Out of the Office for WPPI

Hey Y'all! I'm headin' out to Vegas for WPPI!!! Wooohoo! This is my first year going and I'm super stoked! It's like *the* event of the year for Wedding Photogs and some even say its the spring break for wedding photographers. Hrmmm. I'm not so much a party girl and I haven't been to Vegas in 12 years because its not really my thing. I'm a goody-goody-- I don't drink or gamble. But I'm sure there will be SO many learning activities and networking events and parties that I won't feel out of place! And if I do feel out of place, I will just go EAT. Because one thing Vegas does have is GOOD FOOD. Nom nom nom nom.I don't have my WPPI sched all figured out yet, but I know I will be learning lot, researching a lot, and meeting so many cool people! I promise to come back a better photographer, which is great for my 2010 clients!!So don't hate if I'm slow returning e-mails the next few days. I promise to get back to everyone when I return Thurs 3/9!!