Los Angeles Wedding Photography | Courtney & Tomojii

I was super flattered when Ala asked me to second shoot this wedding with her! I had admired her work for such a long time, and getting to know her and, better yet, work with her was totally awesome! I learned so much that day and also captured some great shots of Courtney & Tomojii's beautiful Los Angeles wedding!Courtney & Tomojii grew up together. They were in the same circle of friends, they went to the church, their families knew each other. But it wasn't until they were adults that things changed. That they saw each other as more than friends. But once they got together, they realized it was fate. Everything clicked and a short time later they were engaged! I can see why, these two are truly great together! I so enjoyed watching them commit their lives to each other and also getting to know their love story.

I loved Courtney's reaction to seeing Tomojii for the first time. So much happiness in this photo!
Their church ceremony was very sweet. There was not a dry eye in the house!
I love this.
Fierce, fun & fabulous all at the same time!
Viceroy Santa Monica Wedding Photography | Justin & Susannah {Mr. & Mrs.}

I have been dying to shoot a wedding or an engagement at the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica. DYING. So when the opportunity arose for me to shoot Susannah & Justin's Mr. & Mrs. session at the Viceroy I was thrilled! I had worked with Susannah before and I knew she was just so fun to photograph! She is STUNNING, has impeccable style, and the sweetest most genuine heart ever, what more could you ask for in a client?! Susannah & Justin were married in April & I'm so happy for them! They are a great pair. They kinda remind me of me & AJ...Justin is caring, tender but a little shy & quiet. He is happy to just chill but also is always keeping an eye on Susannah and helping her and making sure she's okay! I love it!I have to thank these two for still rocking the shoot despite all the madness with the Lakers finals! But when you get an opportunity to shoot at the Viceroy, well sports has got to wait! LOL!! I also want to give major thanks to Megan Gray of Honey & Poppies for ROCKING Susannah's bouquet &  Justin's boutonniere. I've said before but Megan is INSANELY talented and designs some of the most stylish and unique florals ever. It's always fresh & exciting with Megan, and if I got to work with her at every wedding that would be a dream come true! Seriously brides, RUN don't walk! I also gotta thank Kristin Brancaleone of The Treasured Petal (who by the way also designs amazing florals) for providing Susannah's *FABULOUS* birdcage veil/cocktail hat! Seriously stunning! And also Miss Annie May for providing the beautiful jewelry that Susannah wore! Simply gorgeous!!! Lastly, gotta holla to my friend Elena Galaviz & her friend Liz for rocking the hair & make up!!!!

I love laughter. I think people are prettiest when they are genuinely laughing!

Susannah you are FIERCE. And Justin ain't bad on the eyes either! ;)

And be sure to check out the SLIDESHOW below! It's set to the tune of one of my fav songs ever! "Love Today" by Mika.

Contact Ashleigh | Follow Ashleigh on Twitter | Become a Fan on Facebook

Bacara Resort, Santa Barbara Wedding Photography | Serene & Mike

I am so blessed! I have the best job ever! Last Friday I got to photograph a gorgeous wedding held at The Bacara Resort and Spa in Santa Barbara. The Bacara is one of my dream venues, and shooting there lived up to my expectations! It's so lovely. The views of the ocean. The lush gardens. The Spanish-style architecture. The sound of the waves. Heaven! I LOVE shooting at the Bacara-- it's literally a photographer's dream! And I love Mike & Serene even more for trusting me to capture all their precious wedding day memories!Serene. I think the name fits her perfectly. Serene is so beautiful, laid back, and just a calming person to be around. She compliments Mike's high-energy perfectly. They are yin and yang for each other. During the ceremony both Serene & Mike wrote in their vows how they felt fate had brought them together. In fact, they knew they were destined to be together when they realized they share the same birth date! I love that! I agree, it must be a sign!Serene & Mike's Jewish ceremony was so beautiful. The ceremony was held on Bacara's Miro Lawn which is on a cliff overlooking the ocean! The billowy white Chuppah framed the view and it was just picture perfect! Amazing! But the ceremony was so much more than just a pretty view. It was incredibly personal, and therefore incredibly meaningful. I loved that it was full of old traditions, like how Mike's great-grandfather's tallit decorated the top of the Chuppah.  And I loved the fun personal touches, like how a picture of Serene's beloved kitty, Pono, sat on a chair on the first row, it was as close as they could get to having Pono there! The Rabbi offered wonderful bits of wisdom mixed with a good dose of humor! It was the type of ceremony that makes you laugh and cry, and I think that's always a good thing!I could not be happier for Serene & Mike. I really must agree that these two were made for each other. They fit each other perfectly. Where Serene is weaker, Mike is strong. And where Mike is weaker, Serene is strong. They are a harmony. And I love it.So without further ado, let's check out photos from this gorgeous wedding held at the Bacara Resort and Spa. Oh, and thanks to my hubby, AJ, for second shooting with me! He did an awesome job and I LOVED working with him! ;)

Butterfly Floral Event & Design created Serene's beautiful bouquet along with all the other pretty florals of the day!
Serene, are you kidding me?!?? You are gorgeous!!!!!
While I was grabbing this cute shot...
...AJ grabbed this detail shot!! Love the team work!
Prettiest. Ceremony. Ever. I LOVE everything about it!!!
The reception was elegant in Bacara's Rotunda Room! Thanks to Paula Gild of Gilded Events for pulling all the details together and making the day go smoothly!
And After Dark Entertainment helped make everything gorgeous with their lighting! And they also got the party going with their DJ skillz! They are the best!
To see more photos from Mike & Serene's gorgeous wedding please watch the SLIDESHOW below!

Serene & Mike, thank you so much for sharing your big day with AJ & I! We loved every minute of your wedding and were honored to document it for you! I hope you love the pics and are having an awesome time in Hawaii!

Contact Ashleigh | Follow Ashleigh on Twitter | Become a Fan on Facebook

Villa San Roque, Santa Barbara Wedding Photography | Jenni & Jamie

Last Saturday, in Santa Barbara, I photographed the most amazing wedding ever-- the bride and groom, their friends and family, the scenery, the details, the food, EVERYTHING was amazing beyond words. I had to keep pinching myself to make sure it wasn't a dream! And I have to thank Michelle Black of Lehr and Black, who happens to be one of the most fabulous people on planet Earth, for booking me for this wedding. Michelle and I had met at Priscilla & Chris's wedding last August, and ever since I have been itching of working with her again, because as I said she is *fabulous*. So imagine my glee when she wanted li'l ole me to shoot her best friend's wedding! I nearly died of joy when she asked! And then I heard it was going to be in Santa Barbara, and I was double sold! Sweet!But I hadn't met the bride and groom, Jenni and Jamie, and that is always strange for me to show up on the wedding day not knowing the couple. As I have said before, I always try to develop relationships with my couples prior to the big day. So on the drive up to Santa Barbara I was a little nervous of how the wedding day would go. No surprise though, Jenni & Jamie are as equally fabulous as their BFF Michelle and we hit it off right away! Remember how I was talking about Soul-Clients on Tuesday? I think they are yet another example of this! I see a lot of myself in Jenni. She is fun, has an amazing laugh and smile, is refreshingly open and candid, says hilarious things, and knows how to get down low on the dance floor. My kind of woman! Jamie is one cool dude as well. Very funny and very kind. You can see how much he loves Jenni just by the way he looks at her. These  two can joke together at ease, make each other laugh, calm each others nerves, and party with each other like teenagers. And its awesome! I could hang out with them all day, just laughing and chillin'. They are that cool! And I am so happy to have witnessed their union. It was a beautiful and personal ceremony-- a bit of laughter, a bit of tears, just the way I like it! I have no doubt these two will be loving and laughing together for the rest of their lives! They are an amazing pair! I feel blessed to have met them and documented their big day! Really, really blessed!Love and laughter is all it takes to make a wedding fabulous. Everything else is icing on the cake. Well, this wedding had a LOT of icing! Because the eye candy was overflowing! Michelle, her mother Ellen and the rest of team at Lehr and Black did an amazing job coordinating and designing every detail of the day. From the gorgeous flowers by Lehr & Black's own Jane & Rudy, to the couture invitations that Lehr and Black are famous for, to the candy  buffet, to the stunning tablescapes, to the views from The Santa Barbara Villa they had rented for the affair! Gorgeous! As a surprise to the bride and groom, Ellen hired Santa Barbara based Enjoy Cupcakes to set up the most fabulous dessert bar set up ever. No wait, you do not understand. Enjoy Cupcakes has this vintage trailer and they brought it to the wedding and set up the CUTEST little area for the desserts. Absolutely charming! And then the cupcakes themselves were DELICIOUS. I could have ate them all but that would have been rude. So I didn't! But, really, I think Kevin at Amber of Enjoy Cupcakes are amazing and all brides should be booking them for their weddings, like, RIGHT NOW!All right, I am chatting your ear off and all you want to see are pictures. And there are a ton I tell you! A TON! Thanks to Jenn King for coming along to second shoot for me last Saturday!  :) Now for the eye candy!

The invitations were a work of art. Love the silk boxes they are presented in! It's like a little gift! The paper on the invites was so supple with a hint of texture! Luxe! I LOVE it!
The girls' bouquets! Michelle's on the left (loveeee the anemones) and Jenni's on the right! Pure romance!
Are you kidding me Jenni? You are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!
Laughing is sexy. I think people look so pretty when they laugh-- it just brightens the whole face! Jenni has a pretty beautiful laugh! But her model face is also sexylicious.
I <3 first looks!
I found a random field nearby and took Jenni & Jamie there for some romantics after the ceremony! Gorgeous light, gorgeous Santa Barbara, gorgeous newlyweds! 'Twas my lucky day!!!
Jenni you kill me with your prettiness! Jamie is one lucky guy!
Pure romance.
The trampoline. The Villa had a trampoline on the property and all anyone wanted to do was jump around on it and take pics! AWESOME!!! Look at the fun!
The candy buffet!
The GORGEOUS reception details!!!
How cute is this idea?! Combo placecards and menus! I love how personalized they were as well!
The view at sunset from the villa! Oh Santa Barbara! You kill me with your beauty!
Did I mention I love a girl who knows how to get down on the floor?
The Enjoy Cupcakes trailer!!!!! ADORABLE!
Yummy. Yummers. Yummerton. Look at those beautiful cuppies!
And if cupcakes aren't enough for you, there was espresso chocolate cakes, chocolate covered strawberries, and raspberry tarts!
Jenni and Jamie enjoyed the treats in the privacy of the trailer! Adorable!!!!!
Wow, what an amazing day. Thank you again sooooo much to Michelle for telling Jenni & Jamie to trust me with their big day! It was so fun! And thank you to Jenni & Jamie for having me along! I think you guys are awesome and I am so so happy for you! You two make an amazing pair and I feel so honored to have documented your union! Please keep in touch! You are officially friends now!!! ;)
And just in case you didn't get enough pictures from this GORGEOUS wedding please check out the slideshow below!!!

Los Angeles Temple Wedding | Jenessa + Joel

Awhile back I had the great opportunity to second shoot Jenessa & Joel's wedding with my homegirl Jenn King. You see Jenn was doing double duty on two of the most important wedding-related jobs a girl could have-- Jenessa had asked Jenn to be her Maid of Honor and The Photographer! My oh my! That's some pressure! So Jenn needed help, and I was more than happy to oblige!Growing up in West Los Angeles, I would drive by the Los Angeles California Temple all the time. Almost every day actually. As a kid, I didn't know what it was, I thought it was a castle! Hehe! Its just an amazingly huge structure with beautiful architecture! So it was really fun to get to shoot at this location! And I actually learned that the grounds are open to the public, and they are soooo beautiful! I totally recommend just going to the Temple to check out the grounds. Especially at Christmas time, because they put up the most beautiful lights! So for anyone interested here is the info: 10777 Santa Monica Boulevard,Los Angeles, CaliforniaSo back to Jenessa & Joel! Jenessa & Joel are such a sweet couple. He is from Australia. She is from Orange County. They met here in the USA and when he had to go home she went to Australia to be with him. But she got homesick and came back. And then she realized, she was lovesick. She missed her man too much. And he missed her. So they got engaged, and a short while later they made it official at The Temple! That's a strong love. A love that can conquer miles, and countries, and different cultures. I have no doubt that they will make it! When you are with them, you just feel a spark! They are very good for each other! And I can already say, Jenessa is happily living as an Australian resident and even more happily married! Woohooo! So without further ado, here are my favorite shots of the day! You can view more images on Jenn King's blog!

Everyone gathered outside to watch the newlyweds exit the temple!

The newlyweds!!!

Look at that fierce bridal party!!! Jenn is rocking it as Maid-of-Honor on the right!

The dudes.

This is one of my favorite shots of the day!!! I love everything about it!

Jenessa,  you are gorgeous!!!!!

My favorite shot!!!!

A Romeo + Juliet Wedding: The Portraits | SoCal Photog Shootout

So here is part two of the Romeo + Juliet Wedding themed shootout!This post is more centered around the portraits...and you know the flowers too! Cause I couldn't get enough! Really I'm still drooling over them!!Again I want to thank the following vendors who made this all possible!!Coordinator: Amanda Auer of In the Now Weddings www.inthenowweddings.comVenue: Ron at the Romanesque Room www.castlecaterers.comFlorist: Megan Gray of Honey and Poppies www.honeyandpoppies.comDJ: Marcel Gonzalez FirstChoice Entertainment http://www.firstchoicedjs.comVideographer: TBARentals: Town & Country www.townandcountryeventrentals.comCatering: Jay’s Catering www.jayscatering.comVenue Concierge: Mary Lallande www.venueconcierge.comBakery: Colette at Fancy That! Cupcakes 909.524.1864Linens: Wildflower www.wildflowerlinens.comStyling: Michelle Cunningham www.milaphotography.comHair/Makeup: Kacee Geoffroy & Becca www.kaceegeoffroy.comHair/Makeup: Alisha Baijournas www.vanitykillstudio.comSpecialty: Classic Party Rentals www.classicpartyrentals.comAnd now for the photos:So my friend and fellow photog who often second shoots for me, Jenn King, modeled for this shoot! Isn't she gorgeous?!?There's those flowers again by Megan of Honey and Poppies!! Seriously, is that not just stunning?! Brides run don't walk to Megan!

Work it Jenn!

The Romanesque Room has a beautiful garden out back, a perfect setting for photos! This pond is stunning!! What a fun backdrop for a bride!


Meet Ashley + Sean aka the sexiest couple I have ever seen! They really worked it for us!!! This is most definitely a favorite image for me! Most definitely an Ashleigh Taylor signature ;)

Seriously, Ashley? You are STUNNING!

A Romeo + Juliet Wedding: The Details | SoCal Photog Shootout

So as you know February for me was all about putting myself out there, going out of my comfort zone, and learning as much as possible! I wanted to kick off 2010 with a bang! And it was really important for me to stay active considering this is "the slow season" for wedding photographers. I figured I should do everything I can now before I get too busy. Plus I know all these workshops and shootouts will only make me a better photographer for all my 2010 clients ;)When I heard the SoCal Photog Shootout group was staging a mock wedding and that some successful local photogs would be there teaching us how they shoot weddings, I thought "hrmmm that sounds like a good thing to attend." But when I heard Amanda Auer of In The Now Events was designing/coordinating the event and it would be Romeo + Juliet themed I was STOKED. I was like, sign me up! And I signed up the second tix went on sale. Good thing I did, the tickets sold out in TWO MINUTES. Two minutes people!! I am so glad I got into the shootout because it was amazing!!!!You see Amanda Auer is someone who's blog I have stalked for like 2 years. She amazes me with her creativity. And getting to photograph the details she had set up was kinda a dream for me. I LOVE details. I LOVE weddings that are detailed, thought through, and personal! And I know all the weddings Amanda coordinates are just that. So imagine if she had free reign? Imagine what she could come up with! The lady did not disappoint! And then there were these flowers on this shoot. Flowers that looked so delicious I wanted to eat them. I couldn't take my eyes of them. They were dripping with romance. And they had so much texture. That's a biggie for me. Floral arrangements with a lot of great texture! I found out the florist was Megan Gray of Honey and Poppies, and when I met her I wanted to bow down. Obviously the woman is a floral goddess!I also have to give major shout outs to Ron at the Romanesque Room for letting us use the venue. FYI Brides, the Romanesque Room is a TOTAL hidden gem for a wedding venue! It would be great for brides with vintage or glam style! The Romanesque Room is in the heart of Old Pasadena. The ballroom has these amazing roman vaulted ceilings with gorgeous molding and gold trim! And there is a beautiful garden and outdoor space for a ceremony! Its really something special and I totally never it knew existed!  So if you need a venue check it out!

I LOVE all these details! The paper goods that Amanda designed were so unique and so so beautiful!

A closer look at the invitation Amanda designed! I love the lace wrap, and I love the antiqued paper!

Oh my gosh! Megan are you kidding me with that bridesmaid's bouquet?! Sooooo delicate! Soooo romantic!! Soooo unique!! Swoonie swoon swoon! I am in love! I also love the styling of the bridesmaids! Such a romantic and unique dress! Very chic and unexpected!

The ceremony details! I love every part!!! Soooo gorgeous!! Amanda and Megan truly joined forces and outdid themselves!

The married couple! Work it! Look at the great light too! Sigh...

And finally the tablescape details!!

Amazing right! Stay tuned for more!! More? Yes, more! I still have some bridal portraits and romantics to show ya!
Just as a recap, because I know you wanna run out and hire these folks, the vendors who made this all possible were:
Coordinator: Amanda Auer of In the Now Weddings www.inthenowweddings.comVenue: Ron at the Romanesque Room www.castlecaterers.comFlorist: Honey and Poppies www.honeyandpoppies.comDJ: Marcel Gonzalez FirstChoice Entertainment http://www.firstchoicedjs.comRentals: Town & Country www.townandcountryeventrentals.comCatering: Jay’s Catering www.jayscatering.comVenue Concierge: Mary Lallande www.venueconcierge.comBakery: Colette at Fancy That! Cupcakes 909.524.1864Linens: Wildflower www.wildflowerlinens.comStyling: Michelle Cunningham www.milaphotography.comHair/Makeup: Kacee Geoffroy & Becca www.kaceegeoffroy.comHair/Makeup: Alisha Baijournas www.vanitykillstudio.comSpecialty: Classic Party Rentals
Thanks to all these amazing vendors! You guys rock my world!
The Jasmine Star Workshop

Tuesday was a great day. A fabulous day. A Jasmine Star day. But let's start with Monday. I met 19 other photographers and Jasmine Star for a dinner/mixer thingy at Javier's. It was really fun to get to know everyone in person! You see I had become facebook friends with these people, followed them on Twitter, and even stalked there blogs. But the internet is one thing. Real life? That's something different entirely. So ooooh boy was I relieved to see how friendly and open everyone was. Everyone was so supportive. And a few people even said how much they admired my blog and work, which almost made me cry. Really? ME?!! I needed to be pinched. A year ago I would have never imagined this for myself. When Jasmine arrived she was so friendly, down to earth and personable! She truly is sucha giving and generous person. I thought I'd be a bumbling fool in front of her, but she made me feel like an old friend. She is truly that cool!! Then she treated us to Pinkberry and I nearly died! How deliciously sweet! Oh J* you know the way to my heart is through my tummy ;)By the start of The Workshop Tuesday morning, I felt like old friends with everyone. Not intimidated at all but just ready to learn. We spent the morning talking about branding, which was so helpful as its a concept that I didn't fully understand. I didn't take any photos of Jasmine talking 'cause y'all I was taking notes! I don't mess around with note taking. I wanted to get every word of what she had to say down on paper. But I did take a few pics of the pretty stationary Jasmine gave its branded ;)

Jasmine reiterated a concept I already knew to be true. A hand written note goes a long way! I will be saving this one for sure ;)

One thing that really struck me about Jasmine is how self aware and deliberate she is. Everything in her business is done with clear understanding and reason. Its like "I am doing this because of this..."And I think that being intentional is such a key part to running a consistent, successful, well defined business. This year I will be spending A LOT of time further developing my brand, and being intentional with what I do in my business. No more just doing because I feel I am supposed to do it that way or because peers seem to do it a certain way. No more haphazard actions or intentions. I will be intentional and aware from now on!My other favorite part of the day was of course THE PHOTO SHOOT. Oh my gosh! First can we talk about the yummy prettiness going on here?! The models, married couple Jodi and Matt, were so good looking it hurts, and also sooo sweet together! The hair and make up was done by Vivian Tran's All Made Up Team. The divine jewelry was provided by Noaki Jewelry. And Jodi's breathtaking dress was designed by Joan Shum. I'm kinda in total awe of Joan's work! Its just so unique and fashion forward-- pure art, to say the least! Make sure to check out Joan's etsy store!

I would always read on Jasmine's blog how she uses "natural reflectors" to get stunning images even in the harshest of lighting conditions and I had NO CLUE what the heck she meant! Thankfully, Jasmine planned the day with this lesson in mind. Our photoshoot was in full day sun with harsh light, and J* showed us how to rock it out using natural reflectors. And it all clicked. J* you are a smart one, you really are. I will be using this technique all the time!!!

Jasmine wanted us to all walk away with a signature image from this shoot! The following image is most definitely mine!!

The florals were provided by Kristin of The Treasured Petal, someone who's work I've been obsessed with for awhile now! She just comes up with the most stunning arrangements. And I loved the bouquet and boutonniere she designed for this shoot! Just lovely!

Jodi you are stunning! Really really stunning!

I'll end this post with the group shot!! I'm the silly little blonde one in the lower right ;)
Thank you again so much Jasmine & JD for being so open, honest and generous! This was such an amazing experience, and I know will make me a much better photographer and businesswoman! To Diandra, Kristy, Melissa, Ellie, Lara, Caitlin, Meng, Laurie, Sia, Suzanne, Anna, Anna Kim, Carrie, John, Angela, Janna, Molly, Brittany, Tracy, Jennifer and Cori -- thank you all for being so awesome! I had so much fun getting to know you and hope we can all stay in touch! I am excited to see where 2010 takes you!!! :)
Redondo Beach Wedding Photography | Rachel + Mark

About two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing Rachel and Mark's wedding in Redondo Beach. Rachel and Mark are a super special couple to me. We instantly clicked and I knew I had to be a part of their big day. Over the course of working together we became friends. And that is what I love so much about my job! Becoming friends with my bride and groom!! Then on the wedding day it doesn't seem at all like work. It's like, whoa my awesome friends are getting married today and I get document it for them!! And its fabulous!!! I strive for this relationship with all my clients!!Rachel + Mark are the perfect couple. Their story makes me definitely believe that soul mates exist and fate is totally real! Rachel + Mark were super close friends growing up. They hung out in high school together, they were BFF's. As the Best Man recounted in his toast, "Mark said he thought of Rachel as his sister." And though then the best man (hilariously) added, "...and if you really think about it, that's kinda sick dude!" I know what Mark meant. He meant he loved Rachel so much, he had her back, he wanted to look out for her and protect her, he just felt this strong bond with her that only families share. But then life happened. Rachel + Mark went to two different colleges, and sorta lost touch. Sorta. Every now and then they'd check in. And through the beauty that is Facebook they reconnected when they realized they were both back in LA. And that was it. They fell in love. And soon after they knew this was it-- they only needed each other. And then came marriage.I'm so happy for these two! They have the kind of love that shines through their eyes. They light up when around each other. They are definitely soulmates. And their wedding? Well it was epic!! Full of love, laughter, happy tears, and stolen glances. I love this day. The day my new friends Rachel + Mark made it official! Awesome!Special thanks to Jenn King for second shooting with me, to Susie Chhuor's hair & make up team for making all the ladies look super gorgeous, to Eddie of Commerce Flowers for all the gorgeous florals, to John & Haydee Suarez of After Dark Entertainment for being the best DJ's ever and keeping the party rockin', to the Blue water Grill for providing such an awesome reception space and nummy food, and to King's Hawaiian Bakery for the beautiful and delicious cake!

How pretty is Rachel?!!!?? Answer: SOOO Pretty!

The first look!! Did I mention I LOVEEEE first looks??

The FIERCEST bridal party ever! Love their dresses!

I love the two different bridesmaid dresses!! Too Cute!!!

I love this moment, just before Rachel and her dad are about to walk down the aisle. There is so much emotion in both their faces!

I LOVE this bubble exit!!! Such a cute idea!!!

After the ceremony we went out to the marina in Redondo for some gorgeous photos! The light was kinda harsh but we managed to show it who's boss!! We definitely worked it out with soooo many pretty shots!!!

Jenn grabbed their reflection in the water! Thanks for spotting that Jenn!!! ;)

I LOVE this!

Rachel's mom MADE her veil!!! It was stunning with sooo many beautiful details!!!

These might be my fav shots of the day!!! I think Rachel looks like she could be doing a Cover Girl ad!! And I love the way the veil is moving-- so playful!!!

Just kidding, maybe this is my fav shot of the day!!!!

Rachel did all the paper goods for the wedding herself!! She is a graphic designer so she designed all the beautiful floral graphics you see below! I am amazed at her talent! So beautiful!!

Rachel also made all the signs for the candy bar! How cute!!!

The Best Man really brought the LOLZZZ for his toast!!!

See the LOLZZZ?

I know this post is kinda MASSIVE but should you still not be able to get enough of this wedding, please check out the slideshow below!!!

Contact Ashleigh | Follow Ashleigh on Twitter | Become a Fan on Facebook

2009 | Seasons of Love

Wow. Wow. Wow. So today is the last day of 2009. Where did the time go? I can tell you that last year at this time I just bought my first DSLR with the hopes of turning my creativity into a business, I turned 23, and I was 6 months away from getting married. Now I am here. A year later. Writing this blog post. With a wedding ring on my finger. With better camera gear in my bag, and much more photography know-how in my head. With 8 weddings under my belt (not to mention all the engagement, trash-the-dress, family and boudoir sessions I have shot over the year). With a feeling that I may actually be able to one day-- hopefully very soon-- make a full-time living off a business that allows me to be creative. Crazy!I feel so blessed to have met so many incredible couples in 2009. Every single one of you means the world to me. You have each brought me one step closer to my dream. No, actually, you've made my dream a reality. Because of each one of you I have grown so much. Because of you I realized that joy, love and kindness still exist in the world. That miracles do happen. That fate exists. That the right people really do find each other and make relationships work. It has been a really life affirming experience working with all of you! I can't believe how lucky I am to have found a job that not only allows me to be my own boss, to be creative, but also reaffirms my faith in humanity, love and the world.So in celebration of all the love 2009 has brought me, I have created a slideshow of some of my very favorite images from all the weddings I shot this year. I'd love if you'd watch it below! This journey really has been amazing, and I think the slideshow perfectly sums up my work from this year!To all my 2009 brides & grooms - thank you again for everything! Please keep in touch! You are all now so much more than clients to me, you are friends!To all my 2010 brides & grooms - this is YOUR year! Hooray!!! There is nothing more exciting than going into the new year knowing that you will soon be married! Enjoy every last second of your wedding planning! And please remember I am always here to help you with timelines, vendor referrals, inspiration or just to chat! Your wedding will be amazing and I am so excited for it!!!!To all my readers, fans, followers, and friends - thank you for your continued support! I appreciate each one of you and can't wait to be even closer in the new year! If for some reason we haven't actually connected yet please leave me a comment, shoot over an email, or find me on  twitter or facebook! I love meeting new people, especially blog readers! Hehehe!Lastly, I know the blog has been slow lately...Blame the holidays! But really, I do have a few family sessions and a wedding, as well as a few special announcements and new features, to blog soon so please keep checking in! I will be getting back into routine blogging next week!! :)

{ Planning a 2010 Wedding? CONTACT ME for info on rates and availability }

{ Follow Me on Twitter | Become a Fan on Facebook }

A Birthday for Me and A Teaser for You

Right now I am blogging with a cat in my lap, listening to the rain outside. Does life get any better than this? Maybe but this is pretty darn good!This weekend is my birthday. 24 years old, which my mom says means that I am "well into my twenties." Grrrrreat. I used to LOVE my birthday. Now I think I get that "adult" reaction to birthdays. I mean, they are okay but geez where is time going?! hehe ;) I do have some fun things planned though! On Saturday we are seeing Mary Poppins at The Ahmanson and on Sunday I will hopefully get to go to Disneyland. But if it rains (which it better NOT) we won't go.  :|  I am hoping the weather will cooperate! I'm  also proud of what I accomplished this year in my life. When I turned 23 I was a bride-to-be with a small little dream to start a photography business. I had NO clue where it would go or how I'd book a wedding. Now I am about to be 24. I am a MARRIED LADY and very happy about it! And my business is going pretty well for something that was just a twinkle in my eye one year before. This year I shot 8 weddings! Eight weddings, people! I'm really proud of that and proud of how much my work has grown over the year!!!  I hope 24 brings twice as many weddings and a whole lot of health, happiness, success and love to me and my family!And now a teaser from wedding #8! Jenessa and Joel are superfab! Jenessa is Jenn King's sister, and Jenn had to double duty it as photographer AND maid-of-honor. So of  course she needed a little assistance! I was happy to join in and second shoot! It was a beautiful day and I got so many gorgeous pictures that I can't wait to share...but for now I leave you with this....

Chic Details from Just Chic Events!

WAY TOO LONG AGO, I got to do something awesome! Something that made me super giddy. Happy dance giddy! Paola of Just Chic Events, aka one of the most *fabulous* people ever, asked me to photograph a surprise party she was throwing for her mom's birthday! I was pretty much over the moon! You see Paola was my wedding planner, and I just love her! Now as a wedding photographer, its pretty much my dream to work with her. Because every single thing she touches turns to loveliness! She has such an eye for detail and she is so organized with everything. Two very important traits for a wedding coordinator!So of course, I knew that the party would be super stylish (it was), and that it would be amazing to photograph (that's actually an understatement). The florals were done by the amazingly talented Kate Baker, who did my wedding florals as well. Kate is so talented and her work just blows me away. Brides if you still need a florist, Kate is your girl, and of course if you need a wedding coordinator you can't do better than Paola!So enjoy a few of the details I snapped at this super chic party! Paola, thanks so much for having me a long! It really meant a lot to me!

I thought this was a super cute idea! Paola had made a Mashed Potato Bar for guests to enjoy as one of the appetizers. Guests could fill a martini glass with either mashed sweet potatoes or regular potatoes or both, then lay on all the toppings they wanted! How clever is that?! That's Paola, always thinking up super cute, unique touches! Guests loved the potato buffet and I saw a lot of people go back for seconds! YUM!

So there was a Mashed Potato Bar for your savory side...which of course meant there had to be a dessert bar for your sweet side! This layout was so elegant and soooo yummy looking! All the guests were ogling it, and saying how lovely it looked!

Okay I don't know if Paola made these or bought these but oooh boy do they look GOOD! I love the way you can see the icing drips down the sides of the little cakes! It makes it look so homemade but also so elegant. Reminds me of something Ina Garten would make. Yes, I bet the Barefoot Contessa would highly approve of this dessert bar!

Cafe Del Rey Wedding | Cindy & Douglas

Cindy & Douglas got married in beautiful Marina Del Rey at the restaurant Cafe Del Rey! I absolutely love the Marina. It's one of those places that is picture perfect, so I was super excited to be shooting this wedding! And it did not disappoint! I was  a little nervous before arriving to the hotel where Cindy was getting ready. You see I normally do engagement sessions with my couples, but Cindy & Douglas had only found me a month before the wedding and didn't have the time to do an engagement shoot. I like to know my couples well by their wedding day, to feel like we are already friends. So going into this after only having one quick meeting was a little nerve wracking. Lucky for me, I felt like I became fast friends with Cindy & Douglas. They are so easy going and warm. And when I saw how caring and nurturing they were with each other, well, my nerves didn't last long! :)One of the most fun parts of the day for me was shooting the couples shots. We had been walking around the Marina hoping that we'd see someone who'd let us shoot on their boat. At first it seemed unlikely. Then, we saw a man on the LA County Fire Boat. So Cindy very kindly asked if we could snap a few pics on the boat, and the Fire Dept Crew was kind enough to oblige. HUGE Thank You to them!! I loved how the shots we got there turned out...and in fact I'd love to go back and shoot more! It was that cool!Cindy & Douglas had a beautifully intimate wedding affair. Just their closest family and friends came to witness their union, and to share a celebratory gourmet dinner with them at the delightful Cafe Del Rey. Their wedding really touched me because it was exactly what a wedding should be-- a declaration of love surrounded by your nearest and dearest. I know sometimes weddings can make us all go crazy and  it is easy to get caught up and forget the real focus-- the real focus is that at the end of the day you are married to the one you love more than anything. So it was really heartwarming to be at a wedding where it was really all about two people committing to each other forever. And what's even better is that Cindy & Douglas were so giddy happy, so in love, so full of joy! I could really see how special the day was for them, and that it would be a memory they would cherish for eternity!And I got to capture the memories, with Jenn King as my trusty second shooter by my side! How crazy cool is that?! Below are a few of my favorite shots from the day and of course even more pics are in the SLIDESHOW.

bridal shoes, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details
bridal bracelet, bridal jewelry, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details

Cindy's bouquet was wrapped in her grandmother's handkerchief. It was such a meaningful touch. I love the delicate lace trim. Just beautiful!

bridal bouquet, blue bouquet, hydrangea bouquet, bouquet wrapped in a handkerchief, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details
bridal gown, david's bridal, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details

I love how happy Cindy looks here! I think she had that realization "I'm getting married today!!"

bridal portrait, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details
bridal shoes, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details
bridal portrait, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details
bridal portrait, marina del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, getting ready wedding details
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding

I really love first looks. It is always such an emotional filled moment, which makes for some of the most moving photos of the day. And what makes first looks even cooler is that it leaves so much more time for pictures, and makes the wedding timeline much less stressful. I think all brides should highly consider doing first looks. And take it from me, a newlywed, they don't make the walk down the aisle any less special!

first look, marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
first look, marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
first look, marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding

I love this photo of Cindy and her Dad. It's so sweet. She gave him a gift and then started to cry. Then I cried behind the camera. Shooting and tearing up. Yup that's me. I'm a daddy's girl so I guess I'm kinda a sucker for sweet father-daughter moments!

marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
I just want to say again how FAB a venue Cafe Del Rey is! Gorgeous setting...and YUMMY food! Even if you aren't planning a wedding, just go there for a romantic address! You will thank me! Here is the info: Cafe del Rey 4451 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding, wedding cake
marina del rey wedding, cafe del rey wedding, blue and white wedding
To see more images from Cindy & Doug's beautiful wedding please watch the slideshow below! Enjoy!

Cindy & Douglas - Thank you so much for trusting me with your treasured memories! I loved capturing your joy and your love. You two are a beautiful couple and I wish you all the best! Please stay in touch!

Odyssey Restaurant, Granada Hills Wedding | Crystal & Steve

Soooo the past few days have been crazy! I've been working hard editing because I want to get two weddings up on the blog before I leave town to visit my daddy on Sunday. Add to that the fact that I'm slowly but surely revamping my new branding theme into every aspect of my blog, and that included changing my workflow a bit....which means stress! Change can be hard. But once you adapt, things get easier, and you see why it was sooo good you made the change. I think I am in that phase now!But anyways...I've been hard at work for Crystal & Steve! I gushed about them last week, when I posted a teaser from their wedding! Well, I will gush a little more! Crystal & Steve got married at The Odyssey in Granada Hills! The view there is amazing, and the ballroom was just so lovely with its wooden walls, and big windows! I loved all the DIY Crystal did, the yummy candy bar, and watching the kids dig into the chocolate fountain like it was going out of style! But what I really loved about this wedding was watching a family come together. Watching Steve give his vows to not only Crystal, but to her two kids Lindsay & Jacob. I gotta say, I cried!! It was really a moving moment...but the thing was, the vows were clearly a formality-- a verbalization of something that already existed. Because from the moment I saw Steve, Crystal, Lindsay and Jacob all together I knew they were already a team. They were already looking out for each other. They already were bonded to the core. And I loved it. It was the kind of thing that affirms your faith in love and in the world.Another thing I loved about the wedding was the amount of kids in attendance.  It was truly a family affair! Everyone was included, and everyone was happy to celebrate Crystal & Steve! It was truly a joyous event-- which is what weddings should be! So please enjoy the photos below and don't forget to watch the SLIDESHOW at the bottom of the post for so many more images!Thank you to Marlene of I Do Events to beautifully coordinating the day, and Sean Lee of Masters of Ceremony for keeping the reception jumping, and bringing out the bubble machine which made for some super awesome photos! And of course big props and a thank you to my girl, Jenn King, for second shooting with me. You are FABULOUS!

ivory bridal bouquet for a granada hills wedding

I loved that Crystal wore a Dodger's garter! I wore one too for my wedding!!! ;)

the bride made her something blue a Dodger garter for her odyssey restaurant wedding
the bride gets married for her odyssey restaurant granada hills wedding

Crystal made these invitations herself! Aren't they beautiful?!

teal and brown wedding invitations for a granada hills wedding at the odyssey
odyssey restaurant wedding

I love how Jacob looks in this picture! Happy and full of anticipation!!

odyssey restaurant wedding
cool groomsmen shot for a brown and teal wedding
the groomsmen wore brown shoes to match their brown tuxes
first look, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding
first look, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding
first look, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding
hands, diamond rings, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding

The flower girls were too cute!!!

flower girls, brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer

These next two photos are my fav shots of the day! The light was just magic and Crystal looks SO STUNNING! She definitely worked it out!

beautiful bridal portraits, brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
beautiful bridal portraits, brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer

Candy bars = nom nom nom. I love them! Every wedding should have one!!!

candy buffet, brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
first dance, brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer

All I have to say is BUBBLE MACHINE!!!!!! Can every wedding have one of these too?? LOL. They sure make for some groovy photos!

brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer

I love this picture of Steve & Lindsay! It's sooo sweet! Makes me want to dance with and hug my own dad!!

brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer, off camera flash
brown and teal wedding, odyssey restaurant wedding, granada hills wedding photographer, off camera flash
Please watch the slideshow below (preferably with the volume up) to see many more photos set to the tune of Crystal & Steve's first dance song!!!

Crystal & Steve -- thank you so much for trusting me to capture your special day! I loved every minute of your wedding! I think you guys make the most wonderful family ever and wish you so much happiness together! Please keep in touch!

Coming Soon | Cindy & Douglas

Am I a lucky girl or what? I booked two amazing weddings for November-- three days apart! Awesomeness. My first of the two took place Saturday...and it was awesome...the teaser is the post below. The second wedding was today. Yes people, TODAY! But I am already home, pics loaded, and already I have a teaser ready. BAM! Like magic. I guess I'm just supeerrrrr excited to show pics from this wedding! It was beautiful!! It took place in Marina Del Rey! I LOVE Marina Del Rey! And even cooler we got to take pics on a fire department boat. We just have hook ups like that ;)Soooo...for now here is a teaser of Cindy & Doug's awesome wedding! Hope everyone enjoys and stays tuned for more. Oh so much more!cindy1Cindy & Doug - thank you so much for letting us share in your special day! It was all so heart warming and beautiful! Truly a perfect wedding! I wish you both so much happiness and can't wait to share more pics with you!

Coming Soon | Crystal & Steve

Yesterday I had the pleasure and honor of photographing Crystal & Steve's wedding! I had worked with Crystal before and loved every second of it, but I had never met Steve. I almost always do engagement sessions with my couples and get to know their couple-vibe well before the wedding. So I was a little nervous. Well, Crystal and Steve blew me away...blew me away with their love! Okay, I know that sounds grossly cheese-o-riffic, but it is true! Crystal and Steve are SO in love. And they are just comfy with each other. They get each other. Crystal knows what Steve needs. Steve knows what Crystal needs. They already feel like family. There was so much love and tenderness last night, and I was really moved to be able to witness the coming together of this beautiful family!I  can't wait to blog more pics, but I gotta gear up for another wedding on Tuesday-- get ready Cindy & Douglas ;) Sooo for now, I will leave you with one of the many awesome shots I grabbed last night!Crystal & Steve-- I hope this teaser will tide you over! Thanks so much for everything yesterday! I can't wait to show you more beautiful pics soon!!! ;)crystal-1

Los Angeles Wedding Photography | Lillian & Gary

When I met Lillian and Gary, I knew I wanted to shoot their wedding. I could just tell they were such genuinely sweet, kind, wonderful people. And their love was palpable. I just knew their wedding would be so warm and happy. They asked if I had ever photographed (or even been to) a traditional Chinese wedding, and I hadn't. I'm so glad that it wasn't a deal breaker, because I had such a great time photographing their big day!I loved learning more about Chinese wedding traditions. I absolutely loved the door games they played. Basically, the groom shows up at the bride's house but the bridesmaids refuse to let the groom and groomsmen in to see the bride until they prove themselves by passing certain tests and playing certain games. It was really funny watching the groom and his guys have to paint each other's nails, do push ups, and beg and plead to get passed the bridesmaids. In the end the boys got revenge on the poor bridesmaids with some mad silly string action! And boy that stuff really sticks around!!!After the door games, Lillian and Gary had a beautiful tea ceremony. Then we took some fun shots over at the San Gabriel Mission before heading to their reception at New Capitol Seafood. Lillian kept telling us how she wanted us to have some authentic Chinese food! And we did! We ate like kings!! I LOVE seafood like no other so let me tell you I was in heaven between the shrimp, scallops, fish, and lobster. Yes LOBSTER. Nom. Nom. Nom.Lillian and Gary, thank you for trusting me to shoot your wedding! It was a beautiful day and I feel so honored to have been a part of everything. I hope you love the pictures!!!  Also, thank you to Jenn King for second shooting with me!!Below are some highlights of the day...and at the bottom of the post is the slideshow! Be sure to check it out!






Lillian bought two pairs of shoes for the wedding and still hadn't decided which pair to wear when we arrived. I thought it was too adorable!


Knock knock! Here comes the groom to see his bride!



I love the anticipation in Gary's face here. You can tell he is dying for a glimpse of his future wife!


Gary had to paint the nails of one of his groomsmen in order to see Lillian! Love that the girls really went for it with the bottle of pink glitter polish!


When Gary finally passed the tests and was allowed to see Lillian, he rushed to her room where she was waiting for him. It was a total fairy-tale moment! And look how excited he is. You may all swoon now!








Lillian's bouquet was absolutely gorgeous. Love the mini purple callas and the green cymbidiums!



Lillian wanted to be sure I got some silly shots of the bridal party. If this next picture isn't silly then I don't know what is!


Now for some romantics...







Some reception details...






For more beautiful pictures of Lillian and Gary's wedding please check out the slideshow below!

Malibou Lake and Mountain Club Wedding | Priscilla & Chris

Every single aspect of Chris & Priscilla's day was beautiful, unique and so personal. When we arrived at the bridal suite, we were blown away with Pricilla's gorgeous Enzoani gown and blue Christian Louboutin pumps! Swoon! It was right then we knew that the day would ROCK! And it did! Priscilla and Chris came up with the cutest theme for their wedding-- pumps and sneakers. It was pretty much the perfect representation of their personalities. How so? Well, Chris is chill, funny, and the definition of cool, which is what a classic pair of sneakers is all about.  And pumps are a fitting representation of Priscilla because she is stylish, sophisticated, and an all around lovely lady. And like sneakers and pumps, Priscilla and Chris are the perfect complement to each other. Though at first the two may may seem like opposites, you quickly realize they each bring something to the table that the other one needs, and that's why this relationship is going to last forever.  :)Michelle Black of Lehr and Black nailed the decor of the wedding to a T. The "Sneakers and Pumps" theme was fully integrated into every detail, and done with such class and elegance! Michelle also decorated the reception with lots and lots of prints from Chris & Priscilla's engagement session!! When I saw my pictures enlarged and displayed throughout the reception room I got so excited!! It was a really cool feeling to see the images in print and displayed so nicely. Michelle even had some of the photos printed on candies, which were interspersed throughout the candy buffet! Too cute!!! Seriously, no detail was left untouched! And then, as if things weren't amazing enough, Joeleen of A Sweet Design (who coincidentally also made my ultra-fab cupcake tower for my wedding) created two luscious cakes for Priscilla and Chris. One of the cakes being a replica of Pricilla's Loubotins and Chris' Nikes!! As always, Joeleen's work is fabulous and delicious! We had a great time photographing and subsequently eating the cakes! hehe ;)But it wasn't just the decor and the theme that made this wedding so unique. Priscilla and Chris chose nontraditional music for the ceremony, but music that really represented who they are as individuals and as a couple. When Priscilla walked down the aisle to "I Say A Little Prayer" by Dionne Warwick I started to tear up. It was the absolute perfect score to a beautiful moment. Their ceremony was also very personal, and filled with such love. Both their moms presented the rings to them and gave a little speech/blessing. The love their parents have for them warmed my heart. You could tell it wasn't just the happiest day for Priscilla and Chris, but it was also the happiest day for their parents! And isn't that what weddings are about? The joining of two families into one great, big, uber-loving family?! Yes, I think so!By the time the reception rolled around, Chris & Priscilla were ready to party!! They kicked the night off by dancing to "Run This Town" by Rhianna, Jay-z and Kanye! Awesome! And from that point on the fun kept coming. From the Best Man's hilarious speech, to the bouquet toss which took three times to get right, to the dance floor jam packed with all of their friends and family getting down to hip-hop! It was awesome. And I felt so blessed to have had the opportunity to document it all. So thank you Priscilla and Chris, for letting me into your lives, for trusting me with your beautiful memories. I hope you love these photos and will always treasure them!I also have to give a ginormous thank you to my homegirl Jenn King for second shooting with me, and also to all the vendors who came together to make this wedding day so beautiful and amazing to photograph. Michelle Black, Joeleen of A Sweet Design, Meredith at The Malibou Lake and Mountain Club and DJ Ricky Jordan-- THANK YOU! You guys rock and I hope to work with you all again!I will seriously shut up now and show you the pictures. Also, as always, be sure to check out the SLIDESHOW at the end of the post!!!gettingreadyprisdressdetailsshoespris-2-2-2bridalspris-3pris-4bouquetsgroompris-5pris-6Sneakers & Pumps lined the aisles! Love it!aisledetailspris-7pris-9pris-10pris-11pris-15pris-14pris-13pris-17ceremonypris-18pris-20romanticspris-22pris-2-3pris-24pris-23Below is my favorite shot of the day!!!pris-25pris-26pris-28pris-31The reception room was impeccable! Look at these tablescapes...pris-30And the lovely details...SMALLreceptiondetailsAnd the amazing candy buffet...pris-29Some up close details...candydetailsThe bling...pris-2-4pris-27firstdancebouquettosspris-33pris-34pris-35pris-32These are really only the tippy-tip-tip of the iceberg. For more swoonilicious (yeah I just made up that word!) eye-candy please ch-ch-check out the SLIDESHOW below!!! And make sure your volumes is up, homies ;)

Last Friday I...

Last Friday I shot Chris & Priscilla's ultra fabulous wedding, with Jenn King as my trusty second shooter! It.was.amazing. SERIOUSLY! The whole day blew me a way so much that I have kinda been on a high from it ever since. Friday was also the first time I really felt with all my heart that I was definitely meant to pursue wedding photography. I am on the right journey. And that is a good feeling to have.I know I am still at the beginning of my journey. Still learning so much, and soaking everything in. Still building my arsenal of gear. Still building my brand. Still figuring out the business & my place in the grand scheme of things...But as I edit the photos most of that melts away (hey I'm a perfectionist, I'm always going to have some anxiety!) and I just feel confident it will all fall into place for me.But enough about me.... look at Chris & Priscilla's pretty faces!!bridegroom1Swoon...I love veil shots & I love stylish, radiant brides! And Chris was one cool lookin' groom! Priscilla & Chris, I cannot wait to blog more of your images!! I hope this will tide you over for a tiny bit! I promise there is MUCH more to come!