Tuesday Top 5

Another evening edition of Tuesday Top 5 is here! In just a few weeks these will be back to early postings I swear! But hey for now, better late in the day than not at all, right? So here goes!1. Swimming...or should I say FLOATING. Because let's be honest people, the kinda swimming I do is a sorry attempt at the doggy paddle. When in the pool you will most likely find me floating upon a fun-noodle. And I like it. It's truly what I call FUN! I'm so happy summer is arriving and we have started to go fun-noodling at my mom's pool! I look forward to it every Spring and enjoy it every summer! Fun fun fun!2. Bare Escentuals make up. I hate wearing make up. And yet its kinda necessary, especially when I'm shooting someone's wedding! I hate make up mostly because of how complicated and time consuming it can be to put it on. All that blending and precise placement of color. Ugh. I am LOVING my new discovery of Bare Escentuals! There foundation & concealer is a no brainer to put on and so speedy too! Best of all I have been getting more compliments than ever before! Heck yeah!3. Old photos. Wowza. Whilst cleaning out my grandparents I have found some majorly old photos. Like  a scrapbook my great grandmother made in 1914 (10 years before my grandma was born)!! Or formal portraits that seem to be even  older. I wish my grandma had showed me them while she was alive and I knew more about the people and places. But still its so amazing. I cherish these! How rare to have photos not just of your parents lives and grandparents lives but of your great-grandparents lives!! I guess photography was ALWAYS important to my family! Finding these pictures really proved to me the power of photography and makes me feel kinda amazing. Maybe one day a great-grandchild of one of my clients will find their wedding album or pictures and be so amazed and thankful. I am preserving family's histories and wow that's a crazy thought! But one that makes me ridiculously giddy!4. Pinches Tacos!!! Holy Moly Guacomole!!! New amazing discovery in my hood! Pinches Tacos! Went there last night and boy oh boy are they delish! Their fish & shrimp tacos BLEW MY MIND! And the rice was delish. And the CHIPS AND SALSA! Oh lord in heaven, the chips and salsa! So fresh! So crunchy! I am in love with Pinches. I can't wait to go back and try their mexican corn on the cob and if I can wake up early enough for breakfast the chilaquiles! Num num num.5. Family. Family, it's like the most important thing EVER. I have always known that. I have always loved holidays and family get-togethers. I was never a kid or teen who hated to hang with my fam. But lately it's just been proven so much, how much my family has  my back and I am forever thankful. Like my bomb uncle who always helps me with my taxes. Or my uncle the doctor who answers all my hypochondriac concerns (and are there ever a lot because I am nuts). Or my bro who today talked to me about 10 times about how to fill out DMV forms to sell my grandpa's car. I mean, he walked me through it a lot. Cause government forms scare me! Or Aunt who has given up the last 2 months to help me clear out my grandparents. Or my in-laws who have graciously offered to help the hubs pay off his student loans! I am so thankful to all my family for all they continually give to me & AJ. <3 Family first and always.