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Belated Tues Top 5

Yo peeps! I feel like an awful blogger. I haven't been updating and I have two weddings and two engagements that need to get blogged stat! Yikes! I have been in a whirlwind trying to clean out my grandparents apartment and close out their estate. And my daddy is in town to help me. So that's where I've been. Wish it was more exciting, like I was on fantastic trip or something...but nope. I've just been going to banks, paying bills, closing accounts and filling garbage bags with TONS of stuff to donate!!But I don't want to leave my buddies without a dose of TT5. That's my new abbreviation of Tuesday Top 5. Plus, it is still technically Tuesday!!!So here goes:1. Awesome Italian people & last minute bookings! Last Friday I got a call from a charming Italian fellow, asking if I could take engagement pictures of him & his fiance...the next day! Because she would be leaving town! Crazy! But I'm SOOOO glad Andrea & Barbara found me, because they are like the coolest people ever. It doesn't hurt that they are Italian and have amazing Italian style and adorable accents. And they are so sweet & fun! I had a great time! I am so glad they found me & the last minute shoot worked out! It was fun & spontaneous and I will def be blogging there pics THIS WEEK!2. UCSB. Also last Saturday, AJ and I headed to his hometown of Santa Barbara for an engagement shoot with my superrr awesome couple Tyler & Christine. Believe it or not, I never have been to UCSB before. I actually was accepted there for college, but I was dead set on going out of I never even looked at the campus. Did you know that....UCSB is like the MOST GORGEOUS CAMPUS EVER?!? Like!  It's got this lagoon and all these birds and nature and marshy-ness and bluffs and beach and wow. The dorms face some crazy good views. Dang...I almost regret not going there. Except not, because going to school in Boston was awesome too and I met my lovey at college. But UCSB...who knew you were so cool!!!!3. Headbands! Headbands are my new obsession accessory. I hate to admit it but as much as I love dressing up and looking pretty, I kinda suck at styling my hair. My hair is very fine and stick straight. And I just don't have the patience to try to curl it. Ever. And it barely holds anyways. And cool buns and side swept do's?? Uh, ladies, HOW DO YOU DO THIS? I suck. I can't get my hair to ever look cool. I can't even accomplish the messy-effortless-up-do look. And that's supposed to be  messy and effortless. Take away my girlie membership now! But cute headbands? They are a LIFESAVER. A boring, hair down look can be instantly glamorous with one of these beauties. And I love it. Easy, breezy, fo' sheezy. That's how I roll.4. "Easy, Breezy, Fo' sheezy." DID I JUST MAKE UP THE COOLEST NEW PHRASE EVER??? Yes, I think I did!5. AJ. Because he  wanted me to write about him in my top 5. I guess he hasn't noticed that I mention him on this segment, like, all the time!! I think he just enjoys reading all the gush. If I write about him anymore his head may not fit through the front door! But really he is awesome. Because he goes with my on shoots and helps me out. And carries my bags! Because they are heavy!! And because he gives me kisses all the time. And because he takes pictures of me in action.Check it out. Ashleigh in action over the weekend. By AJ! Do you see what I mean about UCSB being AMAZING?!?? By the way, this was the WINDIEST shoot ever! And the most adventurous (I climbed a bluff)! Yes, I am so lame that climbing up a bluff and surviving wind seems adventurous to me. Don't hate. I'm a city girl. I'm sooo LA. Anyways, I digress. Picture below!