Tuesday Top 5

Hello interwebs!  forgot to say earlier that I hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend! I can't believe it's already November. Crazy!! So yes, it's Tuesday and here's this week's Top 5 for y'all!1. Halloween. What can I say? I LOVE Halloween! Always have and always will! I love dressing up in costume and seeing the clever costumes others come up with! I love all the spooky decorations. I love a good strobe light and fog machine! I love the jack-o-lanterns! And I LOVE trick-or-treating. I do. Nothing more fun than walking around the neighborhood and seeing all the decorated houses and the people in costume and of course all the candy! Yep, Halloween, you are so very good! I will love you forever! And ps-- I was a bat this year in case anyone is wondering!2. My Nephew. My nephew is the funniest and quirkiest seven year old on this planet!!!! I guarantee you!!!! There are many reasons for this, but let me just share one. For Halloween he was Colonel Sanders. Yes, of KFC fame. LOLZ FOREVER. He trick or treated with a cane. He walked with a cane and hunched himself over like an old man. He told everyone he saw he was 90 years old. The entire neighborhood was cracking up! Yeah, that's my nephew. And I couldn't be prouder! This kid is going places! Watch out Will Ferrell!!3. Free Haunted Houses. So I love Halloween. I also LOVE haunted houses. I even more love homemade, FREE, haunted houses. I knew 2 different friends who were putting on haunted houses at their homes this year! Both were in the South Bay so it made for a perfect way to spend my Saturday night! Both haunted houses were SO elaborate for something just made at home! I totally would've paid to go in them, but heck I won't say no to anything FREE!! It was really fun to see how creative people can get and it was even more fun to scream and get all scurrred!! LOVE IT!4. Sherlock Holmes on PBS. Hey guys, did you know PBS is showing a new show on Sherlock Holmes? It's a modern take to the story! It's SUPER GOOD and entertaining!!! Tonight we are gonna watch the second installment! I'm so pumped!!5. Carcassone. Sooooo AJ and I got a new board game! AND I AM IN LOVE WITH IT! It was recommended to us by the owner of a game shop in Santa Barbara. He recommended it to us because it's like my beloved game Ticket To Ride, only much less expensive and actually better for 2 players. I had sooooo much fun playing this game with AJ! I want to share it with the world! Everyone should play! It's just the funnest!! It's like really easy yet really hard at the same time. Not hard, but you know, it's all how you plan and strategize! Love it! I recommend y'all put it on your holiday wish lists!!Since posts are always better with a photo...Here is a picture of me as a "bat" with my nephew as Colonel Sanders taken by AJ with our point-n-shoot!! Yes, I look like a 12 year old! :)Oh and one last note, don't forget to get out and rock the vote today! No matter what side you are on, it's so important we citizens get to the polls and exercise our rights! Do some research on the propositions as we in California have some important measures on the ballot!Lastly, it is my daddy's birthday today! Happy birthday Dad!! I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!