Posts tagged katherine heigl
Tuesday Top 5

Well, kids, it's another Tuesday. So it's time for another Tuesday Top 5!!1. Los Angeles Haunted Hayride. Did I ever mention that I love all things HALLOWEEN? Because I do. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. I love dressing up. I love candy. And I really like all the scary, ghoulish stuff. I dunno why exactly. It's just fun! One thing I particularly love is haunted houses and mazes. I used to LOVE going to Knott's Scary Farm every October, but a few years ago I realized that I had been so many times that it kinda stopped being scary. So ever since I have been on the hunt for new, fun, haunted attractions. This year my friends and I hit up the LA Haunted Hayride which is at the old LA Zoo at Griffith Park. Oh man, it was AWESOME!!! It was a different experience (I've never been on a hayride before) and yet had all the scary trimmings I enjoy! It wasn't the scariest thing I ever been to, but it had a few good moments. And it was really fun! I recommend it to any fellow Halloween lovers out there!! ;)2. Crepe'n Around. I had my 3rd food truck encounter this week...with Crepe'n Around!! I love crepes so this was practically a no-brainer. I ordered a nutella crepe, and, well, it was as heavenly as a nutella crepe could possibly be. Which is to say, it was AMAZING.3. Life As We Know It. I went to see this movie with my mom this weekend. I actually wanted to see Paranormal Activity 2, but my mom vetoed that. I gotta say, I was skeptical of this movie. But I kinda enjoyed it! Sure, it was predictable. Sure, I hate when Katherine Heigl (one of the most gorgeous ladies on Earth) plays gals that can never seem to get a date. Sure, it was a total chick flick. But hey, I liked it. It was funny, yet at times a bit sad, and cute and sweet. It was a feel good movie. And sometimes that's all you need!4. Family Dinners. I have always loved big family dinners. When everyone gets together and catches up. Its so hard these days that everyone in my family can find one date to get together. So when these moments happen I cherish them. My family had dinner on Sunday, and though I feel awfully sorry that we probably drove the waitstaff at the restaurant INSANE, it was so much fun. At one point I was laughing with my uncle so hard that I literally slid off my seat! Classic. I love being with everyone so much, and it's memories like those which I will always treasure!5. Rocky Horror Glee Show. TONIGHT! Tonight is the Rocky Horror Glee episode, and to say I am pumped would be putting it mildly. I can't wait to see what they do with Rocky Horror, and I can't wait to relive my glory days. Yes, when I was 15 I spent every Saturday night at the Nuart, dressed in vinyl, partaking in Rocky Horror goodness. Was I dork? Most definitely. But I was awesome too. The whole thing was awesome. And I miss those days sometimes. So tonight, I shall relive it all, and celebrate like a wild and untamed thing!!Left to right: Los Angeles Haunted Hayride logo and Hollywood sign from official site, Crepe'n Around truck image originally uploaded by LeandroF, Rocky Horror Glee image from official Glee site, Life as We Know It image from Warner Bros website.