Posts tagged long beach wedding photography
Long Beach Wedding Photography | Matt + Patricia

Matt and Patricia are such a sweet and caring couple. I knew that when I initially met them, and saw it even more during their engagement session. So their wedding? It was no different! During their Catholic mass they kept giving each other stolen glances and smiles! When they were announced husband and wife, they beamed. And when they danced their first dance, to which I might add was impeccably choreographed, they melted into each other. These two could not have been happier to have just committed their lives to each other, and that made me super giddy to watch!!! :)Matt and Patricia's wedding was also filled with so much laughter! And really, I believe laughter is as essential to a wedding as happy tears. Though the priest had many wise words for the couple, he also threw a lot of jokes in. There were many chuckles infused in the ceremony. And at the reception, the toast from Matt's best man (his brother Chris) was HILARIOUS. It was almost a roast and not a toast. Everybody was laughing together, laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes.  It was definitely a wedding full of love and emotion. Tres beautiful indeed!So now onto the pictures! Sarina and I started the day with Matt and his groomsmen. They arrived at the church excited for the wedding!! :)

The ceremony was a traditional Catholic mass.
I love this moment of Patricia's brother giving her to Matt. So sweet and Patricia looks SO happy!
It was so sweet when they read their vows to each other!
Just announced Mr. and Mrs. Could these two be any CUTER?!
Off to portraits. This shot was even posed. They just looked at each other and smiled that giddy "we're married!!!" smile!! And me? I just snapped away!
Patricia had some pretty fabulous ruffly shoes on!! So I told her to show 'em off and work it oooouuuuttttt!!!!
Matt and Patricia, you two are GORGEOUS!
Sometimes I have my couples dance for me instead of pose. Patricia had a lot of fun with it and I LOVE how vibrant and fun this resulting shot is!!
The reception...Loved the blue UP-LIGHTS and candle light on the tables! Seriously though, uplighting is a great investment and adds to much depth and wow to the room!
A few snaps from the money dance!! Patricia sure raked it in!! But seriously, who wouldn't wanna dance with her?!
LOVE this bouquet shot!!! The perfect way to end the night!!

To see more from Matt and Patricia's Long Beach wedding watch the SLIDE SHOW below!