Long Beach Engagement Photography | Frances + Jared

I just adore Frances and Jared! These two are so sweet and in love that it just radiates from them! Like seriously, love is just oozing out of their pores! It's awesome! I felt like we instantly clicked from our first meeting, and I'm so excited for their wedding this Labor Day weekend! It's actually very fun too because Frances's sister is also getting married this fall...and I will be photographing her wedding too! It's kinda a family affair! Love it!Jared and Frances live in South OC but Frances grew up in Long Beach. She still has close ties to the LBC and visits her parents there often. So naturally she wanted to shoot on her home turf-- but not the touristy areas like Shoreline Village. Frances wanted a simply sweet Long Beach engagement session at the parks and places where the locals go! We started at Marina Stadium and a Nature Preserve... then finished in Naples! It was super fun! Frances and Jared were so easy to photograph because they were in their own little love bubble! They just smooched and gazed into each other's eyes and snuggled. And me? I snapped away! Because the love they were sharing was GOLDEN! And I wanted to document every second of it.So without further ado... Frances and Jared....Fierce you two. FIERCE!!!Um could Frances be ANY PRETTIER? I don't think so! Look how gorgeous her smile is!! Jared, sir, you did good on the ring! Frances ascher cut diamond is one of the prettiest and most unique rings I have seen!I love this photo. Because it's so genuine. This is how these two are. This is their love. So glad they let me capture it!You betta work!!!! LOVE this!OMG Frances! You are STUNNING!This last photo in Naples is so fun!!! Love!Be sure to check out the SLIDE SHOW below for more pictures!