Santa Barbara Boudoir Photography | WARNING THIS POST IS SEXY
Oh, boudoir how I love thee! Seriously, helping women to see themselves as beautiful is my favorite thing ever! That is why I shoot boudoir. That is why I get up in the morning. Watching a woman literally transform her body image in front of my own eyes is so rewarding... and I know that not only is the process an amazing thing for me to experience, but it is so **life changing** for the women I serve. That's why my studio here in Santa Barbara is my happy place. It's where I make women see their own beauty! LOVE!I have a few snippets to share of a recent session. The client, understandably, did not want to show any images of her face online (which by the way my sessions are PRIVATE so I would never share a clients images online in any capacity without their full support)! BUT, my client did want to share a few body shots, since they are anonymous, and because she so loved the experience. Believe it or not this woman is a mother and came in very nervous about her post baby bod! But she wanted to own her beauty and feel sexy... And judging by the pics, and more importantly her joyful reaction to them, I'd say we nailed it! Check it out below... and keep in mind they are probably NSFW (not safe for work)! xoxoxo
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