Book Your Holiday Mini Sessions!

It's here! That special time of year where boots come out to play on our feet, pumpkin spice lattes warm our hands, and we get into the holiday spirit! Well, admittedly it has been a bit hard to do that here in SoCal because the weather has been CRAZY HOT! But, the fact of the matter is, it is October, people! And we need to start preparing for the holidays!Autumn is the one time of year I set aside to do family and group sessions-- in addition to couples. As y'all know I specialize in weddings and boudoir and the two areas keep me very busy most of the year! But I love to get a chance to work with my former clients and their (growing) families, as well as the families of my clients' friends! It's a nice little time to catch up with everyone and continue to document your lives! My mini sessions are a great value! And, better yet, mini sessions provide that perfect Holiday card portrait that everyone is in need of this time of year!So yep, it is that time! This year I will be holding Mini Sessions in SANTA BARBARA, CA on November 4th and 11th (both Sundays). One day the shoot will be downtown SB and one day it will be a beach setting! Want more info? Check out the flyer below and CALL US 323. 207.6754 or email