Huy & Tran's Engagement Ceremony

I was absolutely honored to be asked by Huy & Tran to photograph their engagement ceremony. They are two of the warmest, genuine, and caring people I have ever met. Their families were full of love, and Huy & Tran definitely had that starry-eyed look that newly engaged couples should always have!I have to admit I had never been to, or ever heard of, a Vietnamese Engagement Ceremony prior to being contacted by Huy & Tran. But it was truly one of the most beautiful ceremonies I have ever witnessed-- full of tradition, family bonds, and symbolism. It was all about the introducing and mingling of two families, and that's such an important part of engagement. I imagine that by the wedding day these two families will be so comfortable with each other, and completely united as one. I love that. Man, I wish I had had an engagement ceremony ;)After the festivities were over, I did a short engagement session with Huy & Tran at the beautiful Pacific Palms Resort. That would be a great wedding location, just as an fyi to future brides! :) Anywho, enough talking...let's get to the pictures!htb-1367The groom and family bring gifts to the brides' house!htb-1435htb-1436The gifts are presented to the bride's family.htb-1479And the bride's family accepts them! I mean, who wouldn't accept gifts, right? ;)htb-1516huytran3The representative of the bride's family welcomes everyone to the house.htb-1548htb-1551And the bride's mother uncovers the gifts!htb-1591htb-1592huytran2htb-1655htb-1704The bride is presented, and the families are introduced to each other.htb-1673The engagement ring is presented!!htb-1755And then get this, the bride is presented with MORE jewelry!! See, I told you I wish I had an engagement ceremony ;)htb-2htb-1797htbPrayers are made to their ancestors.htb-1819htb-3htb-1884htb-1892Afterward, there was time for families to mingle and get to know each other!  I just couldn't resist posting pictures of the little ones who were there!htb-1935htb-1914htb-2006At the closing of the event, the bride's family returns some of the gifts to the groom's family.htb-2102And now for some pictures from our session at the Pacific Palms Resort...htb-2372htb-2388htb-2464huytran1htb-4This shot really shows the beautiful earrings Tran just received! Jealousy! :)htb-2494htb-2577Thank you again, Huy & Tran for inviting me to share your day with you and capture your engagement. It was truly an honor, and I wish you and your families much love, health and happiness!