Posts in PRESS
Featured on Style Me Pretty (Facebook + Website)

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing Carolyn + Prescott's engagement session! I LOVE these two so much, and their engagement session was too adorable for words. Carolyn is the owner/baker of Half Baked Co in Valencia, CA and makes the cutesssst cupcakes and sweets on the planet. She is also super crafty and creative. So she and I collaborated on a Spring picnic engagement session...and the final photos have me squealing with delight! I cannot wait to share!On Friday, the Holy Grail of Wedding Blogs (aka Style Me Pretty) shared some of the images from Carolyn + Prescott's session on their facebook page:And they also featured the images on a gallery on the main site!! Go check it out:Soon I will be sharing some of these fabulous images here too!! So stay tuned!!

Featured on Hostess With The Mostess

YAY! Today is a good day! I have been a huuuuuuuge fan of Hostess With The Mostess since I got engaged in 2008 (ps why does 2008 seem like a million years ago?!). I LOVE the party inspiration that Jenn features. From showers, to theme parties to wedding related things-- Jenn shows the best of it all! I just LOVE it.So I am just thrilled beyond words to see my work featured on Hostess With The Mostess today! The pictures are from Alex's Engagement Party!!! For those who don't know, Alex is a FABULOUS wedding planner and everyone here should check her out asap! She rocks!Click here to take a peak at the lovely photo from Alex + Jono's engagement party:And check back later here from a few of my fave photos from this love filled fete!

More of the Lady Gaga Wedding shoot around the web!

It's so fun to still be seeing our Lady Gaga Wedding shoot popping up around the web! This week it appeared on two more blogs!First the Lady Gaga wedding was on Wedding Wire's Blog:Then it made an appearance on Hi Fi Weddings:Thanks to all who have featured this fab shoot and for all the positive feed back! It's been so fun to see the reaction to it!

Featured on Ever Ours

Today I'm so excited that Mandi + Dan's beachy, balloon love shoot was featured on Ever Ours! Ever Ours is SUCH a cute blog edited by the fabulous Lydia Yeung! I could not be more thrilled to see some of my images on her site! Thanks Lydia for the lovely  feature! And thanks to Mandi + Dan for being such a rad and inspiring couple!Go check out Mandi + Dan's love shoot on Ever Ours:

Disney's Lady and the Tramp Inspired Anniversary Dinner | Brooklyn + Mark

Yesterday one of my favorite wedding blogs, Green Wedding Shoes, featured this anniversary shoot I recently worked on! I am so thrilled at the reaction to this shoot because it is one of my FAVORITE sessions to date! So of course I am excited to share more images from the session and a little more of the back story. :)Brooklyn and Mark have been friends of mine for what now seems like for-ev-er! I met Mark before I even started my photography business, before I was even engaged to AJ. We took an acting class together and Mark was always the funniest person. He blew me away with his creativity. A short while later Brooklyn joined the class and I think it was fairly obvious to everyone that sparks were flying between them. It really was almost like fate...they were both actors, both from Colorado originally (in fact they lived 10 minutes away from each other without even knowing it), and they both had a major major love of Disney. Let me emphasize the Disney thing... these two go to the magic kingdom all the time to relax and they also love Disney animated movies with a passion...So when it came time to celebrate their anniversary, it seemed a no-brainer to have a Disney themed shoot. And seriously, what movie is cuter and sweeter than Lady and the Tramp! We all love the scene where Tramp takes Lady on a date to the alley behind the Italian restaurant and they are serenaded by the waiters. Bella Notte. It was perfect.We collaborated with an AMAZING dream team of wedding vendors make this idea a reality. The work everyone put in to making this wonderful dinner for Mark to surprise Brooklyn with was unbelievable! Here's the break down of the dream team who rocked this shoot:

Styling/Coordination - Intertwined - Honey and Poppies - Erica O'Brien Cake Design - Pitbulls & Posies Up/ Hair Styling - 10.11 Make Up

And photos by me! Of course! So without further ado here is Brooklyn & Mark's Lady and the Tramp inspired dinner!Since the dinner scene in Lady and the Tramp is an Italian set up, we wanted Italy to inspire the shoot as well! Unfortunately, we couldn't make it all the way across the Atlantic so we decided to set our scene in the Venice Canals of Los Angeles instead!It drizzled a little at first and I was all OH NO! But luckily it stopped pretty quickly and didn't ruin a thing!After our little Venice Canals photo shoot we walked a few blocks to the alley way for their surprise! Of course, we needed a few shots w/ their pup as well!Then the big reveal of the dinner scene! Brooklyn was SO surprised and excited!Cheers!Megan of Honey and Poppies created the MOST GORGEOUS florals for this shoot! To say that I love them would be an understatement. I mean look... their are blackberries in that arrangement! Blackberries! And basil too! Basil in the arrangements for an Italian inspired shoot! SO thoughtful!The most famous shot from Lady and the Tramp recreated here...Yep... they slurped it till they kissed! Adorable!This shot just makes me laugh. hehe. Sorry Mark!In the movie Lady and Tramp get serenaded by their waiters playing the accordion and singing "Bella Notte." Mark brought along an accordion and did his best to serenade Brooklyn......which she found charming, endearing, and apparently HILARIOUS.The sun began to set but Mark had one last surprise up his sleeve...An anniversary cake designed by the fabulous Erica O'Brien! YUM!The fab paper goods for this dinner were all done by Amber of Pitbulls & Posies! I just LOVED the doily sign, wine label and menus she made just for them!At the very end of the shoot I played around with some night shots of our dinner scene. I loooove photographing in natural light and that's mainly what I do, but this was so fun to play with!I loved being able to capture the beautiful twinkly candle light!Love!!Romantica!One last night shot for fun....

Featured on Green Wedding Shoes!

Today is an especially RAD Tuesday because on of my recent love shoots is being featured on one of my all time favorite wedding blogs, Green Wedding Shoes! Green Wedding Shoes always showcases the most stylish and unique weddings & inspiration and I'm just SO honored to be on their blog! Thank you Jen!This week I will be sharing more gorgeous photos from this Lady and the Tramp inspired anniversary shoot but for now go take a peak at it on GWS:

The Lady Gaga Wedding Around The Web!!

Wow!!! Our Lady Gaga Wedding Inspiration shoot debuted on Wedding Chicks earlier this week, and it took the web by storm! I was not at all expecting such a big reaction, and I have been so blown away by all the sweet comments and shout outs we received! I've also been so excited to see the shoot pop up around the web! Just thought I'd take the time to share the additional press the shoot received!AMP 97.1 Radio Station featured the Gaga Wedding on their blog:

Utah Bride picked up the shoot as well:

Martha's Circle on Martha Stewart gave us a shout out:

And some brides on Project Wedding buzzed about our shoot too:

Bride Finds gave us a holla in their weekly recap in what was big in weddings this week!:

Thank you to everyone who let me know where they saw the shoot pop up! And thanks to everyone for your support! Love you all! xoxo!

Featured Around The Web

Today it's like Christmas and my birthday came in March!!! I'm so excited to have two awesome features floating around the blogosphere today!!First up, remember that fabulous Serra Plaza Brunch?! Well today it is featured on one of my favorite blogs Grey Likes Weddings!Click here to see this Brunch Wedding Inspiration on Grey Likes:Secondly, I was so very honored to be a part of a fabulous Lady Gaga Wedding Inspiration shoot...and today it's featured on Wedding Chicks!!Ever wonder what GaGa's wedding will be like?! Click here to see our predictions:

Published in Brides Southern California

I am soooooo excited to share this news with y'all!!! Today we saw for the first time ever, one of our photos IN A MAGAZINE! I die! I don't think I ever thought that would be something that would happen to me! So to see a photo of mine in such a highly regarded magazine is purrrrrrrrrty exciting!!I may be getting a little too excited. You see, it's just one little picture. I photographed some of Erica O'Brien's GORGEOUS cakes for her portfolio, and Brides Magazine chose to feature it in this issue of the magazine! So without my friend Erica and her absolutely stunning cake design, this little moment of excitement would not be possible! Thanks Erica for trusting me to capture your amazing cakes!!! :)If you happen to pick up a copy of the spring/summer 2011 Brides SoCal magazine. please turn to page 166 and see my little photo!!! Or check out this scan below (sorry for the bad quality, apparently I suck at scanning!):*The photo credit is in the crease so I couldn't scan it! But mine is the photo of Erica O'Brien's cake (pink background, bottom row left corner).So that's my exciting news!! YAY!

Kentucky Derby Wedding Inspiration

Last week I posted about being featured on the front page of Wedding Chicks and how completely giddy I was over the feature! Now, finally, I'm sharing more images from the fabulous shoot with you here!! :)I was totally flattered when back in November florist extraordinaire Kate Baker asked if I could come photograph some details of an event she was working on. Though not a wedding, this event had AMAZING details and a unique Kentucky Derby theme! Honestly, there was so much inspiration to be had everywhere! I could totally see a bride getting married on a ranch, equestrian center, or country club taking some of these horse racing motifs and running with it! From the delicate florals, to the pennant escort cards, to the vintage horse racing props...every detail was thought out! I am so thankful to have been a part of this shoot and so thankful to Wedding Chicks for featuring it! I hope it will inspire many brides out there!! ;)The amazing vendors who worked on this event are:* Floral Design and Décor: Kate Baker Floral Design* Event Production: Kat Napolitano of Entertainment Plus Productions* Stationary Design, Peilin Chen-Breller Style and Design  www.peilinbreller.comAnd without further ado...the pictures!!!

The horse-shoe shaped head table was a true show stopper, decorated with tall and low floral arrangements!

The programs were adorable! Thanks to AJ for hand modeling for me ;)

Bling, silver, delicate flowers...the event was luxe all the way!

LOVE these pennant escort cards!!

And if you haven't checked out the feature on Wedding Chicks yet, you can do so by clicking here!!
Featured on Wedding Chicks!

YAY!! It has been a goal all of 2010 to see my work featured on the front page of Wedding Chicks. Because, seriously? I LOVE that blog!! So when I woke up this lovely January morning to see my photos there, I did the happiest of happy dances! Awesome. 2011, you already rock!! The pictures featured are wedding inspiration for a  Secretariat/Horse Racing theme wedding! It's a must see!!Check out the Secretariat themed wedding inspiration on Wedding Chicks here:And come back here tomorrow for more exquisite photos from this shoot!! :)

2010 Year In Review: The Features

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wow, I can't believe its the first day of 2011 already! 1.1.11!!! How cool is that?! On Monday, I will be posting about some exciting goals I have for 2011, and some big GIVE AWAYS for you!!! But today I wanted to post one last "Year in Review" entry for 2010!When setting goals for 2010, the biggest dream I had was to be featured on wedding blogs! I LOVE wedding blogs! They are such a great resource for engaged couples trying to plan the biggest day of their lives. In 2008 and 2009, I must have read 10 wedding blogs a day! I was  planning my own wedding and was thoroughly obsessed with every wedding blog I could find! No lie. ....but I never thought I'd ever see any of my photos on these big blogs!To see how many wonderful features we got in 2010 blows my mind! The blogosphere likes me, they really like me! I definitely feel like I accomplished that big goal of 2010, and to review all our features makes me feel super proud! I can't wait to submit more work in 2011 and see where we get featured next!!! But for now, before I dream forwards, let's look back just once!Our first big feature was Rachel + Mark 's wedding on Style Unveiled:Here's another screen shot...Jenni + Jamie's wedding was featured on Elizabeth Anne Designs (one of my all time FAVORITE blogs):Zoe + Nima's engagement session was also featured on Style Unveiled:Mike + Serene's wedding was featured on Wedding Yentas:Dani + Tony's elopement was featured on Perfect featured a photo I took of one of Erica O'Brien's gorgeous wedding cakes:Justin + Susannah's Mr. and Mrs. session was featured on Hot Pink Brides:To cap it off, we already know of a few big & exciting features coming in 2011!! So stay tuned! :)And check in on Monday for our give away announcement!!!!!

Featured on Hot Pink Brides

I'm so excited that Susannah & Justin's Mr. & Mrs. session was featured on Hot Pink Brides last week! Hot Pink Brides is a guide for modern & glamorous brides and I absolutely love it! They have so much eye candy and great inspiration! It's definitely worth adding to your google reader if you love fabulous & funky wedding ideas! Which, by the way, I totally DO!!It means so much to be featured on this awesome blog! This shoot was definitely an amazing one, and it's so awesome to see it be recognized!! Thank you Tabitha at Hot Pink Brides for the feature!Check out Susannah + Justin on Hot Pink Brides:

It's the little things...

...that can really make life grand. That can make a regular day a pretty exciting one. A little thing like waking up to find that a photo you have taken is being featured on!! :)I have to give a huge thank you to the fabulous Erica O'Brien for being an AMAZING cake designer and for trusting me to take photos of her work. I am so thrilled I did a good job for her and that her gorgeous work is being showcased by Brides!Seriously if you need a cake designer, Erica is your gal! Her work is STUNNING and extremely tasty too! She has been featured all over the place this year, so get her for your wedding before she is all booked up! :)Check out Erica O'Brien's White Winter Cake on

Featured on Perfect Bound!

Happy Friday everyone! Today is an extra happy Friday because Dani + Tony's fabulous Mr. and Mrs. session has been featured on Perfect Bound!Perfect Bound is one of my favorite wedding blogs right now because they focus so much on fashion, and glamorous and vintage details! If you are a bride you simply must check it out! You will totally be inspired!!Why not start getting hooked today?! And check out Dani + Tony on Perfect Bound!!

Featured on The Wedding Yentas

I was so excited to wake up this morning to find that Serene + Mike's beautiful Bacara Resort wedding was featured on The Wedding Yentas!! The Wedding Yentas is a wonderful blog for Jewish brides and grooms looking for inspiration as they plan their wedding! As a Jewish girl myself, I am really excited to have this wedding featured on Wedding Yentas. Every time I look at their site I learn, like, 10 things I didn't know about Jewish culture. It really is a great blog, and even if you're not Jewish, there is still tons of eye candy for readers to look at!Check out Mike + Serene on Wedding Yentas

I'm on fire!!

I'm feeling like I am on fire! I landed safely in LA today after an AH-MAZING DC Trip & wedding and found out 3 awesome things.1) I won a contest on to get a sweet new black rapid women's camera strap! :) I've been anxiously awaiting this strap since I tried it on t WPPI in March! So to win was super sweet!2) Zoe & Nima's awesome engagement session was featured last week on the new Style Unveiled!! Check it out!

3) And lastly but not leastly....I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN AS A FINALIST BY WEDDING CHANNEL AS ONE OF THE TOP WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY BLOGS! That's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool! Like, Elizabeth Messina is another nominee. And little ole me is nominated in the same category. HOLLA. But y'all. I need YOUR VOTES so I can win "Best Wedding Photography Blog." Yep, this little lady has her eyes on the prize! So if you read my blog & love it (or even just like it a little) please take a few secs to vote for me HERE!Vote for Me for the Bridal Blog Awards!

FEATURED: Elizabeth Anne Designs

What a way to start the day!!! I woke up this morning to see Jenni + Jamie's beautiful Santa Barbara Glam wedding featured on one of my absolute favorite wedding blogs ever, Elizabeth Anne Designs!! Yippee!!!!!!! I am SO thrilled for Jenni & Jamie and also BFF and planner Michelle! They all worked so hard to create a gorgeous wedding, and they really more than achieved their goal!! Now their wedding can serve as an inspiration to many other brides!!! SO cool!!!So go check it out:Thank you SOOOO much to Ami at EAD for the feature!!! I am honored!!! :)

FEATURED: Style Unveiled

Getting featured in an online publication was one of my goals for 2010. Pretty much a dream! And I am so thrilled to say that it has happened! The lovely ladies over at have featured Rachel & Mark's wedding as one of their real weddings!! Hoooray! I am so excited that I could scream at the top of my lungs! This is pretty much one of the coolest things to happen to me to date! Yeeeah!I really have to thank the fabulous Susie Chhuor for bringing this wedding to the attention of the gals of Style Unveiled! I also gotta thank Rachel & Mark for a)being the most awesome people ever b) having a fabulous wedding c) trusting me with their memories and d) writing such kind words about me in the article! I am so moved! And of course major thanks to Heather & Kimberly at Style Unveiled for the feature! You all made my day! :)But seriously go check out the article and then go browse the site and lose hours of time while checking out all the eye candy! It really is a great resource for stylish brides!!!

FEATURED : TinaMolina Event's Blog

I'm so thrilled to be featured on the **fab** TinaMolina Event's Blog as a Favorite Vendor! I absolutely love working with Christina of TinaMolina Events so it was so exciting to be one of her fav vendors! Y'all should check out the little interview on her blog by clicking HERE!Again, thank you so much Christina for all your support! You rock! Can't wait to work together more this year!