Attitude of Gratitude

Since I started my business, every year has been a great year. Really! Being able to do something creative and fulfilling for a living that touches people's lives and allows me to be my own boss? It is truly a blessing, and one that I don't take lightly. I have been and continue to be ridiculously grateful for all I have on a daily basis. But around this time of the year it is nice to take stock of all the things I am extra thankful for. After all, an attitude of gratitude is the key to happiness!This year really takes the cake for me. There is seriously SO MUCH to be thankful for I don't even know where to start but I'll try. I am thankful for:

  • MY HUSBAND. What would I do without this amazing man who puts up with my unique brand of crazy? Seriously, he is the best thing that happened to me!
  • MY KITTIES. I am thankful for these furry balls of daily love. They warm my heart so much and make me laugh and smile even on the most challenging days. I can't imagine living without them.
  • MY FAMILY (parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, niece, nephew and cousins)... duh! They are a crazy bunch but we all understand each other. No one will ever love me like my family will or do for me what they will. And I super appreciate that!
  • MY IN-LAWS. Holy wow! I don't know if I ever fully understood just how darn LUCKY I got in the in-laws department until this year. Now that we live so close to my in-laws, I really have gotten to know them and they are seriously saints. They have done so much to help us get our house together, and just help us with life in general. They are never pushy or nosy or pry or any stereotypes you see on TV about in-laws. They are just loving, generous and all  around fantastic. I truly am blessed!
  • OUR CONDO Last December when we became homeowners it was a dream come true. I never thought we'd be able to afford to buy a nice place, especially in Santa Barbara. And when we realized we could get a starter condo, I was sure it'd be the tiniest 2 bedroom place that existed. Somehow we got a beautiful spot, with a view, THREE bedrooms, so much natural light and in an awesome complex with amenities like a pool and jacuzzi. It has been amazing to live here for a year now and I love it SO much. This is our dream, perfect, starter home and I'm so lucky it's ours. There are truly no words!
  • My CLIENTS. Seriously, I say this all the time but I have the best, raddest, cutest, most stylish clients EVER. I am so lucky to get to photograph y'all and capture your precious memories. I do not take the fact that you have entrusted me to document your major life milestones, and I pinch myself every day that this is what I get to do for a living. It goes without saying, I couldn't do it if it wasn't for all of you. Thank you all so much.
  • My COLLEAGUES. When you run your own at-home business, it can be very lonely. There are many days I never see any people besides my husband and our cats. I don't have the typical office environment with co-workers, so it has taken a lot of effort to meet other colleagues in the wedding industry. But I am so glad I put the effort in and created so many awesome relationships. I really appreciate every peer that has referred a client to me or has worked with me on a styled shoot or even just engaged in some small talk with me at a networking event. I'm lucky to be a part of a fantastic industry with so many great people in it!
  • My FRIENDS! I only have a small handful of close friends but when the going gets tough they are always here for me. And what is life without friends to laugh and have fun with?!
  • MY HUSBAND'S JOB. The reason we moved to Santa Barbara was because my hubby got his dream job in Santa Barbara. This is THE job he told me he wanted just weeks into our relationship. He put following his dream on hold initially so he could stay with me until I finished college in Boston. Then he put it on hold so I could pursue my original dreams of movie-making in Hollywood. My husband has had some serious struggles since the economy crashed in 2008 and education budgets got slashed. So for him to get ANY job in education was amazing. But for him to get his exact dream job??!! Well that was just a miracle. He's been so happy and fulfilled the past year and half at his new job and I am so thankful for that! I just want him to be happy!!
  • YOGA. This year I got way into Yoga and am so thankful. My body and mind are much more relaxed these days! Namaste, yo!
  • BEING PUBLISHED. I've seen my work get published in so many more awesome places! This year I had my first multi-page, real-wedding spread in a print magazine! I've gotten to be on Style Me Pretty again and oh so much more! I could never have believed all the places I turned for inspiration when I was planning my wedding would one day publish my own work! It's so amazing!
  • LIVING IN SANTA BARBARA. I am very lucky to live in one of the most beautiful and scenic spots in the country! Short of Hawaii, there's not much else like SB. It's so scenic, quiet and stress free here and yet they have great shopping and dining too. It's a great place to be! Can't beat it (welllll.... except for Hawaii)! heh

...Pheeew! What a list! The crazy thing is there is actually much more I am thankful for but my hands are starting to hurt from typing! LOL!Before I go I will leave you with this funny instagram of my Bobby kitty eating some butternut squash on Thanksgiving (his favorite)! I know what he is thankful for!

What about you? What are you most thankful for this year??