Tuesday Top 5

Ah! the return of Tuesday Top 5! I bet you guys thought I forgot...BUT I didn't!!! Last week, as you know, I was in Vegas having a blast at WPPI! And then when I got back...I got sick! That was a bummer. So I'm sorry I have not done a recap of WPPI, that is coming! And I'm sorry I have left you in the lurch for a week without a post. I really am! And I will try not to do it again!Okey dokey...it's time for our regularly scheduled programming...and that is Tuesday Top 5! Here we go:1.  Cauliflower Ragu. OMG, you guys. While in Vegas we ate at Mario Batali's restaurant Enoteca San Marco, and my friend Jenn ordered Rigatoni with Cauliflower Ragu for her entree...and it was SO GOOD. All meal long I wanted to eat her food, not that mine wasn't delish (because it was), but this cauliflower sauce was sooo unique and creamy! Ever since I have been researching recipes for cauliflower pasta so I could make this at home, and I think I might have a good one. I will be doing a test run soon!!2. Daylight Savings. I have always loved daylight savings! Who doesn't right? That extra hour of sunlight is sooooo enjoyable and makes you feel as if there is extra time in your day! As a wedding photographer its great because it means more light for pictures!! Yes I love daylight savings! It makes me happy :)3. Dancing! You guys, I love love love love dancing. Like booty-shake dancing. Like get-low-shorty dancing. Preferably to electro-pop music, or the dirtiest rap you can find. Yes the dirtiest, un-edited, rap. The more references to bootay-slaps the better. I can' tell you why, it just is better to dance to! In Vegas, we got to go to the KISS/Pictage/Shoot-Q party which was at Studio 54, and I got to dance to this type of music and it was awesome! We danced til 2:30am...so for like 4 or 5 hours. It was great! I really gotta do that again soon! Any takers?4. Accomplishing goals. Back in early February, after attending Justin & Mary's Spread The Love Workshop, I created a list of 10 goals for my business in 2010. I'm super excited to say that not only have I scratched one goal completely off the list, but I also am making a ton of headway on several others! And its only about a month later! How awesome is that? I have to say it is a really good feeling to see myself getting things done! And I know it will make this business I've created stronger, better and more successful! So cheers to that!5. Organizing. I have a love/hate relationship with organizing. When it comes to my work, I am like anal. Very organized. I have to be, because that's my work, yo! But then there is all my personal stuff. Like my apartment. And there my policy is kinda-- throw the crap in a pile and call it a day. I have always been that way. Gross, I know. Clothes on the floor, towels never get hung up right away, papers and books in piles, never clean out cabinets. Eeeesh. It ain't good! I hate living this way. I do. When things are clean and everything has a spot (and is actually in its spot) I feel better. So last month we started re-furnishing our apartment, via Ikea, so we'd have more storage space, and now we are actually putting stuff away and getting organized. There is still along way to go, but its getting there. Yay for spring cleaning and organization! Hopefully by the end of April we will have the nicest apartment on the block!And now since I can't leave you without a picture...I'll give you a snippet of a boudoir session I recently shot! I have been doing lots of boudoir & lots of engagements lately so please come back this week to see more good stuff!