Featured On Style Me Pretty

Every once in awhile it hits me that not only do I have a job that allows me to be my own boss, be creative, and take photographs for a living, but I also have a job that is meaningful. That creates a good in the world. Today is one such day where I realize the power of what I do beyond the joy my work brings to my own life. While a feature on Style Me Pretty is always exciting and wonderful, today's feature is extra special. Because it is putting the spotlight on amazing couple who's love is braver and stronger than cancer. Their inspirational story and their elopement photos (taken by your truly) are featured today...and they just called to tell me how happy the feature made them, and how donations are already pouring in for them. Wow. I am humbled, inspired and uplifted. So grateful and honored to be a part of this big day and to think that my photos have helped raise awareness (about their story, this specific type of cancer, and for their site) in some small way! Amazing!Go check out Jessica + Norm's inspiring story and beautiful Santa Barbara Elopement on Style Me Pretty!

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