My Love of Boudoir, Creative Live, Christa Meola and New Goals

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To be quite honest, I never even heard of Christa Meola before last weekend. But because I really enjoy boudoir sessions and do a good amount of sexy b-shoots each year, I figured I should tune in when I got a notice from CreativeLive saying they had a special Boudoir Photography Workshop airing just in time for Valentine's Day. And Ohhhhh Mannnnnnn am I glad I did! Because it! was! amazing!

My first impression of Christa was that she was my kind of gal. Not too conservative. She has a vivacious, carefree attitude. She has colorful language (yep, the second she accidentally used a curse word I knew we could be homies)! But more importantly she's all about female empowerment. Hello, I'm hooked.

Then I checked out her work and I ADORE it. Very editorial. Very bold. Very saucy. Yes.

I ended up buying the download of the 3 day workshop because I had a few other things going on so I couldn't watch the whole thing live. But from what I've already seen...I was so impressed! She talked lighting, business, making boudoir the ultimate spa-like, pampering experience... which I SO agree with! And she also demo'd a LOT of shooting in all types of situations and body types. I loved watching her shoot and do her thang! And not to toot my own horn, but I was very pleased when she explained how she poses and directs her clients because that's exactly how I do it! And I never went to a boudoir workshop before or had seen anyone else shoot boudoir except during my own sesh with my boudoir photographer!I walked away from thee live online course with so much more knowledge about how to make my boudoir pictures better, but more so how to give my clients an even better boudoir experience......And I walked away INSPIRED.So just so you know, I am going to be starting a separate boudoir blog-site soon. And I'll  be having a HOT marathon session here in Santa Barbara for a HOT PRICE... in March... Details to be posted soon, but contact me now if you are interested :)