Posts tagged ceresville mansion wedding photography
Ceresville Mansion Frederick, Maryland Wedding Photography | Pam & Justin

I am super stoked to blog these images from Pam & Justin's fabulous wedding at the Ceresville Mansion in Frederick, Maryland! Pam & Justin were the first couple to book me for 2010, and their wedding was going to be just outside the Washington DC area no less! I can't tell you how giddy I was-- not just to have booked my first wedding for the next season, but to book a destination wedding! I LOVE traveling and absolutely love to photograph weddings outside the SoCal area! I knew their wedding would be a real treat!What I didn't know was how over the year, despite the long distance, I would become friends with Pam! I was so excited to get updates from her with details of their big day and to hear about the excitement in their lives! My hubby AJ was actually already online buddies with Justin and Pam for years, so it was really cool us all getting to know each other and finally meeting face to face on the big day! I can now say I have two super awesome homies in the DC area now! Holla!Justin and Pam's wedding was held in the beautiful Ceresville Mansion in Frederick, Maryland. I felt like the Mansion totally represented them as a couple-- sophisticated, timeless, charming. Pam and Justin are just so sweet together. Their faces totally light up when they see each other, they get lost in each others eyes, they lean on each other through everything, and they still have the passion of a brand new romance! They are perfect for each other. It is totally obvious that their love is timeless. So, I loved the historic feeling of the venue they chose, and how the whole day was filled with classic details. From the the three piece string band that played during their ceremony, to the elegant decor, to their impeccably written vows (Justin quoted Proust in his vows!!),  to the reception filled with amazing and warm toasts from so many family members and friends, the day perfectly represented them. It was amazing, and I was truly honored to have captured the day for them. Thank you so much Justin & Pam for having me and AJ come all the way across the country to be a part of your big day. I loved every single moment & I am so happy for you both!And also thank you my east coast buddy, Laurie Bracewell, for second shooting with me and AJ. Also thanks to Wayne at Ceresville for coordinating the day beautifully, and to Carla Ligon-Miller for rocking Pam's make up & hair!! ;) And now onto the photos!!

I love this shot of Pam's mom seeing Pam all made up for the first time! It was a very touching moment!

AJ snagged some shots of Justin getting ready across the hall, while Laurie & I were with Pam!

I loved how excited Pam was when she saw herself in the mirror! She really lit up the room with her beauty!!!

Work it.

I love everything about this!!!

The first look...

A few fun bride & groom shots! I took the photo on the left, and AJ grabbed the photo on the right!

It was truly a beautiful ceremony!! Not a dry eye in the house!

A few more romantics with the newlyweds!! I loved this lily pond!

Love this shot Laurie grabbed on the left & the one I grabbed on the right! Sunset light...sigh...

The bling!!

The reception decor was very elegant.

Pam and Justin were so happy throughout the night! And they laughed and smiled as they listened to all the amazing toasts their guests made.

Can't get enough of Justin & Pam's beautiful wedding?? Watch the SLIDESHOW below!!