Here is part two of Vanessa and Pat's Hawaii Trash The Dress session! I think this is the part everyone has been waiting for...when Vanessa jumps in the ocean in her wedding dress! LOVE! You might think it's kinda scary or sad to trash your dress but I gotta say, Vanessa and Pat had a ton of fun with it! Vanessa was smiling and laughing and loving being in the warm waters of Lani Kai Beach! She was having so much fun, in fact, that I was totally jealous. If I'd had my wedding dress, I definitely would have jumped in right beside her!!! Really, I would have!! It looked THAT fun and liberating! Just see for yourself!We trashed the dress little by little. First, they walked on the shoreline as the water lapped up on their feet.

A little bit of fun dancing...

And then BAM! Water! In wedding clothes!! Fabulous!!! See what I mean about fun and liberating?!

Vanessa worked it in the water like nobody's business! Fierce, I tell you! FIERCE!

Trashing the dress doesn't have to only mean being in the water you know! Not at all! For example, you can get sexy in the sand!

REAL sexy!!!

Oh. Em. Gee. I am in total love with the fabulousness here. The sky! The light! The water! The most gorgeous and ferosh couple ever! Love. Love. LOVE!

And back in the water! 'Cause, really, being in the water is SO FUN!

Work it out you two! Work it oooooouuutttttt!

I love this!!

This shot was the PERFECT way to end the session! I just LOVE it!