Tuesday Top 5

Tuesday, Tuesday. You always sneak up on me! But it's okay because it means its not Monday anymore, know what I mean guys? I'm actually stoked for this week to roll on by because Saturday I will be shooting a wedding in Montecito! Pinch me, is this my life?! Perhaps I may run into Oprah and she will yell in her Oprah-goddess voice, "Ash-leigh, you are fab-u-lous! Here's a bag of goodies!!!" Okay I don't really expect that to happen, and Oprah is obviously not going to this wedding...but one can hope, eh?Okay Tuesday Top 5.1. Oprah. I don't know why. Just cause. The woman is an inspiration, and I really appreciated her Food Inc episode which replayed last week! I appreciate her shedding light onto the important issues, and I appreciate how real she always comes off. I don't watch her on a regular basis and I am not an Oprah freak, but I truly do appreciate this amazing woman, and when I do watch her show I always walk away with something (knowledge, inspiration, more appreciation for my own life, etc). So why not give the Opes a big shout out this week?! Here's to you O!2. Hide Sushi. It had been awhile. Too long. But Friday it happened, I got to get my sushi on with my momma at Hide Sushi on Sawtelle. This place is no secret, there is often a wait at dinner time. Its cash only, no frills kind of place. You won't be getting any soy-paper wrapped, fish on the outside, fancy rolls here. Traditional maki & ngiri only. But its good. Very good. Its also pretty affordable as far as sushi goes! Score! My favorites include spicy tuna (some of the best in the city), scallops special (ooooh the japanese mayo, drool), yellowtail belly (which has spoiled me from ever being able to eat regular yellowtail, its so buttery and divine) and monkfish liver. I said it. Monkfish. Liver. Sounds gross. Tastes delish. When it comes to sushi, I'll eat anything ;)3. The Pacific. I think I've waxed poetic about my love for HBO original programming before. But its SOOOO good! Soooo good! Well crafted, beautifully shot, amazingly acted, well paced. A piece of cinema on TV.4. I didn't write a number 4. Because I brain-farted. Brain farts suck. But they do make a good segue into number 5....5. Park's and Recreation. Okay, this next one is really the highlight of my week this week. Because I do not know when I have laughed so so hard. This show is always full of lolz (how can it NOT be with stars like Amy Poehler & my boyfriend on the side Aziz Ansari)?! But this week? Hot damn! I laughed so hard my husband thought he had lost me forever. I'm going to preface this clip of **the best** part of the episode by saying, I love comedy! If it's crass? Good! If it involves a fart joke? Awesome. Yeah, I have no shame in admitting it. This girl LOLZ at fart jokes. And without further ado, the funniest thing I have EVER seen: