Santa Barbara Portrait Photography | Michelle's Story


I had the honor to photograph Michelle who touched my heart, and the hearts of many, so deeply. Michelle, a wife and mother of two young girls, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She fought and she lived fully. She made an incredible documentary that was featured in the Santa Barbara Film Festival about her journey.

The day of our shoot I could tell that Michelle was struggling but she was so determined to fully participate in the experience. She had told me she was supposed to actually be at a Doctor's appointment that day but she felt there was nothing more important that she could be doing than being photographed with her family. ::Cue the tears:: It was my goal to make the experience everything she and her family could ever dream of.

I made this video of it all from her husband's point of view.

Michelles_Story_720p from Ashleigh Henning on Vimeo.

I think about Michelle often and miss her so much. I feel so grateful that I was able to capture these memories-- for her husband, for her daughters.