Posts tagged pacific weddings
Haiku Mill, Maui Birthday Fete for Anna Kim

As some of you know, in 2013 I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Maui multiple times and work for my good friend Anna Kim. Anna is like a soul-sister to me! We have so much in common-- from photography style to tv shows to foodie tastes to even the same bathing suits! I just adore any time I get to spend with her and hang out... of course it doesn't hurt she happens to live in one of my favorite places ever, Hawaii! ;)While I was working/playing with her this summer, it coincided with her birthday. Anna is not only much loved by me but everyone who meets her. I mean it's kinda impossible not to love her! So she had a beautiful birthday party at one of the most gorgeous wedding venues on Earth... the Haiku Mill in Maui. All her friends & family who adore her surrounded her with love that day. And a very fancy birthday fete-- complete with gorgeous florals by Dellables-- was held in her honor. It was an amazing day, and I was flattered to not only attend as a guest but to also photograph parts of it for Anna. The party was even featured on Pacific Wedding's Blog.It was actually a rainy day, though it is hard to tell in pictures. My favorite memory ever of that night was dancing and singing with Anna in the rain to the tune of Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines." So fun!Thank you Anna for being a wonderful friend to me! I hope you will always cherish these photos :)haiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographerhaiku mill maui wedding photographer


FEATURED IN: Pacific Weddings Magazine Blog

As you may or may not know I am currently in Maui for a little work and a lot of play! I've been here for 11 days now and still have 5 more to go! While I was here, my very close friend Anna Kim (you may remember her from this shoot) had a fabulous birthday fete at the magical wedding venue Haiku Mill. Anna was very kind in asking me to photograph her party so she could remember it... and as you may imagine, it is always flattering when another talented peer who you really admire asks you to photograph something for them! So of course I was very happy and honored to oblige!Today Pacific Weddings Magazine featured the affair on their blog... which showcases my photos alongside some of the photos Anna took at the party too! Very cool!You can check out the feature HERE! 

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