New in 2010 | Tuesday Top 5 a teaser

So I told y'all I'd be blogging at least 3 times a week. And I mean it FOR REALZ in 2010. Got that? FOR REALZ.So here is a new feature for your enjoyment. Tuesday Top 5! Kinda self explanatory, eh? Every Tuesday I post about 5 awesome-mc-blossom things! Things that make me tick! And things that make me jump for joy! So here goes!Top 5

  1. 2010! 2010 has been pretty sweet so far! I've met some great couples, and already shot a FANTASTIC wedding! Maybe the best wedding I have shot EVER! That's a good sign, no? I think 2010 is going to be great, so here's to the new year! And lots more awesome weddings ;)
  2. The Princess & The Frog!! OMG this movie rocked so hard!! I laughed, I sighed, I sang, I cried! It was beautiful. For those who haven't seen it, what are you waiting for?? For those who did see it, holla at me and tell me how much you loved it!!!
  3. Blackberry & Tmobile. Guys, I finally entered the modern age and got a smart-phone! It was actually FREE at Costco as long as I renewed my contract. Now I did want an iphone, but that was not free. Did I ever mention I love a good deal??? Especially FREE things! Yeah I do! I love good deals like whoa. So me and my new blackberry are getting to know each other. And I'd say, blackberry is kinda swell! Thanks Tmobile for helping get high-tech!
  4. Mika. Lately whenever I edit photos I listen to Mika (both of his CD's)...and maybe I sing along at the top of my lungs. Maybe. He's soooo good! A little glam rock, a little pop, a little je ne sais quoi! If y'all haven't listened to him, I say go for it! Even my husband can listen to him (which is RARE as my hubs dislikes most of my music choices)!
  5. Lady Gaga for Polaroid! Those who are my fb friends or follow me twitter probably know I uber heart Lady Gaga.  She is without a doubt my favorite artist out there right now! And now she is CREATIVE DIRECTOR for a Polaroid specialty division. I'm excited to see where this partnership goes. I heart polaroid and have been wanting it to come back with a bang. And now my homegirl is trying to take the iconic camera into the future! Sweet! Click here to watch an awesome interview with more info!

So I guess I can't leave y'all without a picture right? Well I can...but then you'd say HOW RUDE! So here is a teaser from last Saturday's frickin' awesome wedding-- my first wedding of 2010. The blog post for this wedding is probably gonna be HUGE. Because there are too many good shots. Too many! But for now I'll just leave you with one.

Happy Tuesday!!!

{ Planning a 2010 Wedding? CONTACT ME for info on rates and availability }

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