the past 4 months I've actually gotten to know them very well and they feel like more than clients, they feel like friends! I also adore their family! Brooks' father, Bryan, was our realtor and made the very scary and stressful first-time home buyer experience so easy. He was there for me and AJ  during a stressful time and we felt like he truly looked out for us every step of the way! So there is a closeness there too. A few months ago, Bryan asked me to photograph Brooks' grandma's 80th birthday and through that experience I got to know the family even more. By the time the wedding rolled around, I knew so many of the guests. It added to the already warm feel of the day! I was also so exited for this wedding because I got to work with the amazing mother-daughter wedding planning duo Colette + Kaitlin of La Fete Weddings. They are wedding icons in Santa Barbara (heck, in all of SoCal) so it was definitely a delight to be working with them! As you can see there was lots to be excited about with this wedding!And... the wedding did not disappoint! It was such a beautiful day, both because of the out-pouring of love that was felt, and also because of the stunning details. Samantha looked gorgeous in her La Sposa bridal gown. The dress had a very sexy Spanish Flamenco-esque vibe to it which I loved! The Santa Barbara Historical Museum and Covarrubias Courtyard are old adobe structures and definitely have that Spanish/Mexican influence. So it was fun to see other details through out the day that alluded to the history of the venue-- from Sammie's gown, to the taco bar for dinner, to the succulent escort cards! It was all so charming!But the highlight of the day for me was the expression on Brooks' face as he watched Samantha walk down the aisle. Brooks' eyes welled up with tears and you could see how overcome he was with love in that moment as Samantha came towards him. It is so wonderful to see a guy love his girl so much, and let me tell you, Brooks really loves Samantha! I also swooned over the heartfelt toasts, and of course Brooks + Samantha's amazingly choreographed first dance! These two have the moves!Thanks so much to my hubby AJ and also Megan Sharp for assisting me on this wedding! Also much love to La Fete Weddings for coordination, Simply Bouquets for the gorgeous bouquets and ceremony decor, and Pure Joy Catering for a killer Mexican feast!  Check out all the beauty and love below....

The details leave me breathless...

A little bling never hurt anyone!

Sammie was so calm before she got dressed. She just wanted to soak in the day :)

A sweet moment from the First Look! I LOVE First Looks!

The First Look allowed us to get many of the group photos done before the ceremony... which also meant extra time for fun bridal party shots like this!

Vanity Fair, ladies! Work it out!

The boys opted for some more Ninja-like moves ;)

Okay so this one just makes me laugh. Brooks decided he wanted a shot where they all stared straight ahead and looked like zombies (Brooks is a goofball, yes). But the funny thing was, though it may sound easy to stare ahead with a blank stare, it's actually quite challenging. The groomsmen had a hard time holding it together!


Cutest thing ever!!!

Brooks' face as Sammie walks down the aisle? PRICELESS. This is why I do what I do.

I had so much fun shooting the romantics! I love this part of the day so much! And the Historical Museum was such a great and rustic backdrop!

Sammie, you are STUNNING!



I adored the little succulent escort cards!

The reception details were so cute! Lots of blooms in mason jars and burlap table runners! Oh and chalkboard table numbers! Cute cute cute!

The first dance!

I don't usually post toast pictures, but I thought these two below were so touching. So much love was felt!!

To see more from this lovely wedding feel free to check out SLIDESHOW below or watch it by clicking here:

i heart this: VEEP

So lately I've been talking about HBO... but it's only because they've been killing it with awesome programming! One of my current HBO obsessions is the new comedy VEEP staring Julia Louis-Dreyfus (who, ps, is such a wonderfully funny and adorable actress)! So Veep is about a Vice President of The United States and in this particular case she isn't totally all together! She isn't exactly an airhead, just someone who puts her foot in her mouth, seems to make a lot of errors, and is very self serving. Hrm. Sounds like a lot of politics today! And really that's all the show is... making fun of what politics and politicians have become. It's incredibly comical, clever and sometimes so realistic it's downright sad. I've really been enjoying it!Do any of you watch Veep? Thoughts?

Malibu Engagement Photography | Stacy + Sebastian - {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

I have been so lucky both last year and this year to work as an associate photographer for Callaway Gable! Basically, I have taken on some extra clients through Callaway Gable. I get to shoot these weddings and engagements as the lead photographer, but I don't deal with the editing of photos or delivering of images. It's been really cool because it has allowed me to shoot more and work with more awesome couples, without the extra work of post-production. Pretty rad! It's also been fantastic working for and learning from such amazing, award winning photogs like Allie + Brian of Callaway Gable! Such an great opportunity that I could not be more thankful for.Stacy + Sebastian are one of my Callaway Gable clients and I just adore them!!! They will be getting married this Summer and I am so excited for it! If it is anything like our engagement, I know it will be completely amazing! For our engagement we started off shooting at The Lumber Yard in Malibu. And then we finished the session at one of my faves, El Matador Beach! Awesome! Check out the photos below!

How fliipin' attractive are these two??? SERIOUSLY.

Stacy made this cute little banner! Love it!


This pic is one of my faves! Ever!

Stacy, you are radiant!

i heart this: Los Agaves Restaurant, Sanat Barbara

I am a food nerd! That is true. And one of my favorite types of food is Mexican Food! YUMMY! Lucky for me, I live in Santa Barbara where Mexican food is plentiful. We have lots of options to choose from in town and some are quite famous. But the truth is, my number one favorite place in SB to grab some south of the border cuisine is at Los Agaves on Milpas Street! Here are my favorite things about Los Agaves:

-Salsa Bar: Chips and Salsa is my fuel. My favorite snack. It's like oxygen to me. And I have high standards. I want crispy chips, fresh from the fryer. And I want flavorful, spicy salsa. Lucky for me, Los Agaves has excellent tortilla chips. But they also have a salsa bar with about 6 salsas to feast upon. They have so many varieties from habanero to chipotle to an avocado salsa to tomatillo and so much more!!! And they are all equally good. I love being able to mix up the salsa flavors and enjoy them. Honestly, sometimes I come here for that salsa bar alone.

-Yummy Seafood: I love seafood!! Some restaurants have the yummiest seafood and others the seafood is slightly sketch or leaves something to be desired. Los Agaves has super fresh and yummy fish and shrimp and they have so many different preparations! I love the Baja Shrimp Taco special and also their chiles stuffed with shrimp and cheese (called Chiles Nortenos). They also have seafood molcajetes and fajitas which look divine, and seafood enchiladas! Yum!

-Tortillas! the tortillas here are fresh and yummy! A must at a good Mexican joint!

-Friendly service: Everyone here is always so happy and nice which makes it that much better!

All in all I adore Los Agaves, and it is always one of my first choices to go to on date night! Yum!!!

What is your fave Mexican food place and why?

Contact Ashleigh | View More Of Her Online Portfolio | Follow Ashleigh on Twitter | Become a Fan on Facebook | Stalk on Pinterest