Tuesday Top 5 ... and another family mini-sesh

Whoa last week flew by!!! Can't believe its already time for the second installment of Tuesday Top 5! So here we go:1. The Jasmine Star Workshop!! Whoa guys, so back in December I got a coveted spot in Jasmine Star's February 16 workshop!! I was super excited to get in, but it seemed so far away. FEBRUARY. After Valentine's. And it wasn't even X-mas yet. But now the workshop is only a month away. Jasmine sent out a letter to everyone, welcoming us, and giving us the info for all the attendees! I'm so excited to meet all the other photographers attending and I can't wait to see what J* has in store for us!! It won't be long now! HOLLA!2. My husband. Really he is in the top 5 every week...he's my #1 (tied with my cats though duh!). BUT last night he made me brownies. BROWNIES! Yep, that's all that's on my mind. Actually now that I think about it, maybe brownies hold the #2 spot on this week's list...yummy warm chewy chocolatey goodness. Yes, BROWNIES. Nom nom nom.3. Big Love. If you don't have HBO, I feel sorry for you. Because really its not TV people, its HBO. Quality programming at its best. All the original programming rocks my world. But...right now its Big Love showing. And its Bigger than EVER! This show gets exponentially better each season-- the writers are so good for always raising the stakes. The acting is superb. There is so much depth about the human experience in this show, with just the right combo of drama and comedy. Its FAB. So watch it. At least Netflix the old seasons. You'll thank me!4. Haircuts! It had been way too long since I got my hair cut...My hair was LONG. And it was driving me crazy. It took forever to wash and brush, and it would get all matted underneath. Can you say ANNOYING? So my trusty hair dresser fixed the situation! My hair is still "long" just a little below the shoulders, but its not way too long, get it?  Its soooo easy to handle again. LOVE IT.5.  New business cards. I'm kinda ashamed to admit that I had the ghettoist home-made business cards ever. At first it was because I was waiting to finish working with my designer on my new logo... and why invest in a nice card with a temporary logo? Then I got my logo but I don't know..I just procrastinated. I meant to get new cards, but something was always higher on the to do list. Until a week ago. The hubs designed my cards and I ordered them through Overnight Prints. And they arrived looking beautiful! Can't wait to start handing them out to everyone I see. I will blog a pic of them soon, I swear! Or better yet, let's meet up and then I can give you one ;)And now....here are some pics from yet another holiday mini-session I didn't blog! Enjoy!

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