Posts tagged getty center engagement
Getty Center Engagement Photography | Ryan + Kristina

So Engagement season has officially begun!!! :) On Saturday, I got to photograph Ryan & Kristina's engagement pictures at the Getty Center and it was an ABSOLUTE BLAST!! Ryan & Kristina were one of the first couples to book me for 2010-- they actually booked me on the spot at our meeting and I was so thrilled! My awesome 2009 bride Crystal referred them to me, so it was no surprise that we hit it off right away! Ever since the that day we met I have been sooo excited for their wedding, and this engagement session means the wedding really is just around the corner!Ryan & Kristina chose the most beautiful spot for the session, the Los Angeles Getty Center, but they didn't just choose it because its gorgeous. They chose it because it means something. This is the place these two go when they need a break. When life gets stressful. When they need to slow down and just enjoy each other. And as we walked around the grounds of the Getty I could tell these two were totally in their element. The way they gazed at each other, the way they held hands, the way they laughed-- it was like all they could see was each other. Seeing them together, so caught up in each other's eyes was really a beautiful thing!The other great thing about this shoot was that my husband came along and second shot with me for the first time! And guys, my husband has been hiding his talents from me!!! He shot the whole thing in manual and nearly every shot was exposed perfectly! And he captured some great moments! It was really fun having my lovey with me at a place as romantical as the Getty, with a couple as fun as Ryan & Kristina! I can see us all catching some dinner together sometime soon! Perhaps Ryan can make us some stuffed salmon with the herbed goat cheese, eh Ryan? You KNOW you want to ;)

AJ took this shot & I love it! I think that Ryan & Kristina were laughing at something I said (because I am like superrrr funnylicious) and I just love how candid it is! So them!
Ryan & Kristina, you two are so good looking it hurts!!!
AJ nailed the photo on the left while I grabbed the tighter shot on the right!
Check out that view! And the gorgeous architecture of the Getty! Doesn't get any more gorgeous than that! I love how its SO Los Angeles as well!
So sweet! Ryan & Kristina I just love you guys to pieces and cannot wait for your wedding in July! It is going to ROCK!
And for everyone who can't get enough of Ryan & Kristina (because really how can you ever get enough of Ryan & Kristina) please check out their SLIDESHOW below with more fab pictures from the engagement session!!

After seeing that epic engagement session, aren't you just so inspired to check out the Getty yourself? Here the info: 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049