New in 2010 | Become a Fan or Follower and Win!

So 2010. New Year. New Goals. New Start! Exciting! One thing I'd really like to do this year is connect with way way way more people and in general reach a broader audience! Obviously, a great way to do this is via facebook and twitter. I have to say I'm little bummed that I only have 32 twitter followers as of right now, and though I do have over 125 facebook fans, quite frankly I could always use more.But I realize facebook and twitter are a 2 way street. When I follow someone I want to get something in return whether it be a chuckle, or a helpful tip, or something else. I get it. And I mean...guys...I am HILARIOUS (anyone read me pirate tweet 2 days ago?? my hubs literally LOL'd)...but gee whiz is it hard to be constantly coming up with funny content! So I thought, okay what else can I do to entice people?The answer? I will now be periodically doing contests-- mini-photo session  giveaways-- and announcing them ONLY via my facebook and twitter. The giveaways will consist  of 30 minutes of photo time with me in Downtown Culver City. You will be able to view all the images in a gallery and pick 5 images from our session for me to edit! Then I will give you the hi-res files of 5 picks on disc, which you can then make prints from!  This is very similar to the holiday mini-sessions I was offering-- a $100 value!So here's the deal: become my fan on facebook or follow me on twitter or double your odds and do both!!! I will be announcing the first giveaway and how to enter via my facebook/twitter at the end of the week! :)

Happy New Year!!!!PS- There will be a marathon boudoir session soon! I will be posting details about a new marathon boudoir session in a few days! Looks, like it will be Jan 17 so save the date & email me if interested!