Posts tagged santa monica engagement photographer
Viceroy Santa Monica Engagement | Valerie + Paul {Callaway Gable Associate Photographer}

Valerie + Paul are one of my 2012 couples that I am working with as a Callaway Gable associate photographer, and I could not love them more! Not only are they insanely stylish, and ridiculously good looking, these two are also so sweet and caring! And so in love! I have delighted in every minute of working with them, and can't wait for their wedding in less than 2 weeks!When discussing what we should do for the engagement session, Valerie expressed she wanted something modern, funky, high end and glamorous. So OF COURSE the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica came to mind! I looooove shooting at the Viceroy. I seriously could shoot every session and wedding here for the rest of my life. It is that amazing. Unfortunately, many of my clients don't want to pay the (nominal) photo permit fee required to shoot here. But I really wish more people would consider it! It's such a stylish location to shoot and makes a jaw-dropping back drop in photos! Definitely worth the small fee! Luckily, Valerie agreed that the fee was totally worth it! And so our shoot was planned!We also decided to spend some of our shoot at the nearby Santa Monica Beach. Valerie + Paul have some great memories there... and also it added a little diversity to the shoot! I brought some props and Valerie + Paul brought their tremendous fashion sense, fun personalities and love ...and voila! One of my most epic and favorite engagement shoots ever was born! I am so excited to share it with you below:

Are you guys sure you aren't professional models??



Valerie, you are STUNNING!


Is this steamy or is this STEAMY?


Check out their fierce shoes! Yes, Valerie rocked those Vivienne Westwood's!

WHITE HOT! I am in love! This shot is so dang sexy I just don't know what to do with myself!

Only Valerie would wear Louboutin's to the beach. And THAT is why I LOVE her.Yep, it's official Valerie + Paul are the sexiest people alive!Can't wait for the wedding you two!

Santa Monica Beach Lifestyle Photography | Mandi & Dan

Mandi and Dan are two of my amazing friends. The last few years they have been there for me so much, and I only hope I am as good a friend to them as they are to me. Mandi and Dan have been together over 7 years, which is CRAZY to me. Seven years! That's a long time!!! Yet it makes perfect sense. As she told me once before, Mandi is fire and Dan is water and together they make steam! So true! After all these years, they seem like two college sweethearts in love. Their passion for each other is palpable. And I have know doubt that when they are 87 years old they will still have that steam between them. Another thing I love about Mandi & Dan is that they are both such driven, passionate, and active people! They never sit around and wait for things to come to them, they are always actively pursuing their goals! And its always so inspiring. I always thought I was a go getter, but then I met Mandi & Dan and felt superrrrr lazy! LOLBut seriously, Mandi & Dan are a major inspiration to me. Because they always say yes. Nothing is impossible. And I love that about them! They are constantly challenging me & inspiring me to be more positive, to always try harder, to never quit, and to not get lazy! And that's what friends should so, inspire you to be the best you possible! So thanks you two for all you give me!And also thanks a bundle to Kristin Brancaleone of The Treasured Petal for providing Mandi's awesome headband, and Miss Annie May for providing the beautiful necklace! It really made her look!!! And thanks muchos muchos grande to Elena Galaviz for the *fab* make up, and Liz Cadillo for giving Mandi this super cute hair do!

I love Mandi's look! It's so vintage glam and yet so modern and fresh! Don't you think she is stunning and adorable?



Can't get enough of Mandi & Dan? I can't either! So let's check out their SLIDESHOW below!

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Santa Monica Pier Engagement Photography | Zoe & Nima

Eeks! I met Zoe + Nima at the Santa Monica Pier weeks ago. And I loved this session so much and had all these great plans to blog it right away...but as you all know life, or the opposite of it, happened. And so this fun & vibrant session sat on the back burner, and workaholic, anal, type-A me was feeling very guilty! But honestly I am glad that I had this session to come back to after everything. Zoe + Nima's Santa Monica Pier session was light, fun, vibrant and happy...just looking at these pics washes away any sadness from my heart and fills it with joy!Zoe & Nima are incredibly sweet together. When I met them, I knew in an instant that I loved them...and I could see how much they loved each other! We talked over coffee for hours at our meeting and when they booked me on the spot I was thrilled!! I knew our session would be fab...but I didn't know just how fab it would be! I love how Zoe picked out two colorful over-sized balloons for our shoot! They bring such a lightness and fun energy to the photos! I also love the location, The Santa Monica Pier! Seriously, that is one of my fave spots to shoot at! Its always a blast! But as it turns out, Zoe & Nima didn't just want to shoot at The Pier because its colorful and makes for a good backdrop in photos...They chose the Pier because it meant something. This was where they had their first date. The Santa Monica Pier is the place that started it all!!I really love when couples choose locations that have meaning to them! And I love that the Pier was where the first love sparks flew between Zoe & Nima. And I love that these pictures show the sweet kind of love Zoe & Nima share! So enjoy these images below!

And to see more pics from this fun Santa Monica Pier Engagement session please check out the SLIDESHOW below! I absolutely love how this one turned out! It's soooo sweet, like a gumdrop! You can really feel the love!