Last Friday I...

Last Friday I shot Chris & Priscilla's ultra fabulous wedding, with Jenn King as my trusty second shooter! It.was.amazing. SERIOUSLY! The whole day blew me a way so much that I have kinda been on a high from it ever since. Friday was also the first time I really felt with all my heart that I was definitely meant to pursue wedding photography. I am on the right journey. And that is a good feeling to have.I know I am still at the beginning of my journey. Still learning so much, and soaking everything in. Still building my arsenal of gear. Still building my brand. Still figuring out the business & my place in the grand scheme of things...But as I edit the photos most of that melts away (hey I'm a perfectionist, I'm always going to have some anxiety!) and I just feel confident it will all fall into place for me.But enough about me.... look at Chris & Priscilla's pretty faces!!bridegroom1Swoon...I love veil shots & I love stylish, radiant brides! And Chris was one cool lookin' groom! Priscilla & Chris, I cannot wait to blog more of your images!! I hope this will tide you over for a tiny bit! I promise there is MUCH more to come!