Santa Monica Beach Lifestyle Photography | Mandi & Dan

Mandi and Dan are two of my amazing friends. The last few years they have been there for me so much, and I only hope I am as good a friend to them as they are to me. Mandi and Dan have been together over 7 years, which is CRAZY to me. Seven years! That's a long time!!! Yet it makes perfect sense. As she told me once before, Mandi is fire and Dan is water and together they make steam! So true! After all these years, they seem like two college sweethearts in love. Their passion for each other is palpable. And I have know doubt that when they are 87 years old they will still have that steam between them. Another thing I love about Mandi & Dan is that they are both such driven, passionate, and active people! They never sit around and wait for things to come to them, they are always actively pursuing their goals! And its always so inspiring. I always thought I was a go getter, but then I met Mandi & Dan and felt superrrrr lazy! LOLBut seriously, Mandi & Dan are a major inspiration to me. Because they always say yes. Nothing is impossible. And I love that about them! They are constantly challenging me & inspiring me to be more positive, to always try harder, to never quit, and to not get lazy! And that's what friends should so, inspire you to be the best you possible! So thanks you two for all you give me!And also thanks a bundle to Kristin Brancaleone of The Treasured Petal for providing Mandi's awesome headband, and Miss Annie May for providing the beautiful necklace! It really made her look!!! And thanks muchos muchos grande to Elena Galaviz for the *fab* make up, and Liz Cadillo for giving Mandi this super cute hair do!

I love Mandi's look! It's so vintage glam and yet so modern and fresh! Don't you think she is stunning and adorable?



Can't get enough of Mandi & Dan? I can't either! So let's check out their SLIDESHOW below!

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