Castaway Gardens, Burbank Wedding Photography | Ryan & Kristina
I loved Ryan & Kristina since the moment I met them. Our meeting was easy, fun, and just awesome. We chatted like old friends, we laughed and before the night was through they booked me on the spot. From that day forward I have been waiting for their wedding. And let me tell you the day did not disappoint at all! Ryan & Kristina had a beautiful vibrant, Hawaiian inspired wedding held at The Castaway Gardens in Burbank. The day was filled with so much laughter, tears of joy and even a little rain. What? Rain in LA in July?!!! Yep!!! About 2 minutes before the ceremony was set to start the sky opened up and gave us a little Hawaii-esque tropical shower. We all jumped up and huddled to the ONLY covered area on the Luau Garden grounds! But as soon as the sun came back everyone went back to their seats and the day just moved right along. It was quirky but perfect. It definitely added a funny little story to the day-- one I'm sure Ryan & Kristina will tell to their grandkids!So Ryan & Kristina. These two are perfect for each other. They make each other laugh. They take care of each other. They are already a family, and their kids are so super amazing. I can't even imagine a more perfect pairing. And during their vows I learned even more about these two and just how good they are for each other. How they have survived some trying times together. And how they have always grown closer and stronger through it all. Together these two have found the fairytale love they had always hoped for, but weren't sure really existed. And that is amazing. It's inspiring and it proves to me that fairytales DO exist in real life. Sigh...So Ryan & Kristina, thank you for trusting to me to document your big day. I loved the day so much and I have had a blast reliving it as I edited these images for you! You two have something special, and it inspires me! :) Also thank you to Jenn for second shooting with me-- shooting with you is always a blast!!!And now onto the photos.....Kristina's shoes were fabulous!!!! If my feet weren't totally child-size I would so ask to borrow them!

For more from Ryan & Kristina's happy, vibrant, fun wedding...and to see why the song she chose to walk down the aisle to made me bawl my eyes out... please check out the SLIDESHOW below:
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